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1. Watch this short video about the discipline of literature.
2. Write a paragraph on how this video affect your interests in studying literature.
- literature is a form of art that requires pen, paper, and imagination. In my own
perspective, literature, for me, is not limited to only telling stories, saying something
important, or anything that is written down. If we are going to create a notion that
literature equates to art, then literature can be anything an author wanted to create. The
author has the power to create sceneries that not only gives the readers the ability to
imagine every scene, but also to feel the senses and emotion of its characters. In addition
to this, literature, similar with art, has an unfathomable variety. This concept is not
limited to novels and poems. It continues to evolve in many categories. Therefore, for
me, literature is a superior form of art.
3. Send this write-up to your classmate and ask him/her to write comments on your take about
the classics.
- Samantha has showcased that literature is in itself a form of art. Basically, she said that
It gives its readers the power to extend and enhance their imagination and imagine the
scene of what it is like to be in the book that they are reading. Her explanation is a great
testament to how readers such as I, feel about literature.
- Aldrich Rivera

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