FHWA SafetyCompassNewsletter December2006

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A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program December 2006 - Volume 1, Issue 1

In This Issue Inaugural Meeting of the AASHTO’s Safety Management

Subcommittee Hits A Successful Note! By Keith Sinclair FHWA

FHWA Works With PennDOT T he first annual meeting of the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standing Committee on Highway
Traffic Safety - Subcommittee on Safety Management (SCOHTS-SM) was
Cable Median Barrier Placement
held on September 20-22 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 112 highway safety
Spotlight on Roadway practitioners from federal, state agencies and the private sector convened to
Departures initiate facilitation and implementation of multidisciplinary safety strategies
in each state that will advance efforts
Local Roadways
toward reducing highway injuries and
Resources, Tools, Technology fatalities. 42 states were represented
at the meeting.
Policy, Legislation, Guidance
Larry Tibbits, Chief Operations
Calendar Officer of the Michigan Department
of Transportation and SCOHTS-SM
A group discussion that took place Chair, kicked off the meeting with
at the meeting. opening remarks and was followed
by John Fuller, Chief Engineer
Message From The FHWA Associate Administrator for Safety of the Oklahoma Department of
Transportation, who welcomed the
I want to personally welcome and introduce you to the inaugural edition of the
Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Safety Program newsletter, the
“Safety Compass.” The Safety Compass is intended to be a tool for enhancing
Subcommittee to Oklahoma. Pete
Rahn, Director of the Missouri
communications throughout the highway safety community and to serve as a
Department of Transportation and
means of sharing and providing information on tools and success stories to help
the safety community build effective highway safety programs. I encourage you SCOHTS Chair, gave an impassioned
to submit information on your success stories and experiences, to help all of us welcoming to the subcommittee,
improve our programs and reduce crashes and fatalities. encouraging SCOHTS-SM to press
on in implementing new ideas and
We face many challenges in highway safety. The recent release of the 2005
Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) statistics reveals an overall increase
in fatalities and at best a flat fatality rate. We simply have to figure out how to
Rahn closed with an inspirational
reverse these trends. This is a challenge that no single agency can take on alone,
and there is no single “silver bullet” solution. The emphasis, resources, and tools illustration that included the equation
provided by SAFETEA-LU will help, but we will continue to need innovative “Perfect Plans - Action = Squat.”
ideas, countermeasures, and solutions if we are to make progress in moving the In other words, plans mean nothing
numbers in the right direction. Sharing information on what works will be critical if not followed up by action.
to achieving success.
Jeffrey Lindley, FHWA Associate
Please share the Safety Compass with others in your organization and let us know Administrator for Safety, and
if you have any suggestions for improving its content and format. Likewise, if you Tony Kane, AASHTO Director of
have thoughts about actions the FHWA Office of Safety can take to support your Engineering and Technical Services,
efforts to improve highway safety, I would be interested in hearing also delivered opening remarks.
those as well.
(continued on page 2)
Have a Successful and Life Saving Happy New Year,
Jeffrey Lindley,
FHWA Associate Administrator for Safety

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 1
Inaugural Meeting of the AASHTO’s Safety Management
Subcommittee Hits A Successful Note!
top story
continued from page 1

T he Subcommittee established six

task groups who met and initiated
formulation of plans to:
Each state was afforded 3 minutes
to present the highlights of its
Safety program along with a 2- page
Saving Lives
overview. The 2-page overviews
1. Revise and distribute existing and are part of the meeting minutes and
new resource documents. are posted on the SCOHTS-SM
2. Coordinate ongoing pedestrian/ website. Recurring topics of the
bike safety efforts with the Safe States’ reports include: A Vital Goal
Routes to School Program and
motorcycle safety programs • Status of state SHSPs – Virtually
(http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/). all the states’ development efforts VISION
are underway with about 30 states Improving Transportation for
3. Update AASHTO’s SHSP expecting to have approved SHSPs a Strong America
highlighting current national by January 2007.
safety issues and solutions.
• States are increasing their financial GOAL
4. Support and enhance all safety and technical support of the local To continually improve
management support systems. road safety programs. highway safety by reducing
the number of highway
5. Develop national and state-specific • Road Safety Audits, Median fatalities and serious injuries.
safety informational packages Barriers, and Rumble Strips/Stripes Ensuring safe travel on
addressing the magnitude and are being widely used. highways is a guiding
causes of traffic crashes and principle throughout
describing cost-effective solutions. • State DOT’s are supporting primary the FHWA.
safety belt laws and automated
6. Recommend prospective advanced enforcement.
and applied research to SCOHTS FOCUS
for further consideration by • Many state traffic record systems Improve safety performance
the Standing Committee on are being developed or enhanced. through program delivery,
Research; and draft a resolution technical assistance, research,
on Motorcycle Safety for further The SCOHTS-SM will meet annually,
training, data analysis, and
consideration by SCOHTS. with the next meeting scheduled for
public information.
September 2007 in Portland, Oregon.
The FHWA works with safety
The task groups will report to The task groups will continue their
partners to heighten
SCOHTS on these and other work through periodic conference
calls, web-conferences, and electronic safety awareness within
important safety related issues.
correspondence throughout the year. the highway community,
If you would like more general business, industry,
information, please contact: and travelers.

The next SCOHTS-SM Keith Sinclair

annual meeting will be 202-624-3648 PRIORITIES
held in Portland, Oregon,
ksinclair@aashto.org. Reducing roadway departure,
September 2007.
intersections, and pedestrian
fatalities and serious injuries.

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 2
FHWA Works with PennDOT to Study Pavement Marking feature
Treatments on Rural Two-Lane Roads
by Dr. Ken Opiela, Federal Highway Administration

T he FHWA staff at Turner-Fairbank

Highway Research Center
(TFHRC) worked with the Pennsylvania
on the vehicle for each run, as well as
driver ratings about the ease of driving
each section of the road. Penn State
The researchers plowed through the
mountain of data gathered in this study
to analyze subjective and objective
Department of Transportation University is collaborating on the data measures of performance.
(PennDOT) to conduct a two-phased analysis and generating measurements
effort aimed at understanding how for factors such as centerline or edge The analysis of driver preference
varying pavement marking treatments line encroachments, speed profiles rankings from both the field
affect driver performance. The first and variance, and driver deceleration and simulator studies led to the
phase involved experiments with (braking) as indicators of the influence subjective finding that drivers favor
driving subjects in the FHWA’s of the pavement markings treatments more and brighter markings as
instrumented field research vehicle. on safe driving behavior. they negotiate curves on two-lane
The second phase involved replicating rural roads at night. The analysis
the field experiments in the highway The second part of the study involved of objective data found that drivers
driving simulator (HDS) at TFHRC. the development of a computer model were prone to drive 2-4 miles per
PennDOT made a section of rural, of the same road section using the
two-lane road available for nighttime detailed geometrics and roadside The analysis of driver
test runs and provided a contractor to data gathered by the FHWA’s Digital preference rankings from both
apply the various pavement marking Highway Measurements Vehicle. The the field and simulator studies
treatments over a three week period. detailed digital data not only provided led to the subjective finding that
an engineering quality description drivers favor more and brighter
of road geometry, markings as they negotiate
but also allowed curves on two-lane rural
for rapid creation roads at night.
of a digital model
of the road for the hour faster with better markings on
driving simulator at the same road. The analyses of lane
TFHRC. positioning performance measures
or combinations of measures failed
Another group of to yield any strong conclusions on
sixteen participants the nature of the pavement marking
was recruited to treatments. Continued analysis is
drive the HDS planned to see if there may be useful
representation of insights gained by considering effects
the road and of pavement marking treatments on
experience the the tangents and curves. Further
same set of HDS studies are anticipated to assess
pavement marking the effects of modifications of the
treatments. The pavement marking treatments such as
FHWA’s Digital Highway Measurements Vehicle HDS study captured longer extension into tangent sections
driver performance or greater use of roadside delineators.
The field experiment took place on measures and subjective ratings
a six-mile segment of two-lane rural similar to those collected in the field. An FHWA report integrating
road. Sixteen drivers not familiar with The validation exercises indicated the results of the various contractor and
the section of road were recruited a high level of correlation between staff efforts is planned, but the individual
as participants. Each participant driver performance measures for research papers and contractor
drove the same road section in each similar road sections between the field reports are available upon request.
direction at night in an instrumented and HDS, which implied that the results For more information contact:
vehicle eight times over a three-week are comparable. The success of the
period during which incremental validation efforts provided confidence Dr. Ken Opiela
changes were made to the pavement that using the simulator could be a safe (202) 493-3371
markings. These incremental changes and cost-effective way to explore the Kenneth.Opiela@fhwa.dot.gov.
included increasing the brightness of effectiveness of other potential safety
the centerline or adding wider edge improvement treatments of interest to
lines. Detailed data was gathered for the DOT.
speed, lane position, and forces acting
SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 3
Spotlight on Roadway Departure spotlight

R oadway departure crashes cause 60% of all roadway fatalities and are the largest highway safety problem
in the U.S. A high priority for Federal, state and local transportation agencies and other organizations;
roadway departure crashes include:

• Run-off-the-road (ROR) crashes

• Head-on crashes Roadway
• Opposite direction front-to-side crashes departure
• Opposite direction sideswipe crashes crashes cause
Of the 43,443 highway fatalities in 2005, 25,473 were roadway departure fatalities. 60% of all
Of those, 17,295 were single-vehicle ROR crashes, comprising 40% of all fatalities.
Eighty percent of ROR fatalities occur on rural roadways, with about 90% of these
occurring on 2-lane roads (based on current available data).

In addition, there were almost 8,178 fatalities from head-on, opposite direction front to side, and opposite
direction sideswipe crashes accounting for 19% of all fatalities in 2005.

The key strategies for reducing roadway departure crashes and crash severities are to:
(1) Keep vehicles safely on the roadway
(2) Provide recovery areas off the roadway to reduce the likelihood of a crash
(3) Reduce the severity of crashes when vehicles leave the roadway.

Learn more about roadway departure crashes at: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway_dept/index.htm

Local Program Support

Local Roadways

Local agencies own and operate over three quarters of the nation’s public roadways. Over 60 percent of fatalities
occur on rural roads (79 percent of the 60 percent fatalities are on local roads) even though they carry less then
40 percent of the VMT. In order to achieve meaningful safety results, we as a nation need to improve safety on
local roadways. To assist with reducing fatalities and incapacitating injuries on local roads, the FHWA provides
training tools and technical assistance to localities and tribal entities in a variety of ways. If you should have any
questions, please contact Leslie Wright, Program Manager, at 202-366-2176. You may also see more information
online at: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/local_program/index.htm.

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 4
FHWA Conducts Effectiveness Studies of feature
Cable Median Barrier Placement
by Dr. Ken Opiela, Federal Highway Administration

C able median barriers are being

installed widely in response to
the increasing frequency of cross
large vehicles. Varying
barrier post spacing,
median geometry, post
median crashes on freeways with location, and cable
narrow medians. This has raised tension were studied
questions about the most appropriate for impacts from both
placement of cable median barriers sides. The simulations
in sloping medians. While all the revealed that the vehicle
systems being installed have met the will underride the cable
crashworthiness criteria in NCHRP barrier in a down sloping
Report 350, the cable barriers cannot median profile when it is
often be installed on level terrain, as placed at a 4-foot offset
is used in the National Cooperative beyond the invert of the
Highway Research Program median. Under these
(NCHRP) 350 testing. Crash studies conditions, it was found
have shown that in there is potential that the front suspension
for vehicles to override or underride of the vehicle is fully
cable median barriers in some compressed at the time Crash Test striking a North Carolina
placement configurations in medians of impact with the cable median barrier
with mild downslopes. Studies of barrier, thus limiting the
North Carolina crash data have noted contact with the cables permitting the at 100km/hour and 25 degrees. In the
that certain small to medium sized vehicle to underride all three cables. first test, the cable median barrier was
vehicles are more prone to underride Crash simulations with the posts placed on a 6:1 sloped terrain with
the barrier particularly if they have placed one foot beyond the invert of the posts at a 4-foot offset beyond
sloped front ends. the median did not show the same the invert of the median. The vehicle
underride tendencies. Underriding underrode the barrier. In a similar
Upon validation of the model, was found to be more common for test with the cable barrier placed 1
simulations were conducted to evaluate small and midsize sedans with sloped foot beyond the invert of the sloped
the barrier’s safety performance under front ends. median the vehicle was contained and
varying design and placement options, redirected. These results validated the
impact conditions, and vehicle types. Two full-scale crash tests were simulation analyses and indicated that
The impact conditions investigated performed at the FOIL to confirm the the finite element model can be used
included impacts at 100 km/hour simulation findings. The tests involved to analyze cable median barrier design
and at impact angles of 25 and 45 a Ford Crown Victoria sedan striking and placement options.
degrees, with small, medium, and a North Carolina cable median barrier
This research concluded that the
effectiveness of low tension, three
The objectives of the strand cable median barriers is
National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC) influenced by their positioning in the
effort were to: median. Additional computer analyses
are underway in a second research
1. Develop a finite element model for a typical low-tension cable project to develop retrofit treatments
median barrier and to analyze alternative placement
designs for cable median barriers for
2. Validate the model by comparison to previously conducted crash various median cross sections. It is
tests expected that the research report will
be released in December 2006.
3. Apply the model to evaluate the effectiveness of cable barriers in
varying placements within the median cross sections, and Dr. Ken Opiela
(202) 493-3371
4. Confirm the modeling results with full scale crash tests. A finite Kenneth.Opiela@fhwa.dot.gov.
element model of low-tension, three-strand cable median barrier
was developed and validated by comparing crash simulation
results to test data from the similar Washington State design.

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 5
Resources, Tools and Technology Deployment horizons

Highway Safety and Trees - Ask for product numbers: RSAs Making Roads Safer
The Delicate Balance FHWA-SA-06-12

F HWA has a new DVD titled

“Highway Safety and Trees - The
(Brochure announcing Trees DVD)
F HWA’s Office of Safety has a
new Road Safety Audit Peer-to-
Peer Program (RSA P2P). The P2P
(for the Trees DVD) program puts agencies in touch with
Delicate Balance.” It is designed to
educate the publicon the real hazards FHWA-SA-06-14 transportation professionals across the
caused by trees located adjacent (for the Signs brochure) country who can address questions
to the roadway, and on the variety that might arise when an agency is
of options available to reduce this considering performing an RSA, or is
toll. It stresses the importance of conducting an RSA for the first time.
communication between highway New! Updated Pedestrian
agencies and the public, and the and Bicycle Crash Analysis The RSA P2P program is provided
involvement of Context Sensitive (PBCAT) Tool at no cost to state, local, and tribal
Design/Solutions in developing governments and offers the opportunity
highway projects that fully and
objectively consider safety as well as P BCAT version 2.0 is a software
application designed to assist
state and local pedestrian and bicycle
to receive first hand information and
lessons learned from their peers who
are successfully performing RSAs.
other community concerns. In short,
it is intended to help gain public coordinators, planners, and engineers
acceptance of highway projects that in addressing pedestrian and bicyclist Assistance can also include a site
include reducing tree crashes as an crash problems. PBCAT accomplishes visit as needed.
element of the project goals. this goal by enabling users to develop
a database of details associated with For assistance, call
crashes between motor vehicles and 866-P2P-FHWA or
Safer Sign Supports - pedestrians or bicyclists. One of these send an email to
Are Yours Breakaway Yet details is crash type, which describes SafetyP2P@fhwa.dot.gov.
the pre-crash actions of the involved
T his brochure advocates the
replacement of rigid sign poles with
breakaway supports in compliance with
parties. After developing a database
of crash information, PBCAT users
For information on other RSA
resources, contact
can analyze the data, produce Louisa Ward,
the MUTCD. Signs along highways reports, and select countermeasures RSA Program Manager at
posted 50 mph or greater need to be to address the problems identified by Ph: 202-366-2218 or
upgraded by 2013, but signs on lower the software. Louisa.Ward@dot.gov, or
speed highways can be replaced when
obsolete signs faces are being upgraded. Craig Allred,
For more information contact: PBCAT Version 2.0 includes FHWA Resource Center,
significant improvements in at Ph: 720-963-3236 or
Matt Lupes at matt.lupes@dot.gov, functionality and has an enhanced Craig.Allred@dot.gov.
or Nick Artimovich at design that makes the software
nick.artimovich@dot.gov. easier to use. Find out more You may also find additional
about the new features and information at:
Both DVD and brochures are ready download PBCAT Version 2.0 at: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/rsa/
for distribution and are available www.walkinginfo.org/pc/pbcat.htm. index.htm.
FREE of charge by contacting:

Product Distribution Center (PDC)
9701 Philadelphia Ct. Suite Q
Lanham, MD 20706-4436

Email: report.center@fhwa.dot.gov
or Fax: 301-577-1421

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 6
Policy, Legislation and Guidance directions

Highway Safety Strategic Highway Safety Safety Compass Newsletter

Improvement Program Plan (SHSP)
“Five Percent Report” A publication of the

T he Federal Highway Administration

recently posted reports required T he new Highway Safety
Improvement Program (HSIP)
requirements have made it a busy
Department of Transportation,
Federal Highway Administration
The Safety Compass newsletter
by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, year for State DOT’s. Many States is published for internet distribution
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: have already completed their SHSP quarterly by the:
A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). development and are moving on to FHWA Office of Safety
The “5 percent report”, an element implementation. To date, FHWA has 400 Seventh Street SW, Room 3407
of the new Highway Safety approved the development process for Washington, DC 20590
Improvement Program (HSIP), 28 plans. FHWA would like to make
requires states to submit an annual these plans available to all states by The Safety Compass can also be viewed
report describing not less than five creating a collection of SHSP web at: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov
percent of their highway locations links on the FHWA Safety website
exhibiting the most severe highway (http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/) in the Managing and Editor-in Chief
safety needs. near future. For more information, Timothy Barkley
or for posting your state’s SHSP web timothy.barkley@dot.gov
In addition to identifying the link, please contact Erin Kenley by
locations, the reports include email: erin.kenley@dot.gov. Editor
potential remedies to the hazardous Susanna Hughes Reck
locations identified, estimated costs susanna.hughes-reck@dot.gov
of the remedies, and impediments to Safe Routes to School
implementation of the remedies other State Coordinators hold Editor
than costs. National Meeting Marie Roybal
These reports will help raise public
awareness of the highway safety
needs and challenges in the states.
S afe Routes to School (SRTS)
State Coordinators gathered
in Washington, D.C., from July
Your comments and highway safety
related articles are welcomed.
“The reports are important to better 31 – August 2 for their program’s This newsletter is intended to be a source
understand the safety challenges first national meeting. The State to increase highway safety awareness,
each state faces, and to encourage Coordinators will oversee the information and provide resources to
public discussion and action,” noted distribution of $612 million help save lives. You are encouraged
Jeff Lindley, FHWA Associate authorized over the next five years to submit highway safety articles that
Administrator for Safety. “With to fund SRTS programs. Forty-one might be of value to the highway safety
the death toll over 43,000, we must states and the District of Columbia community. Send your comments,
commit to strategies available today, were represented. questions and articles for review
and be aggressive in finding new (electronically) to:
approaches for tomorrow to save Coordinators discussed program timothy.barkley@dot.gov.
lives. plans, application procedures,
evaluation issues, and heard about Please review guidelines
The Five Percent Reports are available example programs. The National for article submittals.
at:http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ SRTS Program is administered by
fivepercent FHWA with the assistance of the If you would like to be included
National Center for Safe Routes to on the distribution list to receive
The reports represent a variety School (NCSRTS), which is led by your free issues,
of methods utilized, and various the University of North Carolina please send your email address to:
degrees of road coverage. More Highway Safety Research Center in timothy.barkley@dot.gov.
information about the program, partnership with AASHTO, GHSA,
including the guidance provided by ITE, America Walks and Toole
FHWA to the states, may be found at: Design Group.
fiveguidance.htm. For more information, please visit

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 7
National Conferences / Events / Meetings calendar

Dates Location Event

January 17-19 Arlington, VA Annual Meeting
January 21-27 Washington, DC 86th Annual Meeting
January 26-30 San Antonio, TX 36th Annual Convention and Traffic Expo
January 31-February 4 Washington, DC National Sheriffs Association Mid-Winter Conf.
Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
February 26-28 San Diego, CA
Peer Exchange
National Bike Summit
March 14-16 Washington, DC
Lifesavers 25th National Conference
March 25-27 Chicago, IL
ITE 2007
March 25-28 San Diego, CA Technical Conference and Exhibit

April 2-6 Kick-Off Site - TBD National Work Zone Awareness Week

April 22-26 Milwaukee, WI National Association of Counties & Eng.
April 29-May 2 Branson, MO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety
(SCOHTS) http://www.transportation.org/?siteid=35
ITS America’s 2007
June 4-6 Palm Springs, CA Annual Meeting & Exposition
June 23-27 Salt Lake City, UT National Sheriffs Association Annual Conference
National FHWA
June 25-29 Baltimore, MD Safety & Operations Leadership Conference
(Open ONLY to federal employees)

SAFETY COMPASS :: A Publication of the Federal Highway Administration Safety Program :: December 2006 :: Volume 1 Issue 1 :: Page 8

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