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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

School of Criminal Justice Education

San Nicolas, City of Candon, Ilocos Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree


Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Month and Year of the defense



TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

APPROVAL SHEET ..................

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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Bachelor of Science in Criminology




Drugs are substances that change a persons’ mental or physical state.

They can affect the way your brain works, how you feel and behave, your

understanding and your senses. This makes them unpredictable and

dangerous, especially for young people.

The past decades have disclosed many drug-related incidents about illicit

drug production, trafficking, and use (Collins, 2022). Moreover, drug use has

been a part of society across continents and generations, public consciousness

about drugs has been largely shaped by public policy heavily influenced by

racial politics (Reddington & Bonham, 2015). According to (Britannica, T. of

2020) since 1970’s, the United States effort to combat illegal drug use by

greatly increasing penalties, enforcement, and incarceration for drug offenders

leads to the establishment of War on Drugs.

The War on Drugs began in June 1971 when U.S. President Richard

Nixon declared drug abuse to be “public enemy number one” and increased

federal funding for drug-control agencies and drug-treatment efforts. However

in 2010, NBC News wrote that the war on Drugs “has met none of its goals,”

specifically mentioning the widespread use of illegal substances, and rampant

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


violence and crime, as evidence that the lofty goals put forward in the

declaration of the War have fallen far short. One of the problems said Gil

Kerlikowske, the former Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy,

is that the US government never took a big picture approach to the problem of

drugs. There was too much of a focus on arresting drug dealers and not

enough on treating the addiction that made drug dealing.

The statistics on illegal drug overuse and abuse reveals a varied picture.

Since the inception of the global war on drugs in 1972 through the Single

Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the menace remains a matter of shared concern

among the people across the globe (Mendoza & Lalic, 2016). The United

Nations Office on Drugs on Crime (UNODC) reported that 2.3% of the

worldwide population overused and abused illegal drug substances in 2014.

Furthermore, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (2017) in their

World Drug Report reported that over a quarter of a billion individuals, or 5%

of the worldwide adult population, took drugs at least once in 205, and around

5.6%, or 275 million of the world population aged 15-64 years used drugs at

least once in 2016 (Merz, 2018).

In the Philippines, when former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte won the

Presidential election on 2016, one of the campaign propagandas used by him is

that he will eliminate the drug problem that is killing the youth and hurting the

society. One of his first marching orders is an all-out war against illegal drugs.

This might have been due to the fact that the Philippines are one of ASEAN’s

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


drug-affected countries, and barangay is among the vulnerable units affected

by drugs. Among the indicators included in the determination of drug affection

is drug users and personalities, pusher, manufacturer, marijuana cultivator

and plantation, drug den, clandestine drug laboratory, and other facilities of

illicit drug production (PDEA, 2013). There are roughly 1.8 million drug users

in the Philippines and around 4.8 million Filipinos who have taken illicit drugs

at least once (Hechanova & Go, 2019). According to the Dangerous Drugs

Board, the country’s government agency mandated to formulate policies about

illegal drugs and shabu is the most widely used drug in the country. In the

United Nations assessment, the Philippines had the highest rate of Shabu

consumption in East Asia, accounting for around 2.2 percent of Filipinos aged

16-64 years (Herbosa & Withers, 2019). Moreover, in the opinion of Reuters,

President Rodrigo Duterte has predicted the country could become a “narco-

state” if the country’s tide of drug addiction is not pushed back. In contrary to

that, media coverage was focused on their so-called “extrajudicial killings” but

the anti-illegal drug war of the government does not focus mainly on the

apprehension and seizure of illegal drugs.

At present, local government units, particularly the barangays or

villages, play a vital role in the reduction drive of the government’s campaign

against illegal drugs.

The main strategy adopted by the government as a proactive response to the

drug war is the “Barangay Drug Clearing Program”. The fight against the ill

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


effects of dangerous drugs was brought down to the Barangay level. The

rationale behind this strategy is that the barangay being the smallest political

unit or the “grassroots level”, are very familiar with their community as well as

their constituents.

The Barangay Drug Clearing Program was institutionalized through the

Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Resolution No. 3, Series of 2017. It is in line

with the policy of the State to safeguard the integrity of its territory and the

well-being of its citizenry from the ill- effects of dangerous drugs (Babor et. al,

22010). With this program, the focus was shifted to the grassroots, the

barangay level, where the drug problem thrives. Former PDEA Director General

Isidro Lapeña said that the barangay, as the first line of defense, should be

tapped as force multipliers of the national anti-drug campaign at the grassroots

level. An integrated approach to emerge victorious in the war on drugs is to rid

illegal drugs barangay by barangay.



The main aim of this study will be to find out the Barangay Drug Clearing as

an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign in the Municipality of San Emilio.

1. What are the tools used by the Barangay Officials towards the implementation of

Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign?

2. What is the level of effectiveness of the Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-

Illegal Drug Campaign?

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


3. What are the challenges encountered by the Barangay along the application

of Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign?

Hypothesis: The level of challenges of the Barangay Drug Clearing as an

Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign falls under Highly Effective extent.


This study will be beneficial to the following:

Barangay Anti- Drug Abuse Councils. They may be given the idea of

how their respective barangays can effectively and permanently avoid drug


Municipality of San Emilio. This study may be used by Municipality of

San Emilio to further improve its implementation of the Barangay Drug

Clearing Program that may result in the clearing of all barangays within its

jurisdiction and propel it to drug-cleared status.

Regional Peace and Order Council. This study may serve as a model

that will contribute to the different problems and feat experience by other cities

and municipalities within Region 1 as to the complexity and dynamics in the

implementation of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program.

Government Agencies. This study may aid the government agencies

who are tasked to facilitate the Barangay Drug Clearing Program to improve

their plan of action and supervision when it comes to the effective

implementation of the program’s concept, framework, processes, and

requirements, and sustainability. These government agencies are the Philippine

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), the Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG), the Department of Health (DOH), the Philippine National

Police (PNP), and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

Future Researchers. The study may offer valuable information and

supplementary data to future researchers whose study is of similar nature and

related subject. Further, through the related studies and literature in this

study, future researchers may be given additional information that will help

them enhance the pursuit of their study.


Local government units, particularly the barangays or villages, play a

vital role in the demand reduction drive of the government’s campaign against

illegal drugs.

In the Philippine Star article (2018), Resist, Adapt, Submit: Barangay

officials make tough choices in the drug war, the barangay, the basic unit of

Philippine governance, is the smallest cog in the drug war's machinery. But it

is an important one.

There are over 42,000 barangays throughout the country. The barangay

chairperson (or Punong barangay) and members of the Sangguniang Barangay

(council members, popularly called Kagawad) are the elected officials with the

closest claim to direct community representation. As the primary planning,

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


implementing, and dispute resolution unit under the 1991 Local Government

Code, any major government directive- whether it concerns vaccination,

nutrition, or peace and order- needs the cooperation of the barangay if it is to

be implemented. While they are the most visible instruments of the drug war,

they are only one of the many agents and institutions that have been mobilized

for the Duterte administration's anti-drug campaign. There is an entire

bureaucracy behind the war on drugs. The barangays, like the police, are at

the frontlines.

The article is related to the present study for it discussed the role of the

barangays in the current administration’s war on drugs. It correctly stated that

the barangays are also at the frontlines of this war. This study aims to assess

the effectiveness of this frontline force to reflect its vital role in the country’s

drug policy implementation.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos (2016) in an untitled essay

wrote that the period where his country waged war against drug barons and

criminal organizations was the period when Colombia lost many of its best

political leaders, policemen and soldiers, judges, and prosecutors. He added

that although significant achievements like dismantling drug cartels and

reducing the manufacturing and trade of illegal drugs were made, drug

traffickers were able to adapt and change. Santos called for recognition that

between total war and legalization, there exists a broad range of options worth

exploring" when it comes to combating the proliferation of illegal drug use. If

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


progress is to be made, according to Santos, countries facing a drug problem

should frame policies on drugs within the context of human rights, introduce a

public health framework to the treatment of drug addiction, and adopt

alternatives to prison for drug-related offenses. He said that social and

economic alternatives should be provided to communities and sectors using

illegal drugs to make ends meet.

It is related to the present study because Santos’s observation and

recommendation are viable to its significance. With the BDCP, the effort

against the eradication of the country’s drug problem is not centered on anti-

illegal drug operations alone. Through this program, the basic unit of the

country’s government is mobilized to refrain from resorting to punitive means

in solving the drug problem.

The Role of Mayors and Barangay Captains in the Philippines' Anti-Drugs

Campaign by Mendoza et al. (2018) attempts to examine the legal mandate of

Philippine local government officials, mayors, and barangay captains, within

the national government’s anti-illegal drug campaign, notably the police-led

Project Double Barrel and Oplan Tokhang. To determine their duties, the

General Welfare Clause from the Local Government Code of 1991 and the

issuances from the Department of the Interior and Local Government on

organizing Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) in the barangay level are

examined, among others. Geographical mapping of the drug-related killings in

the barangay and district levels of Quezon City and City of Manila potentially

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


illustrates the extent that the local officials may have perpetrated or resisted

the punitive approach of the police. The research offers a counter-narrative,

asking pointed questions on whether and to what extent the local officials, in

reality, committed gross negligence and dereliction of duty by allowing a high

death toll in their jurisdictions; thus, threatening the security, safety, and

human rights of their constituents.

Mendoza et al.’s study is related to the present study for it focused on the

role of local government units in the implementation of nationwide drug policy

programs. The present study like the aforementioned study aims to do the

same by gauging the effectiveness of the BDCP. By doing so, the role of local

key players in the program’s effectiveness will be measured.


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Problems or challenges encountered by
the Barangay along the application of
Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-
illegal Drug Campaign.

Tools used by the Barangay

Officials towards the
implementation of Barangay Drug
Clearing as an Anti-illegal Drug

Challenges of the Barangay Drug

Clearing as an Anti-illegal Drug

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


The conceptual framework of this study will interpret objectively the flow

involved and their relationship to one another in this study. This is essential to

outline the flow of the manner of the study.

Chapter IV, Section 39, paragraph 20 of Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise

known as the Local Government Code of 1991, mandated that barangays shall

adopt measures towards the prevention and eradication of drug abuse. The

Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) called for the

revitalization of the respective

Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADACs), through Memorandum Circular

No. 2015-063. The BADACs are ordered to formulate, plan, strategize,

implement, and evaluate programs and projects on drugs prevention. The

guidelines on the implementation of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program are

reiterated in Dangerous Drugs Board regulation no. 3 series of 2017, entitled:

Strengthening the Implementation of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program.

It is the duty of the state, to protect and serve its people from the menace

of illegal drugs and other security threats. The present study aims to determine

challenges of the Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign in

Municipality of San Emilio. Relative thereto it seeks to identify the tools used

and problem or challenges faced by the local government and barangay officials

in the implementation of said program. With the identification of the problem,

determination of the challenges and its status, the researcher seeks to

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


conclude the research with innovative methods to implement the program for

the benefit of Municipality of San Emilio and other political subdivisions in the


The evaluation on the status and profile of the Barangay Drug Clearing

Program in San Emilio included the tally of the number of drugs cleared

barangays, and the participation or cooperation of the local government units

and stakeholders. The collected data in terms of tools used and problems

encountered are the aspects that determine the level of effectiveness of the

barangay drug clearing. The comparative outcome of these studies will result in

the effective implementation of the same. The answers of the chosen

respondents will help the researchers determine the factors that affect the

Barangay Drug Clearing Program, considering the problems encountered by

the barangays in the implementation thereof. Whether or not there exist

resurgent barangays, the presence of target-listed personalities also count as

variables, which concludes the impact and challenges of the Barangay Drug

Clearing Program. The recommendations are essential to enhance or improve

the services provided by the barangay and the support of the other government

agencies and local government units.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study were operationally and conceptually defined to avoid

uncertainty of data from where the study was derived.

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Barangay. The barangay is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines. In this

study, it is used to mean as the first line of defense tapped as force multipliers of the national anti-

drug campaign at the grassroots level.

Barangay Drug Clearing Program (BDCP). The Barangay Drug Clearing Program was

designed to provide a more effective and efficient measure towards preventing and eradicating illegal

drug abuse at the barangay level based on Dangerous Drugs Board Regulations No. 3, Series of 2017

(Strengthening the Implementation of Barangay Drug Clearing Program). It was implemented to curb

the proliferation of illegal drugs in communities and promote the involvement of local villages in

stopping drug trafficking and abuse. In this study, the aforementioned definition is adopted.

Drugs. Drugs are psychoactive substances that are capable of influencing brain systems

linked to reward and pleasure. In this study, it is used to mean substances controlled or prohibited by

legal regulations, otherwise known as illicit drugs.


The center heading is a discussion of the main concept.

Side Heading

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Paragraph heading. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xx.

Xxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx.

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Chapter II


To further understand this study, this chapter contains the following

details: research design and methodology, research population and locale, data

gathering tools and procedures, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will use the descriptive method for a systematic

gathering and evaluation of data and to describe, explain and understand the

Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign in San Emilio.

According to Manuel and Medel (2014), descriptive method describes data

characteristics and interpretation about the population or phenomenon being

studied. It is used to gather information in order to test hypotheses or to

answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study in

the present such as identifying the tools being used and the factors affecting

the effectiveness of the barangay drug clearing.

Population and Locale of the Study

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The population of the study was composed of barangay officials in the

different barangays of San Emilio. From the total number of barangays in the

municipality, only 5 barangays were randomly picked as the respondents of the

study. Total enumeration was used in selecting the barangay officials.

Therefore, the study will be conducted in the barangays within the jurisdiction

of San Emilio namely: Cabaroan (Poblacion), Kalumsing, Lancuas, Paltoc, and

Sibsibbu. All of the mentioned barangays will be assessed to determine the level

of effectiveness of the Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-illegal Drug


Data Gathering Tool

To collect the significant information regarding the challenges of

the barangay drug clearing as an anti-illegal drug campaign, the researchers

will utilize checklist/survey questionnaire as their tool in data accumulation.

The checklist/survey questionnaire will consists of a broad range of questions

aim to figure out the barangay drug clearing’s level of effectiveness as an anti-

illegal drug campaign.

The checklist survey questionnaire will be made by the researchers based on

the study. The content of the questionnaire will be divided into three parts. The

first part consists of questions that determine the tools used by the barangay

officials towards the implementation of Barangay Drug Clearing. The second

part will be the barangay official’s problems or challenges encountered along

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


the application of Barangay Drug Clearing. And lastly, the third part will be the

the Barangay Drug Clearing as an anti-illegal drug campaign.

Data Gathering Procedure

The population of the study will be composed of barangay officials

in the different barangays of San Emilio. From the total number of barangays

in the municipality, only 5 barangays will be randomly picked as the

respondents of the study. Total enumeration will be used in selecting the

barangay officials. And to gather the needed information from the respondents,

the researchers will ask the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Municipality of

San Emilio to give a copy of the names of barangay officials in the 5 Barangays

within its jurisdiction which will be the respondents of the study and will be

assessed to determine the challenges of the barangay drug clearing as an anti-

illegal drug campaign.

Treatment of Data

The following tools will be used in this research to interpret the data that

will be gathered in this study: Weighted mean, Frequency count, and

Percentage. The weighted mean will determine the Level of Effectiveness of the

Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign of Municipality of

San Emilio as will be reflected to the Likert Scale Model.

Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Where: X = score or other measures

N = number of measures

4 ∑= the sum of scores

For problem number 1 and 2, (Tools Used, Problems Encountered in the

Implementation, and the Solutions to the Problems Encountered) the

researcher employed weighted mean, frequency count, rank, and percentage to

treat their answers into a numeric data.

For problem number 3, (Level of Effectiveness of the Barangay Drug

Clearing as an Anti-Illegal Drug Campaign of Municipality of San Emilio), the

researcher will use the frequency and rank to identify the policies regularly

implemented, resiliency to re-affectation, and decreasing-drug related problems

from the collected data. The Likert Scale model is utilized to interpret the verbal

response of the respondents into a numerical and statistical response.

Moreover, the researchers will also employ the use of ranking to

determine the prevailing impact of the barangay clearing program in their

barangay, the problems encountered by the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse

Council, and the recommendations of the respondents towards the problem.

The researchers will also employ percentages to determine the frequency

counts and percentage distribution of personal related variables of the


Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Formula: %= F/N x 100 Where: % = percentage

F= frequency
N= total number of respondents

100= constant value

Likewise, the Likert Scale model would be used to measure numerically

the verbal response of the Barangay Officials.


5 4.45 – 5.0 Excellent
4 3.45 – 4.44 Good
3 2.45 – 3.44 Fair
2 1.45 – 2.44 Poor
1 1.00 – 1.44 Very Poor

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Name of the Proposed Research Approved Research Comment/s &

Researchers Title Title Suggestion/s
(April 20, 2022)
SUNGABEN, Effectiveness of Barangay Drug Statement of the
Colen Barangay Drug Clearing as an Anti- Problem:
QUITEVIS, Clearing As An Anti- Illegal Drug 1. What are the
Florence Illegal Drug Campaign Campaign tools used by the
MARTINES, Barangay
Oliver Officials towards
of Barangay
GALANG, Drug Clearing as
Angelou an Anti-Illegal
Drug Campaign?
2. What is the
level of
effectiveness of
the Barangay
Drug Clearing
as an Anti-
Illegal Drug
3. What are the
encountered by
the Barangay

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


along the
application of
Barangay Drug
Clearing as an

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

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