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American Government Congress

District Info
I live in Illinois State, which is located in the Midwest region of the US. As such, this
represents the 5th Congressional District which covers Chicago, including the north and
northwest sides of the city, as well as parts of Cook County. On the demographics, 738k
people live in Congressional District 5, Illinois, of which 91.1% are citizens, where male
constitutes 49.5% while female covers 50.5%1. 155k persons, or 21.1% of the population of
Congressional District 5, Illinois, were foreign-born as of 20202. Similarly, White (non-
Hispanic) inhabitants made up 494k people in 2020, which was 6.04 times higher than any
other race or ethnicity3. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 81.8k
White (Hispanic) and 54.4k Asian (Non-Hispanic) inhabitants. Spanish, Polish, and Tagalog
(including Filipino) are the most widely used non-English languages as the primary dialects
in homes in Congressional District 5, Illinois (100,541 households, 35,979 households, and
11,735 households, respectively)4.
The historical philosophy of the Fifth District also implies a liberal outlook.
Individual liberty, social progress, governmental participation in societal concerns, and a
more liberal interpretation of constitutional rights are frequently supported. On the other
hand, the average income differs according to elements, including status, location, and job.
However, from the amount of $87,320 in 2019 to $90,424 in 2020, the median household
income of families in Congressional District 5, Illinois, increased5. The Illinois 5th
Congressional District, which contains a portion of Chicago and its suburbs, has always been
a Democratic bastion. The area is frequently seen as a safe Democratic district since it has
recently elected Democratic lawmakers to the US House of Lawmakers.
Regarding my stand in different perspectives, as it fits in the 5th District, I support
liberal measures like social justice problems, universal healthcare, and reducing global
warming. Additionally, I prefer to identify as a Democrat, supporting progressive ideas and
reforms while adhering to the ideals and programs of the Democratic Party. I also endorse
ethnic variety, with a population that is diverse in terms of a range of ages, socioeconomic
statuses, and nationalities. Finally, I consider myself a Democrat, meaning that I embrace or
recognize myself as a member of the Democratic Party and take part in its events or
Incumbent Info
Democrat Mike Quigley has been the 5th District of Illinois' US Representative since
2009, and he began serving on April 7, 2009. His tenure as governor expires on January 3,
2025. For a seat in the US House representing Illinois' 5th Congressional District, Quigley
campaigned for re-election. Democratic candidate Quigley has been re-elected in succeeding
elections since April 7, 2009, and he has served as an appointed public officer since 1998. He
secured a win in the general election on November 8, 2022.
As an affiliate of the House Committee on Appropriations, Mike Quigley utilizes his
authority to concentrate on investments in inventiveness and the infrastructure of the Chicago
region, which will help the region's economy expand and create jobs. Quigley is a part of
the House of Representatives. Additionally, the Illinois legislature strongly advocates for
more prudent defense spending and nuclear disarmament, as well as for financing essential
housing and social welfare programs. Mike Quigley is also now a member of the
(THUD) Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related
1 “Congressional District 5, IL: Data USA,”

Agencies. The House Democratic Caucus selected Quigley in 2023 to hold the position of
chairman of the THUD Panel on the Committee of Appropriations for the 118th Congress6.
The Ministry of Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development is
funded by the THUD Commission. In his new position, Mike wants to work for increased
housing options, better infrastructure, and better public transportation. The
relevant committees are in charge of making sure that clean energy and water sustainability
strategies are undertaken.
Through his participation in the House of Representatives Sustainable Energy &
Environment Coalition (SEEC), Quigley also prioritized growth in the economy and the quest
for renewable energy. He co-chaired SEEC to aid House Democrats in introducing and
arguing for measures that fight environmental damage, protect biodiversity, and encourages
local, clean energy sources7. Quigley additionally acted on the House Committee on the
Judiciary, the House Committee on supervision and Government Improvement, and the
Permanent Select Committee of the House on intellectual ability. On the latter committee, he
was the panel chair on TARP, Financial Solutions, and Bailouts of private and public
Urban and suburban regions in Illinois' 5th Congressional District also have
infrastructure challenges. Urban growth projects, decent housing, and transit infrastructure
might all pose serious problems for the District. Quigley may have the chance to impact
financing and policy for these matters that are important to his District by participating on the
House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban
Development, and Allied Services.
Mike Quigley's addresses include both the Washington and local, respectively they
Washington, DC Office
2083 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Chicago Office
1925 N. Clybourn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
Mike Quigley is an incumbent United States House of Representatives official serving
the 5th Congressional District of Illinois. He began his tenure on April 7, 2009. However, his
service in office expires on January 3, 2025. Quigley stood for re-election via Democratic
Party to serve the District during the nationwide election he secured victory on November 8,
20228. Quigley previously served on the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Lawyer
Quigley was an attorney and a professor; he obtained a bachelor's degree from Roosevelt
University. He also received a master's degree in legislation from the University of Chicago
and a law degree from Loyola University School of Law.
Campaign Info
Mike Quigley's total campaign contributions in the 2022 election were security and
investment, industries, law firms, and other platforms. In this sense, the total contribution was
$1,141,873, and it was from Campaign Committee and Leadership PAC9.
However, PAC's Contributions amounted to $748,500, and in industries, the largest
PAC contributors comprised:
 Securities & Investment ($61,500)
Congressman Mike Quigley. “Committee Assignments,”
Congressman Mike Quigley. “Congressman Mike Quigley”
OpenSecrets. “Rep. Mike Quigley - Campaign Finance Summary”

 Real Estate ($29,500)

 Public Sector Unions (57,000)10
As such, in Securities & Investment, individuals were the top funders by $41,400.
Consequently, PAC contributors in Real Estate gave $29,500, and finally, Public Sector
Unions remitted $57,000 via PACs.
On the basis of the relationship, PACs may contribute strategically to representatives
who serve on committees pertinent to their interests. For instance, a PAC representing the
legal industry may have contributed $15,500 to Mike Quigley's campaign. Since he is a
member of the House Appropriations Committee, which oversees financing for critical
housing and social services programs, he is in a position to influence policy or regulation.
This can be viewed as a method for PACs to obtain access and influence with legislators who
have the ability to shape favorable policies.
Legislative Info
Mike Quigley has introduced several types of legislation, including; transportation
infrastructure legislation in Flood Mapping Modernization and the Homeowner
Empowerment Pilot Program Act of 202111. Moreover, he pioneered the Immigration
legislation in Protect Immigration Act of 202112. Civil rights legislation in Trafficking
Reduction and Criminal Enforcement (TRACE) Act was unveiled by Quigley—furthermore,
Environmental legislation in the Reducing Waste in National Parks Act, among others.
 Title: " Big Cat Public Safety Act
Bill Number: H.R.263
Public Law Number: Public Law No: 117-243.
Enacted: December 20, 2022
 Title: "PAST Act 2022"
Bill Number: H.R.7605
 Title: " Reducing Waste in National Parks Act"
Bill Number: H.R.5533
The Big Cat Public Safety Act modifies the regulations governing the commerce of
big cats, including tigers, jaguars, lions, cheetahs, leopards and cougars, and hybrids of these
species. Notably, the law revises constraints on the ownership and display of big cats,
specifically limits on public interaction with big cats13. Nonetheless, the PAST Act changes
the need for the upkeep of presidential records and mandates that information be promptly
made accessible to the incoming government. The measure compels the President to obtain
formal instruction from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)14.
Nevertheless, the Reducing Waste in National Parks Act directs the National Park Service to
unveil service to limit disposable plastic products and, if ideal, eradicate the selling and
supplying of plastic items in the National Parks.
On gun control, Quigley has always advocated against gun violence. Since coming to
Congress, he has sponsored and cosponsored laws encompassing many provisions aimed at
preventing gun violence. He specifically backed policies that mandated criminal record
checks for all gun transactions and placed restrictions on the purchase of assault rifles and
high-capacity cartridges. On public funding for health services, in 2021, Quigley legislation,
Act for ALS, was signed into law by President Biden. This rule will assist those who have
ALS in gaining prompt admission to effective medicines as well as aid studies on
neurological conditions. Conversely, on education, Mike helped to pass the Education, Jobs,
11 “Mike Quigley,”
13 “H.R.263 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Big Cat Public Safety Act
14 “H.R.7605 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): PAST Act of 2022

and Medicaid Assistance Act, which provided $80 million to help close its budget gap, retain
teachers and support jobs15. As a result, Illinois schools received $415 million in total aid.
Specialized organizations, like the well-known gun control advocacy group
Everytown for Gun Safety, strive to reduce gun violence via policy advocacy, community
mobilization, and public awareness campaigns. The American Medical Association (AMA)
also supports legislation that would increase access to, affordability of, and the standard of
healthcare. The AMA has backed initiatives to increase public support for healthcare, such as
pushing for Medicaid expansion. The National Education Association (NEA) also supports
legislation that would improve school financing, ensure that all kids have access to quality
education, and provide an opportunity for educators to further their careers.
Personal Evaluation and Analysis
In general, the 5th District includes Chicago's north and northwest sides, as well as
portions of Cook County. Individual liberty, social progress, government participation in
societal concerns, and a more liberal interpretation of constitutional rights are frequently
supported in the District's historical philosophy. Moreover, in the 5th District, liberal
measures such as addressing social justice issues, instituting universal healthcare, and
reducing global warming are essential for social cohesion. In addition, Democrats support
progressive ideas and reforms while adhering to the Democratic Party's ideals and platform.
In addition, a significant conclusion from the research indicates that candidates must have
greater financial resources to appear on the ballot. For example, the total campaign
contributions for Mike Quigley were $1,141,873.
However, the average income in the District varies depending on factors such as
status, location, and occupation. Similarly, ethnic diversity with a diverse population in terms
of a range of ages, socioeconomic standings, and nationalities is essential for fostering culture
and connections in the 5th District. In general, I believe that Mike Quigley is an effective and
capable leader whom most young aspiring politicians should emulate. In addition, he supports
the need for appropriate accommodation for District 5 members through the accommodation
Committee. Consequently, he advocates for equal human rights for minority groups such as
LGBTQ+ and other individuals. Importantly, Quigley has always been at the vanguard of
threatening gun violence issues. Since entering Congress, he has sponsored and cosponsored
various gun violence reform bills. In light of this information, he will be re-elected in the
impending general election. There are 738k residents in Congressional District 5, Illinois, of
which 91.1% are citizens, 49.5% are male, and 50.5% are female.

‌ "H.R.263 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Big Cat Public Safety Act," 2021.
‌ "H.R.7605 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): PAST Act of 2022," 2021.
‌Congressman Mike Quigley. “Education,”
‌Congressman Mike Quigley. "Education," January 25, 2023. "Mike Quigley," 2023.
Congressman Mike Quigley. "Committee Assignments," January 3, 2023.
Congressman Mike Quigley. "Congressman Mike Quigley," 2023. “Congressional District 5, IL: Data USA,” 2020.
OpenSecrets. "Rep. Mike Quigley - Campaign Finance Summary," 2022.
Vote Smart. "The Voter's Self Defense System," 2022.

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