Psychology Presentation

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Good Morning Ma’am.

The topic for my presentation is Rampage Killers.

Rampage killers form a part of a broad category of Multiple murders. Multiple murderers are
individuals who have murdered more than one victim. Multiple killers are classified into
three types based on the patterns of their murders: mass murderers, spree killers, and serial
killers. Rampage killers is a new term for both mass murderers and spree killers. To
understand Rampage killers, it's essential to differentiate between spree killers, mass
murders, and serial killers.

A mass murderer kills four or more people in one location at the same time, whether in a
matter of minutes or for days. Mass murderers typically commit their crimes in a single
location. Mass murders can be carried out by a single person or by a group of people. Killers
who murder several members of their families are also classified as mass murderers.

An example of a mass murderer would be Richard Speck. On July 14, 1966, Speck
systematically tortured, raped, and killed eight student nurses from South Chicago
Community Hospital. All of the murders were committed in a single night in the nurses' south
Chicago townhouse, which had been converted to a student dormitory.

Spree killers (also known as rampage killers) murder two or more victims in multiple
locations. Although their murders take place in different locations, their spree is treated as a
single event because there is no "cooling-off period" between them.

Differentiating between mass murderers, spree killers, and serial killers is a point of
contention among criminologists. While many experts agree on the general description of a
spree killer, the term is frequently dropped in favor of mass or serial murder.

A spree killer is someone like Robert Polin. He killed one student and injured five others at
an Ottawa high school in October 1975, after raping and stabbing a 17-year-old friend to
death the night before.

Serial killers kill three or more victims, but each victim is murdered on a separate occasion.
Unlike mass murderers and spree killers, serial killers usually choose their victims, take
breaks between murders, and plan their crimes meticulously. Some serial killers, such as Ted
Bundy and Israel Keyes, travel widely to find their victims, while others remain in the same
general geographic area.

Serial killers frequently exhibit distinct patterns that are easily identified by police
investigators. Rampage killers do not have these characteristics, this is what makes
them distinct from serial killers.

 The Visionary - Usually psychotic, the visionary is compelled to murder because

they hear voices or see visions ordering them to kill certain kinds of people.
 Mission-Oriented - Targets a specific group of people who they believe are unworthy
to live and without whom the world would be a better place.
 Hedonistic Killer - Kills for the thrill of it because they enjoy the act of killing and
sometimes become sexually aroused during the act of murder. Jerry Brudos, the Lust
Killer, fits this profile.
 Power-Oriented - Kills to exert ultimate control over their victims. These murderers
are not psychotic, but they are obsessed with capturing and controlling their victims
and forcing them to obey their every command. Pedro Alonso Lopez, Monster of the
Andes, abducted children with the intent to control them even after death.

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