s10 Science Paper2

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Sample Paper ‘Time £90 Minutes Max. Marks:40 ‘The Question Paper contains three sections. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. Section C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions All questions carry equal marks. aoeene There is no negative marking. SECTION-A ‘Section ~A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section. The first attempted 20 questions would be evaluated, A.isan aqueous solution of acid and B is an aqueous solution of base. These ae diluted separately: Then {@)_ pHofA increases while that of B decreases till neural ()_ pHofB decreases while that of A increases till neutral (©) pHofA and B decreases (@) pHofA and B increases 2. Which ofthe following statement is not true for stomatal apparatus? (@)_ Inner walls ofguand cells arethick (©). Guard walls invariably possess chloroplast and mitochondria (©) Guard cells are always surrounded of subsidiary cells (@) Stomata are involved in gaseous exchange Which ofthe fllowing is an example neural oxide? (@) FeO, ©) ALO, (9 co @ No, 4. A student added dilute HCI to test tube containing zine granules and made fllowing observations © Thezine surface became dull and black. GA gas evolved which burnt with a pop sound, i) The solution remained colourless. Correct abservations are @ @andii ©) @and dit) © ddanagiiy @ @,Gdanaqiiy {s7.10 Science 5. Complete the glucose break down pathway in case of aerobic respiration by filling the blanks Ghavose ODD, 2, ‘Column-t ‘Column tt 1 @ | Pymvate 2 i) | cox 3 ‘iy)_[_ Presence of oxygen 4 ‘vy | Bren 5 (@) | Water @ 196250339 490} 590)_ — 19:26) 3 G4 E5900) © 19GY:2>V 304 >OHS9@O —— @_ None of these ‘The function ofthe glomerulus and Bowman's capsule ofthe nephron is to {@)__reabsorb water into the blood. (6) eliminate ammonia from the body. (©) reabsorb salts and amino acids. (@) filter the blood and collect the filtrate Inthe given diagram some organs are labelled as A,B,C and D respectively, Choose the correct sequence, D (@) A: Kidney, B: Urinarybladder, C: Urethra, D: Ureter (b) A:Kidney,B: Ureter, C: Urinary bladder, D: Urethra (©) A: Kidney, B: Urethra, C:Collecting duet, D: Anus (@) _A:Kidney, B: Seminiferous tubules, C: Uterus, D: Ureter 8. Match Column-l with Column-II and select the correct answer using the cades given below the columns. ‘Compound (B) Uses (A)_[ Caustic soda Manuficture of antacid (B) | Sulphuric acd reservation of food (© _| Calcium hydroxide | Manufacturing ofseap (D) | Acetic acia ‘Automobile batteries Which ofthe following are incorrect mateh @ AB © BD @ Ac @ ABC (A) Hardest Noa-metal (B)_Non-metal conducts electricity (© Non-metal with lustre ©) Nos-motal used as fungicide A,B,CandD are (@) Diamond, Iodine, Graphite, Phosphorous (©) Diamond, Graphite, Iodine, Sulphur (©) Diamond, Graphite, Todine, Nitrogen (@) Diamond, Graphite, Graphite, Nitrogen ‘Sample Paper-2 ott 10. Given slongsideis « diagram of the humsan heart showng is internal structures. Which types of blood is carried hy the blood vessel marked 2? (@) Deoxygenated blood (b) Oxygenated blood (6) Water (@ None of these 1. The given diagram is marked as A, B, Cand D. Label A and Crepresents (@)_ Lung capillaries and Vena cava from body (©) Pulmonary veins from lungs and Aorta to body (©) Pulmonary artery to lungs and vena cava ftom body (4) _ lung capillaries and pulmonary vein from lungs. 12, Which one ofthe following statements is correct? Inthereaction 2FeCly + Cl —>2FeCly @ FeCl, isan oxidizing agent ) Chyisanoxidivingagent (©) FeCl isan oxidising agent (@) Clisareducing agent 13, Thecorreet chemical ‘mula ofthe given compound Aluminium Phosphate, Ammonium Carbonate and Sodium Sulphiteare (@_AL{PO,),.(NH),CO,,Na,S0, (&) AIPO,,(NH),CO,,Na,SO, (©) AlPO)), (NH),CO,,Na,S0, (@)_AIPO,,(NH,),CO,,Na,SO, 14, Which ofthe following is incorreel combination? © NO__ [Neutral oxide i)_[__ choy [Acidic oxide (i MgO [Basic oxide iv) [Pere [Basie oxide oO Zn0 hoterie exile wa CO [Acidic oxide ® odo ©) @GY,04 © ww @ (cnt) Science wee ee O Reon pst a clo ston pes @) Novaunietepacin st Goede’ ons nnd dak ono ster pe a baker © on et oot (0 Soest 16. Where ving pp shown ya of pin (a80, “401 i) tnaton cores eee 1) Batelco tab 17, Shshenseticoing sameness? Oy Acanctmirebotstonteatagrarscvae ©) Aemcaeminerbotanlna sacra (Accs miro sds sate lang inp (a) both concave. (b) both convex. © teniverseoeoeattelwiseayer tenia benenueles icone pS —+, >—— ~~ Creme by covetias ———@ aaveumioe tim oss 80 © sae (0% 11, Beacon toms art om a ove Seston set) snd The eaten te erecta sun hese 6 o> ¢ @ x 3 © @ (0 nacatite shor {@)_Scatterings of light is not enough at such heights, (0) Thereis no atmosphere at great height (©). Thesize of molecules is smaller than the wavelength of visible light (@) The light gets scattered towards the earth ‘Sample Paper-2 ot3 {Gamplekzaper:z)) 23, 24. Which of he following statements is truc? G@)_Acconver lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m (©) Acconvex fens has— dioptre power having a focal length 0.25 m (©) Acconcave lens has 4dipotre power having a focal length 0.25 m (@_ A concave lens has ~4 dioptre power having a focal length 0,25 m Two lenses of focal length f, and , are kep in contact coaxially. The power of the combination will be th Sth @ th fith Sih fi-h SECTION-B ® o @ Kh ‘Section = B consists of 24 questions (SI. No.25 to 48). Attempt any 20 questions from this section. The frst attempted 20 ‘questions would be evaluated. 25. 26. a. 28, 29, 30. C280, - X10 + yH,0 ——> cas0.2 1,0 x which ofthe following is correct © xis2 (i) yis ls i) 2is2 (iv) is gypsum @ @.a © Gmagi © Giandivy @ (,Gipanaw) Two elements A and B on burning in air give corresponding oxides, Oxides ofboth A and B are soluble in water. The aqueous solution of oxide of Ais alkaline and reacts with aqueous solution of oxide of B to give another compound. Identify Aand B (@) AandB both aremetals, (6) AandBarenon-metals (©) Aismetaland Bisnon-metal (@ Aisnon-metal and Bismetal In the equation, NaOH + HNO —> NaNO, ~H,0 nitric acids acting a - (@)_anoxidising agent (6) anacid (©) anitvating agent (@)adehydrating agent (Choose the correct statement(s) @ Most ofthe acids are water soluble, Acids react with metallic oxides and hydroxides to form metallic salt and water only, Gi) Acids react with metallic carbonates to form metalic salt and hydrogen gas and water (iv) Acetic aid is used as a food preservative @ O&Eienly © wae © @Geav (@) all the above Match the items of Columa I with the items of the Colum (A) NH,OH+CH,COOH>CH,COONH,+H,0 B) 2AgBr>2Ag+Br, Most suitable option for Reaction A and B are a ® (@)_| Endothennic. Neutralization reaction | Endothemnic, neutralization reaction () | Bothermic, metal displacment reaction | Exothenmic, Redox jothermie, Redoxreaction (©)_|_uothermic, Neutralization reaction E (@)_| Fndorhermie, dsplacment Exothemic, Redox Ina mixture iron filling and sulphur powder, the components of mixture can be separated by @)_Usinga magnet (b)_Dissolving the mixture in CS, and then filtering (©) Heating the mixture and then adding CS, to black mass (@)_ Using both technique (a) and (b) {7.14 Science (Question No. 31 to 35 consist of two statements-Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: @ ms © @ Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of 4. Ais true but Ris false Ais false but Ris true, a 2. 33. 4. 35. 36. a 38 39, 40. 41. 2. 3 44, Assertion : Zinc becomes dull in moist az. Reason : Zines coated by a thin film ofits basic carbonate in mois air, Assertion : Ina reaction Zn(s)+ CuSO, (ag) —> ZnSO, (aq) + Cul), Zn isa reductant but itself get oxidized, Reason : In a redox reaction, oxidant is reduced by accepting electrons and reductant is oxidized by losing electrons, Assertion: During physiology of excretion, deamination does not take place in liver. Reason: Deamination isa process tomake use of exces of amino acids which can not be incorporated into protoplasm. Assertion: The twinkling of stars is due tothe fact that refractive index ofthe earth's atmosphere fluctuates. Reason: In cold countries, the phenomenon of looming (-e., ship appears inthe sky) takes place, because refractive index: of air decreases with height. Assertion : Aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate turns blue litmus red, Reason : Ammonium nitrate is salt of strong acid and strong base. The process of diffusion of solvent particles from the regian of less solute concentration to a region of high solute concentration through semi permeable membrane is known as (@)_ Diffusion o sis (©) Translocation (@) Transpiration Root cap has no role in water absorption because: (@)_Ithas no direct connection with the vaseular system ()_Ithas no cells containing chloroplasts (©) Tehas no root hairs (@) thas loosely arranged cells. The produre used for cleaning the blood of a person by separating urea from itis called (@)_ Osmous () filtration (0) dialysis (4) double circulation Ina glass prism @)_ Blue lights dispersed more than red light (©) Rod light is dispersed more than blue light (©) Both red light and blue light ere equally dispersed (d) None of these Atay from air enters water, then through a thick layer of glass placed below water. After passing through glass, itagain comes out in air medium, Then final emergent ray will (@)_ Bend towards the normal (©). Suffer lateral displacement (©) Have the same path as if it had not passed through glass and water, (@) None of these ‘Veins can be differentiated ftom arteries because the veins G@) have valves (©) havehardwalls, (6) _havepure blood in them, (@ _ havethick walls, [salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva, which ofthe following events in the mouth cavity wil be afTected ? @) Proteins breaking down into amino acids, (©) Starch breaking down into sugars (©) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol. (4) Absorption of vitamins. bright « (cross) mark is made on a sheet of white paper. Over the white paper a rectangular glass-slab of thickness 3 em is placed. On looking through, the image of the mark appears above the mark. Its below the upper surface ofthe slab by yuu 3) (@ 25am ©) 1Sen (© 2om @ 150m A coneave mirror for face viewing has foal length of 04m. The distance st which you hold the mirror from your face in order tosce your image upright with a magnification of Sis; (@ 024m ) L60m (©) 032m. (@ 016m ‘Sample Paper-2 ort5 45. A diverging lens with magnitude of focal lengths 25 cm is placed ata distance of 15 em from converging lens of magnitude offcal length 20cm, Absam ofparale ight falls onthe diverging lens. The final image formed is (@)_realand at distance of 40 cm from the divergent lens (b) real and at distance of 6 em from the convergent lens (©) real and at a distance of 40 em from convergent lens (@ virtual and ata distance of 40 em from convergent lens. 46. In order to get diminished virtual image, the object can be placed anywhere in front ofa 1 concavemirror concave Jens UL convex mirror (@)_only(1) iscomrect (b) only (is correct (©) only Mand (IID iscorrect (@) only () and (I) is correct 47, Ifthe speed of light in medium! and medium-2 are 2.5 » 10° ms-!and2 * 10¥ ms, respectively then the refractive index respect to medium —2 is of medium - 1 3 2 oa oO ° 48. Which ofthe flowing is incorect match Column Column Tt (A) Iron (9) Liquid at room temperature B) Copper Deposition ofreddish- brown layer on exposure to moist sir © Potassium Gi) Can be cut easily with a knife and reacts with cold water ) Mercury Formation ofa greenish layer on exposure to moist air © Mg (©) Reacts with Hot water to produce H, sink inthe water because heavier than 1,0 Select the comrect alternative @ @anadiy ©) andi) © G,GiDanaivy @ @.iynaiy SECTION-C Section — C consists of three Cases followed by questions. There are a total of 12 questions in this section. Attempt any 10 ‘questions from this section. The first attempted 10 questions would be evaluated. Case Two different salts are given tothe students inthe chemistry laboratory. Salim and javed dissolved these salts in wate separately ‘When salim dissolved the salt into water in a beaker , the beaker turn hot from the outside. When Javed dissolved the another salt {nto the water, the beaker turn cold ffom the outside. both Salim and javed rushed to the teacher and asked about the phenomenon, ‘The teacher replies to them that when we clasify the reaction in exothermic and endothermic reaction we should check the temperature of the beaker,Exothermic reactions ae the rections in which heat is released during the process while endothermic reactions are the reactions in which heat is absorbed during the reaction, W/V Heat Heat aa 7AaN 49. The salt given to the salim should be (@) Sodiumehloride (6) Ammoniumaitrate (¢) Caleiumehloride (@) Zine chloride 50, The salt given to Javed should be (@) Sodiumehloride (6) Ammoniumnitrate(¢) Caleiumehloride (@ Zine chloride 51, Reaction of ‘magnesium’ with aris (a)Fxathermicteaction (b) Fndothermic reaction _(c) Reversible reaction (@ Substitution reaction 52. Which of the following isan exothermic rection ? G@)_Flectrolysis of water (b) Dissolution of NH,,Clin water (©) Burning of LPG. (@ Decomposition of AgBr in the presence of sunlight, {9.16 Science Case, ‘The heart is a tough operating mechanism which moves blood around the body through a very advanced system called arteries and capillaries, the blood is then carried back tothe heard by means of veins. Blood pressure isthe thrust ofthis blood in the body pushing up against the inside wall ofthe arteries asthe heart is pumping. 53. What is the normal Blood pressure range? @ 12080mmHg —(b)_110/70mmg (©) 13070mmHg (@ 1s0/100mmbHg ‘54, What happens when the decrease in blood volume in greater that 10%? L Bp decreases TL Bp increases IL Bpremain constant IN. Bp increases on deerease at higher % @ 1 (©) Indiv © m @ 8. Identify the person having normal blood pressure from the graph. ab 4b Go #0 too a0 Pines ctt @A OB oc @ > 56, Which one ofthe allowing graphs best describe the blood pressure (Bp) change when blood moves from aorta tocapllries? 2 & ® ® & “ona Caps “Aora > Capies =| 2 i 5 os Os “Rona Capile ‘ons > Copicse Case, ‘4.5.0 em tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis ofa convex lens of focal length 20 em. The distance ofthe abject from the lens is 30m. 57, Whats the distance of image from the pole of lens? (@) v=60em (0) y=-60em (© y=300m (@) y=-30em 58. What is the power ofthe used lens? @ 15D ® -sD (© +0sD @ -0sp 59, Magnification of lens is given by imageheight L objectheight © Radios 0 @ object distance @) only(iscorrect (6) only i)iscorrect_ (6) both {i)and (iipiscorrect (@) _only(i)and ii) is correct, 60. Reciprocal of focal length ofa lens gives the @) power (©) radius (©) magnification (@ none of these

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