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Uncontrolled settlements

This article sketches the argument for upgrading or improving developing countries will increase by
slums and squatter settlements, and describes Bank assisted some 1.3 billion over the next 25 years.
projects in Zambia and Indonesia to illustrate pioneering and If present trends are permitted to con-
innovative solutions to the squatting problem. The author tinue, 75 per cent will be slum-squatter
indicates areas which need more attention, to increase the In spite of the near intolerable environ-
benefits of upgrading. mental conditions in which they live,
squatters have up to now shown a sur-
Callisto Eneas Madavo prisingly high degree of popular initiative
and cohesion. Some experts on urbaniza-
In developing countries, us in some de- veloping world between one fourth and tion have suggested, and rightly so, that
veloped countries, rapid urban growth one half of the urban population lives the newcomers to urban areas who often
has been accompanied by slums and in overcrowded, deteriorating, and cen- constitute the squatter-slum population,
squatter settlements. Where property trally located slum neighborhoods, or in are really a group of "pioneers" and
rights are firmly enforced and squatting mushrooming, unserviced shantytowns builders of a new order in their societies
effectively controlled, people are forced on the periphery. In 1975, it was esti- who facilitate the transition from rural
to live in overcrowded dwellings and the mated that at least 200 million persons to urban life in many ways. Not only do
result is rundown neighborhoods and lived in almost intolerable conditions of they have to acquire skills and attitudes
housing conditions—slums. Where there physical congestion and squalor and their much different from those existing in the
is no effective property control, people rate of growth was roughly twice the rural areas of their origin, but their moti-
often invade land that they do not own, rate of overall urban growth and about vations and behavioral patterns often
and build their own dwellings on it, usu- four times the rate of total population change. In nations where ethnic divisions
ally without services, thus creating squat- increase. According to projections by are pronounced, the bringing together of
ter settlements. In most cities in the de- the United Nations, urban population in people in the cities often helps to weld
D. Hanrloud / World Health organization


©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution

a common nationalism. In this context, it An argument often heard to justify In 1970 the United Nations, with the Gov-
is worth mentioning that mass political these attitudes toward squatters is that ernment of Colombia, sponsored an inter-
parties are usually more vibrant in they have no business being in the city. regional seminar on Improvement of
shantytowns than in other parts of cities. Efforts have been made from time to time Slums and Uncontrolled Settlements at
A popular misconception is that most to send them back to the land. Lately, it Medellm, Colombia. In 1972, the World
squatters are unemployed. Surveys by the has become fashionable to argue for rural Bank approved its first loan for self-help
International Labor Organization (ILO) development as a means of keeping poten- housing, including a small pilot squatter
in different parts of the world have shown tial migrants "down on the farm." It is, improvement scheme in Senegal. Concur-
that this is not always so. As many as 90 however, well known that "back-to-the- rently, many governments, realizing the
per cent of squatter heads of household land" movements have generally not suc- severe constraints on resources for devel-
are usually employed. A significant pro- ceeded, except in those countries employing opment, began to promote self-help and
portion of them are self-employed in the force verging on outright denial of human self-reliance in urban development, incor-
informal sector—a sector characterized by rights. Similarly, while rural development porating squatter improvement as an
small-scale, labor-intensive activities re- should be emphasized, simple models have integral part of housing policy. Today the
lying heavily on indigenous resources. been developed which show that success- World Bank is assisting such programs in
The sector is unregulated and highly com- ful attacks on rural poverty lead to in- Botswana, El Salvador, Indonesia, Jamaica,
petitive and produces the kinds of goods creased migration to urban areas in the Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia. Similar
and services affordable by a large part of long term. In the absence of direct and assistance is under consideration for Korea,
the populace. Thus, while generally low production increasing strategies to absorb Pakistan, Peru, and the Philippines.
paying, the informal sector plays an im- new migrants into the urban areas, the
portant role as a provider of employment, poverty problem is likely to be shifted The Zambian project
relatively cheap goods and services, and from the land to the towns.
skills and competence essential for up- Zambia provides an interesting case
In the early 1960s, several factors study of an evolution in public policy
ward mobility. emerged which made large-scale eviction
Squatter settlements also represent a toward self-help, including squatter hous-
of squatters back to their homelands no ing. Prior to independence in 1964, migra-
good illustration of self-reliant develop- longer tenable. First, was the increasing
ment. Their populations have been able tion to urban areas had been administra-
numbers of slum-squatter dwellers—over tively controlled through pass laws which
to increase the stock of shelter, however 200 million, as already indicated, by 1975.
poor the initial standard, by as much as restricted admission to those with official
Second, squatters were becoming an in-
five times the rate of public housing agen- consent. Squatting was therefore a minor
creasingly well-organized and politicized problem. With the advent of independ-
cies. Nearly all the dwellings are built power block. As Charles Abrams observed:
by self-help and on weekends or in the ence, rural-urban migration accelerated
". . . squatting in the cities of the under- dramatically, and urban population doubled
evenings when this labor is otherwise developed world today is usually open and
idle. The majority of such housing is between 1963 and 1969 to reach 1.13
defiant, tempting more squatting by its million, or 29 per cent of the total. Ac-
owner-occupied, and continually being success" (Man's Struggle for Shelter in an
improved. For example, studies of squat- cording to various estimates, squatter
Urbanizing World, Cambridge, Mass., MIT population increased by between 19 and
ter settlements in Zambia show that Press, 1964). Third, ideology has played
within the space of a few years, grass 25 per cent per annum over the period.
an important role in public policy change.
roofs are replaced by corrugated iron, That is, it doubled every three to four
For example, in Africa a number of gov- years.
and sun-dried brick walls by concrete ernments are committed to egalitarian
blocks. Simultaneously, more rooms are In the mid-1960s—ahead of many other
philosophies. In such a context severe governments—Zambia began implement-
added. policies toward squatters become increas- ing "site and services" (serviced lots on
ingly untenable. vacant land), initially as a means of re-
Public policy response Intervention by outside advocates has settling squatters. By 1969, planned self-
Unfortunately public policymakers have also contributed significantly to changes help housing was established to accommo-
not always appreciated the productive po- in government policies. Through the 1960s date new growth. The Government
tential of squatters. Governments have a vigorous debate continued among social accepted the fact that available resources
tended to harass "informal" sector eco- scientists on the desirability and the impli- were grossly inadequate for conventional
nomic activity (hawking, beer brewing, cations of rapid urbanization. Some saw contractor-built houses for every urban
popular construction, etc.) in order to main- so-called "premature" urbanization lead- family, and at the start of the Second
tain the facade of "modernity" and "clean- ing to parasitic slum-squatter settlements. National Development Plan (1972-76), it
liness" in their principal cities. Planners Drawing on their empirical research in instructed local authorities to provide
and decisionmakers have been preoccupied Latin American "barriadas," proponents serviced sites only. A review of the initial
with the standards and esthetics of the of the opposing view saw squatter dwellers attempts to resettle squatters revealed that
urban enclave which results in servicing as "a remarkable example of popular ini- it was not possible to resettle all squatters
the few, and (through the enforcement of tiative and creativity, as well as courage who, by 1972, represented about one third
regulatory measures) stifling the creativity and involvement." of the total urban population. Therefore,
of the many. As a result, substantial re- Aware that an effective strategy for at- as a corollary to its site and services
sources have been wasted on planning re- tacking poverty in developing countries policy, the Government determined to up-
settlement and redevelopment projects, or must necessarily promote both rural de- grade all improvable squatter settlements.
worse, on spasmodic squatter demolition velopment and productive and efficient In 1973, Zambia requested World Bank
campaigns, instead of seeking to improve cities, international agencies began to look assistance in the financing and implemen-
the lot of the urban poor. at unplanned communities more favorably. tation of its shelter program. A project

©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution

was formulated comprising site and serv- space. The imposition of a grid pattern So far, relocation of families affected
ices and squatter upgrading affecting some of roads and minimum lot sizes is avoided, by infrastructure has gone quite smoothly.
30,000 households, or about 40 per cent to minimize displacement of families. Families receive relocation assistance in
of the total in Lusaka at a cost of about Families which have to be moved to the form of transport for their belongings
$40 million. Although not catering for make room for infrastructure, or to thin and salvageable building materials and
all the shelter requirements in the capital, out dense pockets within settlements, are loans for additional building materials.
the project was seen as the first of a resettled in vacant areas immediately The loans can be substantial—as much as
series within the national program. As the adjacent. These "overspill" areas are K 1,000 ($1,570) for businesses that are
project was the first systematic attempt serviced to the same extent as the exist- obliged to relocate, but they are generally
at squatter upgrading (designed to improve ing settlement. set at K 250 ($390). With technical assist-
four squatter complexes comprising nearly Only priority services at standards con- ance, new structures are rapidly built in
24,000 households), it was also anticipated' sistent with the residents' ability to pay the overspill areas. By 1978, 17,000 dwell-
that the lessons learned in Lusaka would and the Government's capacity to meet ings will be upgraded and about 7,500
benefit other towns and cities throughout recurrent costs are being provided in the will be built in these overspill plots to
the country. This project got under way first phase. For example, no individual meet essential resettlement needs and new
at the end of 1974, and the upgrading of water connections or waterborne sewerage growth.
the first squatter complex is expected to is being provided, although water mains Residents are to be involved in the .
be completed by mid-1976. are sized to service individual connections digging of water trenches in addition to
The areas are being provided with and waterborne sanitation later. Second improving or constructing their own
water to standpipes, roads and drainage, phase upgrading, probably five to ten dwellings and completing the nonstruc-
and security lighting. Community facili- years hence, will provide waterborne sani- tural elements of community facilities.
ties including schools, clinics, and multi- tation. Although group digging has not yet
purpose community centers (which will Community involvement is a unique begun, it will be introduced once the
also serve as day-care and adult educa- feature of the Zambian project. The resi- program has gained momentum.
tion centers) are being made available. dents are encouraged to participate in the The upgrading of the first squatter
The inhabitants will be given security of planning and execution of the project. complex, homes for about 40,000 inhabi-
tenure in the form of a 30-year license to The objectives of the upgrading program tants, is scheduled to be completed by
use the government-owned land under are explained in the local language. A June 1976, when work will have begun
and immediately around their dwelling proposed layout plan for infrastructure on the second complex for a population
for residential purposes. Modest loans for and community facilities is presented, and of 50,000. This will be followed by work
materials are offered to enable residents the need to relocate some households is on the remaining two smaller settlements.
to improve their dwellings. discussed. To give life to the sketch plan, Concurrently, some 4,500 plots individu-
The 30-year license is a novel idea in the technical experts together with key ally serviced with water and sewerage
Zambia and special legislation was neces- representatives of the community walk will be prepared in and around the city
sary for its implementation. Licensing the proposed roads and watermain path- as part of the project.
involves the following steps. First a plan ways. Comments on changes are invited
of the upgraded squatter area is prepared, and, where feasible, changes are made. The Indonesian project
based on an aerial photograph, showing The infrastructure routes are then tenta-
proposed roads, land uses, and also iden- Another stimulating example of upgrad-
tively determined and marked on the
tifying every dwelling by number. On ing is well under way in Jakarta, Indo-
ground. A further period of consultation
completion of this plan, the settlement is nesia. Older and much larger in scale
is allowed since all concerned can now
declared an "Improvement Area," thereby than the Lusaka program, the story of
clearly see the impact of the proposed
freezing further development in and "Kampung" (low-income neighborhood)
works. Marginal adjustments are made
around the vicinity. Numbers are then improvement deserves special attention.
and the final plan produced.
painted on each home and an identifica- Here are some of the highlights:
tion card issued to the owner. Individual In 1969, as part of Indonesia's First
residents can then go to the City Council Five-Year Development Plan, the Jakarta
Callisto E. Madavo City Council formulated the "Kampung"
registry and apply for their license, much
in the way one applies for an automobile program for low-cost improvements in
license. The Zambian Improvement Areas the physical environment and social serv-
registration thus represents not only a ices of the city's areas where the urban
simple and inexpensive system of tenure, a Rhodesian, has a poor were concentrated. The program
but a significant adaptation of the grant- Ph.D. in economics provides paved roads and sidewalk drain-
ing of land-use rights. from the University age, piped water for standpipes, com-
of Notre Dame munal toilets, and garbage collection. It
(U.S.A.). He joined also includes schools, clinics, and other -
Minimum displacement
the Bank staff in 1969 facilities geared to human development.
Efforts are also being made to "indige- as a "Young Professional and has worked Bank assistance was requested in 1973,
nize" other aspects of the upgrading on Bank assisted urban transport and shelter when some 2,400 hectares had already
scheme, such as the planning of layouts projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. been improved, benefiting about 1.2 mil-
He is in the Department of Transportation
and service levels. Planners are seeking lion persons at the modest capital cost of
and Urban Projects. Mr. Madavo has also
to retain the organic nature of squatter written a number of articles on urbanization. approximately $30 per capita. The Bank
settlements by leaving intact as far as assisted project will facilitate the improve-
possible existing layouts and uses of ment of an additional 1,980 hectares by

©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution

1976, benefiting nearly one million more There is evidence from many surveys One of the most attractive features of
inhabitants. Project implementation will that the actual level of productivity and slum and squatter upgrading is its low
not only improve the community facilities earnings by the urban poor, including cost. The total per capita investment
(schools, clinics, etc.) part of the pro- migrants, are generally higher in urban involved in the Indonesian and Zambian
gram, technical planning will also be areas than in the rural areas they leave Bank assisted projects is about $40 and
improved to meet the financial capabilities behind. Migration to urban areas there- $35, respectively, which puts large-scale
of the municipality and individual bene- fore apparently results in net gains to the program implementation within the reach
ficiaries, providing a built-in flexibility economy. The contribution of such inputs of most countries. The per capita invest-
for future improvement. to national productivity would be even ment associated with new site and serv-
As in Zambia, the improvement pro- greater were it not for institutional barri- ices housing which have to accompany
gram is accompanied by a new serviced- ers; for example, regulations governing such upgrading is considerably higher,
sites component comprising some 8,000 popular construction, and economic con- ranging typically from $100 to $300. Even
lots. The lots are being provided with straints that tend to stifle the initiative so, the upgrading along with site and
individual infrastructure services and, in of the urban poor. There is also the services is still considerably cheaper than
the majority, core houses. Backlogs are almost total absence of institutional sup- contractor-built housing which is usually
being avoided through improvements, but port (credit, access to serviced land, and about ten times as expensive.
new growth is accommodated through the markets) for informal sector activity, Low cost as they are, upgrading projects
provision of serviced expansion areas. whether housebuilding or business ven- nevertheless still have to be paid for.
Although the Indonesian program has tures. Upgrading projects must therefore Extensions to infrastructure and commu-
been very impressive to date, nevertheless emphasize both reform and institutional nity services networks mean increased
need continues to outpace what has been support to informal sector activity. burdens on municipal finances. Although
provided so far. It is therefore expected conditions and needs differ from country
that the improvement program will be Shelter policy to country, the pricing of such projects
continued and the site and services pro- has usually involved both implicit and
vision accelerated. To implement this Squatter upgrading schemes necessarily
deal with backlogs. In the absence of a explicit subsidies covering such items as
expansion, the Bank assisted project land, water tariffs, and other features.
includes funds for technical assistance to vigorous ongoing provision of land serv-
iced to affordable standards, more squat- Where there is scope for charging differ-
the Greater Jakarta Planning Board, the ential utility tariffs in order to cross-
National Urban Development Corpora- ting will occur, requiring yet more upgrad-
ing. This pattern is both economically subsidize the poor, or to service other
tion, and other agencies involved in plan- land (industrial or high-cost land) from
ning and executing low-income shelter expensive and politically unacceptable over
the long term. which transferable surpluses can be gen-
projects around the country. erated, sustainable levels of subsidies to
Both the Indonesian and Zambian New serviced areas are essential for
another reason. Not all slums and squat- the poor need not create a problem. It
projects represent bold and promising must be admitted, however, that the rich
approaches to slum and squatter settle- ter areas are improvable—because of
location, soil or slope conditions, size, are so few and the poor so many in most
ments in developing countries. Their cities in the developing world that the
beneficial impact—providing the urban accessibility to basic infrastructure, and
employment centers. Improvement must scope for such transfers is necessarily
poor with a secure stake in the commu- limited.
nity through which they can advance and therefore be accompanied by some relo-
cation where necessary from the path- Even at subsidized rates, there will
function more effectively as productive often be as many as 10-15 per cent of
members—will be considerably strength- ways of infrastructure, and of those liv-
ing in unimprovable settlements. Unless squatter families who simply cannot afford
ened by progressive incorporation of cer- to pay. Further, a large percentage of
tain necessary elements. These include: alternative new areas are set up, improve-
ment will either induce greater densities those who can pay in theory often have
(a) programs dealing directly with resi- unstable sources of income. So collection
dents' employment and productivity in in upgraded areas, or expansion of those
settlements omitted from the upgrading of payments from target income groups
improvement areas; (b) balanced overall who are so poor is bound to be difficult.
shelter strategies with particular focus program.
Again, upgrading and site and services Defaults as high as 50 per cent or more
on the urban poor; and (c) appropriate may well be experienced. Whether public
projects cannot be divorced from the
and effective pricing policies. agencies would continue improvement
measures aimed at the housing needs of
the middle-income and upper-income programs under these circumstances is
Generating employment open to question.
groups, in order to ease distorting pres-
Employment generation is a critical sures on the allocation of new plots. If The Zambian project is experimenting
area that neither Zambia nor Indonesia upper-income groups are not also ade- with methods of collecting small monthly
are addressing directly by their upgrad- quately provided for, there is a tendency payments from large groups of extremely
ing programs. There are, of course, some to pre-empt such plots from the urban poor people. Systems employing both in-
jobs created during construction phases, poor much in the same way as conven- dividual and group incentives and sanc-
but much more is required. Where space tional public housing programs do now. tions will be tried. Little data exist at this
for small business activity is being serv- On the other hand, adoption of policies stage to enable precise evaluation of these
iced, this should also lead to more job conducive to providing the middle-income new approaches. The need to examine the
opportunities. However, no comprehen- and upper-income groups with shelter experiences of these first generation proj-
sive effort is yet being made to strengthen at economic rents can generate resources, ects carefully cannot be overemphasized.
the economic base of settlements through of which some may be used to extend This is the only way we can learn and
direct assistance to the informal sector. services to the poor. do better in the future.

©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution

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