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A software platform for developing and deploying ap-

OpenLNS Server plications that design, install, operate, and maintain

open LONWORKS® networks

OpenLNS Server Features • Supports a wide variety of LONWORKS

applications including network manage-
Proven ment applications, operator interface
• Echelon’s OpenLNS and LNS® products applications and drivers, and network
share a common core platform, which diagnostic tools.
has been used in more than 90,000 • Supports both OpenLNS plug-ins and
systems to commission more than 5 LNS plug-ins so that device manufac-
million devices. turers can create device specific plug
• Echelon’s OpenLNS and LNS are sup- ins for their devices that work with any
ported by hundreds of third-party ap- OpenLNS network management tool,
plications. including the OpenLNS Commissioning
Open Standards Support Tool.
The OpenLNS Server is a platform • Compatible with all ISO/IEC 14908-1 • Available OpenLNS and LNS plug ins are
for creating open control systems. Control Network Protocol compliant listed at
The platform supports multiple devices with no commissioning fees or
applications and service providers, • Application and plug-in developers can
and supplies the essential network redistribute the OpenLNS Server with
• ISO/IEC 14908-2 Free Topology their applications—choosing to either
services required for installing,
Twisted Pair (FT). resell OpenLNS Sever Activation Keys or
operating, and maintaining
LONWORKS based control systems. • ISO/IEC 14908-3 Power Line (PL). have their customers purchase Activa-
• ISO/IEC 14908-4 Control Network IP tion Keys.
Tunneling Protocol (IP-852). • Free OpenLNS Server Trial Activation
The OpenLNS Server is the Keys are available so that application
• ANSI/CEA-709.1 and ANSI/CEA 709.1-B-
foundation for the most capable, and plug-in developers can freely distrib-
2002 Control Network Protocol.
popular tools for designing, ute trial software.
installing, maintaining, and • ANSI/CEA-709.2 Power Line (PL).
Free Download
monitoring LONWORKS systems. • ANSI/CEA-709.3 Free Topology Twisted • A free trial edition is available for
The OpenLNS Server, OpenLNS Pair (FT). download from
Commissioning Tool, and OpenLNS • ANSI/CEA-852 Control Network IP openlns. The free trial may be redistrib-
SDK are the three primary Tunneling Protocol (IP-852). uted with OpenLNS applications and
components of OpenLNS. plug ins.
Multi-Application and Multi-User
• Provides an open client/server network • The trial edition is limited to two
operating system supporting multiple networks with a maximum of five devices
simultaneous client computers running each, runs for a maximum of 60 minutes
multiple applications from multiple
at a time, and expires 60 days after • Provides services to migrate networks Network Maintenance
trial activation. that were installed with other tools, • Provides services to test and control
• The trial edition can be converted to a or networks for which the database is device state, and to override, enable,
full-featured OpenLNS Server Standard no longer available, with support for test, or disable individual functional
Edition with the purchase and instal- recovery of a network from an existing, blocks on a device.
lation of an OpenLNS Server Standard installed network. • Provides services to replace devices,
Edition Activation Key. Network Commissioning Services restoring the replaced device configura-
Network Database • Provides services to commission tion, network variable connections, and
• Maintains all device and network con- devices. message tag connections to the new
figuration information in a high perfor- • Identify devices to be commissioned device.
mance database. by pressing a service pin, setting a • Provides services to upgrade Neuron
• Supports off-line design and configura- Neuron ID, winking a device, or using hosted device applications and Neuron
tion so that networks can be designed automatic discovery. firmware, restoring the replaced appli-
before physical hardware is available. • Includes the Echelon IP-852 Con- cation configuration, network variable
figuration Server that can be used to connections, and message tag connec-
• Provides high-speed access to network
configure up to 256 IP-852 devices and tions to the new application.
configuration data to speed network
application performance. routers per network, with support for • Supports automatic upgrade when a
devices behind multiple IP routers that device or device application is replaced
• Includes database backup and restore
perform network address translation. with a new device or device application
Network Operation that shares common functional blocks,
• Provides hot back-up of open OpenLNS network variables, and configuration
• Provides services to read and write
databases without shutting down network variables and configuration properties.
OpenLNS applications for enterprise- properties. Network Interfaces
grade 24/7 operation.
• Receives event driven updates from • Integrated OpenLDV 4.0 driver
Network Configuration Services bound network variables. provides compatibility with all OpenLDV
• Provides services to define and con- 4.0-compatible network interfaces and
figure devices, connections, routers, • Automatically converts network
remote network interfaces.
and channels, as well as subsystems variable and configuration property
values on devices to and from the most • Protects ISO/IEC 14908-1 authentica-
containing devices and routers.
appropriate locale specific formatted tion keys sent through remote network
• Supports networks with up to 32,385 interfaces with RC4 encryption.
strings to simplify user interaction.
devices on up to 1000 channels, with
• Supports overrides for string format- Multi-User and Multi-Network
each device supporting up to 4096
ting so that formatting can be based • Supports multiple users modifying
network variables.
on standard resource files for standard devices in the network at the same
• Provides sophisticated binding services time.
network variable types and configura-
for creating connections that allow tion property types, or manufacturer- • Supports remote access via
devices to communicate, while optimiz- specific resource files for user-defined LONWORKS or IP networks.
ing use of critical network resources. network variable and configuration • Supports multiple networks so that a
• Supports advanced LONMARK® property types. single tool can be used to install many
features such as functional blocks, • Includes an implementation of the networks.
configuration properties, resource ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Network
files, network variable aliases, dynamic • Reduces installation time for large
Protocol stack for Microsoft Windows networks with support for merging
network variables, dynamic func- that provides a 10x monitoring per-
tional blocks, and changeable network independent networks into a single,
formance improvement over any tool integrated system.
variable types. using a traditional implementation of
• Supports multi-channel networks with Free Updates and Upgrades
the 14908-1 protocol.
any combination of LONWORKS routers • One year of maintenance is included
• Remote clients automatically cache with every OpenLNS Server—during the
and LONWORKS/IP-852 routers. device and network variable address- first year all updates and upgrades to
ing in monitor sets to optimize perfor- the OpenLNS Server can be download-
mance and minimize network traffic. ed and installed for free.
• Provides fault-tolerant, instant-on moni-
toring with distributed, cached monitor
• Annual maintenance can be renewed Compatible IP Network Interfaces Permanent monitor sets: 8000; each
any time prior to the end of the first Any PC network interface card or monitor set may be used by any
pre-paid maintenance period and dial- up connection with a network application.
again prior to the end of each paid driver compatible with Windows TCP/ Simultaneous outgoing transactions: 250
maintenance period—annual main- IP networking; drivers included for an IP (when using a Layer 2 network interface
tenance cannot be renewed after 852 interface. or an IP-852 interface); 15 (when using
expiration of the last pre-paid or paid Maximum Network Variable Limits a SmartServer or i.LON 600); 1 (all other
maintenance period; once renewed, all 4096 maximum NVs per LONWORKS interfaces).
updates and upgrades can be down- device.
loaded and installed for an additional Simultaneous incoming transactions:
Maximum Open Network Limits 250 (when using a Layer 2 network
Up to 100 network databases can be interface or an IP-852 interface); 16 (all
open simultaneously in independent other interfaces).
SPECIFICATIONS mode for monitoring and control.
PC Requirements Up to 50 network databases can be open
Microsoft® Windows 7 (64-bit and 32 simultaneously for full OpenLNS services
bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit), including management, monitoring, and OpenLNS Programmer’s Reference
Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (32- control.
bit), Windows Vista with SP1 (32 bit), or Maximum Limits per Network
Windows XP with SP3 (32 bit). ORDERING INFORMATION
The following maximum limits apply per OpenLNS Server Standard Edition
Minimum Hardware network defined in the OpenLNS Server. Activation Key
500 MHz processor, 512 MB RAM, Active OpenLNS Client Applications: 10. 38200-400
2 GB available disk space, 1024 MB
page file, DVD-ROM drive, 1024 x 768 Application Device Types: 32,385. OpenLNS Server Standard Edition
or higher-resolution display with at Channels: 1000. One-Year Maintenance Key
least 256 colors, mouse or compatible 93820
Devices: 32,385 (2 addresses required
pointing device, and OpenLNS or IP per router and network service device).
network interface. Domains: 1 per network. For more information about this product
Recommended Configuration Network variable selectors: 12,288 call Echelon at +1 408 938 5200 or go
Minimum 2 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, bound selectors (ISO/IEC 14908-1 online at
and 2048 MB page file. protocol limit)—the OpenLNS Server
Compatible OpenLNS Network reuses network variable selectors and
Interfaces therefore the number of network variable
The OpenLNS Server is compatible with connections is not limited by this protocol
IP-852 and all OpenLDV 4.0 compatible limit.
network interfaces. OpenLDV 4.0 Routers: 1000.
drivers are included for the i.LON 100,
i.LON 600, and SmartServer remote Maximum Limits per OpenLNS Server
network interfaces (RNIs); and for PCC and Client
10, PCLTA-20, PCLTA-21, U10, and U20 Active data points: 8000 with intelligent
local network interfaces. The OpenLDV point sharing if multiple applications are
4.0 driver is compatible with the Echelon monitoring the same point; this limit does
SLTA-10 Serial LonTalk Adapter, but not apply to permanent monitor point
requires separate installation of an SLTA monitoring.
driver. The PCC 10, PLCLTA-20, PCLTA-21, Address table entries: 32,768.
and SLTA-10 drivers are only compatible Alias table entries: 1024.
with 32-bit versions of Windows; all other
included drivers are compatible with all Permanent monitor points: 65,535;
supported versions of 64-bit and 32-bit monitoring a local host network variable
Windows. does not consume a persistent monitor

© 2013 Echelon, and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries.
Other trademarks belong to their respective holders. Content subject to change without notice. P/N 003-0519-01A

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