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ICILS 2023 MS - Test Administration Form

Participating Country: Romania

School Name: 631
School ID: 1107
Class ID Class Name School Coordinator Name

110701 8A Tanasă Elena

4) Test Administrator Name:

5) Test Administrator Position:

ICILS national center staff

Teacher from school but not teacher of the sampled class

Other, please describe:

6)     Type of Testing Session

Regular Session Number


7)     Date of Testing: DD: Day of test MM: Month of testing

2023: Year of test

8)     Scheduled Starting Time:

Timing of Test and Questionnaire Sessions

Write the start and end times for the different sessions. Replace the question numbers with this
information, only enter digits, and do not enter any additional text. For example, "9.15am" should be
entered as "9.15".
Start time End time
(9a) (9b) Preparation of students, reading of instructions, and
administering the Tutorial

(10a) (10b) Administering the Student Assessment – First Module

(11a) (11b) Administering the Student Assessment – Second Module

(12a) (12b) Administering the Student Questionnaire

(13a) (13b) Administering Computational Thinking Assessment – First

Module (optional)

(14a) (14b) Administering Computational Thinking Assessment – Second

Module (optional)
ICILS 2023 MS - Test Administration Form
For the following questions, please provide the relevant student IDs if any issues affected individual

15) Was the assessment session affected by any of the following events?


a) Students arrived late for the assessment [ ]


b) The assessment was interrupted by external [ ]

circumstances (e.g. fire alarm)

c) Students had to leave the assessment session [ ]

before it ended

If you answered "Yes" for any of the above questions, please provide more
information below.

16) In your opinion, how many students encountered the following difficulties?
During the administration of the student test:
a) They did not have enough time to complete the test

[ ] None

[ ] Some of them
[ ] Many of them
[ ] All or almost all of them

b) They found it difficult or confusing to answer questions

[ ] None
[ ] Some of them
[ ] Many of them
[ ] All or almost all of them

c) The clock was disabled for at least one student

[  ] No
[  ] Yes
ICILS 2023 MS - Test Administration Form
If you answered "Yes", please indicate the number of students for whom the clock
was disabled, and the amount of additional time each student was given to complete
each module (including break times within modules).

[  ] Students

Student [] minutes
Student [] minutes
Student [] minutes

During the student questionnaire session:

c) They did not have enough time to complete the questionnaire
[ ] None
[ ] Some of them
[ ] Many of them
[ ] All or almost all of them

d) They found it difficult or confusing to answer questions

[ ] None
[ ] Some of them
[ ] Many of them
[ ] All or almost all of them

17) Were there any problems with the assessment materials (for example, errors or omissions
in the Student Tracking Forms, incorrect or incomplete login information or technical
[ ] No
[ ] Yes

If you answered "Yes", please provide more information below.

18) Overall, how would you say the assessment administration went?
[ ] Very well, no problems
ICILS 2023 MS - Test Administration Form
[ ] Satisfactory, few problems
[ ] Unsatisfactory, many problems

If there were any problems, please explain them in more detail.

ool Coordinator Name

Tanasă Elena


Month of testing

n numbers with this

mple, "9.15am" should be

instructions, and

ent – First Module

ent – Second Module


ng Assessment – First

ng Assessment – Second
sues affected individual



[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

se provide more

nts for whom the clock
ent was given to complete

mple, errors or omissions

tion or technical


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