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Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

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Effect of boiler feed water composition on inorganic scaling in

once-through steam generators estimated using a Monte Carlo
modelling approach
Yury I. Klyukin a, b, *, Bernhard Mayer a, Benjamin Tutolo a
Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Yukon Geological Survey, Yukon Government, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada


Editorial handling by Prof. M. Kersten Once-through steam generators (OTSGs) produce steam required to recover hydrocarbons from oil sand deposits.
OTSGs generate steam at high pressure and temperature, using boiler feed water (BFW) derived from produced
Keywords: water, recycled condensate boiler blowdown (BBD), and small amounts of make-up water sourced from local
Once through steam generator groundwater. During the OTSG operation cycle, BFW undergoes significant physical and chemical changes,
Oil sands
which can cause varying degrees of mineral (scale) precipitation, depending on the BFW quality. Scaling has
Steam generation
negative impacts on OTSG performance and has in the past resulted in OTSG tube leaks.
Boiler feed water
Scale In this study, we performed thermodynamic simulations using a Monte Carlo approach with the objective of
Modelling determining how the composition of the BFW and the steam quality affect scaling. We used 3 different scenarios,
Silicate minerals characterized by low, intermediate, and high iron-to-BFW ratios to represent various situations of BFW inter­
action with OTSG pipes. Within each scenario, BFW compositions were randomly assigned within industry-
relevant variations of variables including steam quality, pH, and concentrations of SiO2(aq), Mg2+, Ca2+,
Fe2+, Cl− , HCO−3 , K+, Na+, SO2−
4 and O2 and were allowed to precipitate scales according to thermodynamically
controlled solubilities of minerals as they were heated and boiled. Our results show that inorganic scale in OTSGs
is composed mostly of aegirine and various Mg and Mg/Ca silicates. We show that the concentrations of dissolved
Si, Mg, and Fe available for interaction with BFW are the main factors controlling the mass and mineralogy of
scale, whereas the total dissolved solids (TDS) and Ca concentrations within typical chosen operating limits have
negligible impact on the scale mass in OTSGs. The modelling results further indicate that efforts to minimize the
concentration of Mg in BFW to very low levels (<0.01 mg/kgBFW) show great promise for minimizing inorganic
scale formation in OTSGs. Our equilibrium modelling revealed that steam quality has little impact on the total
mass of inorganic scale formed in OTSGs because most of the mineral precipitation occurs at temperatures below
250 ◦ C, before boiling starts. However, this finding may not be fully valid if strong kinetic barriers prevent
process waters from achieving equilibrium via scale precipitation, especially at lower temperatures. Moreover,
because nucleated minerals may be transported through the OTSG without precipitating on the piping walls,
increasing steam quality reduces the capacity of BBD to carry over crystallized mineral phases in suspension.

1. Introduction via high temperature-pressure steam generated in Once Through Steam

Generators (OTSGs) (Godfrey et al., 2020; Gwak and Bae, 2010). OTSGs
Oil sands are one of the largest global reservoirs of petroleum are designed to generate significant volumes of steam, typically
products. Their extraction at depths >70 m relies primarily on thermal consuming about 150 m3/h of boiler feed water (BFW), while converting
recovery methods including Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) ~80 mass % of this water to steam (Devon NEC Corporation, 2010). As
and Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) (CAPP, 2019; Rui et al., 2018). In BFW moves through the OTSG units, it undergoes significant
both methods, viscosity of the hydrocarbons is lowered by thermal en­ geochemical and volumetric changes. In response to temperature in­
ergy and in some cases by solvents. Thermal energy is usually supplied creases and boiling, as well as geochemical interaction with the

* Corresponding author. Yukon Geological Survey, Yukon Government, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.
E-mail address: (Y.I. Klyukin).
Received 5 August 2022; Received in revised form 4 November 2022; Accepted 7 November 2022
Available online 22 November 2022
0883-2927/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

passivation layer of OTSG piping typically composed of magnetite, facilities in Northeastern Alberta (Klyukin et al., 2022). In the study
Fe3O4 (Godfrey et al., 2020), varying amounts of minerals may precip­ presented here, we utilize the same model formulation, and performed
itate from the BFW, depending on its quality. This mineral precipitation, thermodynamic calculations using the Geochemist’s Workbench version
which is often referred to as scaling or fouling in the industrial literature, 15.0.0 (Bethke et al., 2018), with a custom thermodynamic database for
decreases the efficiency of OTSGs and may ultimately cause OTSG tube minerals, created using the DBCreate software package (Kong et al.,
failure leaks. While mineral precipitation cannot be completely avoided 2013). The mineral pectolite (NaCa2Si3O8(OH)), observed in scale
without incurring unrealistically high BFW treatment costs, OTSG op­ (Klyukin et al., 2022) does not have experimentally constrained ther­
erators mitigate the potentially significant costs of OTSG failure leaks by modynamic data needed to model its behavior. Hence, we assume that
conditioning the BFW using various chemical water treatment ap­ pectolite behaves similarly to the well characterized mineral wollas­
proaches (Pedenaud et al., 2005) to meet industry-recommended BFW tonite (CaSiO3). These two minerals belong to the same mineral group,
specifications as well as by scheduling mechanical cleaning of the tubes, and while their chemistries are distinct, they have similar composition
commonly referred to as “pigging”. and crystal structures and form in comparable hydrothermal settings
The operational cycle of an OTSG from BFW to steam generation and (Buerger and Prewitt, 1961; Weisenberger et al., 2014). It is important to
remaining condensate called boiler blowdown (BBD) is described in point out that our model did not include phosphorus, since its concen­
detail in Klyukin et al. (2022) and is only briefly reiterated here for tration is not included in OTSG specifications (Gwak and Bae, 2010;
context. OTSGs work with conditioned BFW pre-heated to >120 ◦ C Klyukin et al., 2022; Pedenaud et al., 2005). However, phosphate min­
(Gwak and Bae, 2010) and generally utilize operating pressures between erals were identified in a few previously studied OTSG scale samples
~11 and 17 MPa. The operational cycle of current OTSGs is designed (Klyukin et al., 2022). Their formation maybe associated with
such that ~80% of BFW is converted to steam (Devon NEC Corporation, phosphorus-containing additives used by some operators in water
2010), leaving the rest as condensate (referred to as boiler blowdown, treatment.
BBD). BFW entering the OTSG consists of two main components: (1) The model simulates the BFW solution as an open system at vapor-
treated recycled water, which is comprised of produced water from oil saturated pressure. During the simulations, temperature, HCO−3 , and
sand reservoirs and recycled BBD; and (2) make-up water, which is H2O mass are manipulated to simulate heating and boiling (Klyukin
typically derived from groundwater. BFW treatment approaches are et al., 2022). The system is allowed to reach a new equilibrium state
designed to adjust its composition to match the specifications suggested following each temperature increment. Temperature in the simulation
by OTSG vendors (Fig 1A, and Table 1 in Klyukin et al. (2022)). Lime runs rises from 25 ◦ C to first boiling at 320 ◦ C with pressure ~11.3 MPa,
softening based treatments, which are the subject of this work, are then steam is generated as temperature is decreased to 315 ◦ C to
focused on lowering the concentrations of free and emulsified oil, SiO2, simulate temperature change in response to pressure decrease during
hardness and iron (Bridle, 2005; Pedenaud et al., 2005). However, boiling due to pressure loss in the OTSG radiation section tubes. At the
treatment procedures may leave some aqueous components unmodified, same time, the H2O mass fraction is lowered to match steam quality
and some of these dissolved constituents may ultimately contribute to estimates and HCO−3 concentrations to mimic HCO−3 partitioning to the
scale formation. steam as CO2. The resulting liquid after steam removal is cooled to 25 ◦ C
Previous research has examined mineralogical phases in the scale of and represents the BBD (Fig. 1B).
OTSGs and chemical compositions of BFW. For example, Thimm and To evaluate the effect of varying BFW compositions, Monte-Carlo
Kwasniewski (2008) published a method to estimate the rate of mineral style simulations were performed in a stepwise manner using a Python
formation following empirical calculations. Luo et al. (2012) experi­ script, which interacted with the React module of the Geochemist’s
mentally investigated variations in scale mineralogy in response to Workbench (GWB) by sending the incoming parameters and tracking the
constraining the concentrations of Mg and Ca in BFW. Klyukin et al. output. Interaction between a Python script and GWB was achieved
(2022) characterized the chemical and mineralogical compositions of using GWBPlugin (Bethke, 2021). This component of the GWB software
inorganic scale samples obtained from OTSGs used in hydrocarbon package is designed to link the functionality of core GWB components
production in Northeastern Alberta, Canada. Mineralogical analyses with custom developed models in multiple programming languages. In
revealed that scale samples were mineralogically similar between this study, BFW composition ± mineral phases were sent to the React
different operators, and were dominated by Mg-, Na-, Fe-, and module at each step (initialization, heating, boiling, BBD cooling) to
Ca-inosilicates such as for example aegirine (NaFe3+Si2O6), pectolite simulate how the system changes in response to temperature and
(Ca2NaH(SiO3)3), lizardite (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4), and serpentine group composition adjustments. Once calculations were complete, the output
(D2-3(Si2O5)(OH)4, where D = Mg, Fe, Ni, Mn, Al, Zn). To better was redirected as an input to the React module.
constrain the conditions leading to precipitation of these minerals in At first, an unequilibrated BFW composition was randomly gener­
OTSGs, these authors employed volumetric and thermodynamic models ated from data ranges shown in Fig. 1A within the operational envelope,
that were able to reproduce the observed minerals, thereby improving and Fe2+ either in dissolved state or as a specified mass of magnetite
the understanding of thermodynamic and chemical parameters of BFW, (Fe3O4). Magnetite is used as the Fe-bearing medium in the system to
such as water composition and pH along the operational envelope of mimic the interaction between BFW and the magnetite-containing
OTSGs (Klyukin et al., 2022). passivation layer on OTSG piping. Selected ranges for BFW dissolved
The objective of the present work was to use this geochemical constituents representative for industry adopted compositions (range
equilibrium model and a Monte-Carlo approach to explore the effect that and reference composition, see Fig. 1A) were used in the Monte-Carlo
variable BFW compositions and steam quality have on inorganic scale model, such that possible upsets in water quality, and possible varia­
formation in OTSGs. The goal was to predict the predominant minerals tions in pH, steam quality and aqueous components of BFW were
that precipitate in OTSGs and to determine the main factors controlling considered. This compositional envelope was selected to explore how
inorganic scaling. The obtained novel insights should be highly valuable inorganic scale formation responds to changes in concentrations of SiO2
for operators in their quest to minimize inorganic scaling in OTSGs. and TDS (total dissolved solids) in BFW, hardness, pH, and the steam
quality achieved in OTSGs.
2. Methods Three different scenarios with different Fe-to-water ratios were
modelled (Fig. 1), with each scenario iterated 1000 times with randomly
Geochemical model. We used BFW compositions specified in the assigned BFW compositions:
work of Peramanu et al. (2014) as a reference composition (Fig. 1A).
With this BFW, we were able to reproduce mineral phases found in 1) No magnetite introduced into the system, and Fe concentration of
samples recovered from OTSGs operations in hydrocarbon production 0.05 mg/l assigned to match the reference composition of BFW

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

increases relative to BFW in response to thermal decomposition of

HCO−3 . HCO−3 decomposes to CO2, which migrates into the steam phase,
while OH− remains in the liquid phase causing pH to increase. In our
modelling, some of the runs must have initiated with both low pH and
low concentrations of HCO−3 in initial BFW, and hence there was insuf­
ficient buffer capacity to generate OH− through thermal decomposition.
This resulted in the pH decrease, which is to our knowledge not observed
in OTSG operations. To focus on more realistic scenarios, we set a cut-off
condition for successful runs such that those with pHBBD ≤ 5 (approxi­
mately 10% of all runs) were excluded from further mineralogical and
geochemical analyses. To analyze how scaling was affected by variations
in SiO2(aq), Mg2+, and Fe2+ concentrations, we employed K-means
clustering. K-means clustering is a machine learning technique that
permits grouping of similar observations by partitioning them in pre­
defined amount of clusters. Observations are then grouped (clustered)
around nearest mean (otherwise referred as cluster center/centroid).
This method was used with a total of 5 clusters initialized, vectorizing
observations according to the following parameters: the initial concen­
tration of SiO2(aq), Mg2+, magnetite in BFW, and scale mass at the end
of the boiling step at 315 ◦ C, when the mass of scale reaches its peak.
K-means clustering analysis was applied only to runs in scenarios with
limited magnetite, because runs in this scenario closely approximate
conditions in OTSGs.

3. Results

3.1. Geochemical characteristics of the BFW and its link with scale mass

We closely analyzed geochemical parameters of the scenario in

which the Fe content was mediated through the addition of low amounts
of magnetite (Fig. 2A), comparing it with the results of other scenarios.
In this analysis, all variables initialized at the start of the simulation
(steam quality, pH, TDS, SiO2(aq), Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe2+/magnetite, Cl− ,
HCO−3 , K+, Na+, SO2−4 , O2) were evaluated against their influence on the
total scale mass precipitating at the end of boiling (Appendix A). In a Fe-
rich scenario, scale mass is controlled strictly by SiO2 concentrations in
BFW (red points in Fig. 2A). In scenarios with limited Fe supply (BBD-
defined Fe content) and without magnetite, however, the mass of scale is
not linked to SiO2 concentrations in BFW (Fig. 2A, black and blue dots),
suggesting that both SiO2 concentrations and access to Fe play a key role
in scaling in OTSGs.
In general, the pH of the BFW increases compared to starting con­
Fig. 1. Compositional range of BFW, used in Monte Carlo simulations (top) and ditions during the operational cycle, resulting in alkaline BBD (Fig. 2B).
procedural steps of geochemical model, developed to simulate scale and water However, our model indicated an inflection point at pH of ~8.2, below
composition within operating envelope of OTSG. which pH drops below the initial value, with some runs in magnetite-
free and BBD-defined Fe concentration scenarios reaching a pH < 5.
(Fig. 1). This scenario focused on describing mineral phases in cases We considered these results to be unrealistic for standard operating
where BFW is not interacting with OTSG tubing. conditions, and did not include them in further results interpretation.
2) Magnetite introduced in BFW water in a 1:1 mass ratio, and the For the scenario with BBD-defined Fe content, K-mean cluster anal­
magnetite remains a component of the system throughout the ysis indicated a significant link between the concentrations of SiO2 and
modeling run. This case was selected to represent an end-member in Mg in BFW (Fig. 3), while the averaged scale mass in all clusters was
which BFW is fully equilibrated with the magnetite-containing roughly the same (~0.8 ± 0.3 mg/kgBFW, Fig. 4A). The correlation be­
passivation layer of OTSG tubing at each moment of the BFW- tween SiO2 and Mg is most likely caused by equilibration of BFW after
mineral system evolution. initialization during the first step (Fig. 1B): a higher content of Mg
3) Limited amount of magnetite introduced upon initialization and lowers the amount of SiO2 remaining in the BFW after equilibrating.
after reaching equilibrium the remaining magnetite is removed. The While these clusters are similar in scale mass, there is a significant
mass of introduced magnetite was set such that Fe could reach change in pH (Fig. 4D) and Mg and SiO2 concentrations (Fig. 4C, E):
concentrations of up to 0.4 mg/l, measured in BBD according to those with higher SiO2 are characterized by higher pH and lower Mg
Peramanu et al. (2014). This intermediate scenario with BBD-defined content. Our modelling shows no influence of the concentrations of Ca,
Fe content is likely the closest approximation of actual bulk OTSG total dissolved solids (TDS), or steam quality on scale formation (Fig. 4G
systems currently operating in Northeastern Alberta. and H and Appendix A).
Comparison of these clusters with data extracted from the magnetite-
After simulations, some runs resulted in extremely low pH (<5) of free and excess magnetite scenarios shows that the mass of scale changes
BBD. Such cases are unlikely to be observed under standard operating significantly between scenarios (Fig. 4A). In the scenario with low Fe
conditions. As shown by Weagle and Maltman (2012), the pH of BBD concentration, the scale mass is below 0.4 mg/kgBFW, in the BBD-defined
Fe content scenario the mass of scale ranged from 0.4 to 1.4 mg/kgBFW

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

Fig. 2. A) dependence of the maximum scale mass, observed at 315 ◦ C in each

run (horizontal axis) as a function of sio2 concentration in BFW. Color of the
points indicate which water-to-MAGNETITE (iron) scenario was used; B) ph
changes of equilibrated BFW, as it start (horizontal axis), until BBD discharged
and cooled to 25 ◦ C. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Fig. 4. Compositional ranges (average and standard deviation) for all three
scenarios. Note that for scenario with constrained mass of magnetite provided,
compositional ranges estimated for each cluster. Concentrations of sio2aq, Ca,
and Mg (C, E, AND H) and ph (D) indicated at the start in black, and at the end
of the run in red. Note that in these cases left and right axes have different
scales. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
Fig. 3. Results of the K-mean cluster analysis for all runs in scenario with reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
limited mass of magnetite provided to the system. Large points indicate cen­
troids of each cluster. Note log. horizontal scale for concentration of Mg in BFW,
while the scale for vertical axis, indicating dissolved SiO2 in BFW is linear.

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

with minor variations between the groups. In the scenario with excessive For most of the runs with starting pH > ~8.2, at the start of the simu­
amounts of magnetite, the scale mass is well above 10 mg/kgBFW lations pHin-situ of the BFW decreases during heating, reaching its min­
(Fig. 4A). imum values at temperatures ranging from 150 to 250 ◦ C (Fig. 5A–E).
Compared to its initial value, pH decreases between 1.0 and 1.5 units.
3.2. Changes in pH Further heating increases pH slightly, until the initial boiling tempera­
ture is reached. During boiling as the temperature slightly decreases, in
In modelling runs with a starting pH below ~8.2, pH decreased after the mineral/Mg-rich cluster 1 (Fig. 5E), pHin-situ decreases slightly, while
simulation, resulting in pH of BBD ranging from 2 to 6 at room tem­ in other clusters pHin-situ either remains constant or increases slightly
perature. While we did not include these runs in the analysis in this (Fig. 5A–D). Subsequently, as BBD cools down for runs with initial pH
paper, the raw data and results are reported in Appendix B raw data. >~8.2, pHin-situ increases by ~3 units (Fig. 5A–E), resulting in an overall

Fig. 5. pH (on the left side of the figure) and mineral phases (on the right) plotted against the temperature. Selected runs have the composition closest to estimated
centroids of K-mean clusters (Fig. 3). Light and dark purple zones indicate changes in conditions of the model, corresponding to boiling and BBD cooling, respectively.
For pH, the grey dashed line indicates pH changes in reference run investigated and described by Klyukin et al. (2022). (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

pH increase of 1–2 units compared to the starting conditions (Fig. 2B). and mineralogy of scale in OTSGs. Importantly, while concentrations of
Ca and Mg are comparable upon initialization of the runs (Fig. 1A), and
3.3. Mineralogical composition of the scale while concentrations of both elements decreased significantly during the
runs (Fig. 4E and H), the correlation between scale mass and Mg con­
3.3.1. Formation of aegirine centrations is significantly stronger than the correlation between scale
One of the most abundant mineral phases modelled in scale is mass and Ca concentrations (Appendix A, all 3 scenarios).
aegirine (NaFe3+Si2O6), sometimes also referred to as acmite (Fig. 5). Silicate minerals present in scale were only observed at temperatures
This mineral dominates the scale, and previous research had linked >100 ◦ C. Below this temperature, hematite (Fe2O3) was present in some
aegirine formation with Si concentrations in the BFW (Bridle, 2005; runs but was consumed to form aegirine at higher temperatures. The
Gwak and Bae, 2010; Klyukin et al., 2022). In our work, for the scenario most common scale mineral is aegirine (NaFe3+Si2O6), followed by Mg
with excess magnetite, total scale mass is linearly related with SiO2 silicate minerals: talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2), minerals of serpentine sub­
concentration in BFW (Fig. 2B (red dots), note log scale for horizontal group (antigorite-lizardite (Mg4Si2O5(OH)4)), and the Mg/Ca silicate
axis), resulting in a markedly increasing mass of scale as SiO2 concen­ mineral tremolite (□Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 where □ indicates a vacancy
trations increase. However, in the scenarios with limited (BBD-defined) in the crystal structure). The only mineral that accommodates Ca but not
or no magnetite addition, the concentration of SiO2 in BFW does not Mg is wollastonite (CaSiO3). However, this mineral’s abundance is
show a correlation with total scale mass, and total scale mass decreased minor compared to other mineral phases (Fig. 5F–J), and Ca concen­
by 1-2 orders of magnitude (Fig. 2A, black and blue dots) compared to trations have only a minor effect on scale formation in runs from clusters
the scenario with excessive magnetite irrespective of SiO2 with extremely low Mg and high Si concentrations (clusters 4 and 5,
concentrations. Fig. 6). The role of Ca and Mg on scaling is confirmed experimentally in
work by Luo et al. (2012) that showed that for both Ca and Mg below 10
3.3.2. Mg silicates ppb, scaling decreased compared to a reference case even with SiO2(aq)
Runs with minimal distance from cluster centroids in Fig. 3 (mean of up to 300 mg/l.
the cluster, outlined colored dots) were selected to identify the mineral Other minerals, which could accommodate Ca but not Mg, belong to
phases forming as temperature changes (Fig. 5). From cluster 1 to cluster the phosphate group; these have been observed in some of the recovered
5, the concentration of Mg decreases and SiO2(aq) is increasing in BFW scale samples (Klyukin et al., 2022). While we did not include P in our
(Fig. 3). This change in BFW composition is reflected in a decrease of simulations because its concentration is not stated in OTSG specifica­
mineral phase diversity by orders of magnitude between clusters. tions, it is important to note that the presence of P in BFW will result in
Aegirine is a dominating mineral phase in clusters 2–5, and forms at low the formation of Ca-bearing phosphate minerals such as hydroxylapa­
temperatures, consuming available iron, which is hosted in hematite. tite. These minerals will serve as a sink for dissolved Ca in the BFW,
Experimental studies have confirmed formation of aegirine at temper­ linking Ca and P concentration with scale mass. Our model also did not
atures as low as 130 ◦ C (Decarreau et al., 2004; Redhammer et al., include Al, since its solubility in BFW is extremely low and Al concen­
2019), in sets of experiments with synthesis time as high as 200 h. tration in BFW/BBD is not stated in OTSG specifications (Gwak and Bae,
As the Mg concentration in BFW decreases (Fig. 3), the Mg silicate 2010; Klyukin et al., 2022; Pedenaud et al., 2005). However, Al carried
mineral diversity in the scale also decreases: cluster 1, which has the into OTSGs as suspended particles can increase total Al concentration in
highest Mg concentration in BFW, resulted in the following sequence of BFW and cause precipitation of tectosilicates, which were observed in a
Mg silicates forming as heating and boiling progress: talc, antigorite, subset of the samples described by Klyukin et al. (2022): sodalite, and
lizardite and tremolite (Fig. 5J). The same sequence of minerals appears minerals of the plagioclase subgroup. However, because tectosilicates in
in lesser mass in cluster 2 (Fig. 5I). In cluster 3, only antigorite and the investigated samples were sparsely distributed and did not represent
tremolite were observed (Fig. 5H), while in clusters 4 and 5, the only Mg a significant portion in scale overall, we did not consider Al behavior
silicate present is tremolite during the heating and boiling steps (Fig. 5F here.
and G). Aegirine is the dominant mineral in scenarios with excess magnetite
Minerals forming during the cooling of BBD were found to be quite and in BBD-defined Fe concentration. In the case of excess of magnetite,
similar to minerals formed during heating and boiling. The main dif­ the formation of aegirine has a strong positive link with SiO2(aq) con­
ference is the formation of andradite, a Ca–Fe silicate mineral, which has centration, resulting in a markedly increasing mass of scale as SiO2
not been observed in scale samples from various OTSG operations concentrations increase (Fig. 2 (red dots) note log scale for scale mass).
(Klyukin et al., 2022). Notably, however, those authors did not sample In other scenarios, only the deficiency of Fe constrains the formation of
minerals precipitating from BBD. aegirine, while SiO2 either precipitates in Mg/Mg–Ca silicates or re­
Aegirine is most abundant and accounts for most of the scale mass at mains in solution (Fig. 4). Constraining Mg to very low concentrations
the end of the boiling step at 315 ◦ C in the scenario with a limited mass (e.g., <0.005 mg/kgBFW, Fig. 4E) forces dissolved SiO2 to remain in the
of magnetite provided to the system (Fig. 6). From all the minerals BFW and BBD solutions, even when SiO2 concentrations in BFW reach
present, only aegirine accommodates Fe in its structure, while other extreme values of ~400 mg/kgBFW in some runs (Fig. 4C). This finding
silicate minerals accommodate Mg or Mg–Ca, although limited suggests that lowering Mg concentrations in BFW to very low levels
isomorphic admixture of Fe on the Mg position is also possible. (<0.01 mg/kgBFW) may be an approach for minimizing scale formation
Tremolite and wollastonite are also present in each cluster, with in OTSGs, as discussed by others (Bridle, 2005).
tremolite abundance decreasing as Mg concentrations in BFW decrease Magnetite formation on the internal lining of OTSG tubing is well
from cluster 1 to cluster 5. Other minerals found in scale include talc, known and aided through the addition of oxygen scavengers to BFW
antigorite, lizardite and monticellite, but their abundance and mass also ensuring a reducing environment ((Godfrey et al., 2020) and references
decrease as the Mg concentration in BFW decreases from cluster 1 to therein). The resulting passivation layer protects the steel tubing from
cluster 5. corrosion. Previous research on steam-impacted oil field pipes (Gallup
and Hinrichsen, 2008; Khatib et al., 1992) reported Fe mobilization from
4. Discussion magnetite through a reaction with OH− at high pH by forming ferrite
(FeO−2 ), hypoferrite (FeO2− -
2 ) and Fe hydroxide (Fe(OH)4) ions. These
Our modelling results demonstrate that the concentrations of TDS authors suggested that the formation of these ions preceded the forma­
and Ca do not influence the scale mass in OTSGs. Instead, the concen­ tion of aegirine scale from solution. Our modelling results do not
trations of dissolved Si, Mg, and Fe (or its proxy, the mass of magnetite contradict these findings, but indicate that in the entire range for dis­
added during the simulations) are the main factors controlling the mass solved O2 concentrations and pH ranges (Fig. 1), magnetite (Fe3O4) is

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

Fig. 6. Mass of each mineral (vertical axis) plotted against total scale mass (horizontal axis), presented at 315 ◦ C at the end of the boiling, for all runs within scenario
with limited mass of magnetite provided to the system.

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

oxidized to hematite (Fe2O3) either partially in the case of the excessive OTSGs. Our simulations indicate that inorganic scale formed in OTSGs is
magnetite scenario, or entirely in other scenarios (Appendix B, Raw compositionally dominated by aegirine and Mg and Mg/Ca silicates
data) at 25 ◦ C. Once the temperature reaches 120–200 ◦ C, hematite in (Fig. 6). The precipitation of Mg and Mg/Ca silicates occurs exclusively
the presence of dissolved Na and Si is converted to hydrothermal from aqueous components dissolved in BFW, while the Fe required for
aegirine, similar to experimental results reported by Decarreau et al. the formation of aegirine is derived from the iron oxide layer on OTSG
(2004). Conversion of magnetite to hematite could be achieved through tubing with minor contribution from BFW. Our simulations indicate that
solid state recrystallization with intermediate formation of a poorly aegirine formation is preceded by recrystallization of magnetite in the
characterized metastable phase, referred to in the literature as maghe­ passivation layer to more soluble iron oxides such as hematite or
mite (Fe2O3 (Cornell and Schwertmann, 2003),). This mineral phase has metastable maghemite. The industry is well aware of the necessity to
a structure similar to that of magnetite and can mimic its appearance, stabilize magnetite (Godfrey et al., 2020) and deploys oxygen scaven­
while most of the iron occurs in 3+ (oxidized) valence state. We spec­ gers in BFW for this purpose. Our simulations demonstrate that, at dis­
ulate that the metastable phase maghemite (Fe2O3) is present as either solved O2 concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 0.05 mg/l (while
an intermediate step in the oxidation of magnetite to hematite or can be industry standard for dissolved O2 in BFW specified as <0.01 mg/l),
formed directly during formation of the passivation layer instead of magnetite is stable only in scenarios with high iron-to-water ratios
magnetite. (magnetite to water mass ratio 1:1). In this scenario, a small fraction of
Instability of magnetite in scenarios with low mineral-to-water ratio magnetite recrystallizes to hematite, thereby reducing dissolved oxygen
(scenarios without magnetite and with BBD-defined Fe content), as to concentrations at which the remaining magnetite remains stable.
demonstrated in this study (Fig. 5J), are also confirmed by oxygen Scenarios with low iron-to-water ratios are more realistic for OTSGs
fugacity data. Redox state in many geologic systems is quantified by the given the high BFW throughput. In this scenario, recrystallization of
magnetite-hematite buffer. Stabilization of magnetite at temperatures magnetite to metastable maghemite or more soluble hematite is more
below 150 ◦ C is possible only at extremely oxygen-deprived conditions, likely. At higher temperatures, these iron oxides are subsequently
as shown in the work by French and Eugster (1965). For example, the consumed to form aegirine and inorganic scale.
partial pressure of O2 (pO2) needed to stabilize magnetite at 150 ◦ C is A key finding of our modelling study is that the concentrations of
around 1 × 10− 50 MPa, and at lower temperatures it decreases even TDS and Ca in BFW have an inferior role in the scale growth in OTSGs.
further. It is highly unlikely that such low concentrations of dissolved The concentrations of dissolved Si, Mg, and access to Fe are the major
oxygen in water are achieved under OTSG operating conditions, factors controlling the mass and mineralogy of scale in OTSGs. In
prompting the formed magnetite to presumably reside in a metastable particular, the concentration of Mg in BFW was found to control the
state. As shown in Appendix A, the concentrations of dissolved oxygen in extent of formation of Mg and Mg/Ca silicates, which together can ac­
BFW are changing significantly between scenarios, showing lower con­ count for more than a half of the mineral phases in inorganic scale by
centrations in the scenario where magnetite is introduced. Thus in sce­ mass in clusters 1 and 2 (Figs. 5 and 6). In other clusters, scale consists
narios with BBD-defined Fe content and excess of magnetite, dissolved predominantly (~80%) of aegirine. Na required to form aegirine along
oxygen is linked with overall scaling, presumably through contributing with Fe and SiO2(aq) is abundant in BFW, but lowering its concentration
to hematite formation and later to formation of aegirine. Additionally, is currently not pursued in water treatment. While low Na concentra­
experiments under hydrothermal conditions show rapid transitions be­ tions could control aegirine formation, Na concentrations would need to
tween magnetite and hematite even in the absence of molecular O2 be lowered by at least 4 to 5 orders of magnitude to have an effect on the
(Otake et al., 2007). OTSGs are characterized by high mass of aegirine, making this approach extremely challenging.
water-to-magnetite ratio because a high amount of BFW (about 150 m3 In scenarios with limited Fe in BFW (magnetite-free runs and BBD-
of BFW per hour) is passing through magnetite-coated piping. Our re­ mediated Fe content in BFW), we show that, while an inverse relation
sults indicate that, at these conditions, magnetite is susceptible to between Mg and SiO2(aq) concentrations exists, it does not influence the
recrystallization to more water-soluble iron oxides, in addition to direct overall scale mass (Fig. 4). Finally, only a single silicate phase (wollas­
effects of corrosion at elevated temperatures (Pietralik, 2012). tonite) can incorporate Ca without including Mg, but wollastonite
Our equilibrium-based modelling results suggest that steam quality occurrence is minute compared to aegirine and Mg–Ca silicates in sim­
has little impact on the mass of inorganic scale formed in OTSGs. The ulations with Mg above 0.01 mg/kgBFW (Figs. 4 and 6). Our results
main reason for this finding is that most of the minerals precipitate from strongly indicate that efforts to minimize the concentration of Mg in
the BFW prior to boiling at temperatures between 150 and 200 ◦ C by BFW to very low levels (<0.01 mg/kgBFW) can help to minimize inor­
formation of aegirine and Mg/Mg–Ca silicates (Fig. 5, Appendix B, Raw ganic scale formation in OTSGs.
data). The only mineral that forms according to our simulations during Current BFW specifications frequently refer to total hardness as a key
boiling is wollastonite, but its contribution to scale is of minor impor­ parameter that combines both Mg and Ca concentrations into a single
tance, given that its maximum mass is about one order less than those of parameter (reported as CaCO3) (Gwak and Bae, 2010; Klyukin et al.,
aegirine and other minerals (Fig. 6). However, our simulations operate 2022; Zeng et al., 2007). Our study results reveal that minimizing the
as if the system is equilibrated at each temperature increment and hence concentrations of Mg in BFW is of key importance for minimizing
do not account for kinetics of the involved processes and ignore possible inorganic scaling in OTSGs, while controlling Ca concentrations is less
flow impacts in the OTSGs. While our equilibrium modelling revealed relevant. Hence, continued reliance on total hardness as a BFW speci­
that steam quality has little impact on the total mass of inorganic scale fication may lead to incorrect predictions of scaling factors. Instead, our
formed in OTSGs since most of the minerals grow from the BFW prior to study reveals that future efforts should be focused on minimizing Mg
boiling at temperatures between 150 and 200 ◦ C, this finding may not be concentrations in BFW.
fully valid if strong kinetic barriers prevent minerals from nucleating
during the relatively brief residence of waters in the OTSGs. Further­
more, increasing steam quality does ultimately concentrate aqueous Declaration of competing interest
components in BBD, and this results in favorable conditions for scaling
down the line, where BBD is cooled off or reused. The authors declare the following financial interests/personal re­
lationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
5. Conclusions Benjamin Tutolo reports financial support was provided by Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Bernhard Mayer
This modelling study investigated how a wide range of BFW com­ reports financial support was provided by Canada’s Oil Sands Innova­
positions and steam quality affect inorganic scale precipitation in tion Alliance.

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

Data availability and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through Collab­
orative Research and Development (CRD) grant number 532379- 2018
Data will be made available on request. and a Discovery Grant (number RGPIN-2018-03800) to BMT, and by
Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA). The authors are
Acknowledgments grateful to Michael Nightingale for a discussion of the results of the
simulations, and COSIA industry partners for review of a draft manu­
Financial support for this work was provided by the Natural Sciences script and constructive feedback.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Appendix 1, cross correlation between mass of scale at peak temperature and selected parameters of BFW at start, 25 ◦ C

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

Y.I. Klyukin et al. Applied Geochemistry 148 (2023) 105510

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