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[Follow this template - “NAME OF THE CAPSTONE PROJECT”: TOWARDS (the outcome
desired by the author - use all caps and bold letters)]

(5-line spaces gap)

(NAME OF CANDIDATE FOR GRADUATION - use all caps and bold letters)

(3-line spaces gap)

A requirement for the degree of

(Degree Program where the author is enrolled on this line - all caps and bold letters)
St. Paul University Manila

(5-line spaces gap)

Approved by

(3-line spaces gap)

(Signature of the Faculty-in-Charge)

(Name of the Faculty-In-Charge in upper and lower care letters)
(Designation of the above)

(5-line spaces gap)

(Expected Month and Year of Graduation)


Content Page
List of Figures
List of Tables
Executive Summary
Problem Analysis
The Capstone Project
The Idea of the Capstone Project
Design and Parts of the Capstone Project
Manner of Implementation and Resources Required by the Capstone
Timeline of Implementation
The Parties Involved in the Implementation of the Capstone Project
Documentation and Description of the Implementation of the Capstone
Troubleshooting Done during the Implementation of the Capstone
Observations on the Implementation of the Capstone Project
Feedback from the Participants of the Capstone Project
Evaluation of the Capstone Project
Analysis and Discussion of the Evaluation Results
Author’s Reflection on his/her/their Lived Experience of the Capstone
Project as an Educational Change Maker
Recommendations for Better Implementation of the Capstone Project
(Description - a 1-page expression of gratitude for the people who helped towards the
completion of the project. Indicate the name of the Vice President for Academics and Research,
College Dean, Program Chair, Field Expert Consultant, and Administrator of the Locale who are
the main gatekeepers, academic supervisors, and academic quality outcomes managers.)

List of Figures
(Description - This is included if there are more than 3 figures inserted in the paper.)

List of Tables
(Description - This is included if there are more than 3 tables inserted in the paper.)

Executive Summary
(Description - This serves as a 250-word abstract of the capstone project.)

(Description - This provides the context surrounding the execution of the capstone
project. Here are some questions to answer to write a substantial introduction: (1) What social
situation presents itself as a key factor, situation, or issue that calls for the production of the
capstone project? (Cite sources using APA format); (2) What circumstances, personal or
otherwise, predisposed the author to conduct the capstone project?; (3) What aspect of the
academic discipline helped the author focus his/her/their attention on the need to do the
capstone project?; (4) What makes the capstone project an urgent action that must be done by
someone like the author?; and (5) What are the foreseen consequences of the capstone project
when done correctly - include macro and micro level ones and justify.)

Problem Analysis
(Description - This describes the problem addressed by the capstone project. Describe
the problem, the factors at play (you may include a literature review here and proper source
citation, and the peculiarity of the problem as shaped by the circumstances where it is
experienced). Provide the necessary data (tables, figures, photos, and the like that support the
author's claims about the problem - properly labeled from Table/Figure 1 to the final table/figure
number, and their sources must be cited using APA format. All assumptions about the problem
must be supported. Quotes from reliable sources may also be used provided that they are
properly cited using the APA format. There is no standard length to this section but the author
must gauge whether the description is sufficient to support the implementation of the capstone
project. After the description of the problem, the situation must be analyzed vis-a-vis the
available resources that can help implement the capstone project sufficiently. After the analysis,
present insights or new understanding of the problem vis-a-vis the solution presented by the
capstone project. Given the problem, analysis, and insights, present the vital considerations that
must guide the implementation of the capstone project.)
The Capstone Project - “(Name of capstone project)”
(Description - This describes the project. This should include the general idea behind it,
the different components of the project, the manner of implementation, including the resources
used, the timeline, the participants, documentation of implementation to be included in the list of
figures, if applicable, the major and minor revisions or troubleshooting done during the
implementation, observations of the author and third-party observers, if any, while the project
was being implemented, feedback of the participants, evaluation on the capstone project,
analysis of the results of the evaluation, and the author's reflection on the implementation of the
capstone project given all the data received as a result of its implementation.

The Idea of the Capstone Project

Design and Parts of the Capstone Project

Manner of Implementation and Resources Required by the Capstone Project

Timeline of Implementation

The Parties Involved in the Implementation of the Capstone Project

Documentation and Description of the Implementation of the Capstone Project

Troubleshooting Done during the Implementation of the Capstone Project

Observations on the Implementation of the Capstone Projec

Feedback from the Participants of the Capstone Project

Evaluation of the Capstone Project

Analysis and Discussion of the Evaluation Results

Author’s Reflection on his/her/their Lived Experience of the Capstone Project as

an Educational Change Maker

Recommendations for Better Implementation of the Capstone Project


(Description - This is the description of the Capstone Project as implemented. This

includes the major learnings gained as a result of its implementation, and a reflection on
Paulinian education given the author’s journey during the capstone project.)

References (Description - A list of sources cited in the paper In APA hanging format.)

Attachment 1: Grammarly results screen capture. (sample screen capture below

under Final Notes)
Attachment 2: Receipt of Report - This is certification indicating that the Capstone
Project host institution or sponsor and the academic institution of the author - aside from SPU
Manila - received a copy of this Final Report.
Attachment 3: Certificate of Originality - Template found in theses and dissertations
(attached below)
Attachment 4: Exclusive Waiver for Application and Iteration Without
Remuneration - This certifies that the author allows SPU Manila to adopt/adapt an iteration of
the capstone project where appropriate.
Attachment 5: Accomplished Pertinent Intellectual Property (IP) Application Form
- This indicates a completed IP application form. This is a required document if you have
introduced something original in your capstone project. Choose from the forms below that apply
to your capstone project:
Patent Request Form -
Utility Model Registration Request -
Industrial Design Registration Request -
Trademark Registration Form -
Copyright Registration Form -
For other forms, use this link -

If you are not familiar with the IP concept, please watch this video:
Final Notes:

Editing: This paper should be subjected to Grammarly editing

( before submission. Insert the results of the final Grammarly editing
in the Attachments section of the Capstone Project paper by copying and pasting the screen
capture of the Grammarly editing result. Example below:

Formatting: 1-inch margins around. Single-spaced. Arial regular size 11. 2 Line spaces
gap between last paragraph and new topic heading - single-spaced if within a topic
presentation. All paragraphs are indented on the first line (0.5 inch) of the paragraph. Justified
left and right. Do not use numbers and letters for topic headings (example: 1.; 2.; (1); (2); a.; b.;
etc.). As for headings, follow the format below:

Topic Heading Level 1
Topic Heading Level 2
(Discussions below the bold topic heading.)
Topic Heading Level 3. (Discussion follows after the period following the bold
topic heading.)
Topic Heading Level 4. (Discussion follows after the period following the
italicized bold topic heading.)
Topic Heading Level 5. (Discussion follows after the period following the italicized
bold topic heading.)

Pagination: Upper right-hand corner of the page. No page "1" on the

Introduction page. No separate page for every new topic. This applies only to the Cover
page, Acknowledgments, List of Tables/Figures, Executive Summary, and Table of

Files: Submit all Capstone Project papers in Word file, pdf file, and print copy to
the College of Education.
Attachment Templates


This is to certify that (name of institution) received the final report of (name of author) titled
(name of Capstone Project final report) personally (or via email) from (name of sender).

(Signature of the receiver)

(Name of Receiver)

This is to certify that this research paper is my work and does not contain any
material previously published or written by another person or material which to a substantial
extent has been accepted for any award of any degree or diploma in St. Paul University
Manila, and other educational institutions, except where due acknowledgment is made in the
research paper.

Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom I have worked at St. Paul
University Manila or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the dissertation.

(3-line gap)

(Signature of the author)

(Name of the author)

This is to certify that I acknowledge that this Capstone Project, while entirely my work in the
form of a final report, is a result of my having been educated at St. Paul University Manila, and
is, therefore, a co-construction of my institution's educational program and my emergent and
consequent scholarship resulting from it. I, therefore, acknowledge that the university is
essentially the co-author having participated in the germination of the idea behind my capstone

Hence, I am giving St. Paul University Manila the privilege of not paying me any remuneration
for helping the author expand the reach and utility of the intervention produced by this capstone
project where it deems appropriate, provided that I am properly acknowledged as the individual
innovator who initiated the first iteration of the project.

(3-line gap)

(Signature of the author)

(Name of the author)

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