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Assi. Prof.


BCA Sem-5 Introduction of Project SPM

Software Project Management (SPM)

 Software Project Management (SPM) is a proper way of planning and

leading software projects.
 Software project management is an art and discipline of planning and
supervising software projects.
 Software project management includes the tools, techniques, and knowledge
essential to deal with the growth of software products
 It is a part of project management in which software projects are planned,
implemented, monitored, and controlled.
 Need for Software Project Management: Software is a non-physical
 Software development is a new stream in business and there is very little
experience in building software products.
 Most of the software products are made to fit clients’ requirements.
 The most important is that the basic technology changes and advances so
frequently and rapidly that experience of one product may not be applied to
the other one.
 Such type of business and environmental constraints increase risk in
software development hence it is essential to manage software projects
 It is necessary for an organization to deliver quality products, keep the cost
within the client’s budget constrain and deliver the project as per schedule.
 Hence in order, software project management is necessary to incorporate
user requirements along with budget and time constraints.
 In Software Project Management, the end users and developers require to
know the cost of the project, duration and length.
 It is a process of managing, allocating and timing resources to develop
computer software that meets necessities
 In 1950’s - Two forefathers, Henry Gantt, called the father of planning and
control techniques who is famous for his use of the Gantt chart as a project
management tool
 Henri Fayol for his creation of the five management functions which form
the foundation of the body of knowledge associated with project and
program management.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT) Contact: 90165 17796 1

Gantt Chart
 Gantt charts was devised by Henry Gantt (1917).
 It represents project schedule with respect to time periods.
 It is a horizontal bar chart with bars representing activities and time scheduled
for the project activities.

Prerequisite of software project management

 There are some needs for software project management.
 These are:

1. Planning
2. Time
3. Cost
4. Quality
5. Maintenance

 It is an essential part of the software organization to deliver a quality product,

keeping the cost within the client’s budget and deliver the project as per
 There are various factors, both external and internal, which may impact these
all factors.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 2

 The dictionary definitions put a clear emphasis on the project being a planned
 The other definitions include
 A Specific plan or design
 A planned undertaking
 A large undertaking
 All of us have been involved in projects, whether they be our personal
projects or in business and industry.
 Examples of typical projects are for example:

 Personal projects:
1. obtaining an MCA degree
2. writing a report
3. planning a party
4. planting a garden

 Industrial projects:
1. Construction of a building
2. provide electricity to an industrial estate
3. building a bridge
4. designing a new airplane

 Projects can be of any size and duration.

 They can be simple, like planning a party, or complex like launching a space
 A project is a group of tasks that need to complete to reach a clear result.
 A project also defines as a set of inputs and outputs which are required to
achieve a goal.
 Projects can vary from simple to difficult and can be operated by one person
or a hundred.
 Projects usually described and approved by a project manager or team
 They go beyond their expectations and objects, and it's up to the team to
handle logistics and complete the project on time.
 For good project development, some teams split the project into specific tasks
so they can manage responsibility and utilize team strengths.
PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 3

Characteristics of a project

1. A clear start and end date – There are projects that last several years but a
project cannot go on forever. It needs to have a clear beginning, a definite end,
and an overview of what happens in between.
2. A project creates something new – Every project is unique, producing
something that did not previously exist. A project is a one-time, once-off
activity, never to be repeated exactly the same way again.
3. A project has boundaries – A project operates within certain constraints of
time, money, quality, and functionality.
4. A project is not business as usual – Projects are often confused with
processes. A Process is a series of routine, predefined steps to perform a
particular function, say, expense reimbursement approvals. It’s not a one-off
activity. It determines how a specific function is performed every single time.

Types of projects
 Traditional projects: These are run sequentially in phases. These phases are
typically initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Most high-
cost infrastructure projects make use of traditional project management. Like
ATM, Bank Website etc.
 Agile projects: These are used mainly in software development. They are
people-focused and adaptive. They also typically have short turnaround times.
Like in IT Comapany project on differ field.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 4

 Remote projects: Remote project management is usually used by distributed

teams that seldom meet in person. Handling freelance contributors is an
example of a remote project.
 Agency projects: Agency projects are outsourced to an agency that is likely to
have projects with multiple clients. Marketing and design projects are
commonly outsourced to agencies.

Project life cycle – 5 stages

 Often, projects are divided into five project phases each of which comes with a
distinct set of tasks, objectives, and a particular deadline.
 Dividing a project into different phases enables teams to stay on track
throughout their entire life cycle.

1. Initiation

 The first phase in a project’s life cycle is called project initiation.

 Here, a project officially launches.
 It is named, and a broad plan is defined.
 Goals are identified, along with the project’s constraints, risks, and
 At this point, shareholders decide if they want to commit to the project.
 Depending on the project, studies may be conducted to identify its feasibility.
 For IT projects, requirements are usually gathered and analyzed during the
initiation phase.

2. Planning

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 5

 A roadmap that will guide teams from creating a project plan throughout the
project’s execution and closure phases is developed comprehensively during the
planning stage.
 Deadlines must be set, and resources must be allotted.
 Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable activities makes it easier
to manage project risks, costs, quality, time, and so on.
 At the same time, breaking down tasks into digestible pieces will empower
everyone involved to accomplish the project on time and stay within budget.

3. Execution

 The project plan is implemented during the project execution phase.

 At this point, teams will work on the deliverables to ensure that the project
meets the necessary requirements.
 Everyone usually gathers for a meeting to mark the official start of the project,
where teams can get acquainted with each other and discuss their roles in the
success of the project.
 Modes of communication and project management tools are identified before
the project plan is executed.

4. Monitoring and Controlling

 The project monitoring and controlling phase happen at the same time as the
execution phase.
 It’s the job of the project manager to oversee operations and make sure that
everything is headed in the right direction, according to plan.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 6

 Aside from overseeing the project’s performance, project managers have to

monitor resources, manage risks, head status meetings, and reports, etc.
 If unforeseen issues arise, the project manager may have to make adjustments to
the plans, as well as the project schedule.

5. Closing

 The final phase of the project management life cycle known as the project
closure phase isn’t as simple as delivering the output itself.
 Project managers have to record all deliverables, organize documents in a
centralized location, and hand over the project to the client or the team
responsible for overseeing its operations during the project closure phase.
 Not only that, but teams come together for a final meeting to discuss the
insights they’ve learned and to reward the hard work of each member.

Define software project management

 Software project management is the art and science of planning and leading
software projects.
 It is a sub-discipline of project management in which software projects are
planned, implemented, monitored and controlled.

What are the activities of management?

 Planning –deciding what is to be done.

 Organizing – making arrangements.
 Staffing-selecting the right people for the job
 Directing-giving instructions.
PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 7

 Monitoring – checking on progress

 Controlling- taking action to remedy hold-ups
 Innovating-coming up with new solutions.
 Representing – liaising with clients, users , developers , suppliers


 The importance of stakeholder management is to support an organization in

achieving its strategic objectives by interpreting and influencing both the
external and internal environments and by creating positive relationships with
stakeholders through the appropriate management of their expectations and
agreed objectives.
 Stakeholder Management is a process and control that must be planned and
guided by underlying Principles. Stakeholder Management, within business or
projects, prepares a strategy utilising information (or intelligence) gathered
during the following common processes:
 Stakeholder Identification - Interested parties either internal or external to
 Stakeholder Analysis - Recognise and acknowledge stakeholder's needs,
concerns, wants, authority, common relationships, interfaces and align this
information within the Stakeholder Matrix.
 Stakeholder Matrix - Positioning stakeholders according to the level of
influence, impact or enhancement they may provide to the business or it's
 Stakeholder Engagement - Different to Stakeholder Management in that the
engagement does not seek to develop the project/business requirements,
solution or problem creation, or establishing roles and responsibilities.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 8

 It is primarily focused at getting to know and understand each other, at the

Executive level.
 Engagement is the opportunity to discuss and agree expectations of
communication and, primarily, agree a set of Values and Principles that all
stakeholders will abide by.
 Communicating Information - Expectations are established and agreed for the
manner in which communications are managed between stakeholders - who
receives communications, when, how and to what level of detail. Protocols
may be established including security and confidentiality classifications.)

 Stakeholder Agreements: A collection of agreed decisions between

stakeholders. This may be the lexicon of an organisation or project, or the
Values of an initiative, the objectives, or the model of the organisation, etc.
These should be signed by key stakeholder representatives.

Who are project stakeholders?

 These are people who have a stake or interest in the project.

 Stakeholders can be categorized as:

1. Internal to the project team

2. External to the project team but within the same organization
3. External to both the project and the organization (ex. Freelancer)

Project Manager
 A project manager is a character who has the overall responsibility for the
planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 9

 A project manager represents an essential role in the achievement of the

 A project manager is a character who is responsible for giving decisions, both
large and small projects.
 The project manager is used to manage the risk and minimize uncertainty.
 Every decision the project manager makes must directly profit their project.

Role of a Project Manager:

1. Leader

 A project manager must lead his team and should provide them direction to
make them understand what is expected from all of them.

2. Medium:

 The Project manager is a medium between his clients and his team. He must
coordinate and transfer all the appropriate information from the clients to his
team and report to the senior management.

3. Mentor:

 He should be there to guide his team at each step and make sure that the team
has an attachment. He provides a recommendation to his team and points them
in the right direction.

Responsibilities of a Project Manager:

1. Managing risks and issues.

2. Create the project team and assigns tasks to several team members.
3. Activity planning and sequencing.
4. Monitoring and reporting progress.
5. Modifies the project plan to deal with the situation.

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 10

PREPARED BY: PATEL MANESH - M.Sc(CA & IT), B.ED Contact: 90165 17796 11

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