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How to correctly use the FI New General Ledger comparative analysis report TFC_C...

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How to correctly use the FI New General Ledger comparative analysis report
TFC_COMPARE_VZ (aka transaction FAGLF03)
Created by Declan Bolger, last modified by Oscar Diaz on Aug 13, 2014

The purpose of this article is to explain in detail how to correctly use the Financial Accounting New General Ledger comparative analysis report TFC_COMPARE_VZ. It is important to note that the
transaction FAGLF03 calls the report TFC_COMPARE_VZ - they are both the exact same. TFC_COMPARE_VZ should be used for checking for inconsistencies at year end to ensure there are no
inconsistencies in the FI data prior to year end closing.

TFC_COMPARE_VZ is a powerful analysis tool used to compare values from different tables in FI to check for any inconsistencies in the system. It compares values from the FAGLFLEXA table with the
transaction figures totals tables in FAGLFLEXT. It also makes comparison between the Entry view of a document (BKPF/BSEG) and the corresponding entries in the General Ledger view of the
document (FAGLFLEXA entries). It also performs some rudimentary comparisons with the Secondary Index (BSIS/BSAS/BSID/BSAD/BSIK/BSAK) table entries comparing them to the entry view of the
same document(s). If NewGL document splitting is not active, then it can make comparisons between the entry view of documents and the transaction figures totals tables in FAGLFLEXT. If there are any
mismatches or discrepancies the output of the report will highlight them.

Step 1 - When to use this report

This section is very important as the report TFC_COMPARE_VZ should only be used under the correct circumstances in the system.

• The report TFC_COMPARE_VZ should only be used if you are using the New General Ledger (FAGLFLEXT update). If you have the Classic General Ledger active then TFC_COMPARE_VZ should
not be used. You can check if you have the New General Ledger active by checking the transaction code FAGL_ACTIVATION:

• If you are on release SAP_APPL 500, then you must be on Support Pack 10 at least to use this report successfully.
• If there is FI archiving done in any specific year, you cannot use the report TFC_COMPARE_VZ for analysis in that same year.
• You should not use the report for analysis in the current fiscal period while there are postings taking place. In fact it would be best to run the report TFC_COMPARE_VZ for analysis when there are no
users working in the system at all; like overnight or at the weekend. For example, if the current period is 10 2012, then you should schedule the job for periods 01 to 09 in 2012 if you want to check all
data in 2012.

Step 2 - Running the report

Once you establish that it is appropriate to run this analysis report in your system based on the criteria in Step 1, you can execute the report in transaction SE38 or alternatively you can call the transaction
FAGLF03. On the selection screen enter the company code(s), fiscal year and period (optional but remember not to run if there are postings taking place in the period being analysed): After that you can
execute the report immediately in background mode (F9) or schedule it for later in background. It really depends on the volume of data in your system but generally it is best to run it in background mode
as it tends usually to have a long runtime (20minutes or more is typical).

The flag 'Display Log' should not be checked when running the report in analysis mode.

If you do not have splitting active in your system, then you can select "Comparison of Transaction Figures with Documents of:" with Entry view which compares the FAGLFLEXT totals with the entry view
of the associated document in BKPF/BSEG:

If you have splitting active, then you cannot use this selection. Only "Comparison of Transaction Figures with Documents of:" with "G/L view" is possible. GL view refers to the FAGLFLEXA entries in this
instance. It should be noted at this point that it is generally more common to make the G/L view comparison firstly and more predominantly.

Step 3 - Output
When the report is finished running it will produce an output indicating if there are differences or not. It will look something like this in the case where differences are found:

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How to correctly use the FI New General Ledger comparative analysis report TFC_C... Page 2 of 2

The upper window (example above) makes comparisons between FAGLFLEXT and FAGLFLEXA entries if you have selected the "G/L view" comparison. Alternatively, if you select the "Entry view"
comparison the upper window will make a comparison between FAGLFLEXT and the BKPF/BSEG (only possible if splitting is not active).

The lower window (example above) will make comparisons at the document level comparing BKPF/BSEG with the secondary indexes (BSIS/BSAS etc.) and also with the NewGL view of the document in
FAGLFLEXA. Any errors will be highlighted with different error messages.

Please note also that you can check all previous TFC_COMPARE_VZ analysis runs by going back to the selection screen, checking the 'Display log' radio button and executing the report with F8. This will
provide a list of previous jobs.

So in conclusion, before running the report TFC_COMPARE_VZ in your system you need to first make a few checks to ensure that it is appropriate to run it. Please remember that it cannot be run for a
fiscal period where there are currently postings taking place. If you do find that there are inconsistencies in the system then you will need to contact your system administrator or consultant to review the
situation further.

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