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This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies

that has a bearing on the present study. The researchers have

gone through readings of materials, all of which has great

significance to the problem during the course of thesis writing.



According to Keely (2011), in her article, she mentioned

that students find that their greatest challenge in adjusting to

grade 10 life and to succeeding in the classroom is in managing

their time effectively that even though attending class and

completing assignment is a top priority for most students, may

find that they are not allowing enough time for their studies. On

the average, students should spend about 2 hours of study for

each hour of class time. According to Cotrell (2013), in her book

sees the main risk of studies crossed time are (1.) feeling there

is more time available then there is; (2.) not developing

sufficient structure to your time to ensure one got everything

done; (3.) missing deadlines; (4.) drifting not being sure where

one is in time if one has few regular employments to mark out the

According to Lam (2015), Time management is about how you

organize and plan the time you spend on specific activities. On

the surface of things, it seems that time management should be

easy and straight forward something that just happens. In

practice, time management is a skill that takes effort to

develop. Time management is about spending your time in the right

places, on the right thing. In Order to manage your time

effectively, it’s important to know your priorities, Obligations,

and schedule. You have to find the strategy that works for you.

According to Sharma (2016), time management is important for

students to do the study with focus. Time management is important

for students to get high marks. Student’s success in studies

depends much on managing time efficiently. The habits and morals

they acquired during schools’ time and home will stick with Them

throughout future. Time management shapes the student’s mind into

the direction of discipline and sense of duty. Discipline is

extremely important especially in school life to become better

students. The management is a skill that enables students to use

their time productively and efficiently. Time management is not

taught as an academic subject in school. Students have to utilize

their 24hours to become best students and experts in the subject.

The focus of learning time management skills is just to develop

the habits of spending time wisely.

One case to ponder on is Yeng Remulla (2011) on “manyana

habit’’ on herbook “Productive Pinoy” --- says she, the manyana

habit is something that we Filipinos have learned from Spaniards.

The word manyana means tomorrow or specified future time, also

known as procrastination in plain English, “mamaya na” In

Filipino. Remulla (2011) even described how it works; as follows:

1. One need to do something now… but then you decide to do it

2. One tells him Self that he will do tomorrow…tomorrow comes,

the cycle Happens. Little as it known, procrastination becomes a

habit but Remulla (2011), contends that with a behavior that I

acquired through frequent repetition, no amount of planning or

preparation can change…that the only way to change a Habit is to

replace it with another habit. However, the traits concerning

negative time management is neither inclusive nor exclusive,

individuality plays a role. One’s style of treating time may vary

from one to other. Especially with the case of students who are

taught of the value of time and deviated from their awareness its

significance and the role it takes for success and development.

Students are aware Of the value of time. They know the saying

that “time is gold”, but they don’t Internalize the practice of

this precious proverb. They have shallow understanding of time,

which is a misconception of time. It is therefore important gave

them the concept of time management. With an efficient time,

management behavior, come grater chances of completing tasks,

ease of learning, more leisure time; And with these, security of

high rating in achievement in different academic domain. It would

be least ensured by the students who practice proper time

management are good study habits.

According to Tan (2016), for Filipinos, being late and

starting things late have always been part of our culture. Many

Filipinos seems to either practice it us Accept it, so much that

we’ve been given a term for it. However, what many Filipinos

don’t realize is how crippling on our total productivity Filipino

Time can be, and how it says a lot about the character of

Filipinos. With the deep-rootedness of tardiness in Philippine

culture and literature, the horrible Manila traffic and public

transportation system, and our lack of ability to discipline

ourselves, Filipino Time will always be a glaring facet of

Filipino culture, and its strong network effects Speaks volume

about the kind of people Filipino are. Today’s society, there are
legitimate reason as to why Filipinos still have the habit of

Filipino Time. One of these is the incredible traffic Filipinos

have to go through in Metro Manila. Metro Manila is now known to

have the “worst Traffic on Earth” based on a global survey by

Waze. As such, when people want to meet up at a certain time in

Manila, the unpredictable traffic can make them either way too

early or too late for their meeting. Based on Palabrica (2011),

there are moves to make “Filipino Time”, or the Habit of many

Filipinos of coming late for their appointments, a thing of the

past. Last week, the Department of Science and Technology, in

cooperation with the Philippine representative of the Discovery

Channel, announced its plan to make Filipinos time conscious.

Dubbed “Juan Time” project, the campaign will start with

Encouraging Filipinos to synchronize their clocks and watches

with the Philippines Standard Time. With everybody aligned to the

same time reference, it would no longer be an acceptable excuse

to come late on account of the wrong time indicated in the time

piece. According to some Filipino sociologists, the tardiness

habit is a carry over of the practice during the colonial times

of Spanish officials delaying their attendance in form of

functions to show their “ascendancy” over those who came earlier.

It was the kastilaloys’ subtle way of saying that they have more

important things to attend To so they should not be expected to

be as prompts as the punctual attendances. Fifty years of

American rule, which emphasized time discipline, were not enough

to wean Filipinos away from this deplorable vestige of Spanish



According to Mahasneh, et al (2013), time and how to manage

it is one of the things that are very important for humans. In

other words, the value is not equal for all and not everyone uses

it the same. Many of them are interested in using it at their

best, while others are not. How to use time at optimum level, a

range of skills and special management is required. In other

words, the more familiar we are with it, the better we can

control and manage it. The primary purpose of this study was to

assess levels of Grade 10 students Time management and its

relation to academic performance of Easter cabu national high

school students. A sample of 313 Grade 10 students participated

in the study by responding to the 3 item Time Management

Questionnaire (TMQ). As indicated in the results section, the

mean value of the students’ response on the time planning was

2.38, time attitudes were 2.26, and time wasters was 2.96

signifying a low level of students’ awareness regarding time

management skills. This result indicates that university students

have not reached an acceptable level of awareness about time

management skills.

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