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Matnog, Sorsogon, Inc.

2nd Periodical Test in English 8

Name:________________________ Grade/section: _______________Score: ____

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct letter of your
choice. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the most appropriate transition signal to be used for comparing in the
Zeng thought his cat might be killed ________ what happened to his chickens.
A. similar to C. opposite to
B. different to D. in contrast to

2. Which transition signal for comparing should be used to complete the sentence
There are traditions and beliefs of Thais which are ________ the Filipinos.
A. different to C. opposite to
B. in contrast to D. the same with

3. What is the most appropriate transition signal for contrasting to be used in the
below? This ceremony has been performed by the peasants since time immemorial,
__________, nothing happened.
A. however C. similar to
B. compared to D. the same with

4. What do you call a text that contains facts about people, places, things, or events?
A. Argumentative C. Narrative
B. Expository D. Report

5. When comparing the cultures of Asian countries like Thailand and Philippines, which
graphic organizer is most appropriate to be used for comparing?
A. Timeline Chart C. Schematic Diagram
B. Venn Diagram D. Organizational Chart

6. When comparing, what part of the Venn Diagram is filled in when writing down the
similarities between two things or ideas?
A. Universal set C. All parts of the circle
B. Subset of the circle D. Intersection/Middle part

7. Listed below are aspects of the culture compared among Asian countries like
and the Philippines EXCEPT___________.
A. traditions and beliefs C. science and technology
B. religion and practices D. pop culture and entertainment

8. Why do we need to compare and contrast our culture to other countries?

A. to love our culture C. to simply compare and contrast
B. to know their culture D. to appreciate diversity of cultures

9. Celebrating festivities and respecting elders are common traditional practices of both
Thais and Filipinos. What ideas are expressed in the sentence?
A. appeals C. differences
B. arguments D. similarities

10. Before expressing your opinion based on a text that is comparing and contrasting,
what should be done first?
A. identify the author C. identify the signals used
B. identify how it is written D. identify similarities and differences

11. What is the process of establishing similarities between things or people?

A. Comparing C. Defining
B. Contrasting D. Persuading

12. Choose the best answer to the question. We need to compare and contrast
things, and ideas in order to…
A. make a Venn Diagram C. give an opinion of certain issue
B. picture similarities D. draw out information from a text

13. Both Rajah Sulayman and Jose Rizal fought for freedom and independence. What
is expressed by the underlined word?
A. argument C. contrast
B. comparison D. opinion

14. In order for the writer to write his or her opinion based on any topic or issue, the
should be based on __________.
A. evidence C. numbers
B. hearsays D. texts

15. In stating an opinion showing comparison or contrast, what should be done first?
A. Analyze only one picture being shown
B. Make sure that there is evidence as basis
C. Draw a diagram showing similarities and differences
D. Analyze a diagram showing similarities and differences

16. None of the Grade 8 learners are allowed to go out to get their modules due to age
restriction imposed by the government to mitigate COVID-19 infection risk. What
word signals a negative message in the statement?
A. none B. mitigate C. infection D. restriction

17. I am very delighted that my teachers exert effort in communicating with us— not just
because it is their job, but because of the love and compassion they have for the
learners. What word in the statement signals a positive message?
A. love B. exert C. effort D. delighted

19. Neither of my internet service providers satisfies my needs for online class. What
word in the statement indicates a negative message?
A. online B. neither C. internet D. satisfies

20. “Aye, aye, captain. I will do what I am told,” yelled the young cadet. What word in
the statement signals a positive message?
A. do B. Aye C. told D. yelled
21. All the statements below express a negative message EXCEPT one.
A. After seeing my deep wound, I thought I’d lose my lunch.
B. I believe that COVID-19 pandemic will never disappear by itself.
C. After days of waiting, now comes our most awaited game. Break a
D. Some hardly obey health protocol despite the constant reminders by
the authorities.

22. Which of the following statements expresses a negative message?

A. No pain, no gain.
B. The news hit me like a tsunami.
C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
D. Although my aunt lives abroad, she sometimes calls us to say hello.

23. The figure of speech that uses overstatement to express a message is called
A. hyperbole B. Irony C. Metaphor D. simile
8. Below are euphemisms for “death” except one.
A. died B. Deceased C. passed away D. rested in peace

24. The following sentences are metaphorically expressed. Which among them is
negatively conveyed?
A. He has the eye of a tiger.
B. My life is a prison to break out of.
C. Sarah’s voice was music to his ears.
D. Life is a dance. You have to sway with the rhythm.

25. Sarcasm is ___________.

A. literally conveyed
B. used to give a moral
C. the use of irony to either vex or humiliate someone
D. the careful choice of word in order not to hurt someone

26. You can’t expect me to finish this difficult task after a week. Such work takes time to
complete. The proverb to be applied here is ____________.
A. Better late than never
B. Rome wasn’t built in a day
C. The pen is mightier than a sword
D. Good things come to those who wait

27. Read the dialog in the box. How is the message conveyed?
Girl: I love you.
Boy: I love you, too.
Girl: Prove it. Scream it to the world.
Boy: (whispers in the ear) I love you.
Girl: Why did you whisper it to me?
Boy: Because you are my world.
A. neutrally
B. positively
C. negatively
D. all of the above

28. How did the boy express his message?

A. sarcastically
B. idiomatically
C. metaphorically
D. euphemistically

For items 29-30

29. Which part in the paragraph suggests a negative message?
1. The dilemma on cell phones in school arises many questions on whether or not they
should be allowed or banned. 2. Some say cell phones should be banned from school because
they are said to be a distraction and used to bully, cheat, and plan fights. 3. On the other hand,
cell phones should be allowed in school because they improve communication between parents
and students, they are an educational resource, and in the event of an emergency responders
could be quickly notified. 4. While many feel that cell phones should be banned from school
because they are said to be a distraction and used to bully, cheat, and plan fights, they should
really be allowed in school. 5. Although cell phones may have made it easier for students’ plan
fights, cheat, and bully, banning cell phones will not stop the nonsense.
A. sentence No. 1
B. sentence No. 2
C. sentence No. 3
D. sentence No. 4

30. Generally, the message is positive because ___________.

A. the use of cell phones can cause less distraction
B. cell phones can be used in the event of an emergency
C. banning the cell phones will not stop bullying and cheating
D. the use of cell phones has a more promising impact to students than

31. What do you call the personal belief that relates to how someone feels,
thinks, ortakes a stand about something?
A. Conviction B. myth C. observation D. opinion

32. Which of the following sentences states a personal belief?

A. I think the government is addressing well the COVID-19 crisis.
B. Based on the news, many people have already recovered from the virus.
C. As of June 2020, the Philippines has more than 31,000 COVID-19 cases.
D. Research shows that wearing face masks prevents the spread of the virus.

33. Which of the following signal phrases introduces an opinion?

A. I believe that… C. Results show that…
B. The survey proves that… D. According to research

34. What are opinion-marking signals? They are words or groups of words that .
A. state opposite meanings
B. express a strong feeling
C. introduce personal beliefs
D. connect two similar thoughts

35. What opinion-marking signal should be used to complete the sentence below?
____________________Filipinos are hospitable because they are very
welcoming and accommodating.
A. That is why C. I might be wrong but
B. In my experience D. I am convinced that

36. How are opinion-marking signals used? They are used to .

A. express and identify personal beliefs
B. describe a particular event or activity
C. give the order or sequence of an event
D. connect phrases or clauses in a sentence

37. Which of the following is true about an opinion? It .

A. is true to everyone.
B. can be proved or disproved.
C. uses signal phrases like ‘Based on research…’.
D. tells about how someone feels about something.

38. How are you going to identify an opinion? To identify an opinion, look for the
A. words that end the statement.
B. examples given in the statement.
C. reasons provided in the statement.
D. words that introduce the statement

39. Which of the sentences below is an opinion?

A. Based on the record, Manny accomplished all his school requirements.
B. The results show that Anton passed the test and would receive an award.
C. From what I know, Bart tried his best in his studies and made it to the top.
D. In her speech, Flora thanked her family for their constant love and support.

40. Which of the following states an opinion according to a person’s encounter?

A. I must admit that dogs are adorable and friendly.
B. Based on my experience, birds are also trainable.
C. Zookeepers said that people love to see their animals.
D. I take the view that people should take care of animals.

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