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In his book, Gandhi mentioned that our civilization is totally different from western civilization, in order

to free we have to understand that our civilization is not related to materialism and violence.

Acc. To Gandhi, Civilization means the mode of conduct which points out to human the path of duty.

Gandhi emphasized we have to target our enslavement, if we remove then we will become free. The real
disease or cause is British people. But the real cause is not that they have come here.

1. What is cause of the enslavement

2. If Gandhi admits that civilization is great then how could we become free?

The reason of enslavement is that we have diverted from our path. All Civilization have been on trial so
do the British civilization. British come here and enslave us, that is kind of struggle we had faced. But our
civilization is in Itself strong enough that could face anything. In order to become better you have to face
challenges and when you face them that will show your strength.

But in that struggle some people are get affected by Western Civilization because they have no faith in
their own civilization. Therefore the problem is occur.

There are two points –

• Indian civilization is not problematic,

• But the people are

Gandhi mentioned that we are enslaved that we can’t deny, but we are not enslave in a same

• Aristocrats
They are mentally enslaved, they assumed Indian civilization will not offer something better to
them. They are suppressed by their own identity. They don’t have right to think independently .
• Other people
They struggling their life on daily basis. All the resources of them are captured by the BG.
Physical/external enslavement.

India is represented by peasants and Masses, they don’t have machinery items.
If we mentally become free then India could be free.
When we learn to rule ourselves, not by other that is true definition of Swaraj.
Swaraj is problematic, why?? Because whatever you think about yourselves, and if we totalizing
it then it becomes problematic. Once you realize the swaraj then you can apply the same to
everyone else.

Here we can see contradiction, because one time he is criticizing it and same time he is
promoting it.

Here Gandhi mentioned that we can adopt some elements from western civilization but not all
the elements which are harmful, eg:- industries. Tagore and Nehru favoured it.

Gandhi is trying to present the argument in a different manner without persuading others you
can create your own example. You don’t force others to do anything for you but when you will
be agreement with others , they will start follow you. He has become that exam- eating
medicines, using train, denying consuming by product of MC. You have to be independent
mentally not dominant by others and put your civilization at lower level.

Gandhi claiming that why our culture is being accused? our civilization is being insufficient,
incapable because before their arrival our culture is Ours. It has their own problems and
struggles. And we were dealing with it. How did the narrative of MC is more civilized???

Gandhi want to break this narrative by saying that yes, your are mentally enslaved when you
agreeing with them that Indian civilization is not capable of growth.

People were colonized that much extent that they can’t think their nation without excessive
amount of machinery tools and technologies of C and that is problematic. This is why he
persuade us that to give more importance of what is belongs to us.

If we are mentally enslaved then how can we force others???

English is not the problem, but the problem is that we have been mentally enslaved. So, if
English is remain here with our terms and conditions with our civilization , then it is fine but if
they argue that Western civilization is great then it is not possible.

Readers:- it is impossible that English men should become indianize but we can think Indian men
behave like English. We can’t think opposite because we have already set the superiority and

Gandhi equated Indian civilization with humanity. If they don’t follow Indian civilization then
they have not humanity. It doesn’t matter that whether they are our not, but we have to make
our Indian civilization better, so that English men can think to become like Indian, unless don’t do
complain that English men can’t behave like Indianize. Have faith in your own humanitarian
Readers have very pessimistic outlook that it has never happened in history. And we are
completely enslaved and in a terrible position.

Gandhi said, what is not happened in past, will not happen at all. Thus we are doubting our
human dignity. We were the one who allowed them to be here , give them so much space so
that they can rule over us, tried to adopt their civilization.

Gandhi is saying about a different kind of swaraj. Readers mentioned neither you are extremist
nor moderated.

Gandhi would not want to belong any other party. In a extremist perspective he want to say that
by only words we can’t get home rule/ swaraj we have to put it in our actions. If you want to
establish home rule with the same kind of power that is used by Western civilization , then you
are not establishing home rule but foreign rule for your own people.

Gandhi mentioned that home rule in a true sense that you have to establish swaraj which is
coming from soul force. Your soul has to realize it.

Moderates thinks that if British will go we won’t able handle our own affairs such as poverty,
communal violence etc. Gandhi says if you think British is indispensable then you are equating
them with God which disrespect for God.

Gandhi is just saying T&C , he is saying it is okay if you want to rule them, be rulers but you have
to rule us according to our Indian civilization. Whatever you have done, you have done it. Now
you have to change your tendencies. we will tell you how to rule us and that will not come from
Western civilization but from our own civilization.

Gandhi maintains that just realize our nation and civilization is better than western civilization.
Until and unless I stand with you, I do whatever you want me to do, you can never win, I will
become non-cooperative.

Then he talked about 19 conditions, if we have to take what we want then we need requisite
strength with effort, and that strength will come by following 19 conditions.

If lawyer will not work for money, if doctors will not work for Drugs, work with handlooms so
that it can make you wealthy. Reform yourselves, don’t depend on others then civilization will

• Real home rule is self-rule or self-control

• It is kind of passive resistance just like soul-force or love-force
• If you want to exert this force, swadeshi is necessary
• Salt tax, machine made goods are harmful. I don’t have any problem with English but their

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