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Parents Questions 2021 – 2022

Group A (Parents’ work ethics)

1- What are your educational qualifications?

2- Do both parents work? What do you do?
3- How many hours do you work?
4- How do you deal with stress at work?
5- What are your work ethics (working principles or strategies)?
6- Does your job affect your social life? How?
7- Do you usually talk about your job with your family?
8- What amazes you most about society today?
9- If you had to do it all over again, would you pursue the same career path?
10- What do you wish you made more time in your life for?
11- If you have any problem at work, do you take your family’s / children’s opinion?

Group B (Parent- Child relationship)

12- Does your child have friends?

13- How does he/she get along with his/ her friends?
14- How much time do you usually spend with your children? How do you spend it?
15- Describe your child’s nature?
16- How do you deal with your child’s misbehavior?
17- How will you be a contribution to your child’s future?
18- How independent is your child?
19- What are your son/daughter’s strong and weak points?
20- Have you ever punished your child? How? Why?
21- Any special moment that you remember in your child’s life till now?
22- What are your dreams and intentions for your child’s future?
23- What is your role as a parent in your child’s education?
24- Does your child have any serious health issues?

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