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Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

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Recycling of agricultural irrigation canal sludge and mirror factory residue

in green brick production
Serdar Korpayev a, *, Meretdurdy Bayramov a, Nurmurat Kandymov b, Serdar Durdyev c
Economic Society “Dowletli-Dowran”, Lebap Velayat, Khalach district, Turkmenistan
Department of Civil Engineering, Paragon International University, Phnom Penh 12510, Cambodia
Department of Engineering and Architectural Studies, Ara Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand


Keywords: Owing to the high demand for construction materials, the construction sector plays an important role in assessing
Irrigation canal sludge different types of agricultural and mirror industry residues. Consequently, for the first time, a study has been
Mirror factory residue conducted in which residues from the agricultural and mirror industry are used together to contribute to the
Green brick production
production of a more environmentally friendly brick. Agricultural irrigation canal (AIC) sludge could not be used
Plasticity improvement
alone in brick making because of its low plasticity. Improvement of the plasticity of AIC sludge for the extrusion
was achieved with another highly plastic mirror or glass factory residue (MFR) from sand washing process. The
two residues as raw materials were mixed at various mass ratios of 90/10, 85/15, 80/20 and 75/25 wt%,
extruded with proper moisture content, dried at 110 ◦ C and fired at 950 ◦ C and 1050 ◦ C, respectively. An
increasing amount of MFR in formulations improved both plasticity and compressive strength of bricks. For raw
materials, the mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD); chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX); morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM); and ther­
mogravimetric analysis were performed. Plasticities, Bigot’s curves and dilatometry analysis of all mixtures were
evaluated. Firing shrinkage, apparent density, apparent porosity, water absorption, freeze–thaw resistance,
bending strength and compressive strength were determined for fired bricks. These final brick products were also
characterised using SEM and XRD. In this study, bricks from AIC sludge and MFR mixtures were showed with a
compressive strength in the range of 10–45 MPa. It was found that the bricks made with AIC sludge-MFR 75/25
mixture fired at 1050 ◦ C had superior freeze–thaw and mechanical features. The outcomes demonstrated that
these two raw materials have adequate characteristics for ceramic brick production.

1. Introduction Besides depletion of fertile soil or clay in the brick industry, landfill
scarcity for residues of certain industries is an additional environmental
With a global production of over 1,391 billion units each year, the problem for a green world. Researchers must study the utilisation of
construction sector is crucial to the economic growth of developing alternative materials to reduce the usage of clay and soil. Many mate­
nations [1,2]. China and India are the largest brick-producing countries rials have been studied, including fly ash, construction waste, slag,
and each fabricate more than a billion tons of bricks per year [3]. Of the cotton, paper production residue, cigarette butts, waste tea, rice husk
two types of bricks, clay and cement, clay is usually preferred by man­ ash, crumb rubber, sugarcane and waste glass [1,8–20].
ufacturers because of its cheaper cost, higher fire resistance, longer This study aimed to evaluate the use of two residue materials,
service life and lower production energy compared with cement [4–6]. namely agricultural irrigation canal (AIC) sludge and mirror factory
An increase in the production of clay bricks leads to the deficiency of this residue (MFR) in the production of clay-based bricks. El-Din et al. [21]
non-renewable raw material. Thus, some countries have already started suggested that using a water treatment plant sludge instead of clay is
to limit the use of clay for brick production to protect clay resources [7]. possibly done because of the similarity in chemical composition.
Hence, it is essential to source green materials to reduce the usage of clay Moreover, dredged sludge from canals and rivers is difficult to recycle
for brick production. and requires a landfill or offshore site for disposal, which has an adverse

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Korpayev).
Received 27 October 2021; Received in revised form 30 June 2022; Accepted 11 July 2022
Available online 20 July 2022
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Fig. 1. a) Irrigation sludge collected on the side of the canal b) MFR obtained after sand washing c) powder form of AIC sludge and d) MFR.

environmental impact [22–24]. Therefore, the use of sludge in the cleaning the canals was evaluated and transformed into a useful and
construction industry presents an environmentally friendly and functional product.
economically superior option [25].
The AIC sludge used in this research was obtained from the Halach 2. Experimental method
canal (Turkmenistan) functioning as an irrigation source in the region.
Sludge is piled around the canal every time it is cleaned, and much of the 2.1. Materials
sludge requires a landfill site for disposal. This sludge is used to replace
the fertile clay in brick production; however, it contains a high sand 2.1.1. Raw materials (agricultural irrigation canal sludge and mirror
ratio, which might reduce the plasticity of a specimen. Consequently, it factory residue)
is necessary to increase the plasticity by mixing it with high plasticity The AIC sludge used in this research was collected from Halach canal
clay (Fig. S1). For this purpose, AIC sludge is mixed with MFR residue (Turkmenistan), an artificial river-level waterway that is an important
from the Turkmen glass and mirror factory (Turkmenistan). Sand is used source of irrigation water for the region (Fig. 1a). When the canal is
for glass production and high clay ratio residue is left from the raw cleaned regularly, the sludge is piled around the canal, from where it
material. The iron and aluminium percentages in the sand should be was collected for our study. The sludge taken from the water treatment
below 1 %. For this, the percentage of iron and aluminium is reduced by plant was sun-dried for a few days and milled. The clay residue utilised
washing the sands in pools. As a result of the washing processes, water is was supplied by the local glass industry. The clay is left as a residue from
removed from the environment and clay-rich residues are obtained. In raw material after the sand is washed for glass production (Fig. 1b) The
this way, approximately 7500 tons of factory clay residue are obtained clay residue obtained after this sand washing was dried under the sun to
from these raw materials. This residue accumulates unless it is used, and remove moisture and conduct chemical and physical analysis. The
the residues should be evaluated, which is the focus of this study. powdered form of AIC sludge and MFR are shown in Fig. 1c and d,
The research process employed in this study is innovative because respectively.
the use of residue clay from glass and mirror factory has not previously
been studied as a raw material for the production of fired bricks. The
influence of the MFR ratios on the chemical, physical, mechanical and 2.2. Physical and chemical analyses of agricultural irrigation canal sludge
industrial features of the AIC sludge brick samples was studied. The and mirror factory residue as raw materials
shrinkage (S), water absorption (WA), bulk density (BD), apparent
porosity (AP), apparent specific gravity (ASG), compressive strength, To determine the particle size distribution of the AIC sludge and MFR
microstructure by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy disper­ samples, both the hydrometer method [26] and laser diffraction analysis
sive X-ray analysis (EDX), mineralogical and freeze–thaw analysis of by Mastersizer Hydro 3000E (Malvern, UK) were employed. Plasticity
fired bricks were evaluated. In addition, the applicability of the selected was evaluated using Pfferkorn, and the consistency of extruded speci­
mixture in industrial conditions was also tested. The investigation rep­ mens was determined using pocket penetrometer ST 207 (kg/cm2)
resents promising and significant work and presents new insights into (Ceramic instruments, Italy). The mineralogical and chemical compo­
the evaluation of AIC sludge and MFR. The amount of clay used for sition (oxides) analyses of AIC sludge and MFR samples were conducted
bricks was reduced; therefore not only was natural resources depletion using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) with the Bruker
prevented but also the amount of residue produced by the mirror in­ D8 Advance device and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) with the Bruker S4
dustry was reduced. Further, the sludge accumulated after digging and Pioneer, respectively. For XRF analysis, samples were prepared as
pressed powder pellets. Using a hydraulic press machine, pressed

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Table 1
Specimen mixtures from AIC sludge and MFR.
%CaCO3 = %CO2 × 2.273 (2)

Sample AIC sludge% MFR% Total% Added water %

2.3. Preparations of fired brick samples
M1 90 10 100 16.5
M2 85 15 100 17
The AIC sludge and MFR collected were air dried for 72 h, then
M3 80 20 100 17.5
M4 75 25 100 18 further dried in an oven (110 ◦ C) for 24 h and then ground in a hammer
mill in the laboratory. The AIC sludge and MFR mixture was prepared
and mixed in a mechanical mixer for 30 min to obtain a uniform con­
powder pellets were moulded using 5 g of sample and 1 g of wax in an Al sistency before adding the correct amount of water for the wet mixing
ring (32 mm internal diameter, 8 mm height) with 300 kgf cm− 2. For process (Table 1). Proportions of the clay brick mixes are given in Fig. 2
XRD analysis, the crushed and subsequent pressed disks were sieved at and Table 1, which provides a flowchart of the sample preparation.
50 µm and examined with a powder diffractometer under standard cir­ Prepared plastic mixtures were kept overnight for the aging process and
cumstances (Cu Kα radiation 1.54056 Å, 40 kV and 30 mA, 3–80◦ 2θ, step homogeneous distribution of the moisture. After shaping the brick
size 0.015◦ , time per step 0.1 s with divergence slit 0.5◦ ). The thermal samples via extrusion at a speed of 18 units/min in a vacuum (760 mm
behaviours of the AIC sludge and clay residue were performed by Hg) extruder (Verdes, Spain), resulting in bricks of ~ 118 × 28 × 18
thermogravimetric (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) mm3, the bricks were dried in an oven with gradually increasing heat
analysis (Mettler Toledo DSC 1, Switzerland), respectively. Microstruc­ (30 ◦ C to 110 ◦ C) for 24 h. The dry samples (n = 4) were fired in a
tural characterisation of the raw materials was performed by scanning laboratory-type electrical furnace (Siemens, Germany) at a rate of 10
electron microscopy (SEM) at an operating voltage of 20 kV and a ◦
C/min until obtaining 950 ◦ C and 1050 ◦ C, for a cycle of 26 h to achieve
working distance of 10 mm. Raw materials and fired brick samples were strength.
dried and coated with platinum in a vacuum to enhance the conductivity
of specimens before SEM analysis. Dilatometer (Dil 402, Classic, 2.4. Testing methods
Netzsch, Germany) analyses were conducted to study linear shrinkage
and/or expansion of the samples. Percentage of CaCO3 content was After keeping the plastic mixtures overnight for the aging process,
calculated using a Pizzareli calcimeter (Ceramic instruments, Italy), and the mixture was tested for moisture content and plasticity. By inserting
the following calculations were made (Eqs. (1) and (2)) [27]: 0.01 g of a sample into an MA 50R moisture analyser, the moisture
VCO2 (L) content% of samples was calculated (Radwag, Radom, Poland). Bigot’s
%CO2 = 53621 × ◦K
(1) curve, penetrometer and dilatometric curve were applied to obtain
characterisation of the mixture [28]. The coefficient of sensitivity to
drying by Bigot’s curve (CSB) values from the Bigot’s curve were

Fig. 2. Flow chart of unfired and fired bricks manufacturing.

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Table 2 conducted according to the ASTM C20 standard [31]. Four brick sam­
Physical properties of raw materials using laser diffraction particle size analysis. ples for each physical performance were tested and the data were
Type AIC sludge MFR averaged. Below are the formulas (Eqs. (3) to (6)) for calculating water
absorption, apparent porosity, bulk density and apparent specific grav­
D10 (µm) 0.134 0.204 ity of bricks:
Wsaturated − Wdry
D50 (µm) 0.241 6.35 Water absorption, % = x100 (3)
D90 (µm) 5.88 36.9 Wdry
Specific surface area (m2/kg) 18,360 5988
Clay 30.58 78.25 Open pore volume
Silt 63.29 21.25
Apparent porosity, % = x 100
total volume
Sand 6.13 0.5 Wsaturated − Wdry
Soil texture Silty clay loam Clay = x100 (4)
Wsaturated − Wsuspended

classified as insensitive (<1), medium sensitive (1.0–1.5), sensitive Bulk density, g/cm3 =
x 100 (5)
(1.5–2.0) and highly sensitive (>2.0). The loss on ignition (LOI) of Wsaturated − Wsuspended
mixtures was calculated as the mass loss between 110 ◦ C and fıred
temperatures (850 ◦ C, 950 ◦ C and 1050 ◦ C) [29]. Physical properties of Apparent specific gravity, g/cm3 = x 100 (6)
the obtained brick samples were characterised after the firing process. Wdry − Wsuspended
SEM and EDX analyses were conducted to investigate the microstructure
of the fired brick samples. For the mineralogical analysis of the fired 3. Results and discussion
brick, the sample was first broken with a Mignos-S press device (Ceramic
instruments, Italy), then reduced to 20 µm below in a Fritsch Pulveri­ 3.1. Properties of the raw materials
sette mill (Germany) with zirconia balls and performed with an XRD
instrument. For the reference colours, the colour of the resulting bricks The particle size of raw materials plays a critical role in plasticity
after firing was compared to the Munsell soil colour charts. Hue Value/ [32]. Clay particle size percentage, which is a good indicator of plas­
Chroma parameters from Munsell soil colour charts were given to ticity and workability [33], for the MFR and AIC sludge was 78.25 % and
indicate the colours. Mechanical strengths of fired brick samples (n = 4) 30.58 %, respectively (Table 2). In contrast, the silt particle size per­
were measured by obtaining bending and compressive strengths using a centage was vice-versa. That is, the AIC sludge percentage was higher
mechanical test instrument (Ibertest, Spain). Three-point bending in a compared with that of the MFR, with 21.25 % for MFR and 63.29 % for
mechanical testing machine with a loading rate of 0.5 kN/s until failure AIC sludge (Table 2). The sand content of the AIC sludge was 6.13 %,
at Fmax (N) was used to determine the bending strength of the unfired while for MFR it was less abundant at only 0.5 %. The average particle
and fired samples. A constant rate of loading was applied to brick size (D10, D50 and D90) for both raw materials is also given in Table 2.
samples. The compressive test was performed on unfired and fired bricks Soil texture and particle size distribution are provided in Fig. 3 and 4,
(internal layer thickness of ~ 18 mm) using a 3000 kN hydraulic press respectively. According to the analysis conducted using a hydrometer
with a loading rate of 0.5 kN/s. The freeze–thaw test was performed by method, the AIC sludge and MFR fall in the silty clay loam and clay regions
following the ASTM C67/C67M-18 using DFR/60 (Ceramic Instruments, of the soil texture triangle diagram, respectively (Fig. 3a, b). The clay, silt
Italy) [30]. After impregnating the bricks with deionised water, the and sand percentages of AIC sludge and MFR were found to be similar
brick specimens were frozen and thawed for 100 cycles at temperatures using both methods (hydrometer and laser diffraction). Fig. S2 provides a
ranging from − 5 to + 5 ◦ C. For thawing purposes, each cycle was Folk diagram of grain size classification of raw materials from agriculture
maintained for 15 min below zero and for 15 min submerged in water at and industry. In the diagram, AIC sludge and MFR fall in the regions of clay
a temperature above + 5 ◦ C. Daily inspections for cracks and other and mud, respectively [34]. According to this result, the addition of a
damage were performed on the brick samples. Finally, the specimens temper (sand and silt) was necessary to improve the processing of clay-rich
were weighed to determine the percentage of mass loss after 100 cycles, MFR samples. This was achieved with AIC sludge, which is rich in silt and
and the result was expressed as a mass loss%. Apparent porosity, sand content. By using these two residues together, our study is innovative
apparent specific gravity, bulk density and water absorption tests were in the literature to report producing ceramic bricks.

Fig. 3. Soil texture analysis of a) AIC sludge and b) MFR.

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Particle size distribution analysis of the raw materials using laser

diffraction is depicted in Fig. 4. As illustrated in the Fig. 4, particle sizes
of all MFR and 95 % of AIC sludge were under 100 µm, which is an
indication of obtaining reactions under high firing temperature. Indeed,
96 % of MFR particles were<10 µm (Fig. 4).
Fig. 5 also shows the SEM images of AIC sludge and MFR as raw
materials with 500 X-magnification. MFR particles were considerably
finer than AIC sludge, and both were generally in the form of coarse
molten particles. As shown in Fig. 5, it is evident that both AIC sludge
and MFR have irregularly shaped particles, which was also found in a
previous study [35]. The elements detected by EDX analysis of AIC
sludge and MFR were shown in Fig. 5. Accordingly, while the Silicon (Si)
content of MFR was higher than that of AIC sludge, the opposite was
found for Aluminum (Al) content. The calcite contents of AIC sludge and
MFR were 9.8 % and 2.04 %, respectively, which is lower than the
threshold value (15 %) (Table 3) [36]. The high amount of calcite in the
raw materials increases the porosity and water absorption of the brick to
be formed, and together with other alkalis (Na+, K+, calcium sulfates), it
can create efflorescence on the brick surface [37,38].
Fig. 4. Particle size distributions of AIC sludge and MFR. The mineralogical characterisation of the AIC sludge and MRF is
provided in Table 3. Fig. S4 illustrates the XRD outcomes – that is, both
raw materials were rich in quartz (Qz, > 30 %). MFR contained a
considerable amount of K-feldspar (Kfs,> 20 %) and kaolinite (Kln, > 20
%), while the AIC sludge contained a smaller amount. Kaolinite is
generally utilised for fine ceramics and for its whitish colour

Fig. 5. SEM images and EDX analysis of AIC sludge and MFR in powder form.

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Table 3 Table 4
Mineralogical analysis of AIC sludge and MFR. Chemical composition (oxides%) of AIC sludge and MFR.
Constituents AIC MFR Constituents AIC Sludge MFR
SiO2 (%) 50.20 63.79
Quartz (Qz, SiO2) +++++ +++++ Al2O3 (%) 14.70 12.79
K-Feldspar (Kfs, KAlSi3O8) +++ ++++ Fe2O3 (%) 2.80 0.89
Kaolinite (Kln, Al₂Si₂O₅(OH)₄) + +++ CaO (%) 12.70 5.27
Calcite (Cal, CaCO3) ++ + MgO (%) 2.70 1.82
Illite (Ilt, (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2O)] +++ + TiO2 (%) – 0.13
Plagioclase (Pl, NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8) + – P2O5 (%) – 0.28
Dolomite (Dol, CaMg(CO3)2) + + MnO (%) 0.19 0.6
Chlorite (Chl, (Mg,Fe)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2⋅(Mg,Fe)3(OH)6 + + Na2O (%) 0.41 0.22
Smectite (Sme, + – K2O (%) 2.05 3.36
(Ca2+, Mg2+)3(Si3.67Al0.33)4O10(OH)2 LOI 11.85 11.15
Amphibole (Amp, (Ca,Na)2(Mg,Fe+2,Fe+3,Al)5Si6(Si, + – Total 100 100
Al)2O22(OH)2 CaCO3 (%) 9.8 2.04

Legends: + + + + + (˃30 %), + + + + (˃20 %), + ++ (˃10 %), ++ (˃5%), +

(<5%), “ – not present”. carbonate tester. As expected, AIC sludge showed a higher mass loss%
because of its higher content of carbonates. After firing until 1000 ◦ C,
characteristic and high melting point after firing [39]. AIC sludge con­ the total mass losses% of AIC sludge and MFR were 11.63 % and 9.32 %,
tained a high amount of illite (Ilt, ~10 %) and MFR contained a low respectively. The TGA analysis of these two samples provided insights
amount. Illite as a fluxing material causes the formation of a liquid phase into LOI values and the presence of carbonates. Some endothermic peaks
at a lower temperature and supports the sintering step, thus contributing were also noted on the DSC curves for both raw materials (Fig. 6b). The
to an increase in density [40]. The high quartz content of these two initial endothermic peak, which can be attributed to the evaporation of
residues has two main effects: (1) it speeds up the drying process by free water, occurred at 30–105 ◦ C, as shown in Fig. 6b(1). Further, the
reducing drying shrinkage, and (2) it contributes to the formation of a phenomenon of the dehydration of free water from the structure of the
glassy phase during the firing step and thus diminishes the porosity of clays was related to the endothermic peaks associated with mass loss of
the fired bricks [41,42]. Feldspars (Fsp) with their crystalline minerals about 130 ◦ C to 150 ◦ C (Fig. 6b(2)). In addition, the dehydroxylation of
are utilised as fluxes that consist of aluminium silicate combined with the kaolinite and illite caused the third peak (3) at around 498 ◦ C owing
either potassium, barium, sodium or calcium [43]. Fsp facilitate the to the higher content of kaolinite in the MFR sample [50]. Subsequently,
formation of molten glass that causes solid clay particles to bind the decarbonation of CaCO3 caused endothermic peaks at 700–800 ◦ C in
together: the glass solidifies, giving strength and hardness to the ceramic both raw materials [51] (Fig. 6b(4)). Finally, anorthite production
bricks and aids in vitrification [44]. Traces of amphibole (Amp), processes began at temperatures of approximately 1000 ◦ C, as illustrated
plagioclase (Pl), chlorite (chl) and smectite (Sme, < 5 %) were found in in Fig. 6b(5), and progressed with temperature increase and synthesis
the AIC sludge, but not seen at all in MFR. AIC sludge and MFR as raw duration in MFR [49]. Gehlenite was formed at temperatures between
materials showed presence of calcite with values of ~ 10 % and<5 %, 933 and 970 ◦ C, and anorthite is formed at temperatures between 954
respectively and both samples contain dolomite (Dol, < 5 %) (Table 3 and 981 ◦ C, as Traore et al. demonstrated in their study [52]. Probably,
and Fig. S3). According to various researchers, the presence of calcite the formed anorthite was formed as a result of the reaction between
and dolomite in a raw material has a significant impact on fire behaviour calcite, quartz and K-feldspar minerals found in MFR.
and cause the reaction with silicates as well as the development of the
microstructure during firing [45–48]. 3.2. Characterisation of the mixture
Table 4 summarizes the major components of the raw materials
based on the chemical composition characterisation with XRF. Under 3.2.1. Moisture content
chemical viewpoint MFR is the richer than AIC sludge in SiO2, K2O and The moisture content of AIC sludge and MFR upon arrival to labo­
MnO, while AIC sludge was rich in other oxides (Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, ratory was 0.8 % and 1.4 %, respectively. As the amount of MFR in the
MgO). The high LOI values, 11.85 % and 11.15 %, for AIC sludge and mixtures obtained from these two residues increased by 5 %, the water
MFR, respectively, could be an indication of the presence of carbonate, requirement used to prepare the mud pastes increased by 0.5 %. The
organic matter and phyllosilicate dehydroxylation. amount of water added to AIC sludge/MFR 90/10, 85/15, 80/20 and
The suitability test graph plotted from the chemical contents in­ 75/25 was 16.5 %, 17.0 %, 17.5 % and 18.0 %, respectively (Table 1).
dicates that both the raw materials are suitable for building-brick pro­ The amount of water that should be added to the mixtures for better
duction (Fig. S3). Additionally, the AIC sludge can also be used for extrusion was determined by pocket penetrometer. The percentage of
ceramic tiles, while MFR is suitable for clinker brick and ceramic tile, as water that should be added to the mixture was found by adjusting the
shown in Fig. S3. The TGA curves of AIC sludge and MFR are given in Penetration values between 1.8 and 2.5 kg/cm2. Further, the ideal
Fig. 6(a), where it is evident that the TGA curve of residues showing the moisture content for workability was tested by plasticity analysis using
weight loss was around 11.64 % and 9.68 % for 1050 ◦ C, respectively. the Pfefferkorn method [53].
The initial mass loss percentage of residues was observed between 25 ◦ C
and 150 ◦ C attributed to free water. Mass loss between 150 ◦ C and 600 3.2.2. Bigot’s curve

C occurred because of the loss of molecular water of sludge and residue Shrinkage during drying is a critical factor for the quality of mixtures
materials (aluminosilicate hydrates and calcium-silicate hydrates). Be­ [54]. Linear drying shrinkage as a function of water content is exhibited
tween 480 ◦ C and 700 ◦ C, AIC sludge exhibited a single step, whereas in Fig. 7. The drying capacities of the AIC sludge/MFR 80/20 studied
MFR exhibited a two-step degradation. First, the mass loss% was were explored under laboratory conditions by air drying for 24 h [55].
observed due to the thermal decomposition of kaolinite to metakaolin in The mixture showed shrinkage of 3.63 % which is slightly less than a
MFR at 570 ◦ C [49]. Second, decomposition of carbonates mainly range of 4–8 % indicated by earlier works [56–58]. A critical point in
occurred at around 600–850 ◦ C in both raw materials. The mass losses% Bigot’s curve separates the constant drying rate period (CDRP) from the
at these temperature ranges due to carbonates were approximately falling drying rate period (FDRP); mass loss during drying in the air at a
10.21 % and 5.95 %, respectively. These values were found to be critical point was 6.9 %, as shown in Fig. 7 [54]. Moreover, absolute
extremely close to the carbonate percentages obtained with the moisture content (mixing water) (WL) value was 15.08 %. The CSB value

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Fig. 6. (a) TGA and (b) DSC analysis of AIC sludge and MFR.

of the selected brick sample was 0.552, and, according to this classifi­ 3.2.4. Dilatometric curve
cation, the mixture specimen falls into the insensitive class. Dilatometric testing is a beneficial technique for predicting dimen­
sional alterations in samples as a function of temperature and deter­
3.2.3. Plasticity mining the firing program [62]. Further, this analysis helps elucidate the
The Pfefferkon’s plasticity index (PPI) value was obtained from the firing temperatures of samples. Dilatometry outcomes of four specimens
Pfefferkorn straight lines of moisture content% versus height ratio of the with different ratios are presented in Fig. 9. All samples demonstrated
specimen [59,60]. The PPI results for all four AIC sludge/MFR mixtures mini volume expansion (0.13 %) at low temperature (<150 ◦ C) owing to
are shown in Fig. 8 and Table 5. PPI values ranged between 26.15 and evaporation of free water. The curve demonstrated a larger change and a
28.35, with a proportionally increasing trend of MFR content. The marked hysteresis between 573 ◦ C and 650 ◦ C because of the poly­
lowest PPI index of 26.15 occurred in the mixture containing the least morphic α–β transition of quartz at 573 ◦ C. The highest expansion was
MFR, where the highest plasticity is seen in the 25 % MFR-containing observed in AIC sludge/MFR 90/10 with a value of 3.05 % and the
mixture as shown in Table 5. Next, plasticity and consistency were lowest expansion was in AIC sludge/MFR 75/25 with a value of 2.3 %.
evaluated using a pocket soil penetrometer ST207 (kg/cm2) based on Beyond 1100 ◦ C, expansion was followed by rapid shrinkage in all
penetration by following BS 1377 (1990) to determine the water content samples because of vitrification. The smaller shrinkage of AIC sludge/
and penetration resistance of all mixture specimens [59]. The pene­ MFR 90/10 was related to the higher content of illite and quartz than
trometer values ranged between 2.1 and 2.3 kg/cm2, which confirms the others (M2, M3 and M4). Owing to the usage of the same raw materials
preferred range of consistency, 1.8–3.0 kg/cm2 [61]. for different formulations, dilatometry studies did not reveal any sig­
nificant differences between the combinations.

Fig. 7. Bigot’s drying curve of 80/20 AIC sludge/MFR mixture.

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Fig. 8. Typical chart of Pfefferkorn for AIC Sludge and MFR.

Table 5
Technological features of the unfired brick specimens.
Type AIC sludge/ AIC sludge/ AIC sludge/ AIC sludge/
MFR 90/10 MFR 85/15 MFR 80/20 MFR 75/25

Moisture content% 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0

Penetrometer 2.1 ± 0.081 2.13 ± 2.24 ± 2.3 ± 0.081
consistency (kg/ 0.057 0.051
Plasticity (PPI) 26.15 ± 27.17 ± 27.67 ± 28.35 ±
0.82 0.76 1.32 1.51
Readsorption (%) 2.96 ± 3.07 ± 3.12 ± 3.15 ±
0.030 0.025 0.025 0.040
Compressive 11.3 ± 0.6 13.4 ± 0.8 15.1 ± 1 14.9 ± 0.8
strength (MPa)
Drying Shrinkage % 2.91 ± 3.28 ± 3.57 ± 3.65 ± 0.11
0.0065 0.077 0.058
LOI (%) at 1000 ◦ C 11.65 11.34 11.13 10.95

3.3. Properties of the fired brick samples Fig. 9. Dilatometric analysis (DA). Change in length vs temperature. Legend: a)
AIC sludge/MFR 90/10; b) AIC sludge/MFR 85/15; c) AIC sludge/MFR 80/20;
3.3.1. Colour change d) AIC sludge/MFR 75/25.
Brick colour is an important parameter for aesthetics. Thus, the
colour of fired clay bricks is of huge significance. The colours of AIC 4 %, as shown in Table 6. There was a significant increase in shrinkage
sludge and MFR mixtures fired at 950 ◦ C and 1050 ◦ C differed (Table 6 percentage when the MFR proportion increased from 10 to 15 in the
and Fig. S5). While bricks fired at 950 ◦ C produced a pink (7.5YR8/3) mixture. In contrast, the increment of MFR to 20–25 in a mixture pro­
colour, the sample fired at 1050 ◦ C was pinkish white (7.5YR8/2) in portion caused a very slight change in shrinkage value. Firing temper­
colour. In general, the colour of brick samples is related to the concen­ ature is another factor that affects shrinkage. In all AIC sludge and MFR
tration of oxides such as iron oxide (Fe2O3) total and CaO [63] and mixture proportions, shrinkage percentage increased when the firing
mineral contents such as kaolinite in raw materials. The colour of bricks temperature changed from 950 ◦ C to 1050 ◦ C. AIC sludge – MFR pro­
in this study was lighter because of a higher amount of CaO and lower portions in mixture and firing temperature were two key parameters
amount of Fe2O3 in the two residues, as observed in a previous study affecting the degree of shrinkage.
[64]. Further, the kaolinite mineral, which produces a whitish colour,
was also dominant in the structure of MFR. The white color became 3.3.3. Apparent porosity
more pronounced in bricks fired at higher temperatures (1050 ◦ C). Apparent porosity values of the bricks produced are given in Table 6.
These varied between 37.49 % and 31.33 %. The highest porosity was
3.3.2. Shrinkage test obtained in the 75/25 AIC sludge – MFR mixture at 950 ◦ C and the
Brick quality can be attributed to the degree of firing shrinkage. lowest porosity was also seen in the same mixture at 1050 ◦ C. The in­
Benlalla et al. [65] and Weng et al. [66] stated that a good quality brick fluence of temperature can be seen since porosity values decreased in all
exhibits shrinkage below 8 %, while Wolff et al. [67] found the four groups when the temperature increased from 950 ◦ C to 1050 ◦ C.
shrinkage to be 6 %. Shrinkage values obtained in bricks were all below

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Table 6
Outcomes of the technological parameters according to the fired temperatures (950 ◦ C and 1050 ◦ C) of AIC sludge/MFR waste mixtures (90/10, 85/15, 80/20 and 75/
25 %).
Type AIC sludge/MFR 90/10 AIC sludge/MFR 85/15 AIC sludge/MFR 80/20 AIC sludge/MFR 75/25

T (◦ C) 950 1050 950 1050 950 1050 950 1050

Brick Colour 7.5YR8/3 7.5YR8/2(Pinkish 7.5YR8/3 7.5YR8/2(Pinkish 7.5YR8/3 7.5YR8/2(Pinkish 7.5YR8/3 7.5YR8/2(Pinkish
(Pink) white) (Pink) white) (Pink) white) (Pink) white)
Bulk density 1.63 1.69 1.68 1.74 1.73 1.8 1.78 1.87
Apparent Specific 2.34 2.28 2.36 2.35 2.34 2.29 2.35 2.29
Apparent porosity % 34.25 32.45 33.63 31.58 33.96 32.51 37.49 31.33
Shrinkage after firing 2.74 ± 0.04 2.98 ± 0.06 3.36 ± 0.05 3.6 ± 0.17 3.7 ± 0.086 3.77 ± 0.095 3.76 ± 3.9 ± 0.1
(%) 0.057
Water absorption (%) 18.22 ± 18.13 ± 0.35 18.08 ± 17.45 ± 0.13 18.16 ± 18.06 ± 0.1 19.84 ± 0.6 17.7 ± 0.8
0.60 0.25 0.21
Bending strength 7.55 ± 0.11 10.11 ± 0.82 11.31 ± 12.57 ± 0.34 10.09 ± 11.11 ± 0.74 11.76 ± 12.95 ± 0.65
(MPa) 3.46 0.30 1.48

Compressive strength 11 ± 1 25 ± 2 12 ± 2 34 ± 3 18 ± 3 37.33 ± 1.5 22 ± 3 45 ± 4

LOI% 11.44 ± 11.69 ± 0.04 11.63 ± 11.88 ± 0.35 11.36 ± 11.59 ± 0.12 11.49 ± 11.58 ± 0.60
0.02 0.024 0.052 0.042

When there was a slight decrease in all mixture groups with the increase Table 6. All values were around 11 %, which meets the criterion
in temperature, this decrease was 16 % in the AIC sludge/MFR 75/25 approximately 15 % for normal bricks [72]. Temperature increase
and was found to be significant. This relationship is consistent with affected the drying mass loss with a 2 % increment, and this relationship
those found in previous similar studies, and it is associated with the is consistent with findings from other studies [65,66]. Unlike tempera­
densification of bricks with increased firing temperature [13,14,68,69]. ture, MFR proportion had no effect and LOI values fluctuated with an
Although a 9 % increase in porosity was found when MFR increased increase in MFR proportion. In addition, the LOI values of brick groups
from 10 % to 25 % (from M1 to M4 groups), there was no clear indi­ obtained as a result of firing were compatible with the values found by
cation of the relationship between porosity and MFR amount. The TGA analysis.
porosity percentage fluctuated in other mixture groups, despite an in­
crease in the MFR content. Apparent porosity is a vital parameter 3.3.7. Water absorption
affecting other many parameters. As shown in Table 6, an increase in The durability of bricks is governed by water absorption [73]. The
porosity increased the water absorption while decreasing the bulk less water infiltrates bricks, the more durable and resistant to weath­
density and compressive strength of fired bricks. The porosity values ering they are [74]. Water absorption parameters for all samples are
obtained were found to be compatible with a study in the literature that given in Table 6. The lowest water absorption value was obtained in the
used samples containing high carbonate percentages [38]. 25 % MFR proportion specimen (at 1050 ◦ C), which had the lowest
apparent porosity and the highest bulk density. The highest water ab­
3.3.4. Apparent specific gravity sorption was obtained again in the same specimen at 950 ◦ C, which also
Apparent specific gravity values of fired bricks are shown in Table 6. had the highest apparent porosity. Evidently, a close relationship exists
There was no significant change in apparent specific gravity parameters between water absorption, bulk density and porosity. This relationship
for different AIC sludge – MFR proportions. The value varied between shows a reduction in water absorption, given the overall decrease in
2.34 and 2.36 at a of temperature 950 ◦ C for all given groups, indicating apparent porosity. All values of water absorption varied between 17 and
that MFR proportion does not influence specific gravity parameters. 20 %, which is within the second-class category according to ASTM
Table 6 also shows that bricks fired at 950 ◦ C were close in value to the C373-88 [75]. The standard categorises bricks with 5–20 wt% fired at
specimens fired at 1050 ◦ C. The highest apparent specific gravity value 950 ◦ C and 5–25 wt% fired at 1050 ◦ C within the second class. Ac­
among the specimens was brick with 15 % MFR at 950 ◦ C and the lowest cording to Brazilian standard NBR 6480 [2], the water absorption value
was the sample with 10 % MFR at 1050 ◦ C. should not be>22 %, while water absorption is considered acceptable
within the range of 20–30% in many parts of the world [21,76,77]. The
3.3.5. Bulk density effect of firing temperature on water absorption value is provided in
Bulk density is one of the most important parameters that can affect Table 6. Water absorption value decreased with an increase in firing
the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of mixtures [2]. An temperature, which is also an indication of an increase in resistance. The
increase in the water absorption and porosity of a sample causes a effect of the residue proportion in the water absorption parameter was
decrease in the bulk density [70]. Bulk density measurements for four also interesting. The value was around 18 % with marginal changes in
different AIC sludge – MFR proportions fired at two different tempera­ 10–15–20 % MFR proportion specimens, while an increment of MFR
tures are provided in Table 6. All values varied between 1.63 and 1.87 g/ proportion from 20 % to 25 % increased water absorption value by 10 %
cm3, confirming the recommendation of BS EN 206-1 [71] for oven-dry at 950 ◦ C firing temperature.
density of between 0.8 and 2 g/cm3. Table 6 shows a clear linear rela­
tionship between bulk density and MFR content. When the MFR content 3.3.8. Microstructure and phase analysis (scanning electron microscopy
increased from 10 % to 25 %, the change in bulk density was 9–10 % at and X-ray powder diffraction)
both temperatures. In contrast, the impact of temperature on bulk Fig. 10 depicts 2500 X-magnification SEM images of the fresh-cut
density was negligible. Despite the fact that there was an increase in surface of four different AIC sludge – MFR proportions at 950 ◦ C and
density with temperature change, it was just in a range of 3.6–4.9 %. 1050 ◦ C temperatures. Firing temperature increases caused densifica­
tion of the bricks, as shown in Fig. 10. Further, the cross-section of the
3.3.6. Loss on ignition percentage microstructure reveals a vast number of non-interconnected and irreg­
LOI values in bricks fired at 950 ◦ C and 1050 ◦ C are provided in ular pores. Particles were irregularly shaped and pore dimensions were

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of AIC sludge/MFR 90/10, AIC sludge/MFR 85/15, AIC sludge/MFR 80/20 and AIC sludge/MFR 75/25. Red circles show pores and blue
arrows demonstrate vitrification. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

smaller than 10 µm. The obvious vitrification regions can be observed in respectively, are provided in Fig. 11. In the diffractrogram of bricks fired
the samples fired at 1050 ◦ C compared with those fired at 950 ◦ C. at 1050 ◦ C, the concentrations of kaolinite, calcite and the illite dis­
Specimens fired at 950 ◦ C were more porous and demonstrated a higher appeared with respect to the raw materials (Fig. S4), and also new
water absorption rate. According to SEM analysis, the most prominent mineral phases began to develop. The analysis shows predominant peaks
vitrification among the groups was seen in AIC sludge/MFR 75/25. In of anorthite (An), gehlenite (Gh), quartz and hematite (Hm). A diopside
other groups (M1, M2 and M3) fired at 1050 ◦ C, the partial vitrification (Di) peak was also observed because the dolomite and quartz crystallised
was observed in certain regions. Moreover, the sample containing the into diopside in the temperature range of 900–1050 ◦ C [45]. The new
pores densified as the temperature rose and the pores moderately main minerals generally started by forming reactions between silicates
reduced. and carbonates such as gehlenite forming at 800–850 ◦ C and anorthite
Results of XRD analysis for mineralogical investigation of the fired over 950 ◦ C. It has been reported in other studies that the newly formed
brick sample with an 80/20 % proportion of AIC sludge/MFR, minerals or silicates in carbonate-rich clay samples fired at 1050 ◦ C are

Fig. 11. XRD patterns of bricks with AIC sludge/MFR 80/20 % proportion fired at 1050 ◦ C.

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Fig. 12. Freeze-thaw results of specimens after 100 cycles at 950 and 1050 ◦ C.

gehlenite, anorthite and diopside [38,45,78]. The possible reactions for 3.3.10. Bending and compressive strength
forming gehlenite, anorthite and diopside owing to existing minerals in The mean values of fired brick bending strength at 950 ◦ C and 1050
the structures of two residues are given below [79]: ◦
C are provided in Table 6. The values range between 7.55 MPa and
12.95 MPa. The highest and lowest bending strength values occurred on
Calcite Gehlenite
75/25 and 90/10 AIC sludge/MFR mixtures, respectively. There was a
2KAl2 (Si3 Al)O10 (OH)2 + 6CaCO3 →2Ca2 Al2 SiO7 + 3SiO2 + K2 O (7)
+ 2H2 O + 6CO2 clear effect of firing temperature on specimens. Bending strength values
increased up to 33 % when the firing temperature incremented from
or 950 ◦ C to 1050 ◦ C.
K− fel dspar Calcite Gehlenite It is indisputable that compressive strength is the most important
2KAlSi3 O8 + 2CaCO3 →Ca2 Al2 SiO7 + 5SiO2 + K2 O + 2CO2 (8) characteristic of construction materials. Compressive strength test re­
sults of bricks made from AIC sludge/MFR mixtures are provided in
Table 6. The strengths range between 11 MPa and 45 MPa. The lowest
Calcite Quartz K− fel dspar Anorthite
CaCO3 + 2SiO2 + 2KAlSi3 O8 →CaAl2 Si2 O8 + K2 O + 6SiO2 + CO2 (9)
compressive strength was seen in the lowest MFR addition (10 %), and
Quartz Dolomite Diopside the highest strength occurred in the highest MFR addition (25 %). With
2SiO2 + CaMg(CO3 )2 →CaMgSi2 O6 + 2CO (10) an increase in the amount of MFR in the mixture by 5 %, at least 10 %
improvement was observed in the compression test values of bricks.
3.3.9. Freeze–thaw resistance Further, there was also a relationship between compressive strength and
Clay-based bricks are mainly used for building materials, and their firing temperature. An increment was noted of up to 50 % on the
interaction with climatic factors such as temperature change plays a specimen strengths when the firing temperature increased from 950 ◦ C
significant role in the freeze–thaw resistance of bricks [80]. Water dif­ to 1050 ◦ C. The bricks’ physical and mechanical qualities were found to
fuses inside the pores of bricks during the freeze–thaw cycle, freezes at be in general compliance with ASTM C62 building brick standards [84].
− 5 ◦ C and leads to the expansion of brick specimens. Damage or
cracking can occur during this process if the volume of expanding water
is higher than the volume of pore in the brick [81]. Mass loss for all AIC 3.4. Semi-industrial test of AIC sludge/MFR 75/25
sludge/MFR proportions after 100 cycles is shown in Fig. 12. According
to ASTM C67 [82], bricks can be considered unacceptable if the weight Based on the promising features exhibited by the two residues
loss increases by 3 % during the freeze – thaw cycles. In this study, after studied, the firing behaviour of these two raw materials for industrial-
100 cycles, all specimens’ mass loss was below 3 %, except for one, the scale production was performed in the ceramic plant of Dowletli-
AIC sludge/MFR 90/10 proportion. That specific specimen’s mass loss Dowran for mass brick production (Fig. 13a). The AIC sludge/MFR
was slightly>3 % at 950 ◦ C, which becomes admissible as 3 % after the 75/25 sample was selected for semi-industrial testing owing to its
temperature increases to 1050 ◦ C. Improved freeze–thaw results at 1050 promising properties in laboratory conditions for brick production.

C were due to the decrease in porosity and water absorption values During the semi-industrial trial, a total of 100 tons from a mixture of AIC
because of increased vitrification. As can be seen in Fig. 12, there was an sludge/MFR 75/25 were taken, the mud was prepared by adding 17 %
inverse proportion between mass loss and the amount of MFR in the water, and feed the ceramic plant and approximately 40,000 unfired
specimen. The higher the MFR content, the lower the mass loss in both hollow bricks (265 mm x125 mm × 70 mm) were obtained. Unfired
firing temperature specimens. The highest mass loss% occurred in the brick samples were characterised by the determination of drying
lowest MFR proportion specimen, while the least loss was in the spec­ shrinkage. Fired products at 1050 ◦ C were measured utilising LOI, firing
imen with the highest MFR proportion. These results were found shrinkage, mechanical strength and water absorption. In general, the
promising for freeze–thaw analysis of samples. Resistance to freeze­ bricks should not contain distinguishable defects, such as deformations,
–thaw can be explained by the pores being generally between 3 µm and breaks and cracks after drying and firing. The fired bricks of AIC sludge/
10 µm, as seen in the SEM analysis (Fig. 12). According to research MFR 75/25 exhibited promising aspects and technological features, an
conducted by Stryszewska et al. [83], bricks without any sign of damage admissible appearance and the absence of efflorescence and defects
are clearly characterised by the prevalence of pores with diameters in (Fig. 13). The compressive strength of AIC sludge/MFR 75/25 was
the range of 3–10 µm, and pores with diameter < 0.1 µm do not affect evaluated after being fabricated in the Dowletli-Dowran ceramic plant
the resistance of brick to freeze–thaw cycles. (Fig. 13b). The average compressive strength values obtained for AIC

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

Fig. 13. a) Ceramic plant where brick production is carried out, b) Picture of an instrument in which the compressive test of industrial bricks is carried out, c) Hollow
bricks fabricated from AIC sludge/MFR 75/25 fired at 1050 ◦ C, d) Photo of hollow bricks.

Table 7
Technological features of AIC sludge/MFR 75/25 semi-industrial bricks fired at 1050 ◦ C.
Sample Added water% T (◦ C) Drying Shrinkage% Firing Shrinkage% LOI Water absorption% Compressive strength (MPa)

AIC sludge/MFR 75/25 17 1050 2.24 ± 0.17 0.94 ± 0.14 11.89 16.18 ± 0.18 21.97 ± 4.54

sludge/MFR 75/25 were 21.97 ± 4.54 MPa and 647 ± 131 kN, which content, and their drying and firing behaviour was analysed in detail.
were higher than the threshold value (10 MPa). The drying shrinkage, Based on the work conducted, the following conclusions may be drawn:
LOI and water absorption values were 2.24 ± 0.17 %, 11.89 %, and
16.18 ± 0.17 % for the semi-industrial brick trials, respectively. Firing • Tons of agricultural sludge are produced as a result of digging irri­
shrinkage was found to be 0.94 ± 0.14 %, which is between 0.5 % and 3 gation channels every year. However, the sludge cannot be used
% and therefore considered an acceptable value. The data relevant to directly in brick making because of its high sand content and low
LOI%, as expected, indicated that the prepared sample for the semi- plasticity. This problem has been corrected by the addition of MFR as
industrial test was nearly identical to the sample prepared in the labo­ an innovative method.
ratory. Compared with the outcomes of the laboratory-scale test, the • The plasticity of the AIC sludge was quite low, and plasticity
semi-industrial hollow bricks fired in the tunnel kiln of the factory improvement was achieved by adding more MFR.
demonstrated higher LOI% and lower compressive strength, water ab­ • The physical and mechanical properties of AIC sludge were improved
sorption, drying and firing shrinkage. The differences in the results be­ by increasing the addition of MFR. MFR is a highly suitable plastic
tween these two tests can be attributed to, for example, different raw material to be incorporated into the sludge of AIC. The
extrusion, brick and kiln types. As shown in Fig. 13c,d, the colour of compressive strength values of these mixtures were obtained be­
semi-industrial bricks fired at 1050 ◦ C was yellowish (Munsell value: tween 11 and 45 MPa, which is higher than the threshold value (10
5Y8/4). In brief, the technological features of the AIC sludge/MFR 75/ MPa). At 1050 ◦ C, the highest amount of MFR added to the formu­
25 were promising to formulate bodies for hollow bricks for the ceramics lations has 80 % higher compressive strength compared to the lowest
industry (Table 7). amount of MFR.
• Total shrinkage and water absorption values of all samples with
4. Conclusion different ratios were between 2.5 % and 4.0 % and 17 % and 20 %,
respectively within a threshold value recommended by the ASTM
The main focus of this study was to explore the use of residual raw standard.
materials (Agricultural irrigation sludge and Mirror factory residue) • The freeze–thaw resistance of the bricks fired at 1050 ◦ C was found
from the agricultural and mirror industry for the production of green to be below 3 %, as expected. In some of the bricks with different
bricks in the local industry. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first ratios fired at 950 ◦ C, this value was found to be above 3 %.
study of its kind. For this purpose, AIC sludge and MFR were mixed at • The best ratio of samples was AIC sludge/MFR 75/25, which
ratios of 90/10, 85/15, 80/20 and 75/25 wt% with proper moisture demonstrated the best performance of brick features.

S. Korpayev et al. Construction and Building Materials 346 (2022) 128474

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