Teste Inglês 6 Ano 2 P1 I

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Luís Miguel Latas


Name: ____________ Surname___________ Form :___ Class: ___ N.:___

Evaluation: ____________________ Parents’ Signature: _____________


2007/2008 – 2nd Term

English Formative Test

Read the texts carefully.

Michael: I like doing lots of different sports, but my favourite sport is

snooker. I’m representing my school in a national inter-school
championship. I have got a tournament in four weeks so I’m practising
every day at the moment. I want to be a professional snooker player, like
my father, and win a lot of championships and earn lots of money.

Steven: My favourite sport is swimming. Like at the moment,

I swim every day because I am learning to be a lifeguard. I get up
really early in the morning and I swim for one hour before going to
school. Swimming is a great exercise, it is good for your body and I
make lots of friends like Peter and Sarah, who are learning to be a
lifeguard like me.

Samantha: I love fishing. It is my favourite sport because I love the

outdoors. In between school terms I usually go fishing on Sundays. During the
summer holidays I go to my grandfather’s country house in Minnesota. The house is
near a lake and every day I go fishing with my family. We catch a lot of fish: the
small ones we set free, one or two of the bigger ones we cook them for lunch.

1. According to the text mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).
(T) (F)

a) Michael never practises snooker.

b) She wants to be a professional snooker player.
c) Peter and Sarah want to be lifeguards.
d) Samantha hates fishing.
e) She eats all the fish that she catches.
2. Now correct only the false sentences.

a) Michael never practises snooker. ________________________________________

b) She wants to be a professional snooker player. ___________________________________

c) Peter and Sarah want to be lifeguards. ________________________________________

d) Samantha hates fishing. ________________________________________

e) She eats all the fish that she catches. _________________________________________

3. Answer the questions according to the texts.

a) Why is Michael practising every day?

b) Is he representing a club in the national championship?

c) What is Steven doing at the moment?

d) Who is Steven’s friend?

e) Where is Samantha’s family country house?


1. Fill the blanks with the given verbs in the gerund form.

a) They go on ___________ the book.

b) I enjoy ___________ postcards. write

c) Avoid ___________ silly mistakes.
d) Are you thinking of ___________ to London? read
e) He is crazy about ___________.
f) I don’t like ___________ computer games. swim

g) They are afraid of ___________ in the lake.

2. Complete the following sentences using the Present Continuous.

a) Phillip and Tom, at the moment, _______________ a new pair of jeans. [ buy ]

b) Ann ___________________ a new job. [ look for ]

c) Right now, I _______________________ the address. [remember]

d) People __________________ very yearly nowadays. [ get up ]

e) My brothers and I _______________________ Geography classes. [ take ]

3. Rewrite the previous sentences (only a, b, c) in the negative form.

a) __________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________

4. Circle the error in the following sentences. One error per question/answer.

a) Is Benfica’s side playing a nice football at the moment? Yes, they aren’t.

b) Am Peter doing the homework? No, he isn’t.

c) Are they sing at the moment? Yes, they are.

d) Is Ann writing a postcard? No, she is.


1. Use the appropriate public place.

Definition: an area where cars are placed while not in use Use: I left my vehicle in the __________ and caught the bus.

Definition: a place of worship for Christians Use: He goes to __________ every Sunday.
Post Office

Car Park
Definition: a public office responsible for sending letters Use: Take this letter down to the__________ and mail it..

Definition: a stop for transportation by bus or coach Use: I’m leaving at six, we meet at the______________. Supermarket

Bus Stop
Definition: a place where you buy food and drinks Use: I have to go to the______________ and buy some milk.

Definition: a place where you put money for safekeeping Use: Peter withdraw his money from the _____________.
2. Look at the map. Complete the text with the words in the box.

The shopping centre is _________ the car park.

The phone box is _________ the church.

The church is __________ the bank.

The police station is _________ the school and the

railway station.

The bus stop is ____________ the hospital.

in front of ; behind ; outside ; opposite ; between


1. Listen to your teacher reading a text. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is San Diego a state? 6) How many people live in San Diego?

Yes, it is. □ 70 miles of beaches. □

No, it isn't. □ 2.7 million. □
2) Is San Diego near to Mexico?

7) How many miles of beaches are in San
Yes, it is. Diego?

No, it isn't. □ 70 miles of beaches. □

3) Does San Diego have beaches? 2.7 million people. □
Yes, it does. □ 8) Does San Diego have museums?

No, it doesn't. □ Yes, it does. □

4) Where is San Diego located? No, it doesn't. □
In the United States. □ 9) Is Disneyland in San Diego?

In Mexico. □ Yes, it is. □

5) What is San Diego's background? No, it isn't. □
Spanish Mission city. □ 10) Is San Diego a small city?

Beach and cultural centre. □ Yes, it is. □

No, it isn't. □
1. Review your answers.
2. Apply necessary corrections.
3. Deliver the test.
Text – Reading Comprehension

The city of San Diego is located on the Pacific Coast of the United States, in Southern

California. San Diego is the closest California city to Mexico. San Diego comes from a Spanish
missionary background. But San Diego is no longer a sleepy mission town. The city is now
home to more than 2.7 million people, and it has become a major cultural centre, as well as
California's second-largest city.

Some popular attractions here are the famous Coronado Bay Bridge, the San Diego Zoo,

Balboa Park, and 70 miles of beautiful beaches. There are many beautiful museums to visit in
San Diego also. Do you enjoy art? How about machinery or sports? Do you like to see classic
cars or scientific discoveries? San Diego has a museum for everyone's tastes! Many of the
area's most popular museums are located in Balboa Park within walking distance of each
other, while others are located in nearby neighbourhoods.

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