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Calculus 2 (Integral) 1

OSMEŇA COLLEGES Date Last Revised :

College of Teacher Education Revision Date :
City of Masbate Semester Adopted :

Vision Mission
Osmeña Colleges College of Teacher Education envisions to produce teachers who will Osmeña Colleges College of Teacher Education is committed to the preparation of teachers who
transform the results of their activities into effective instruments of progress and thus become are imbued with the Filipino traditions and culture to make them effective conveyors of
forerunners of change in the political, social, economic and moral structure of society. knowledge so that they can translate national and local development goals into viable programs
of instruction.
College Goal
1. To produce professionally competent, resilient, and self-sufficient graduates by providing service for a better quality of life guided with our strong core values

Program Outcomes (from CMO No. 75, s. 2017, p. 3 and 5):

6.2.b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline

6.3.3.a. Exhibit competence in mathematical concepts and procedures
6.3.3.a. 6.3.3.g. Appreciate mathematics as an opportunity for creative work, moments of enlightenment, discovery and gaining insights of the world
Core Values
We will be guided with our strong core values of:

L-LEADERSHIP- Osmeña Colleges strives to attain graduates with skills in self-sufficiency, confidence, competence, strong communication and management skills, demonstrates
integrity and ethical behavior, act responsibly in influencing change guided by the principles of good governance as Professionals.
E-EXCELLENCE -The school strives to attain high performance in the practice of their profession guided by the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes shared by our skilled,
committed employees working as a team in providing a conducive environment that facilitates an effective and efficient teaching-learning process.
A- ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY -The school commits to provide the students with skills in communicating goals, objectives, and key results (OKR’s) in fostering
alignment and team focus guided by the principles of accountability and delegation, and the importance of acting responsibly in personal and professional roles.
D- DISCIPLINE – Osmeña Colleges commits to exhibit awareness of the importance of a God-fearing professional manifesting Christian values in one's personal and professional life;
practice ethical behavior in all aspects of life; follow rules and regulations; and demonstrate the skills of a self-oriented and well-mannered professional at all times.
S- SERVICE- We foster a culture that will ensure the delivery of quality service to others and a positive response to the needs of others.
R-RESILIENCE– We strive to provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude in the development of the ability or capacity of our students to recover quickly from difficulties, adapting
well in the face of trauma and other difficult situations and making them aware of the importance of not giving up and being able to evolve to these situations

Calculus 2 (Integral) 2


Forecasted Osmeñan Graduate Attributes (FOGA)

FOG Competencies/ Skills FOG Competencies/ Skills

FOGA 1: Compassionate Commitment FOGA 7: Leadership and Leadership/Management Skills, Creativity Skills
facilitation skills-ready
FOGA 2: Resilient Survival Skills FOGA 8: Interpersonal skills- Communication skills
FOGA 3: Law-Abiding Ethical Competencies FOGA 9: Service-Oriented Service-orientation
FOGA 4: Disciplined Integrity, Self-control FOGA 10: Responsible Stewardship skills
and Accountable
FOGA 5: God-fearing Spiritual, Religious Competencies FOGA 11: Integrity and Integrity, honesty, transparency skills
development skills-focused
FOGA 6: Competent Innovation and creativity skills, problem-
solving skills, critical thinking skills, technical
skills, information technology skills

Class Information Instructor's Information

Section Instructor's Name &

Schedule Office Designation and


Time Office/Consultation Hours

Venue Office Telephone

Term E-mail Address

Calculus 2 (Integral) 3

Course Description BTIs covered

Calculus II is the continuation of Calculus I with Analytic Geometry - the second of a series of three calculus courses. The course aims to further develop and strengthen
the students’ understanding of differential and integral calculus. Topics include the applications of definite integrals, techniques of integration, indeterminate forms, 1.1.1
improper integrals of algebraic and transcendental functions.

Course Learning Outcomes BTIs covered

At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:

A. A. Select and use appropriate models and techniques of integration for finding solutions to integral-related problems with and without the use of 1.1.1
As the course description indicates, "Calculus 2 (Integral)" there is an in-depth focus on enhancing the varied skills concerning the area of specialty in Mathematics such as critical
thinking, problem-solving, analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning, ability to manipulate precise and intricate ideas, construct logical arguments and expose illogical arguments,
communication, time management, etc. This is useful for all learners especially; in today's state of the community and society. Furthermore, it leads to more career opportunities in the future.
Course Information
Course Name Calculus 2 (Integral) Course Code MC Math 10
Pre-requisite Subject Course Credit 3 units, 3 hrs./wk. (18 weeks, 54 hrs. total)
Course Requirements Grading System

End-of-Module Assessments - 30% Numerical Grade Point Value Description

Outputs - 20%
Examination - 50% 99-100 1.0 Excellent
TOTAL: 100% 96-98 1.25 “
93-95 1.5 “
90-92 1.75 Very Good
87-89 2.0 “
84-86 2.25 Good
81-83 2.5 “
78-80 2.75 Fair
75-77 3.0 Passed
4.0 Conditional
5.0 Failed
6.0 Dropped

Leithold, L. (1996). The Calculus 7. Harper Collins.

Textbooks References Stewart, J.( 2016). Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th Ed.). Cengage Learning
Calculus 2 (Integral) 4

Articles Websites

On the Conduct of Classes

Offline Modular Distance Learning (together supplemented with other applicable learning modalities) is the preferred mode of learning in this course amid COVID-19 pandemic.
The following guidelines must be followed:
• Each set of Osmeña Learning Module (OLM) is designed to be accomplished per term/grading period.
• Read carefully all parts of the module and follow the given instructions.
• Make sure to answer all parts of the OLM, especially the Self-Assessment Activities, End-of-Module Assessment and Self and Module Evaluation.
• The signed Statement of Acceptance, End-of-Module Assessment, and Self and Module Evaluation have to be submitted in person/online to the instructor
on the designated day.
• Always write your complete name, course and year in the written documents you submit.
• Comply with the required formats.
• No part of the module may be reproduced, stored or distributed in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the author. This includes
taking a photo of any part of this module using any device for the purpose of sending it via any messaging application or posting it on a social media account.
• Submit only original work. Cite the author when quoting or using exact words or when paraphrasing ideas.
• Follow the prescribed schedule and submit course requirements on time.
• In case you cannot submit course requirements on time for a valid reason (sickness, death of a family member, lockdown in your area), notify your teacher
through SMS or e-mail using the contact details provided.
• Should the submission of the course requirement/s be late, accomplish the Explanation Slip template signed by your parent or guardian.
• Expect that your teacher will monitor your performance, provide feedback and rating of your submitted course requirements
• Contact your teacher if you need any academic support and guidance through the information provided.
On Examinations

1. The course uses alternative assessment on case-to-case basis. Thus, less pen and paper exams are expected.
2. An examination permit/promissory note must be presented by the student to take the examination.
3. Delayed examination may be given consistent to the policy of the college.

Calculus 2 (Integral) 5

Program Outcomes
COURSES a b c d e f g
History of Math P O P P P P L
College of Advanced Algebra L O P P L P P
Trigonometry L O P P L P P
Plane and Solid Geometry L O P P L P P
Logic and Set Theory L O P P P P O
Elementary Statistics and Probability L O P P L P P
Calculus 1 with Analytic Geometry L O P P L P P
Calculus 2 L O P P L P P
Calculus 3 L O P P L P P
Modern Geometry L O P P P P P
Mathematics of Investment L O P P L P L
Number Theory L O P P L P P
Linear Algebra L O P P L P P
Advanced Statistics L O P P L P P
Problem Solving, Mathematical Investigation & Modelling L O L P L P P
Principle & Strategies in Teaching Mathematics P L P P P L L
Abstract Algebra L O P P O P O
Research in Mathematics P P L O O O L
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
(Instrumentation & Technology in Mathematics) P L L P P P P
Assessment & Evaluation in Mathematics P P O L P O L
Alternative Legend:
L-Facilitates Learning of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated)
P-Allows student to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated)
O-Opportunity for development (no put or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the competencies)


Calculus 2 (Integral) 6

Intended Forecaste
Course Learning d Content Suggested Teaching- Suggested Instruction BTI’s Tim
Learning Outcomes (ILO) Osmeñan Learning Activities Assessment al e
Outcome Graduates Resources Allotm
s ’ ent
a. Demonstrate FOGA 1, Class Orientation Group Pre-Test Course 1.1.1 1 hour
familiarity with all the 11 discussion; Syllabus; (Week 1)
expectations in the interactive
course lecture; double-
entry journal

Thru Face- Thru Paper and

to Face Modality Pencil Test
a. Integrate using FOGA 6, 7, Integration concepts 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 1.1.1 9 hours
8, 10, 11 and formulas Discussion 1. Oral Recitation.
power formula (Week 1-3)
2. Individual / 2. Pen and paper quiz
b. Integrate 1. Review on Anti-differentiation Group Drill and 3. Seatwork
A trigonometric 2. Review on Indefinite integrals Practice 4. Class participation
functions, 3. Simple Power formula 3. Boardwork
logarithmic, 4. Simple trigonometric functions 4. Problem Solving
exponential, inverse 5. Logarithmic functions
trigonometric and 6. Exponential functions
7. Inverse Trigonometric
hyperbolic functions functions
8. Hyperbolic functions
9. General power formula
A a. perform FOGA 6, 7, Techniques of Integration 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 11 hours
integration by 8, 10, 11 Discussion 1. Pen and Paper quiz 1.1.1 (Week 4-7)
1. Integration by Parts 2. Individual / 2. Seatwork
2. Integration of Group Drill and 3. Class participation
b. perform Powers of Practice
integration of Trigonometric 3. Boardwork
powers of Functions 4. Problem Solving
3. Integration by
trigonometric Trigonometric Substitution
functions 4. Integration of
c. perform Rational
integration by Functions by
Partial Fractions
trigonometric 5. Miscella
substitution neous
Substituti 141
Calculus 2 (Integral) 7

d. integrate rational on
functions using
partial fractions
e. perform
integration using
Prelim Examination
A a. Write and compute FOGA 6, 7, Definite Integrals 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 3 hours
long sums using Discussion 1. Pen and Paper quiz
8, 10, 11 (Week 8)
1. Summation Notation& 2. Individual / 2. Seatwork
sigma notation Riemann Sum Group Drill and 1.1.1
3. Class participation
b. Define and evaluate 2. Definition of Definite Integrals Practice
definite integrals; 3. Properties of Definite Integrals 3. Boardwork
c. Identify and apply the 4. The Mean Value 4. Problem Solving
properties of definite Theorem for Integrals
integrals; 5. The
d. Discuss and Theorem of
verify/prove the Calculus
Mean Value Theorem
for Integrals; and
e. Discuss and
verify/prove the
Theorem of Calculus.
A a. Find the area of the FOGA 6, 7, Applications of 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 1.1.1, 14 hours
the Definite Integral Discussion 1. Pen and Paper quiz
region bounded by 8, 10, 11 (Week 9-
1. Area of a 2. Individual / 2. Seatwork
curves using Region in a Group Drill and 13)
3. Class participation
Riemann sum and Plane Practice 1.1.1
definite integrals; 2. Volume of a 3. Boardwork
Solid of 4. Problem Solving
b. Find the volume of Revolution
a solid of 3. Work 1.1.1
revolution using 4. Length of Arc of a Plane Curve
different methods; 5. Other miscellaneous
c. Apply definite application topic (free topic)
integrals in solving
work problems and
finding the length
of arc of a plane
curve. 141
Calculus 2 (Integral) 8

Midterm Examination
A a. enumerate the FOGA 6, 7, Indeterminate Forms 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 1.1.1 3 hours
1. Definition Discussion 1. Pen and Paper quiz
different 8, 10, 11 (Week 14)
2. L’ Hospital’s Rule 2. Individual / 2. Seatwork
indeterminate forms Group Drill and 3. Class participation
D b. evaluate limits of Practice
rational functions at 3. Boardwork
a point where the 4. Problem Solving
limit is
A a. evaluate improper FOGA 6, 7, Improper Integrals 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 1.1.1 6 hours
1. Definition of Improper Discussion 1. Pen and Paper quiz
integrals with 8, 10, 11 (Week 15-
Integrals 2. Individual / 2. Seatwork
B infinite upper limit 2. Improper Integrals: Group Drill and 16)
3. Class participation
b. evaluate improper a. with Practice
C integrals with Infinite 3. Boardwork
infinite lower limit Upper 4. Problem Solving
b. with
c. with Both Upper & Lower
Limits Infinite
3. Improper Integrals with Infinite
Discontinuities of the Integrand
A a. draw the graph of a FOGA 6, 7, Polar 1. Content Focus / Formative Assessment: 1.1.1 6hours
Coordinate Discussion 1. Pen and Paper quiz
polar function 8, 10, 11 System (Week 17-
2. Individual / 2. Seatwork
b.find the area of the 1. Polar Functions Group Drill and 18)
3. Clas
region bounded by 2. Polar Practice s participation
Graphs 3. Boardwork Formative
the polar curve Polar Assessment:
4. Prob
c. find the area of the Curves lem 1. Pen and Paper quiz
3. Area of
region bounded by 2 Regions in
Solving 2. Seatwork
5. 3. Class participation
polar curves Polar
Final Examination
Post-test 1 hour
Total number of hours: 54

Prepared by/ Date Reviewed by/ Date Noted by/ Date Approved by/ Date
Calculus 2 (Integral) 9




Student’s Affirmation
My signature affirms to the fact that I have read and understood the syllabus, a copy of which was given to me, and I agree to comply with all the

requirements of the course stated therein.

Signature of Student

Signature of Instructional Coach

Semester: ____________________ Date: _____________________

Academic Year: _______________ Course and Year Level: _____________________


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