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This chapter presents the study’s design, locale, respondents, tool, data collection

procedure, and data management and analysis tools. The methodological approach of this study

would provide a detailed process in achieving the goals set.


This study utilized a quantitative- correlational design. This investigated the relationship

between the reading comprehension level of the grade 8 students and their academic

performance in English in new normal using the varied learning modalities. This design

described the characteristics of the respondents including their learning modalities, reading

comprehension level and academic performances. The quantitative research described and

defined their reading comprehension level and their academic performance in English. This

study employed an adopted questionnaire: Oral Reading Verification from Department of



This study was conducted at Canduman National High School Canduman National High

School is located at Housing Canduman Mandaue, City, Cebu. It wasclassified as a big school

with land area 4,898 square meter. There were 70 sections in Canduman National High School

with 129 teachers and 3, 695 students.

Figure 11. Map of CNHS


The respondent of this study were the Grade 8 students of Canduman National High

School. Currently there are 198 officially enrolled as of S.Y 2020-2021. There were 154

physically healthy students who are willing to participate in the research study with the consent

of their parents.


The researcher utilized the adopted questionnaire, Oral Reading Verification from

Department of Education. The survey questionnaire will have two parts. Part 1 is the learning

modalities as to modular, online learning, or blended learning and part 2 is the adopted Oral

Reading Verification from the DepEd. The survey questionnaire is a multiple choice test with 20

items questions. This comprises of literal, inferential, and critical type of reading comprehension


Data Gathering Procedure

Upon approval of the research title by the Dean of the School of Education in the

University of the Visayas, the researcher wrote a formal letter to the principal and superintendent

to seek permission to conduct a research study to Canduman National High School grade 8

students. The researcher also sent a letter to the parents of the concerned grade 8 respondents

asking permission to utilize their kids as respondents of the research study. Another letter was

sent also to the Institutional Review Board for the approval to conduct the research study to the
learners as mandated by the privacy act of gathering information to the respondents. Moreover, a

parental consent was sent online /offline to the parents of all Grade 8 respondents, before

administering the adopted survey questionnaire then the researcher has ensures that all consent

was signed and verify the authenticity of their parents’ signatures, a briefing and orientation shall

be conducted before administering the survey either online/offline.

Afterwards, the survey questionnaire was prepared by the researcher. The survey

questionnaire was conducted during the respondent’ English class time. It will be done in their

online/offline classroom with the consent of their adviser. Before the students will answer the

questionnaire, the researcher will explain to the students the purpose of the study, what it aims to

discover and how it will benefit the students. Then the instructions on how to answer the

questionnaire will follow. Questionnaire will be prepared and send online/offline to the identified

grade 8 students. The results of the reading comprehension test will be kept with utmost

confidentiality and follow the privacy act section 16 the rights of the data subject and section 20

the security of personal information.

After they answered the questionnaire online/offline it will be collected, interpreted and

analyzed by the researcher. The utilized data will be stored and kept in a safety place for security

purposes and for future references.

Data Analysis

The data gathered will be analyzed and interpreted using an statistical tool. A Frequency

and Percentage will be used to determine the learning modalities utilize by the students; Mean

and Standard Deviation will be used to the reading comprehension and reading performance in

English; T- test for Independent Samples the difference in terms of reading comprehension and

academic performance when students are group according to their learning modalities. Alpha
Level of Significance 0.05; and, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient will be

used to determine the significant relationship between reading comprehension and academic

performance in English.

Ethical Consideration

Everyone has the right to privacy and confidentiality of personal information. Dealing

with this the researcher send a parental consent letter to the parents of the concerned student

respondents. Taking into consideration that some of the respondents are minors, it is indicated in

the letter that participation is absolutely voluntary and further guidance and orientation is done to

the minors once the parents agreed and have affixed their signatures. Rest assured that data shall

be kept in secrecy. To uphold the ethical practices of research and to avoid breaching the human

rights of the respondents and other people that would contribute to the accomplishment of this

research work the following ethical measures are considered:

Risk and Benefits.

The research study is quantitative using survey questionnaires to assess students’ level in

reading comprehension and their academic performance. It is understood that the IRB cannot

approve studies that post potential risk to the respondents, questionnaires that endangers their

personal dignity and privacy.

However this study as perceived by the researcher posts no significant and potential risk

to the respondent groups as there is no data mining needed, Questions reflected in the survey

questionnaires possess no potential risk of inflicting psychological trauma to the respondents,

thus the study will benefit the respondents hence the output of the study will serve as their guide

in choosing a career path which would be the life time basis of their vocation and means of

It is just emphasized that their participation is absolutely voluntary, parental consent and assent

are secured before floating the questionnaires and orientation is done before actual survey

questionnaires are distributed. Data obtained are kept in total privacy and the questionnaires are

burned right after the tally.

Content, Comprehension and Documentation of Informed consent.

In order to safeguard the rights of the respondents in this study, an informed consent form

indicating approval by the IRB was given to the respondents together with the discussion of the

nature of the research study. Participation in the research study is completely voluntary and

agreement to the said research was validated by the respondent’s signature in the consent form.

The following are the provisions provided in the consent form:

Participant status. Respondents have clearly understood that the study is only about

getting their demographic profile and their scores in reading test with their grades in the previous

grade in English subject and there is no data mining needed.

Study Goals. The researcher presented to the respondents the purpose of the study before

floating the questionnaires. A thorough orientation is conducted to ascertain that the respondents

are totally aware of the goals of the study including its potential beneficiaries.

Type of data. Prior to the conduct of the questionnaire, they are oriented on the type of

data that they will be asked for, data are previous general average in English and their scores in

reading test.

Procedures. Data collection procedure only involves distribution

of survey questionnaires. Results are transcribed and burned after obtaining the data

needed and tallied.

Nature of the Commitment. The researcher will make use of the student’s vacant time

with the adviser’s consent. The survey will only take 1 hour which includes the orientation of the

survey and the survey parts.

Sponsorship. The study is part of an academic requirement and the expenses incurred are

financed by the researcher.

Participant selection. The study chose the grade 8 students of Canduman National High

school to be the respondents of the study thus they will be the recipient of the output of the study.

Potential Risks. The researcher identified minor risk especially in the conduct of the

study because they will be asked to render about 1 hour in answering. The researcher tried her

best to keep the respondents in their most relax moments to avoid stress both physically and


Potential Benefits. Identified potential benefits to the respondents are that they will be

the recipient of enhancement reading program that would guide help them and enhance their skill

in reading since this is very useful as they move to the next grades.

Alternatives. The study simply employed survey questionnaires that could be done and

accomplished for minimum period of time thus alternatives is not considered by the researcher.

Compensation. There is no compensation given to the respondents only simple token of


Confidentiality pledge. To protect the privacy of the respondents, anonymity is

guaranteed by not mentioning their names in the manuscript, only codes were used.

Voluntary consent. The participation of respondents was all voluntary and no amount of

coercion was applied. Any private information was only disclosed to the researcher.
Right to withdraw and withhold information. Respondents were informed that they

can withheld information if they wish to and withdraw from participation if they like to anytime.

Contact Information. The researcher provided the respondents with her contact number

and University of the Visayas contact number if ever they have questions, comments or

complains regarding the conduct of the study especially on the gathering of data. They can

contact the IRB office Address: UV Main Colon St. Cebu City Email:

Tel: 416-8607 Mobile: 0943-533049

Authorization to access private information. Authorization to access private

information was included in the consent form and private information was disclosed only to the

researcher. In totality, there is no private information that could endanger the respondents dignity

foreseen in the study however every data taken is withheld with utmost anonymity and


Confidentiality Procedure. The study utilizes survey questionnaires related to their

profiles along with their previous general average in English and their scores in reading

comprehension test thus there is no potential factor that would endanger respondent’s dignity yet

for securing the utmost confidentiality of the respondents, they were not asked to reflect their

names on the questionnaire and after the interpretation of data, the questionnaires shall be turned

over to UV-IRB office for safe keeping,.

Debriefing, communications and referrals. Since the study utilizes only survey

questionnaires and test on matters only pertinent to courses of preference, the researcher found

nothing in the research that is potential of inflicting psychological trauma to respondents thus

debriefing is found to be not necessary after the conduct of the study.

Incentives or compensation. The time and effort asked from the respondents is very

minimal added that it is done during their free time much more that the number of respondents is

too high. They were not given any compensation or honoraria considering that the study is

funded from the personal pockets of the researcher. Anyway, after the conduct of the study,

heartfelt and profound gratitude were uttered and extended by the researcher for the students’

participation towards the completion of this humble work.

Conflict of interest. The conduct of the study was smooth sailing thus there was no

slightest signs manifested that there is a conflict of interest thus managing conflict of interest is

not applicable in this study

Vulnerability Assessment. The researcher identified no potential risk that might inflict

minors of the data accounted for. Data gathered are all positive and friendly to human dignity

including to minors. There is no other step to be undertaken except securing parental consent,

debriefing and further orientation and assuring the confidentiality and secrecy of the data. There

is no data mining needed as all responses shall be rated through given indicators alone.

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