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A statement proposed by the researcher expressing the

relationship between or among the variables
The concept being studied that usually tells the researcher
Independent variable about the influence or cause; the one that the researcher is
manipulating or controlling
Inductive reasoning The basis for qualitative research approach
A type of validity that tells the extent to which a study
Internal Validity
measures what is supposed to (accuracy within the study)
Measures of central
Averages (e.g. mean, median, mode)
Measures of variability Spread (e.g. standard deviation)
Mean The arithmetic average
The middle where half the scores fall above, half below;
disregards the presence of outliers
Mode The score that occurs the most
Operational definition The definition that tells how a term is used in a certain study
Principal investigator The person who is responsible for the research
Population A group of items characterized by its similar interest
Random Something that happens by chance
Qualitative A research design that uses narrative data
A research design that uses data with numerical
representation or values
A sample wherein everybody has the same chance of being
Random sample
assigned to any group
Research A systematic, unbiased way to acquire facts
The game plan or method the researchers use to find out
Research design
what they want to know
Relationship The connection or bond between two variables
Sample A smaller group that characterizes a larger population
A measure of spread; Tells the researcher about the average
Standard deviation
deviation of a group of scores from the mean
Statistical Significance An important finding that does not likely happen by chance
Mathematical tools used to evaluate data; must be
compatible with research designs
Subject The people who are being studied or observed in a study
A standard score on the normal curve where the mean is
T-score assigned "50" with deviations of "10"; commonly used to
come up with a simpler interpretation of student achievement
A parametric statistical tool that looks into the differences
T-test between the means of two groups; commonly used when
there is normal distribution and at least interval data
An abstract generalization that describes a systematic
representation about relationships among phenomena
The accuracy or the extent to which a test or study evaluates
what it is supposed to evaluate
Variable A quality of interest that can be controlled or observed

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