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1) An arbitrator is appointed by_______

a. Employer
b. Lawyer
c. Government
d. All of the above

2) The objec ve of quality control ac vity is to not to________

a. Reduce delay in material receiving
b. Assign simple work to only selected workers
c. Do inventory management
d. Avoid machine breakdown

3) According to factory Act ,a worker is en tled for over me under which of following cases?
a. Working more than nine hours a day
b. Working more than 48 hours a week
c. Working more than 40 hours a week
d. Both of A & B

4) ______func on comes under lower level management

a. Establishment of organiza on
b. Establishing the policies
c. Developing and improving work method and opera ons
d. Se ng basic goals and objec ves

5) The type of planning which sets direc on in which the organiza on wants to proceed in
future is called…
a. Con ngency planning
b. Strategic planning
c. Tac cal planning
d. Opera onal planning

6) Which of the following is not a correct advantage of line organiza on ?

a. Simple
b. Flexible
c. Speedy ac on
d. Specialist advice

7) Safety management is needed for______

a. Managing workplace safely
b. Improving efficiency
c. Increasing produc on
d. None of the above
8) According to provision of workmen compensa on Act, the a claim for compensa on must be
made within aperiod of__ from the occurrence of an accident
a. One year
b. Eighteen months
c. Six months
d. Two years

9) The objec ves of quality control ac vity is to not to____

a. Reduce delay in material receiving
b. Assign simple work to only selected workers
c. Do inventory management
d. Avoid machine breakdown

10) Accidents in mining may be because of___

a. Collapsing of soil layers
b. Suffoca on
c. Poisonous gases
d. All of the above

11) A er plans have been made and the organiza on has been established and staffed, the next
step is____
a. Controlling
b. Direc ng
c. Decision making
d. Planning

12) ____ is the act of watching and direc ng work and subordinates
a. Follow up
b. Supervision
c. Mo va on
d. Leadership

13) Matching human need with job needs consists of___ components
a. Knowledge , skills
b. Personality
c. Experience
d. All of the above

14) _____ is the process of dividing large organiza on into small and flexible administra ve units
a. Localiza on
b. Defragmenta on
c. Departmenta on
d. Division forma on
15) In order to avoid accidents , a worker must be
a. Disciplined
b. Mentally stable
c. Trained
d. All of the above

16) In case of occurrence of fire an employee should _____

a. Run randomly out of the building
b. Wait for supervisor instruc ons
c. Help other employees
d. Safely reach to the predetermined safe area

17) While working around work sta on having moving and rotary parts , the protec ve cloths
used shall be____
a. Tightly fit
b. Loose fit
c. White in colour
d. None of the above

18) Which of the following is the first step of organizing process?

a. Formula ng plans and policies
b. Establish enterprise objec ves
c. Iden fy and classify ac vi es
d. Delega on of ac vi es

19) _____ provision of factory act provides for “ Ar ficial Humidifica on “ ?

a. Welfare
b. Health
c. Safety
d. All of A, B & C

20) ____ is an example of unsafe working condi on

a. Poor discipline at workplace
b. Oily surface
c. Lack of safety awareness
d. Untrained worker

21) Example of Chemical Hazards_____

a. Acid
b. Caus c substances
c. Paint
d. All of the above
22) Group members must gives first priority to____
a. Personal interest
b. Organiza on interest
c. Leader interest
d. Common interest

23) A blanke ng effect is essen al for :

a. Fire involving ordinary combus ble ma er
b. Fire in flammable liquids
c. Fire involving gaseous substances
d. Fire involving metal

24) The Henry fayol has formulated _____ numbers of principle of management
a. 6
b. 10
c. 14
d. 12

25) Which of the following statements is wrong?

a. Administra on relates to top level func on
b. Management is an execu on func on
c. Management decides what is to be done when it is to be done

26) Class -A fire consists of fire due to_____

a. Wood
b. Oil
c. Transformer
d. Chemical

27) __ is generally provided with limit switch to prevent mo on beyond preset limit
a. Hoist
b. conveyors
c. Machine table
d. All of the above

28) direc ng func ons of management embraces ac vi es of:

a. Issuing of orders to subordinates

b. Communica ng with subordinates
c. Proving adequate leadership and mo va on to subordinates
d. All of these
29 ) Scalar organiza on is the other name given to :
a. Line and staff organiza on
b. Line organiza on
c. Func onal organiza on
d. Project organiza on

30) Preven ve measures refer to______

a. Safe working methods
b. Use of safety devices
c. Training for safe working
d. All of the above

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