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LX Fitness training increases the con- centration of lactic acid that athletes can tolerate in their muscles. What is a consequence of this in- crease? A Acrobic respiration in muscles can be more rapid, B Blood flow to the muscles is increased. More anaerobic respiration ean take place in muscles. D More energy is needed by the muscles, (p01/P1/Q18}) ‘The table shows the effect of exer cise on the rate and depth of breath. ing. [J rrenthing ane [alam a ah] Poeaths per minuse| breath/em? mee 2 300 ator exercise a 21000 4 What is the volume of air exchanged per minute after exercise? 1000 cm? 16000 cm? 18 000 em* 24 000 cm* vows 1D01/P1/Qi9} What is the percentage of oxygen in expired air when a person is rest- ing? 8% 12% 16% 20% vor (001/P1/Q20) ‘The apparatus shown is used to in- vestigate gas exchange during breathing, Which one of the following would ‘occur when a person blows through tube M? UNIT 10 Respiration MCQ Section lmewater soutien, A. The solutions in X and Y both turn cloudy. ‘The solution in X remains clear, but that in Y turns cloudy. © The solution in X turns cloudy, ‘but that in Y remains clear. D The solution through the in X is forced out tube T. 112001/P1/@13} Which process does not require en- ergy from respiration? A. diffusion of carbon dioxide from the blood to B_ maintenance temperature the alveoli of a constant body C passage of nerve impulses slong D_ aynthesis of proteins for growth and repair )2000/P1/@17} When a person breathes in, what happens to the diaphragm and to the rib enge? Taina Tibeage wae] Trcomes Matar ncomes ater becomes more carved becomes ore curved ‘Gowawards and inwards outwards and upwards downwards and ieards cutwards and upwards 2000/P1/@18} Unit 40 Resovaton What explains why, in identical con- 11. What. the approximate oxygen con- ditions, a young boy loses more heat tent of expired air? than a’ man? A 0% A The boy eats more carbohydrate, B a% B The boy has a larger surface. ine to-mass ratio, ae © The boy is still growing, D_ The boy sweats less than a man, 1)2000/P1/Q22] 12, The apparatus shown is set up for fan experiment to investigate respi- 8. Which changes occur when a person ration, breathes in deeply? aie aw a dligphrogm external wommndos y muscle intercostal muscles ‘A. contracts contracts B contract no change \ C relaxes relax ana cee D relaxes contract What wil happen to the drop of fluid ‘oo/P1/@iz} im the capillary tube over the next few hours? 9. What are the products of anaerobic ‘It will move away from the test-tube because of oxygen out- put by the seeds. B It will move towards the test-tube because of carbon di respiration in yeast? ‘A. alcohol and carbon dioxide B carbon dioxide and glucose © glucose and oxygen oxide intake by the seeds. Doxygen and aleobot © It will move towards the 1900/11 926) because of oxygen in- take by the seeds, 10, An athlete suns « 100 metre race, -«D__It will not move, because car- ‘The following changes take place in bon dioxide intake and oxygen the athlete's body during the race output are equal 1 increased availability of oxygen woos/P1/Q13} co muscles 18, Which process does not use energy 2 increased breathing rate Saeco 3 increased carbon dioxide concen- arian inthe ulna A. active transport of glucose into the villi B diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar surface © maintenance of a constant body temperature D_ passage of nerve impulses (399/P1/Q16) 4 increased production of carbon dioxide by muscles In which order do these changes last 4 3 1 1 (099/P1/Q16) Unit 40 Respeaton 14, The table shows the percentage com: position of four samples of air. McQ 10 > PAGES 18, Which changes occur when a person breathes in deeply? Which sample could be air breathed 4 out by a person during exercise? meee diaphragm muscles percentage composition /, sats peace [faggot onde Tnimpen Tomes [WARE] Sracs change LB 3 50 ts | 0 | © contracts relax cj] 4 7 | 16 | 3 | D relaxes contract D a or wworre1ai7} 1499/P1/@18) 15. The respiration of a molecule of glu cose can be either aerobie or anaezo- bie Which of the following correctly describes aerobic respiration? ‘ammount of eneray [carbon dioxide [Tactic acid | water released produced — | produced | produced A] high ¥ x B] high v x v c| ew x v x D| ow x | x v. $198/P1/Qt6) 16, Which path does a molecule of oxy- gen take as it enters the body? A. bronchiole -» bronchus > lar- yax — trachea B_ bronchiole -> bronchus -> tra: chea + larynx © trachea - bronchiole + bron- chus > alveolus D trachea > bronchus + bron- chiole + alveolus 99/P1/Q17} 11. The table shows the percentage com- position of four samples of air. Which sample could have been breathed out by a person after vig- sample | axygen |Sarbon. aa , KT) aa] 03 saturated B | 21 | 003 | trace c | 14 | 7 |saturated Lp [2 | 3 | trace 1998/P1/Q18) 19, Which is the best equation to repre- sent aerobic respiration? A B carbon dioxide + water + energy “> oxygen + suger energy + oxygen > carbon di- oxide + water + sugar oxygen + sugar — carbon diox- ide + water + energy sugar + carbon dioxide > oxy: gen + water + energy (Dar/P1/Q18) Unit 10 Respeaton 20. When a mammal breaths in, what happens to the diaphragm and to the rib cage? diaphragm rib cage ‘A becomes flatter downwards and inwards B becomes flatter outwards and upwards © becomes more domed downwards and inwards D_ decomes more domed outwards and upwards jor/Pr@ur : ul 23. The diagram shows organs associated 21, What are the products of aerobic and ee angerobie respiration in muscle tis- cerobie anaerobic respiration respiration ‘A carbon dioxide ethanol and water B carbon dioxide lactic acid and water © ethanol carbon dioxide and water D lactic acid carbon dioxide and water js7/Pri@is} What are the numbered structures? a aa 22, The diagram shows apparatus used |} 4} 2 ae to investigate respiration. [DB Pironchiale} bronchus | larynx [trachea C[ Taryn [trachea | Gronchur | Bronclol Dy [raehon | Branahur [Bronehiley lary | 1D96/P1/@16) 24, Five processes which take place in living organiams are listed. 1 release of ear ton dioxide a 2 release of on: erey 3 release of oxy een 4 uptake of oxy: gen What can be measured using this 5 uptake of water apparatus? ‘A. carbon dioxide released Which three processes our during eer aerobic respiration? A 1,2and3 © oxygen released B 1,2and4 D_ oxygen used ae woreuagy © Bands [D96/P1/Q17} Unit 10 Reson 25, The diagram shows the human gas- cous exchange system, Which structure is the trachea? 1996/P1/Q14) 26, The amount of lactic acid in muscles increases when they are lacking in A B c D carbon dioxide, slucose. hydrogencarbonate ions (bicar Donate ions). oxygen. 1796/P1/Q15} 27, Respiration in living organisms al ways involves A von carbon dioxide production. energy release. geseous exchange. oxygen consumption, 96 /PL/ QUE] 28, The apparatus shown was set up for f respiration experiment. toda ine toadsorbCOz —testtube ‘germinating seeds The indicator fluid in the capillary tube will A ‘move away from the test-tube Decause of oxygen output by the seeds, move towards the test-tube be: cause of carbon dioxide intake by the seeds, capillary tube _ Mca 10 > PAGES C move towards the test-tube be: cause of oxygen intake by the seeds, D_ not move, because carbon diox- ide intake and oxygen output are equal. 1D95/PA/QLA} 29, What are the end products of anaero- bie respiration in yeast colle? carbon dioxide and ethanol carbon dioxide and lactic acid carbon dioxide and water vows ethanol and water (95/P1/Q15) 80, The three structures below are part ‘of the gaseous exchange system. 1 bronchiole 2 bronchus 3. trachea What is the order of the structures according to size, with the largest diameter air passage first? largest > smallest A 2 1 3 Bo2 3 i ica 1 2 BOB 2 1 1296/P1/Q16) 81. The apparatus in the diagram shows how air enters the lungs during breathing. A opening into balloon A 1B syringe barrel © balloon inciator id rubber washer rection of mover syringe plunger ot plunger Which structure represents the dia- phragm? 1D94/P1/@t7} Unit 40 Respesion 82, Which path does a molecule of oxy- gen A B 83. Which changes occur when a person breathes in deeply? D 34, After a person exercises, which take as it enters the body? alveolus -+ bronchiole -+ bron. chus + larynx > trachea alveolus -+ bronchiole > bron: chus + trachea + larynx larynx + trachea — bronchus + bronchiole > alveolus trachea -+ larynx — bronchus > bronchiole + alveolus 1194 1/Q14} diaphragm intercostal muscles muscles contract contract contract nochange contract relax relax contract Hd94/P1/QI5) events take place to reduce the amount of CO, in the blood? pomp heart beat breathing rate decrease increase decrease increase increase 1994/P1/Q16} 35. Which changos take place as a re: sult of respiration in living cells? moOmD oxygen carbon dry dioxide mase released used decreased released used increased used released decreased used . released increased used used increased 1D93/P1/Q14) 36. The table shows the rate of breath. ing ‘and the volume of air exchanged with each breath for a person at rest and after exercise. What increase in the volume of air exchanged per minute resulted from the exercise? 6000 nooee 12.000 cm* 15000 cm? 18000 cm? 24000 em? 1D98/P1/Q15; 87. The diagram shows a section of an alveolus in a human lung. Which conditions would result in the maximum rate of diffusion of oxygen from the alveolus into the blood capillary? amount of amount of rate of faygen in orygen blood alveolar air in blood flow A small lange fast B small large slow © erge small fast D large small slow E large large slow (599/P1/Q17} 38, What happens during the process of breathing in? external [grapnragmn intercostal muscles ae ‘A contract ‘arches contract | flattens breaths per minute breath, rat rest E afler exercise 24 1000 breathing rate/ [volume ofeach, Fem? he flattens (27 I7Q19) 89, What happens during anaerobie res piration in muscles? carbon dioxide Joxymen] water ] produced | used | produced | x peel eae eeape|| B] m0 | yes | ves | c} oe || oe | D| yes | yes | mo {D02/P1/Q17} 40. Which process does not require en: ergy? A contraction of muscles B_ synthesis of proteins tissue respiration D_ transmission of nerve impulses __Mca 10> PAGET 44, What are some of the end products and effects of anaerobic respiration in muscle? A. carbon dioxide and muscle con- traction B_ ethanol and loss of coordination © lactic acid and oxygen debt D water and muscle relaxation (408/P1/Q18} 45. The diagram shows a section through an alveolus and an associated blood capillary {In which part is the concentration of carbon dioxide highest? wall of alveolus 1D02/P1/@38) 41. The table shows the percentage com: cepitary position of four samples of ai . Which sample could have been poodfrom breathed out by a person after vig: SN orous exercise? Us eunple’ [oxygen [enrbon Uoxide [water vapour] 9 A | ie | OS | saturated eB jw) 4 saturated ce | a 0.03 | trace A p jal os trae (o0s/21/019 [oe7P17@i8) 42, In what way is carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke harmful? A. It causes emphysema, Tt causes lung cancer. Tt combines with haemoglobin. It kills the cells lining the tra- hea. vow 1002/P1/Q28} 43, The table shows movements involved im breathing. Which describes the movements involved in breathing 46, What causes emphysema? A blockage of the bronchioles B_ destruction of the alveolar walls C inflammation of the walls of the airways D_ overproduction of mucus 1u03/PL/Q24) 447. The graph shows the oxygen released and taken up by a tree during a 24 hhour period. out? Tmovement cfs [movement of diaphragm KY down andin downwards B | downandin upwards © | wpandout | downwards | vpandowt | __ upwards 09/1 Q17} blood retuns tothe hear Unit 40 Resraton Which statement describes the situ ation at point X? A. Respiration begins. B_ Photosynthesis stops. © The rate of respiration is equal to the rate of photosynthesis. D_ The rate of respiration is greater than the rate of photosynthesis, 48, What is the role of cilia in the gas cous exchange system? ‘A. They increase the surface area Mca 10 > PAGE® 51, When yeast celle respire anaerobi cally, what substance is used and what substances are produced? substance substances used produeed A alcohol carbon dioxide and water B ol aetie acid Paes aai and water © sugar alcohol and carbon dioxide D sugar carbon dioxide and water o41P1/Q27) for gas exchange, B_ They move air down the trachea. They move mucus up the tra: ches. D They trap dust and bacteria 1D08/PL/Q17} 49, The diagram shows apparatus used to investigate respiration, What ean be measured using this ap. paratus? ‘A. carbon dioxide released B_ heat energy released © oxygen released D_ oxygen used thermometer cm coloured ol droplet graduated scale germinating peas wire mesh sodium hydroxide {to absorb carbon coxide) [D087 Pi /Q15) 50, Which changes occur when a person breathes in deeply? diaphragm external muscle intercostal muscles A contracts contract B contracts no change C relaxes contract D relaxes relax 1D04/P1/Q16) Thinking Pre ees § ‘F'mca answers

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