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It is important for everybody to know

the conditions a particular group of

people , community or nation facing at
that time when they decide to move
from one place to another. Especially
in this case i will talk about making
someones land our home or may be
settle there for sometime just because
they are trying to survive. And causes
may be different insufficient work in
their homeland, war, economic crises
Similarly, i will take my example as
when i decided to move to canada, it
was very hard decision for me as it
was the point where i see my future in
canada not in india. But the decision is
not always the easiest step as there is
while different system when entering
another country, house as i have to
mold myself according to their system
if i need to survive. I have to learn,
practice their rules and laws if i need to
survive in this country. In contrast, its
also important for me to know
that their may be chances that i will not
be accepted the country due to
language, cultural beliefs, and there
may be chances that country i decided
to move in has reached its limits of
accepting immigrants or there already
is fulfiling condition in country in terms
of resources or immigrants. I may be
rejected or i would show my worthiness
to fit in. So, my point is its sometimes
difficult for both parties to manage or
compromise with one another, the one
who decides to move in and one who
is accepting them.

In similar way if we look history of

Canada, we see that Canada made
very tough decisions in times of
building a nation that even was not
recognised as a independent,
standalone powerfull nation. In these
times i think the decisions on
immigrants process was also difficult
such as we will build ourself strong first
and care about our people
those are suffering, after that we could
think about someone else. So, from my
point of view Canada did the same. As
first all the decisions made by
government were mostly for the people
already living in Canada. They tried to
solved the conflicts ongoing inside
Canada and tried to make all nation as
one strong pier. And then time to time
government decide to intake
According to me it was wrong done to
those who were already reached
canada for help( kamagata maru and
chinese workers) but it also appeared
Canada later huge steps getting
immigrants respect and now stand as
one of the largest multicultured nation.

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