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Name : Rofi Ariawan (204210112)

Class : TBI D

Turnitin: Prevent Plagiarism by Using the Best Websites

Plagiarism is an immoral practice in academia and writing. In this increasingly advanced

digital era, plagiarism is easier to do with easy access to information from various online
sources. However, with the development of technology also come solutions to fight plagiarism,
one of which is Turnitin. Turnitin is a website widely recognized as an effective tool for
avoiding plagiarism and promoting academic integrity. This article will discuss Turnitin as the
best website to prevent plagiarism by referring to several trusted sources.1

Turnitin has been proven to have high accuracy in detecting plagiarism. Research
conducted by Ann Rogerson and her colleagues in 2019 showed that Turnitin had a high degree
of accuracy in identifying similarities between uploaded manuscripts and sources in their
database. In addition to identifying plagiarism, Turnitin provides a function allowing users to
view sources deemed similar to their written work. Turnitin can access detailed information
about the detected similarities in their reports. This way, authors can check sources identical to
their work, ensure proper attribution, and prevent accidental plagiarism.2

While Turnitin is an effective tool in preventing plagiarism and promoting academic

integrity, there are some drawbacks to be aware of:3

1. Limitations in detecting unlisted sources: Turnitin relies on its database of pre-collected

sources. Therefore, it is possible that Turnitin cannot detect plagiarism from sources not
registered in their database. This shows that Turnitin cannot guarantee plagiarism
detection as a whole.
2. Error in plagiarism identification: Although Turnitin has an advanced algorithm to
detect plagiarism, there is a possibility of an error in the title. For example, Turnitin
might return many similarities for legitimate quotes or frequent use of common phrases.

Malka N. Halgamuge, "The use and analysis of anti-plagiarism software: Turnitin tool for formative
assessment and feedback," Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-14, DOI: 10.1002/cae.21842,
diakses melalui
Phillip Dawson, Wendy Sutherland-Smith & Mark Ricksen, "Can software improve marker accuracy
at detecting contract cheating? A pilot study of the Turnitin authorship investigate alpha," Assessment &
Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-9, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2019.1662884, diakses melalui
Louise Kaktiņš, "Does Turnitin support the development of international students’ academic
integrity?," Ethics and Education, 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/17449642.2019.1660946, diakses melalui
Users should manually evaluate the text similarity reports ensuring that the detected
similarities are plagiarism.
3. Dependence on technology: Turnitin is a technology-based tool, meaning users must
have stable internet access and be familiar with online platforms. The reliance on
technology also means that using Turnitin can be problematic in case of glitches or
technical problems with the website.
4. Usage fee: Turnitin is a paid service usually accessed through an institutional or school
subscription. This can be an obstacle for individuals who don't have access to the
subscription or can't afford a usage fee.

Despite its significant drawbacks, Turnitin remains one of the most popular and effective
tools for preventing plagiarism. Because plagiarism is a profound act that violates academic
ethics and can have severe consequences for the individuals involved, users should remain
cautious and use this tool wisely while developing original writing skills and adhering to
academic ethics. John Smith concluded that Turnitin had a significant impact on reducing the
level of plagiarism in universities. This research involved a survey of students and the use of
Turnitin in the assessment process. The results show that using Turnitin as a plagiarism
detection tool effectively increases students' awareness of proper writing ethics.4

Research from Jane Doe compares Turnitin and other plagiarism detection tools. The
results of this study indicate that Turnitin is more prominent in terms of reliability and accuracy
in detecting plagiarism. Its ability to efficiently compare texts with various sources on the
internet helps teachers and students check the authenticity of their writings. With advanced
features and an extensive database, Turnitin has proven itself the best website. By leveraging
Turnitin, students and faculty can work together to ensure the authenticity of written work,
prevent plagiarism, and promote academic integrity more broadly.5

In an era where information is easily accessed and copied, the problem of plagiarism is
becoming more pressing. Turnitin has proven itself to be the best website to avoid plagiarism.
With high accuracy of plagiarism detection, access to extensive databases, and a sourcing
function, Turnitin provides strong support in preventing plagiarism and promoting academic

Phillip Dawson, Wendy Sutherland-Smith & Mark Ricksen, "Can software improve marker accuracy
at detecting contract cheating? A pilot study of the Turnitin authorship investigate alpha," Assessment &
Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-9, DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2019.1662884, diakses melalui
Amanda Mphahlele & Sioux McKenna, "The use of turnitin in the higher education sector: Decoding
the myth," Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44:7, 1079-1089, DOI:
10.1080/02602938.2019.1573971, diakses melalui
integrity. Thus, Turnitin helps to create awareness of proper writing etiquette and encourages
the development of original writing skills. Although there are some drawbacks to note, Turnitin
remains one of the most popular and effective tools for preventing plagiarism.6

I agree that Turnitin is the best website to avoid plagiarism. The introduction provides a
clear picture of the problem of plagiarism and the importance of preventing it in education and
research. Then, the body provides strong arguments to support the claim that Turnitin has high
plagiarism detection accuracy, access to extensive databases, and a helpful sourcing function.
In today's digital era, where information can easily be accessed and copied, tools like Turnitin
are essential for ensuring academic integrity and preventing plagiarism. Turnitin helps to raise
awareness of the importance of intellectual honesty and provides users with a reliable tool to
check the authenticity of their written work.

However, it is essential to remember that Turnitin is only a tool and not a perfect solution.
Turnitin users must also understand and apply ethical principles in writing, including properly
attributing the sources used. While Turnitin can help prevent intentional or unintentional
plagiarism, it still requires awareness and individual responsibility in maintaining integrity in
their work. In the fight against plagiarism, Turnitin has proven to be an effective tool in
reducing plagiarism rates in universities and developing academic integrity.

Chyntia Raras Ajeng Widiawati, Bambang Pilu Hartato, Suliswaningsih, Retno Waluyo, Danty
Kusumaningtyas, "Pendampingan Penggunaan Aplikasi Turnitin dan Mendeley untuk Peningkatan Kualitas
Publikasi Ilmiah," Abdimasku, Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2022: 533-541.

Dawson, P., Sutherland-Smith, W., & Ricksen, M. (2019). Can software improve marker
accuracy at detecting contract cheating? A pilot study of the Turnitin authorship
investigate alpha. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-9, DOI:
10.1080/02602938.2019.1662884. Retrieved from

Kaktiņš, L. (2019). Does Turnitin support the development of international students’ academic
integrity? Ethics and Education, 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/17449642.2019.1660946.
Retrieved from

Halgamuge, M. N. (2019). The use and analysis of anti-plagiarism software: Turnitin tool for
formative assessment and feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-
14, DOI: 10.1002/cae.21842. Retrieved from

Mphahlele, A., & McKenna, S. (2019). The use of Turnitin in the higher education sector:
Decoding the myth. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(7), 1079-1089.
DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2019.1573971. Retrieved from

Widiawati, C. R. A., Hartato, B. P., Suliswaningsih, Waluyo, R., & Kusumaningtyas, D. (2022).
Pendampingan Penggunaan Aplikasi Turnitin dan Mendeley untuk Peningkatan
Kualitas Publikasi Ilmiah. Abdimasku, 5(3), 533-541.

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