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EAST AFRICA UNIVERSITY ‫جــامـعـة شــرق إفــريــقــيــا‬

GAROWE CAMPUS ‫فــرع جـــرووي‬


COURSE UNIT: Principle of Development Economics SEMESTER: 6th

EXAM: Quiz 1 TIME: 40 Min

LECTURER: Mohamed Abdi Isse MARKS: 5 marks

SECTION B: Choose the correct answer

Q1. …….is a branch of economics that focus on improving fiscal, economic and social conditions
in developing countries?
A. Development Economics B. Economic Development C. Macro-economic D. All
Q2. The main obstacles to economic development of developing countries include ………….

A. Vicious circles of poverty B. High population growth rate C. Political instability D. All
Q3. ……… is the sustainable increase in the total amount of the goods and services (output) produced in
an economy over time?

A. Economic development B. sustainable development B. Economic growth D. none of them

Q4. Under utilization of resources and high dependence of agriculture are one of the common characteristics
of Less Developed Countries.

A. True B. False

SECTION C: Answer Any two Questions of Your Choice

1. Write and explain any four of the Kuznets’s characteristics of Modern economic growth?
2. State and explain at least four of the common characteristics of less developed countries?
3. Differentiate traditional view of economic development and modern economic
4. Compare and differentiate economic growth and economic development?

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