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Mother multitasks in the kitchen, preparing breakfast, preparing lunches, and checking her
phone/laptop for work updates. She wears a professional outfit.

(Harvey enters the kitchen, carrying a paper)

HARVEY: I'm running late, but I wanted to say goodbye (hurriedly)
(Marielli smiles and gives him his lunch)
MARIELLI: Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Have a great day at work! (encouragingly)
(Harvey exits, and Marielli turns her attention to the children)

(Kathlyn, Marjorie, and Lovely enter the kitchen, dressed for school)
LOVELY: Mom, I have a school presentation today! (excitedly)
KATHLYN: Mom, I need help with my science project! (excitedly)
MARJORIE: And I need you to sign this permission slip Mom. (holding up a school form)

Mother takes a deep breath, embracing the moment.

(Marielli smiling)
MARIELLI: I'm so proud of you (seeing her children)
MARIELLI: You'll do amazing (seeing to lovely)

Mother sits on the couch, surrounded by her children

(Marielli helps Kathlyn with their science project)
(Marielli signs Marjorie permission slip)

(Marielli looking at her children)

MARIELLI: No matter how busy life gets, you are my priority. Your dreams, achievements, and happiness
mean the world to me.


The family gathers around the dining table, filled with laughter and conversation.
LOVELY: Mom, guess what? I aced my presentation! (eagerly)
KATHLYN: Thank you for helping me with my project, Mom! (happily)
MARJORIE: And thank you for signing my slip, mom
(Marielli face lights up with joy and pride)
MARIELLI: I knew you could do it (seeing to Lovely and kissing her forehead)
MARIELLI: You are always welcome my dear (seeing to Kathlyn and Marjorie)
MARIELLI: I love each of you more than words can express. You make my world brighter every day.


(Marielli settles on the couch, reflecting on the beautiful moments of the day)

ALL OF US: Being a mother can have its challenges, but your love and connection you have with your
children make it all worth it. No matter how busy a mother's life is, they are always in our hearts. The joy
and love you receive from your children is immeasurable. Every family dynamic is unique, and what
works for one may not work for another. Find a balance that aligns with your values, priorities, and
individual circumstances, allowing you to be the best mother or teacher you can be while pursuing your


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