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DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the given text focusing on its content, audience, purpose, tone and style

Title: The importance of English Language Learning in Today's Globalized World

Author: Sarah Smith

Journal: Language Teaching Research

Year of publication 2021

Abstract: English has become the lingua franca of the globalized world and as such English language
learning has become increasingly important for individuals and societies alike. This article examines the
reasons why English language learning is so crucial in today's world, and the benefits it can bring to
Individual and communities. The article also explores some of the challenges and opportunities of English
language learning, including the role of technology and the importance of cultural awareness. Finally,
the article concludes with some recommendations for English language teachers and learners on how to
make the most of this important skill.

English has become the world's most widely spoken language, with over 1.5 billion people currently
using it in some form or another. It is the language of international business science, and technology,
and is spoken by more non-native speakers than any other language. As such, English language learning
has become an essential skill for individuals and societies alike. In this article, we will explore the
reasons why English language learning is so important in today's globalized world, and the benefits it can
bring to individuals and communities

The benefits of English language learning are manifold. Firstly, English language proficiency is an
essential skill for individuals who wish to participate in the globalized economy. Most international
business and trade is conducted in English, and many companies require their employees to be
proficient in the language. Moreover, many of the world's top universities and research institutions use
English as their medium of instruction, making it essential for students who wish to pursue higher

Secondly, English language learning can help individuals broaden their horizons and expand their
cultural knowledge. The ability to speak English can help individuals connect with people from different
countries and cultures, and can facilitate cross-cultural communication and understanding. It can also
enable individuals to travel and work abroad, experiencing new cultures and ways of life.

Thirdly, English language learning can have significant social benefits. It can enable individuals to
participate in their local communities, make friends from different backgrounds, and contribute to social
cohesion, it can also help individuals access important information and services, such as healthcare and
legal services.
However, English language learning is not without its challenges. Many learners struggle with the
complexity of English grammar and vocabulary, and find it difficult to achieve fluency in the language.
Moreover, the cultural differences between English-speaking countries and learners native cultures can
present challenges in terms of understanding and communication.

In conclusion, English language learning is an essential skill in today's globalized world it can provide
individuals with access to education, employment, and cultural experiences, and can facilitate cross
cultural communication and understanding However, it also presents challenges, and requires learners
to be dedicated and motivated in their studies. English language teachers and learners must work
together to overcome these challenges and make the most of this important skill.


1. What is the purpose of the technical text? is it to inform, persuade, instruct, or describe a process?

2 What is the content of the technical text? What information is being presented and how is it
organized? Elucidate

3. What is the style of the technical text? is it formal or informal? Is it written in a technical jargon or
plain language? Elucidate

4. What is the tone of the technical text? is objective, subjective, persuasive, or critical? Elucidate

5. Who is the audience for the technical text? is it written for experts in the field or for a general
audience? What is the level of technical expertise requited to understand the text?

6. How effective is the technical text in achieving its purpose? Does it convey the intended message
clearly and concisely?

7. How does the technical text compare to other similar tests in terms of purpose, content, style, tone,
and audience? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the text in these areas?

8. How could the technical text be improved in terms of purpose, content, style, tone, and audience?
Are there any changes that could make it more effective or easier to understand?

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