Characterisation of Alkaline Tailings From A Lead Zinc Mine in South Africa and Evaluation of Their Revegetation Potential Using Five Indigenous

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South African Journal of Plant and Soil

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Characterisation of alkaline tailings from a lead/

zinc mine in South Africa and evaluation of their
revegetation potential using five indigenous grass

Louis W Titshall , Jeffrey C Hughes & H Christopher Bester

To cite this article: Louis W Titshall , Jeffrey C Hughes & H Christopher Bester (2013)
Characterisation of alkaline tailings from a lead/zinc mine in South Africa and evaluation of their
revegetation potential using five indigenous grass species, South African Journal of Plant and Soil,
30:2, 97-105, DOI: 10.1080/02571862.2013.807361

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South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2013, 30(2): 97–105 Copyright © Combined Congress Continuing Committee
Printed in South Africa — All rights reserved SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF
ISSN 0257-1862 EISSN 2167-034X

Characterisation of alkaline tailings from a lead/zinc mine in South Africa and

evaluation of their revegetation potential using five indigenous grass species
Louis W Titshall1,2*, Jeffrey C Hughes1 and H Christopher Bester1

1 School of Agriculture, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209,
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
2 Current address: Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, PO Box 100281, Scottsville 3209, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

* Corresponding author, e-mail:

Tailings from a lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine were characterised and their revegetation potential investigated under
glasshouse conditions using five grass species with three rates of inorganic fertiliser. The tailings were alkaline
with low nutrient concentrations but high total and extractable Zn. The yield of all grass species increased with an
increase in fertiliser rate. The yield of Cenchrus ciliaris at the full fertiliser application rate was significantly higher
than the other species tested, followed by Digitaria eriantha. Cymbopogon plurinodis was the third-highest-yielding
species, whereas yields of Eragrostis superba and Fingeruthia africana were similar. Concentrations of Zn in the
foliage tended to be over the reported grass foliage ranges, whereas Pb concentrations were within typical norms. It
is recommended that C. ciliaris, D. eriantha and E. superba be used for initial revegetation, with other species used
to improve biodiversity after initial cover has been established.

Keywords: carbonate-rich, dolomitic tailings, indigenous, low cost, phytorestoration


Tailings from metalliferous mines are generally recognised purpose as they tend to have higher rates of adapta-
as being environmentally hazardous because of high tion because of shorter life-cycles that promote a larger
concentrations of potentially toxic elements (e.g. Tordoff variety of genotypes in a shorter time-frame. The use
et al. 2000, Rodriguez et al. 2009, Shi et al. 2011, Santos- of indigenous plants to revegetate mine tailings is often
Jallath et al. 2012). Lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mines are no more advantageous than using introduced crop species as
exception, where these, and other elements, may pose indigenous plants may be better adapted to environmental
serious environmental risks and limit the potential for conditions at a site and require less maintenance (Kramer
revegetation (Hossner and Hons 1992, Ye et al. 2000a, et al. 2000). The use of both organic and non-organic
2000b, Lei and Duan 2008, Boussen et al. 2013). Tordoff et amendments is often used in mine tailing restoration
al. (2000), Li (2006), Lei and Duan (2008), Shi et al. (2011) to enhance substrate properties for plant growth and a
and Santos-Jallath et al. (2013) all suggest that establish- number of researchers have investigated the potential of
ment of vegetation is the preferred method of tailings stabili- various amendments to improve the growth of plants in
sation, where the vegetation can remove, transform or Pb/Zn mine tailings (e.g. Lan et al. 1998, Ye et al. 2000a,
stabilise the waste material and toxins through processes of Shu et al. 2002, Chiu et al. 2006, Jordan et al. 2008,
adsorption, microbial action and stabilisation. This approach Wang et al. 2008, Kabas et al. 2012). However, often the
is frequently used in conjunction with more traditional availability of suitable amendments (e.g. compost and
methods of contaminant stabilisation, such as liming to sludges) is limited and thus not practicable for use as an
increase substrate pH to precipitate toxic metals and reduce amendment for the restoration of mine lands. Under these
acidity associated with the oxidation of sulphide minerals conditions, inorganic fertilisers are often preferred for the
(Simon et al. 2010), the use of phosphate compounds to initial and rapid phases of vegetation establishment.
bind metals (Prasad 2003, Prasad and Freitas 2003, Wang Geologically, Pb and Zn ore deposits often occur together
et al. 2008) or various organic amendments (e.g. Ye et al. and frequently contain traces of cadmium (Cd), copper
1999, Jordan et al. 2008). (Cu) and other heavy metals (Dudka and Adriano 1997).
Plants used to stabilise contaminated soils and wastes Both Pb and Cd have no known biological function and as
should be easily propagated and established, fast growing, a consequence their accumulation in the environment can
have extensive root systems, and be tolerant or adapted cause severe toxicological problems (Gulson et al. 1994,
to adverse substrate conditions that include elevated Manz and Castro 1997, Milton et al. 2002). The objective
contaminant levels and poor physical and fertility charac- of this study was to characterise the tailings from the Pering
teristics (Prasad and Freitas 2003). Conesa et al. (2008) Pb/Zn Mine in an arid (carbonate-rich) region of South Africa
suggests that annual species are well suited for this and to investigate the potential of indigenous grass species

South African Journal of Plant and Soil is co-published by Taylor & Francis and NISC (Pty) Ltd
98 Titshall, Hughes and Bester

to revegetate the tailings. A pot experiment was used to with AMBIC solution (0.25 M ammonium bicarbonate,
evaluate the growth and metal uptake of five grass species pH 8.3) and P was determined colourimetrically (The
grown in tailings material collected from the disposal dam Non-Affiliated Soil Analysis Work Committee 1990) on a
and amended with inorganic fertiliser, under glasshouse Varian Cary 1E UV-Visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis).
conditions. While a range of metals were considered, the Organic carbon (OC) was determined titrimetrically
focus was primarily on Pb and Zn in this study. following potassium dichromate oxidation on 0.5 mm
material (Walkley 1947).
Materials and methods Total elemental concentrations, namely silicon (Si),
aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), Ca, Mg, Na,
Site description K, titanium (Ti), P, sulphur (S), arsenic (As), Pb, Zn, Cu,
The decommissioned Pering Pb/Zn Mine is located in the nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), vanadium (V), barium (Ba) and
North West province of South Africa (27°26′ S, 24°16′ E). strontium (Sr), were determined using a Phillips PW1040
Mining operations ceased in January 2003 after 17 years X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) utilising a vacuum
of ore extraction. During this time approximately 18 Mt of sealed X-ray tube set at 50 kV and 50 mA (analysis carried-
ore, with an average grade of 0.6% Pb and 3.6% Zn, was out by the Discipline of Geology, University of KwaZulu-
mined by opencast methods (Gutzmer 2005) extracting Natal, Durban). Plant-available Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Pb
primarily the minerals sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS). and Zn (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid [DTPA] extract-
In addition, minor traces of pyrite (FeS2) and chalcopyrite able, pH 7.3) were determined by the method of Liang
(CuFeS2) are also reported to have been present in the and Karamanos (1993). This method was selected as
ore (du Toit 1998). The metal sulphides were separated it was developed for use in neutral and alkaline soils and
from the milled ore (typically 0.25 mm) by froth flotation substrates, thus making it suitable for the tailings material.
and the fine-grained tailings were discarded as a slurry in Particle size distribution was determined by the pipette
the tailings dam. The dam is approximately 522 000 m 2 method (Gee and Bauder 1986) after sample treatment
with an average depth of 30 m and a volume of with sodium hexametaphosphate and mechanical disper-
12 100 000 m3. No natural or planted vegetation is present sion by ultrasound.
on the tailings dam, though a Eucalyptus sp. windrow X-ray diffraction (XRD) of random powders was carried
had been planted around the base of the dam to reduce out on a Philips PW1050 diffractometer using monochro-
wind-blown dust. mated CoK radiation, from 3° to 75° 2 with a scanning
step of 0.02° at 1° per minute counting interval. The diffrac-
Waste material collection and preparation tion data were captured by a Sietronics 122D automated
Tailings samples were collected from 10 sites across the microprocessor attached to the X-ray diffractometer. The
top of the tailings dam to a depth of 0.5 m. These samples samples were then analysed qualitatively to determine the
were bulked (about 500 kg) and homogenised for analysis major mineralogical components.
and for use in the pot experiment. All analyses and the pot
experiment were carried out using tailings material that was Establishment of the pot experiment
air-dried, homogenised and milled to pass through a 2 mm Seed of Cenchrus ciliaris L. (perennial), Cymbopogon
sieve. All analyses were conducted in triplicate (unless plurinodis Stapf ex Burtt Davy (perennial), Digitaria
otherwise indicated) and the mean results reported. eriantha Steud. (perennial), Eragrostis superba Peyr. (weak
perennial growing for two to five seasons) and Fingeruthia
Chemical and physical characteristics africana Lehm. (perennial) (all members of the Poaceae)
Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH were measured in were collected from the Pb/Zn mine site, where all grew
distilled water with a Radiometer CDM83 electrical conduc- in the vicinity of the tailings dam. There was no literature
tivity meter and a Radiometer PHM210 pH meter with that had specifically tested the use of these species in
a standard glass electrode, respectively, using a 10 g the reclamation of Pb/Zn tailings, and as such no nutrient
tailings:25 ml solution ratio. The pH was also measured in and element sufficiency and toxicity limits were found.
1 M KCl using the same tailings:solution ratio. Extractable Germination of D. eriantha was found to be poor, so a
base cations (calcium [Ca], potassium [K], magnesium commercial cultivar was selected as an alternative. The
[Mg] and sodium [Na]) were determined by saturation with seed was germinated in commercially available seedling
NH4 (1 M ammonium acetate, pH 7) and cation exchange mix in standard nursery trays and grown to three weeks of
capacity (CEC) by subsequent replacement with K (Soil age before transplanting three seedlings into each pot.
Classification Working Group 1991). Calcium, K, Mg and Tailings material was placed in 1.9 l plastic pots (with
Na concentrations were determined by atomic absorp- a fine glass-fibre membrane placed over the drainage-
tion spectrophotometry (AAS; Varian SpectrAA-200) and holes), lightly tapped a few times and the mass of material
NH4 concentrations by steam distillation (Bremner and determined (3.3 kg). All pots were filled with this mass of
Mulvaney 1982), using a Gerhardt Vapodest 1. Nitrate and tailings (which approximated the tailings bulk density of
ammonia were extracted with 2 M KCl (Maynard and Kalra 1 750 kg m–3 reported by Titshall 2007). This bulk density
1993) and solution concentrations determined colourimetri- value was used for the calculation of fertiliser applica-
cally using a TRAACS 2000 continuous flow auto-analyser. tion rates (based on a depth of 0.2 m). Fertility analysis
Total nitrogen (N) was determined by Kjedahl digestion indicated that the tailings material had negligible available
and NH4 by distillation (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982). N and P, with very low K. As no general recommenda-
Plant-available phosphorus (P) was estimated by extracting tions are available for the species tested here, rates were
South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2013, 30(2): 97–105 99

based on recommendations received from the Soil and The relationship between the yield of each species and
Analytical Services Division (Department of Agriculture, fertiliser application rate was determined by linear regres-
Cedara) for ryegrass pasture. Though it was expected that sion analysis with GenStat 8.1.
this recommendation would be higher than the require-
ments for natural veld grasses, it was considered suitable in Results and discussion
this study to compensate for the low nutritional status of the
tailings material. Thus an initial basal fertiliser was applied Chemical and physical characteristics
to each pot consisting of the equivalent of 100 kg N ha−1, The tailings material was found to consist of predominantly
150 kg P ha−1 and 100 kg K ha−1 and referred to as the full fine sand and silt, with low clay content (Table 1), though
fertiliser application rate. In addition, fertiliser was applied this was expected as the tailings was the by-product of
at half the full rate and an unfertilised (zero) treatment was crushing and milling of the rock matrix to about 0.25 mm for
included. Given the requirement for a simple approach to the extraction of sulphide ores by froth flotation. However,
improve the establishment of vegetation on the tailings the high amount of fine sand may lead to compaction
dam, the study was constrained to the use of readily problems (Skopp 2000), and was reflected in the high bulk
available granular fertiliser. Furthermore, the availability density (1 750 kg m−3) of the tailings material (Titshall 2007).
of organic amendments was not considered feasible for Natural settling of the different size fractions in the material
the region because of the lack of readily available organic during pumping of tailings slurry onto the dam are likely to
sources. The experiment was arranged in a randomised have contributed to the high bulk density, rather than direct
block design with three replications. compaction induced through compression or vibration.
Fertiliser was applied as solutions after planting. In addition, the low organic matter content would further
Cenchrus ciliaris, D. eriantha and E. superba grew well contribute to the high bulk density.
and were harvested six weeks after planting. The other The tailings material was alkaline and within similar
species grew more slowly and did not have sufficient ranges reported by Iavazzo et al. (2012) for Pb/Zn mine
biomass for plant chemical analysis, thus were allowed to wastes from arid parts of Morocco (pH 7.9–8.5). The
grow for an additional two weeks before harvesting. Plants pHKCl was higher than the pHwater, which was attributed to
were harvested by cutting the aboveground foliage 10 mm the displacement of base cations from the tailings in the
from the substrate surface. Aboveground biomass was salt-buffered solution. The EC (Table 1) was below the limit
determined after the material was dried in a forced-draft recognised for saline soils (400 mS m−1) and lower than the
oven at 65 °C for 2 d. The pH (water) of the substrate was value (325 mS m−1) reported by Conesa et al. (2008) for
measured after harvesting. The tailings material in each pot neutral Pb/Zn tailings from southern Spain. The OC content,
was air-dried, homogenised and passed through a 2 mm plant-available nutrients (N and P), extractable base cations
sieve prior to pH analysis. and CEC were all low (Table 1), particularly K concentra-
tions. It is suggested here that the OC content measured
Analysis of plant and pot material was a reflection of dissolution of dolomitic carbonates
All aboveground plant material was mechanically milled during the acid digestion, rather than carbon derived from
to pass through a 0.5 mm mesh. The samples were wet organic materials. As such the carbon content is likely to
digested in reflux tubes using concentrated nitric acid at
130  2 °C for 5–6 h (Slatter 1998). After cooling the digests Table 1: Mean and standard deviation (SD; n  3) chemical and
were filtered into 100 ml volumetric flasks and made up to physical characteristics of the tailings material from the Pering
volume with distilled water. The digests of the grasses were Pb/Zn Mine
analysed for Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn by AAS.
Given the low yield of some grass species, plant material
Characteristic Mean SD
was bulked and analyses conducted in duplicate, negating
pH (H2O) 8.20 0.33
the use of statistical comparisons in these instances. (1 M KCl) 8.55 0.02
Electrical conductivity (25 °C) (mS m−1) 51.5 1.1
Statistical analysis Organic carbon (g 100 g−1) 0.44 0.05
Overall differences between means of the yield of foliage Extractable P (mg kg−1) 2.03 0.24
of the grass species were compared by analysis of NH4-N (mg kg−1) 6.78 0.43
variance (ANOVA; n  3) using the statistical package NO3−-N (mg kg−1) 2.37 0.24
GenStat 8.1 (Lawes Agricultural Trust 2005). As there Total N (mg kg−1) 256 –
were differences in the growth periods of some of the Extractable base cations (cmolc kg−1)
species tested, a covariate was used to account for the Calcium 4.00 0.23
Magnesium 1.75 0.03
effects of these differences in the ANOVA (Rayner 1967).
Sodium 0.04 0.04
Where the overall F-statistic for the grass  fertiliser Potassium 0.02 0
level interaction was found to be significant, means were Cation exchange capacity (cmolc kg−1) 2.26 0.18
compared with the least significant difference (LSD) test Particle size (%)
at the 5% level of significance with GenStat 8.1. Metal Coarse sand (0.50–2.00 mm) 0.1 –
concentrations of the foliage were not analysed in this Medium sand (0.25–0.50 mm) 5.4 –
manner because of lack of replication of some treatments, Fine sand (0.053–0.25 mm) 79.3 –
though trends and patterns are discussed. Values were Silt (0.002–0.053 mm) 13.3 –
compared to suggested norms reported in the literature. Clay (0.002 mm) 1.9 –
100 Titshall, Hughes and Bester

be an overestimation of true organically derived carbon. and the use of a wide variety of chemical extractants to
This is expected as the tailings would have a low organic determine metal concentrations in labile and non-labile
carbon content given they were produced from the crushing fractions. Nonetheless, the data show that only Zn was
of dolomitic matrix rock. above the typical concentrations for 'natural' soils. In
The high concentrations of total Ca and Mg (Table 2) some instances (Cd, Cu and Pb) the metal concentra-
reflect the dolomitic mineralogy of the tailings. Total K tions exceeded the mean value of the soils, but were within
was also considerably higher than extractable amounts, the ranges reported for those metals. Jordan et al. (2008)
indicating that it was complexed in a non-labile form. Total extracted alkaline tailings with 1 M ammonium acetate to
Zn concentrations were the highest of the trace metals, estimate exchangeable metal concentrations and reported
which was attributed to the occurrence of residual ZnS in values of 672, 8 182, 10.6 and 21.5 mg kg−1 for Pb, Zn,
the tailings. Total Pb was considerably lower than the Zn Cu and Cd, respectively. With the exception of Zn, the
concentrations, which was attributed to the lower ore values reported here were lower than those reported
concentrations and perhaps also the higher PbS extraction by Jordan et al. (2008). Martínez-Martínez et al. (2013)
efficiencies at the processing plant. The high total sulphur reported DTPA-extractable Pb and Zn concentrations of
(S) concentration was due to the presence of sulphide alkaline (pH 6) tailings of 65–775 and 497–2 449 mg
minerals not extracted during ore processing and sulphates kg−1, respectively. As with total metal content, the plant-
that formed when residual sulphides had oxidised. Shi available content of Pb and Zn of the Pering Pb/Zn tailings
et al. (2011) reported total N, P and K values of 30, 370 is at the lower end of the ranges reported by others
and 1 820 mg kg−1, respectively and total Zn, Pb and Cu for Pb/Zn tailings.
concentrations of 1 328, 1 217 and 163 mg kg−1, respec- Generally, alkaline conditions promote sorption of metal
tively, for alkaline Pb/Zn tailings from Fuyang City in cations onto negatively charged colloidal surfaces (Alloway
China. Conesa et al. (2008) reported total Cu, Zn, Cd and 1990, McBride et al. 1997) and promote precipitation/
Pb values of 81, 9 130, 33 and 5 310 mg kg−1 for neutral adsorption with carbonates (Brady et al. 1999, Schosseler
tailings from southern Spain. This range in values highlights et al. 1999, Lee et al. 2006). The buffered alkaline pH of
the high variability between different tailings materials, but it the DTPA extractant was intended to limit the dissolu-
does suggest that the Pering Pb/Zn tailings were relatively tion of specifically sorbed and mineral-complexed metals,
‘clean’ when compared to other sites across the world. thus better representing the labile component under these
The concentrations of DTPA-extractable Pb and Zn conditions. Nonetheless, given that the tailings had a pH 8,
were high compared to the other metals measured it is still possible that the pH 7.3 DTPA solution promoted
and, as expected, tended to be higher than typical metal some minor solid-phase dissolution, releasing complexed
concentrations reported for South African surface soils metals. The high DTPA-extractable Zn concentrations (44%
(Table 3). Given the lack of standardised methods for of total Zn) indicate that this possibly had occurred, though
analysing heavy-metal-contaminated soils (Fernandez this was not evident for extractable Pb (12% of total Pb).
et al. 2007, Menzies et al. 2007) it is difficult to compare Zhang et al. (2003) and Iavazzo et al. (2011) investigated
results reported for soils and other mines. Difficulties arise the characteristics of metals from Pb/Zn mine tailings from
with respect to the lack of consistent sampling depths, a carbonate area using fractionation procedures. Zhang et
highly variable soil physical and chemical characteristics, al. (2003) reported that Pb was primarily associated with

Table 2: Total major and minor element composition, determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis, of tailings from the Pering Pb/Zn Mine

Major element composition (% oxide)

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 Total
4.87 1.48 4.03 3.66 32.6 49.9 0.26 0.76 0.05 0.02 97.6
Minor element composition (mg kg−1)
S As Pb Zn Cu Ni Cr V Ba Sr
18564 85 311 2170 6.2 4.4 2.8 5.5 0.8 17.2

Table 3: Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (pH 7.3) extractable metal concentrations (SD; n  3) in the tailings material from the Pering
Pb/Zn Mine and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid-extractable metal concentrations of surface soils in South Africa. BD  Below detection,
ND not determined

Element concentration (mg kg−1)

Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn
Tailings 0.31  0.17 BD 6.00  0.12 2.60  0.22 4.08  0.05 0.12  0.06 37.6  11.3 957  110
South African surface soilsa
Mean (n  4 300) 0.02 0.16 2.87 ND ND 2.39 3.32 1.66
Minimum BD BD BD ND ND BD 0.02 BD
Maximum 1.46 12.5 67.3 ND ND 170 109 210
a Herselman et al. (2005)
South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2013, 30(2): 97–105 101

carbonate and oxide fractions and Cu and Zn with sulphide all cases, except for D. eriantha, these linear relation-
and organic fractions. Iavazzo et al (2011) reported that both ships where highly significant (p  0.001) and had R 2
Pb and Zn were associated with carbonate minerals (80% values greater than 0.8 (Table 4). The lower R 2 found for
and 52%, respectively). The strong association of Pb with D. eriantha (0.62) was attributed to the high variability in
carbonates may, in part, explain the lower plant-available yields between replicates (Figure 1).
fraction extracted in this study. It does, however, suggest
that under acidifying conditions, more Pb will be mobilised. Element concentrations in foliage
The XRD analysis indicated that the tailings material The concentrations of Cr, Cd and Ni were all below the
was crystalline with little amorphous constituents present. analytical detection limits indicating that these metals are
It consisted predominantly of dolomite (CaMg(CO 3)2), unlikely to be a cause for concern. They are, therefore,
with minor amounts of quartz (SiO2), orthoclase feldspar excluded from further discussion. There were no clear
(KAlSi3O8), sphalerite (ZnS) and pyrite (FeS). No galena trends in Cu uptake by any of the grasses with respect to
(PbS) or any other sulphide minerals were detected. fertiliser application (Table 5). In some instances (C. ciliaris,
C. plurinodis, D. eriantha and E. superba), Cu concen-
Yield of grass species trations increased with increasing fertiliser application.
The yield of all grass species increased with an increase Furthermore, some treatments had very high variability
in fertiliser application rate (Figure 1), which was (e.g. C. ciliaris at the half fertiliser level). Nonetheless,
expected considering the low fertility status of the tailings, concentrations measured were generally within the typical
suggesting that the use of fertiliser would be important range reported for turfgrass and other plants (Table 5). Iron
when revegetating the tailings dam. There was a signifi- uptake was also variable with no consistent pattern evident
cant (F10,34  3.62; p  0.002) species  fertiliser interaction. for any of the grass species. Again, some treatments
Comparisons of means with LSD5% showed that the yield of had high variability between replicates. Generally, the
C. ciliaris at the full fertilisation rate was significantly higher concentrations were within the adequacy range reported
(p  0.05) than all other grass species at any fertilisation for turfgrass (Table 5). Fingeruthia africana was the
level (Figure 1). Similarly, the yield of D. eriantha at the full only species that had Fe concentrations well below the
fertilisation rate was significantly higher (p  0.05) than all recommended sufficiency range (Table 5), possibly
other treatments except for C. ciliaris at the full fertilisa- resulting in the low yield of this species. For all grass
tion rate. There were no significant differences (p  0.05) species, except F. africana, there was an increase in Mn
between the yield of D. eriantha and C. ciliaris at the half uptake with increasing fertiliser applications. In the case of
and zero fertiliser levels. Cymbopogon plurinodis had the F. africana at the full fertiliser application rate, Mn concen-
third-highest yield at all fertiliser levels, though it grew for tration of the foliage was higher (41.22 mg kg−1) than at
eight weeks to achieve this biomass (Figure 1). Eragrostis the half and zero fertiliser application rates, which were
superba and F. africana gave the lowest yields, but were similar (31.75 and 31.24 mg kg−1, respectively). Typically,
comparable to one another. the concentrations were within or near the adequacy range
Positive, linear correlations existed between yield and reported for turfgrass and other plants (Table 5).
fertiliser application rate for all grass species tested. In Considering the tailings material was derived from Pb and
Zn ore processing, it was anticipated that these elements
may be elevated in plant foliage. Extractable values of Zn
Cc De Es Fa Cp (Table 2) indicated moderately high availability of this
4.5 a b
element in the tailings, despite the high pH of the material.
4.0 This is reflected in the high concentrations measured in the
3.5 foliage of almost all grass species at all fertiliser applica-
YIELD (g potí)

tion rates. All concentrations were above the adequacy
3.0 cd
d range reported for turfgrass (Table 5). For all grass species
2.0 e ef e
efg Table 4: Regression relationships between yield of grasses and
1.5 fgh fertiliser application rate, indicating significance of the regression.
1.0 FB Foliage biomass
ijk jk
Grass species Regression1 R 2
Zero Half Full Cenchrus ciliaris FB  (2.63  Fert)  1.395 0.98***
FERTILISER LEVEL Cymbopogon plurinodis FB (1.394  Fert)  0.902 0.91***
Digitaria eriantha FB (1.929  Fert)  1.575 0.62**
Figure 1: Mean yield (SD; n  3) of foliage biomass of Cenchrus Eragrostis superba FB (1.050  Fert)  0.507 0.93***
ciliaris (Cc), Digitaria eriantha (De), Eragrostis superba (Es), Fingeruthia africana FB (1.218  Fert)  0.480 0.82***
Fingeruthia africana (Fa) and Cymbopogon plurinodis (Cp) grown 1 The regression term Fert refers to the fertiliser application level of
in tailings from the Pering Pb/Zn Mine at three levels of fertiliser: 0, 0.5 and 1 (where 0 refers to the Zero fertiliser application rate,
Zero  no fertiliser; Half  50 kg N ha−1, 75 kg P ha−1 and 50 kg 0.5 to the Half fertiliser application rate (50 kg N ha−1, 75 kg P ha−1
K ha−1; Full  100 kg N ha−1, 150 kg P ha−1 and 100 kg K ha−1. and 50 kg K ha−1) and 1 to the Full fertiliser application rate
Different letters indicate a significant difference between means (100 kg N ha−1, 150 kg P ha−1 and 100 kg K ha−1, respectively)
(LSD5%  0.52; coefficient of variation  4.7%) ** p  0.01, *** p  0.001
102 Titshall, Hughes and Bester

Table 5: Mean concentrations (SD; n = 3) of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Pb in the foliage of five grass species grown in tailings from the Pering
Pb/Zn Mine with three levels of fertiliser application. The adequacy range for Zn is reported for turfgrass (Bennett 1993), ‘normal’ and ‘toxic’
ranges for Cu, Zn and Pb in vegetables (Conesa et al. 2009), and ‘normal’ and ‘contaminated’ ranges of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Pb are reported
for plants (Ross 1994). The pH (water) of the tailings material at the end of the pot experiment is also given. BD = Below detection

Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn Final pH
Species Fertilisera
(mg kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mg kg−1) (H2O)
Cenchrus ciliaris Zero 6.16 34.74 75.71 BD 167 12 7.60 0.02
Half 13.134.81 54.8222.70 110.6629.26 2.16 0.58 278 31 7.55 0.03
Full 9.711.28 207.89223.56 169.6718.90 7.46 2.41 381 33 7.48 0.11
Cymbopogon plurinodis Zero 5.690.37 75.761.93 32.505.48 4.20 0.96 56.741.4 7.41 0.23
Half 6.4713.44 31.5310.05 34.464.45 1.82 0.91 336 89 7.400.15
Full 6.960.31 54.978.54 49.6517.65 1.60 0.66 621 48 7.44 0.06
Digitaria eriantha Zero 6.62031 53.843.88 37.416.79 11.64.0 312 12 7.51 0.03
Half 7.941.27 54.411.82 51.304.59 6.416.81 561192 7.56 0.02
Full 9.080.47 55.472.71 64.093.89 1.49 1.29 918 112 7.42 0.08
Eragrostis superba Zerob 6.560.58 69.146.92 88.9018.97 5.22 565 7.570.06
Half 7.551.34 69.4629.18 112.0618.35 9.501.98 989 136 7.56 0.10
Full 10.210.62 88.609.46 126.0829.84 13.1 2.9 1 105 92 7.54 0.11
Fingeruthia africana Zero 5.98 54.74 44.64 9.71 1.51 348 20 7.62 0.06
Half 7.630.64 60.747.35 83.397.35 2.54 0.33 576 136 7.50 0.04
Full 8.840.36 75.798.42 116.798.42 2.06 0.86 1 153 74 7.48 0.06
Bennett (1993) 5–20 35–100 25–150 – –
Conesa et al. (2009) ‘Normal’ 3–20 – – 2–5 15–150
‘Toxic’ 25–40 – – – 500–1 500
Ross (1994) ‘Normal’ 4–15 – 15–1 000 0.1–10 8–400
‘Contaminated’ 20–100 – 300–500 30–300 100–400
Zero, half and full refer to the fertiliser application rate, where full is the equivalent of 100 kg N ha−1, 150 kg P ha−1 and 100 kg K ha−1
Due to low yield, not all replicates could be analysed, thus replicates were bulked and analysed in duplicate. The control treatment of
Eragrostis superba only comprised a single analysis, thus the SD from the mean could not be calculated

there also were marked increases in Zn concentrations with The improved growth of all species due to fertiliser addition
increasing fertiliser application. In the case of E. superba supported this suggestion (Figure 1). Zinc concentra-
and F. africana, the concentrations exceeded 1 000 mg kg−1 tions were very high in some grass species, and may
at the full fertiliser application rate, possibly due to a concen- have contributed to suboptimal yields, though no visual
trating effect because of the low yield of these grass species. symptoms of toxicity were evident. The high Zn content
Lead concentrations were variable among the grass of the plants was directly attributed to the high availability
species, but overall foliage concentrations tended to be of Zn in the tailings. Excess Zn can result in stunted root
low. The Pb concentrations of C. ciliaris and E. superba and shoot growth, and chlorosis of new leaves (Farago
increased with increasing fertiliser application rate, 1994, Kabata-Pendias 2001). However, most plant species
whereas decreases were observed for the other grass show tolerance to high Zn concentrations (Kabata-Pendias
species, possibly because of acidification of the tailings 2001). Although Zn concentrations were over the upper
through nitrification of the N fertiliser and also root nutrient range suggested by Bennett (1993) when grown in the
exchanges processes. The pH (water) of the tailings tailings (Table 5), this author reported that some grasses
material at the end of the pot experiment (Table 5) showed have not shown toxicity symptoms with Zn concentra-
that for all treatments and species the pH had decreased tions of up to 3 000 mg kg−1. In addition, the grass species
from the starting pH (Table 1) by between 0.6 and 0.8. used in this study (except D. eriantha) were collected
However, only C. ciliaris and F. africana showed a decrease from the vicinity of the tailings and were possibly adapted
in final pH as fertiliser rate increased. It is thus possible to high Zn levels.
that for C. ciliaris the acidification affect of the N fertiliser Ye et al. (1999) reported mean Zn and Pb concentra-
resulted in increased solubility and consequently uptake of tions of 454 and 40 mg kg−1, respectively, in the foliage of
Pb by the plants. Acidification will result in the solubilisa- the grass Agropyron elongatum grown in acidic Pb/Zn mine
tion of metal–carbonate complexes and desorption of metal tailings. Addition of fertiliser led to increases in the foliage
cations from exchange sites. In the case of E. superba the concentrations of Pb and Zn (490 and 59 g kg−1, respec-
improved growth due to fertilisation may have resulted in an tively). The addition of fertiliser had a similar effect on Zn
increased uptake of Pb by this species. The other species concentrations in the grasses tested in the present study,
may exhibit better exclusion mechanisms, though this has though in some instances the increases were substan-
never been investigated for these species. tially greater than those reported by Ye et al. (1999). The
The macronutrient concentrations of the tailings indicated same was not true for Pb concentrations, however, as the
that N, P and K are likely to be growth-limiting elements. response was more variable in the grasses investigated. In
South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2013, 30(2): 97–105 103

all cases though, Pb concentrations were lower than those observations while seed collecting in the field suggested
reported by Ye et al. (1999). The higher Zn concentration that this species also had high seed-producing potential.
found here was likely due to the much higher amounts of Furthermore, most of the seed (90%; LWT unpublished
available Zn (DTPA-extractable) in the tailings (957 mg data) collected from the site was viable suggesting high
kg−1) compared to 41 mg kg−1 in the tailings studied by Ye propagation potential. This is a favourable trait for rapid
et al. (1999). The reverse was true for Pb, with 38 mg kg−1 revegetation of derelict sites. Whereas the other two
DTPA-extractable Pb in the present study compared to species (F. africana and C. plurinodis) collected from the
154 mg Pb kg−1 in the study of Ye et al. (1999). mine site produced higher yields than E. superba, they
More recently, Conesa et al. (2008) investigated the were observed to be slower growing under pot conditions
uptake of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb by two native grass species than the other species tested. These species may be more
(Piptatherum miliaceum and Lygeum spartum) grown suitable as long-term additions to improve species diversity
in pure Pb/Zn tailings or tailings-contaminated soil from at the sites. Both F. africana and C. plurinodis are consid-
southern Spain under greenhouse conditions. The authors ered to be highly unpalatable (van Oudtshoorn 2002), thus
found that L. spartum accumulated about 4, 190, 11 and the addition of these species may reduce the movement of
10 mg kg−1 of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, respectively, whereas grazing animals onto the tailings dam, reducing the risk of
P. miliaceum accumulated in the order of 40, 900, 10 and development of paths that may increase the potential for
150 mg kg−1 of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb, respectively. This range erosion during the seasonal rainstorm events.
of values covers the range reported for the grasses tested Generally, Pb concentrations in the foliage were not
in the present study. Santos-Jallath et al. (2013) measured considered high in the grasses, but the high Zn concentra-
metal concentrations in nine vegetation species growing tions may be cause for concern. Chaney (1983, cited by
naturally on acid Pb/Zn mine tailings in Mexico, of which Ye et al. 1999) noted that excessive dietary Zn (300–1 000
the grass C. ciliaris was one of the species studied. For mg kg−1) and Pb (30 mg kg−1) can be toxic to sheep and
this species they reported foliage concentrations of Cd, cattle. The greatest risk will be when animals are allowed
Pb, Cu and Zn of 3.2, 36.7, 6.6 and 232 mg kg−1, respec- to graze on vegetation grown on the tailings material,
tively. These were similar to the values measured here for rather than in the surrounding areas, and this should be
C. ciliaris, except for Pb, which was lower in the present limited as far as possible. However, a risk not investi-
study than in the study by Santos-Jallath et al. (2013). gated here is the consequence of wind-dispersed tailings
The strongly alkaline, carbonate-rich nature of the tailings dust across the landscape on the nutritional quality of
used in this study is likely to have immobilised the Pb, surrounding grazing land.
thus lowering Pb uptake by the plant. Generally, trace Given that this was a pot study, a cautionary note on
metal concentrations decrease with an increase in soil pH extrapolating our findings to field conditions is necessary.
(Gray et al. 1998, Mordvedt 2000), this being attributed to De Vries (1980) argues that the results from pot experi-
increased sorption onto negative exchange sites, formation ments cannot be extrapolated to the field unless the pot
of insoluble metal hydrous oxides and metal–carbonate experiment dealt with growing factors that dominated all
complexes. However, in the present study the use of grass other factors. The pot dimensions (volume of substrate the
species occurring in the vicinity of the mine were preferred pot can hold), the preparation of the substrate, watering
as these species are adapted to the climatic and alkaline regime and glasshouse environmental conditions are all
soil conditions of the area. factors that are reported to affect the response of plants
In a study examining the effect of fertilisation on the grown under glasshouse conditions (e.g. de Vries 1980,
phytoextraction potential of two Rumex acetosa accessions Ray and Sinclair 1998, Friesl et al. 2006, Passioura
(metal and non-metal tolerant) grown in soils contami- 2006) and the predetermined environmental parame-
nated by Pb/Zn mining activites, Barrutia et al. (2009) ters of pot experiments seldom represent the true range
reported that fertilisation increased the ability of the metal- of field conditions, thus restricting the value of the results.
tolerant accession to take up Pb and Zn. Although none of Nonetheless, pot experiments are useful to improve our
the species investigated in this study were considered to understanding of plant behaviour under preselected
be hyperaccumulator plants, it was also found that fertili- conditions (de Vries 1980, Friesl et al. 2006). This will,
sation increased the uptake of Zn, though not necessarily however, require calibration under field conditions.
other metals. Given the risk associated with the introduction
of heavy metals into grazing stock if metal uptake is high, Conclusions
an increase in metal uptake under fertilisation suggests that
high rates of fertilisation need to be avoided. The findings of this study showed that Zn and, to a lesser
The results for C. ciliaris and D. eriantha suggest that extent, Pb were the only metals likely to be of concern in
these two species would be highly suitable for revegeta- the tailings material. Other metals measured tended to have
tion of the tailings and require further field testing. Their high low total and extractable concentrations and, as such, were
yield and tolerance of the substrate conditions are favour- not considered to be a problem. Low macronutrient concen-
able attributes that are likely to promote the rapid establish- trations were anticipated to be a potential plant growth
ment of a cover, as even with no fertiliser these two species limiting factor, but could be overcome with fertilisation.
had higher yields than the other grass species tested. The outcome of the pot experiment conducted suggested
Eragrostis superba is reported to be a fast-growing species that all the species tested here could potentially be used
that establishes readily (van Oudtshoorn 2002). In the to establish a vegetation cover on the tailings dam. The
present experiment, this species established very easily and higher biomass of C. ciliaris and D. eriantha are considered
104 Titshall, Hughes and Bester

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Received 6 August 2012, revised 16 May 2013, accepted 17 May 2013

Editor: P Mnkeni

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