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Strategic Executions of IMC Interventions in Dabur Nepal

Comprehensive Learning Assessment (CLA 2)

Utsav Rajbhandari/ BN190280

MKT 404- Integrated Marketing Communication

Professor: Nancy Agrawal

April 17, 2023

Kings College / Westcliff University


Action Plan

Continuing this from the CLA 1 paper some of the major action plans to be considered for the

strategic executions of the Integrated Marketing Communication for the company named Dabur

Nepal which has been focusing in the sector of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are

explained in details below:

 Firstly, we should be able to identify the target market and the targeted group of

consumers so that we can effectively implement the IMC plans for the company. For

identifying the target market of Dabur Nepal we should prepare and conduct an extensive

research about the market and its structure (Niroula, 2022). All the factors like

demographics of the consumers, activities and behavior shown by the consumer in the

market, ethical values, social norms and values of the market and choice and needs of the

consumers in the market should be researched effectively to find out the exact target

market for a product and services offered by Dabur Nepal in the market.

 Secondly, we should also focus on setting the primary objectives for the marketing

activities to be conducted for the Dabur Nepal in the real market scenario. We should set

the marketing objectives based on the targets and marketing plans set by the company in

a given market structure (Cavusgil, 1994). The marketing objectives that we set for the

company in the market should be clear and attainable. Some of the marketing objectives

include boosting the sales of newly launched product, aware the consumers about the

company and setting its brand image in the market.


 Thirdly, we should be able to create a clear and cohesive message about our company and

brand to the consumers in the market which directly represents the strategy of Dabur

Nepal. The message about our company and our brand should be implemented in each

and every elements of IMC like public relations, all types of advertising, social media

marketing and all other IMC activities which are conducted in the market.

 Fourthly, we should choose the most effective tools of integrated marketing

communication for our company to reach our targeted market and consumers so that

there is high chance of success in a long run. Some of the most effective channels of IMC

are digital advertisement, radio ads, social media ads, digital billboards, public relation

and all other promotional activities which help the company to reach the intended target

group in the market (Schumann, 2001). We can also create market our brand through

creative tools like graphical representations, banners, flyers and create a short

documentary videos summing up the entire message that our company has tried to

convey to the consumers in the market. For example, Dabur Nepal can create a

personalized bottle of honey or Chyawanprash for its consumers and let the influencers

post about it across all the social media platforms to make them feel connected towards

the brand and the product.

 Lastly, we should be able to execute the marketing plans effectively and efficiently for

the company which means that timeline of the event, budgeting of all the activities to be

performed and allocations of resources required for the campaign should be planned

accordingly. All the members of the campaign should be collaborating and supportive

with each other and there should be smooth flow of communication between each other

to make the campaign successful in a long run (Massey, 2011). After implementing these

detailed action plans Dabur Nepal can successfully implement its integrated marketing

communication strategies for a long term success of the organization.

Significance of Monitoring, Evaluation and Control of IMC Intervention

The effective monitoring, evaluation and control of integrated marketing plans are

necessary for long term success of the company like Dabur Nepal because it helps in measuring

the overall performance of the company in the market and also helps us to get the feedbacks

from the consumers in the market so that we can improve the quality of our products and

services that we have been serving in the market (Mulhern, 2009). Besides these importances

there are several other key importances which help the company to be successful in a long run

basis. The key importances are explained in detail below:

 The overall performance of the company in the market can be measured if the process of

monitoring, evaluation and control are effectively conducted in the organization. The

factors such as Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) helps us to measure the performance

of the company and also helps to know about the impact that IMC strategies has been

creating for the company in the market. The collection of the data and analyzing the final

outcome also helps us to know about the impact of IMC plans for the company and how

it has been meeting its objectives and target set by the company.

 The feedback from the consumers, stakeholders, and overall industry is gathered through

supervision and tracking of data about the implementation of IMC plans in Dabur Nepal.

The company can find out more about consumer buying habits, choices, and impressions

using surveys, feedback from consumers, and the study of IMC campaigns. The

feedbacks from the consumers help us to improvise the overall strategies of the company

and be ready for the change in the market structure and changes in choice and preference

of the consumer in the market.

 The constant monitoring, evaluation and control helps the company to be flexible in

terms of changing the IMC plans as per the requirement in the market. Changes in the

IMC plans can be implemented instantly to enhance the plan of action if evaluation

reveals that some IMC activities are not producing the expected results. The flexibility

helps the company to be ready for the changes in the market dynamics and also the

preference of the consumers in the market so that integrated marketing communication

plans can be effective for the long term success of the company.

Functional Linkage between Corporate Strategy and IMC Strategy

When we establish the functional linkage of the company’s overall plan and IMC channels of the

company we can align with the overall communication and marketing objectives for the success

of the company in long term basis (Jenster, 1987). Dabur Nepal has been leading the FMCG

industry for a long time so to establish the functional connection between the company’s overall

strategy and the IMC plans I have pointed out the ways we can link both of these strategies of the

company. The following ways to create link are explained in detail below:

Firstly, to create the functional links between the overall plan and IMC plans of the

company there should be consistency of each and every employee when it comes to spread the

brand message in the market. Every employees and people related directly or indirectly to the

company should be clear about the brand image created by the company in the market place. The

communication inside the company should be aligned with the brand image and strategy created

by the company and all the communications channels should be clear and cohesive in the

company to achieve the organizational goals and objectives within the given time frame. If the

communication channels are clear the brand image will be clear in the mind of the consumers.

Dabur Nepal's business plan may identify the markets and clientele the firm will focus on

servicing. To be effective, IMC's approach must resonate with the customers it has identified as

its target audience and account for the specific wants, requirements, and behaviors of the

consumers it seeks to engage. The success of marketing and public relations campaigns depends

on this. Dabur Nepal will need to execute specific methods for communication, message, and

creative components that connect with its target market demography and are consistent with the

company's overall strategy in order to succeed in this endeavor.



In conclusion, to know about their target market their target market, Dabur Nepal should

define the target market, determine major goals, produce a clear and coherent message, and pick

the most successful integrated marketing communication platforms. The most significant

principle is that good monitoring, assessment, and management of integrated marketing

programs are crucial for long-term success since they assist evaluate the company's market

performance and obtain customer feedback. IMC plan monitoring, assessment, and control

enable companies remain adaptable and meet long-term communication and marketing goals.


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Schumann, D. W., Artis, A., & Rivera, R. (2001). The future of interactive advertising viewed

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Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K., Massey, G. R., & Piercy, N. F. (2011). The impact of aligned rewards

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