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Subject Code 18XXITOXXXC IA Marks 30

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3 Exam Marks 70
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 03
Unit -1: Database system architecture Hours
Introduction to Databases: Characteristics of the Database Approach, Advantages
of using the DBMS Approach, A Brief History of Database Applications. Overview
of Database Languages and Architectures: Data Models, Schemas and Instances, 10
Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence, Database Users , Architecture
for DBMS.
Unit -2 : E-R Models
The E-R Models, The Relational Model, Introduction to Database Design, Database
Design and ER Diagrams, Entities Attributes, and Entity Sets, Relationship and
Relationship Sets, Conceptual Design with the ER Models, The Relational Model 10
Integrity Constraints Over Relations, Key Constraints, Foreign Key Constraints,
General Constraints.
Unit - 3: Relational Algebra
Relational Algebra, Selection and Projection, Set Operation, Renaming, Joins,
Division, More Examples of Queries, Relational Calculus: Tuple Relational
Calculus, Domain Relational Calculus.
The Form of Basic SQL Query, Union, Intersect, and Except, Nested Queries,
Aggregate Operators, Null Values, Complex Integrity Constraints in SQL, Triggers
and Active Database.
Unit - 4: Normalization
Purpose of Normalization or schema refinement, concept of functional dependency,
normal forms based on functional dependency (1NF, 2NF and 3 NF), concept of
surrogate key, Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF), Lossless join and dependency
preserving decomposition, Fourth normal form(4NF).
Unit - 5: Transaction Management
Transaction, properties of transactions, transaction log, and transaction management
with SQL using commit rollback and save point. Concurrency control for lost
updates, Uncommitted data, inconsistent retrievals and the Scheduler. Concurrency
control with locking methods, lock granularity, lock types, two phase locking for
ensuring serializability, deadlocks, Concurrency control with time stamp ordering:
Wait/Die and Wound/Wait Schemes, Database Recovery management.

Text(T) / Reference(R) Books:

T1Introduction to Database Systems, CJDate ,Pearson.
T2 Database Management Systems,3rd Edition , Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke,
TATA McGrawHill.
T3Database Systems-The Complete Book, H GMolina,J DUllman,J WidomPearson.
T4Database Management Systems,6/e Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, PEA
R2Database System Concepts, 5th edition, Silberschatz, Korth, TMH
R3 The Database Book Principles & Practice Using Oracle/MySQL, Narain Gehani,

University Press.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students can

CO1 Recognize the basic elements of a relational database management system.
CO2 Design entity relationship and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS.
CO3 Design relational algebra and calculus to create, maintain, and manipulate a relational
database using SQL.
CO4 Implement normalization techniques for logical schema models.
CO5 Estimate concurrent issues and problems through locking mechanism.


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