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BUD- 3


Summary of Budget for the period FY (2023-24) (Amt. in Rs.)

Actual For the Revised Budget Budget Estimates

Actual For the Budget Estimates
Particulars Current Year Current Year (2022 for the Current
Estimates for the for the Next
Current Year Financial Year
(2021-22) 23) -December 2022 Year (2022-23)
1 (2022-23) (2023-24)
3 6
Opening Balance 17,36,14,718.02 20,57,12,379.02

Add: 20,57,12,379.02 17,79,61,159.02

Revenue Receipts 6,68,87,695.00 3,29,14,197.00 4,53,98,000.00

Capital Receipts 26,28,11,949.00

Less: 6,23,87,843.00 31,55,00,000.00 19,53,00,000.00

Revenue Expenditure 4,78,57,025.00

Capital Expenditure 3,78,42,436.00 4,65,14,220.00 5,31,75,000.00
24,97,44,958.00 8,58,77,148.00 34,21,35,000.00
Closing Balance 20,11,80,000.00
*Balances denote Cash and Bank 20,57,12,379.02 17,72,94,835.02 17,79,61,159.02 17,17,91,159.02

ULB- Nagar Parishad
BUD- 4
Major Account Head Wise Budget (Budget Summary)
Budget for the Financial Year (2023-24)
(Amt. in Rs.)
Actual For the Revised BudgetBudget Estimates
Acoount Actual For the Budget Estimates
Major Account Head Current Year (2021 Current Year Estimates for the for the Next
for the Current
22) (2022-23) Current Year Financial Year
December 2022 Year (2022-23)
1 2 (2022-23) (2023-24)
5 6
110 Tax Revenue
77,57,000.00 92,85,369.00 95,00,000.00
120 Assigned Revenues and Compensation 1,62,00,000.00
130 Rental Income -Municipal Properties 9,12,270.00
140 Fees and User Changes 10,74,670.00 24,75,000.00 25,00,000.00
47,60,952.00 57,89,233.00 81,10,000.00
150 Sale and Hire Changes 1,01,10,000.00
10,67,500.00 4,79,900.00 16,73,000.00 7,50,000.00
Revenue Grants, Contributions and Subsidies 5,22,32,880.00 1,61,91,181.00 2,33,75,000.00
tncome From Investment
171 Interest Earned 139,013.00 93,844.00
180 Other Income 2,55,000.00 1,75,000.00
18,080.00 10,000.00
Sub-total (Revenue Receipts)-A 15,000.00
6,68,87,695.00 3,29,14,197.00 4,53,98,000.00
CAPITAL RECEIPTS (B) 5,28,85,000.00
Grants, Contribution for Specific Purposes 25,07,95,613.00 6,14,03,549.00 31,20,00,000.00
331 Loans
340 Deposits Received 1,20,16,336.00 9,84,294.00 35,00,000.00
350 Other Liabilities 15,00,000.00
Sub-total (Capital Receipts) -B 25,28,11,949.00 6,23,87,843.00 31,55,00,000.00
Total Receipt (A+B) 32,96,99,644.00 9,53,02,040.00 36,08,98,000.00
REVENUE EXPENDITURE (C) 24,81,85,000.00
Establishment Expenses 1,89,51,825.00 1,46,58,602.00 1,85,00,000.00
220 2,05,00,000.00
Administrative Expenses 6,52,767.00 22,88.092.00 17,18,600.00
230 |peration and Maintenance 23,80,547.00 22,56,487.00
240 |interest and Finance Charges 24,25,620.00 33,70,000.00
15,528.00 11,522.00
Program Expenses 45,000.00 15,000.00
1,75,409.00 4,63,908.00 4,50,000.00 5,00,000.00
260 Revenue Grants, Contributions and Subsidies 2,34,65,307.00 1,61,91,181.00 2,33,75,000.00
270 Provisions and VWrite Off 2,31,35,000.00
Miscellaneous Expenses
280 Prior Period Item
11,15,691.00 19,72,644.00
Sub-total (Revenue Expenditure) -C 4,78,57,025.00 3,78,42,436.00 4,65,14,220.00
|CAPITALEXPENDITURE (D) 5,31,75,000.00
410 Fixed Assets
7,70,95,835.00 1,30,77,139.00 17,11,85,000.00
412 Capital Works In Progress 7,83,03,960.00 4,42,60,609.00 12,55,00,000.00 10,83,30,000.00
420 Investrments - Munícipal Fund 4,75,00,000.00
430 |Stock- in - Hand
460 Loans, Advances and Deposits 9,43,45,163.00 2,85,39,400.00 4,54,50,000.00
470 Other Assets 4,53,50,000.00
Sub-total (Capital Expenditure)-D 24,97,44,958.00 8,58,77,148.00 34,21,35,000.00
Total Expenditure (C+D) 29,76,01,983.00 12,37,19,584.00 38,86,49,220.00

Budget Estimation Sheets
BUD- 1

Budget for the Financial Year

Head of Account- Actual For the (Amt. in Rs.)
Description of Item Actual For the Revised Budget Budget Estimates
Current Year Current Year Budget Estimates
for the Current Estimates for the for the Next
(2021-22) (2022-23) - Current Year Financial Year
December 2022 Year (2022-23)
1- REVENUES RECEPTS (2022-23) (2023-24)
11001 - Holding Tax
11007 -Vehice Tax 77,57,000 92,85,369.00 95,00,000.00
11008 - Tax on Animals 1,62,00,000.00
11010 - Professional Tax
11011 - Advertisement TaN
11051 - Octroi &Tol
11052- Cess
11080 - Others Taxes (Please Specily)

Sub Total (Tax Revenues) 7757,000.00 92,85,369.00

120- ASsigned Revenues &Compensations 95,00,000.00
12010 - Taxes &Duties Colected By Others
Sub Total (Assigned Revenues &Compensations)
130 - Rental Income From
Municipal Properties
13010 - Rent From Cvic Amenities (Market,
Complex, etc )
13020 - Rent From Ofice 9,12,270 10,74,670.00
Buidings 24,75,000.00 22,50,000.00
13030 - Rent From Guest Houses (Mariage 2,50,000.00
Hal, etc)
13040 Rent From Lease of Lands
13080- Other Rents (Please Specty)
Sub total (Rental Income From Municipal
140 -Fees & User Properties) 9,12,270.00 10,74,67O.00 24,75,000.00 25,00,000.00
14010-Empanetment &Registation Charges
14011 -a Lioensing Fees from Shops 2,500.00

b. 8,27,820.00 7,40,700.00 850,000.00 10,50,000.00

Licensing Fees from Bandobast & Others
14012 -Fees for Grant of Permit (Buiding Plan Sancion) 6,31,947.00 15,38,618.00 6,72,000.00 45,00,000.00
14013 -Fees for Certifcate orExrat (Bih and 25,69,185.00 29,23,127.00 52,68,000.00 35,60,000.00
Death Certiicate Fees)
14015 - Regularisation Fees 2,142.00 25,000.00
(Encroachment Fees) 6,500.00 2,03,500.00
14020 - Penalties And Fines 1,50,000.00
30,000.00 75,000.00
14040 - Other Fees 50,000.00
Disconnection Fees
Mutation Fees
Garbaze Collection Fee
4,000.00 1,100.00 1,25,000.00 50.000.00
Senitization Fee 4,500.00
Door to Door Wate Colleection Fee(NGO &Office)
14050 - User Charges
SuppBy of Extra Water/Special Water Supplywater Tanker 1,34,500.00 1,11,650.00 2,45,000.00 2,50,000.00
Water Fees 5,50,000.00 2,64,896.00 8,50,000.00 4,50,000.00
Parking Fees 3,500.00 25,000.00
14060 - Entry Fees (Park Entrance Fees, etc.)
14070- Service I Administrative Charges (Road Damage Recovery etc.)
14080- Other Charges (Please Speciy)
14090 - Fees Rermission and Refund

Sub total (Fees & User Charges ) 47,60,952.00 57,89,233.00 81,10,000.00 1,01,10,000.00

Executive Oficer
Nager Parishad

Page 1 of 7
Revsed Budget Budget Estimates
Actuat For the Actual Far the uet Estimates
Estimates for the for the Next
Mead of Account- Descrlption of hem Qurent Vear Ourrent Year for the Current Current Year Financial Year
(2022-23) -
(2021-22) December 2022
Year (202M-23)
(2022-23) (2023-24)
.Sle & Ni
Sale of Forms &hbcatins
L5012- Sale o Stores & S o
9,19,000.00 1,66,000.00 12,20,000.00
s30-Sale of Others(ease Speo
sAD-tire Charues for Vehickns
9,000.00 9,000.00 1,25,000.00 50,000.00
GsMI. Hine Charges on Equipment
1,39,500.00 1,12,100.00 3,28,000.00 2,50,000.00
Sub hotal (Sale &ire Charges) 10,67,500.00 4,79,900.00 16,73,000.00 7,50,000.00
6O- Reveue Grants, Contribution & Suheties
16010- Revenue Grants
Skil Develapment Ganl
Solid lWaste Manaoement Grant
Swachh Bharat Mission Grant

7,58,030.00 2,57,325.00 25,00,000.00 4,50,000.00
Other rant (Please Snec)
Salary Gant
96,94,304.00 50,00,000.00 60,00,000.00
Renair from Grant Rnd
6,89,252.00 1,48,764.00 7,50,000.00 2,50,000.00
26,876.00 75,000.00
16.34,031.00 15,61.093.00 25,00,000.00
Becion Grant 6,50,000.00
4,45,000.00 4,13,000.00 7,50,000.00
EOIE Salary From Grant 6,03,855.00 1,34,088.00 10,00,000.00
Renair of Water Sunpy from Grant 24,21,720.00 16,48,577.00 25,00,000.00 27,50,000.00
NaankSNih 150,000.00 2,50,000.00
2,29,480.00 1,66,577.00
Wages trom Grant 11,25,000.00
7,06,864.00 6,03,092.00
Repair of Hand pump frorn Grant 1,42,760.00 7,50,000.00 3,50,000.00
Dpr Prepration Fee 3,49,280.00
Renair a Cleaning Equipments 1,32,457.00 1,50,000.00
Rani Talab Cleaning 2,84,186.00
Cleaning Equipments 48,022.00 1,50,000.00 1,20,000.00
Road Safety Fund
PMC Consutanoy
12,89,742.00 1,11,354.00 12,00,000.00 4,50,000.00
Elecricity Expenses 73,60,799.00 850,000.00 65,00,000.00
Expenses for Fre Work 50,000.00 23,600.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
NPR Expenses 1,25,000O.00
Door to Door Waste Colecion exp. 39.99.543.00 26,34,071.00 32,40,000.00

Covid-19 Expenses
Fogging Nachine chemicals 62,250.00 75,000.00
ID Card Printing 1,98,240.00
Shramik Yona Exoenses 1,78,308.00 6,49,948.00 7,50,000.00

16020 - Reimbursemert af Expenses (Salary Grant, etc.)

16030 -Contribution Towards Schemes

16040- Contribution Towards Assets 2,87,67,573.00

5,22,32,8&80.00 1,61,91,181.00 2,33,75,O00.00 2,31,35,000.00
Sub total( Revenue Grants, Contrib°tion & Subsidies)
170- Income From investments
17010 - Jrterest

17020 - Dividend -

17080 - Others (Please Specy) -

Sub total ( income From Ivestments)

171- Interest Earned
17110 -Interest From Bank Accounts 1,39,013.00 93,844.00 2,55,000.00 1,75,000.00
17120 - Interest On Loans And Advances To Employees -

17180 -Other interest

1,39,013.00 93,844.00 2,55,000.00 1,75,000.00
Sub total ( Interest Earned)
180 -Other income
18010 - Deposits Forfeited
18011 - Lapsed Deposits
18020 - Insurance Claim Recovery
18030- Profit on Disposal of Foced Assets Executive Oifice
18040 - Recovery From Employees
Naga Paristad
18060 - Excess Provisions Written Back Lshakfactarpur
Page 2 of 7
Budget Estimates
Revised Budget
for the Next
Actual For the Budpet Estimates Estimates for the
Actual For the Financial Year
Head of Account- Description of ttem Current Year for the Current Current Year
Current tear (2023-24)
(2021-22) (2022-23) Year (202M-23) (2022-23)
December 2022
-MiscelaneOus Income
18,080.00 10,000.00 15,000.00
Sub total (other Income) 10,000.00
HAS-Prior Period Income

8st0 - Taxes
besa)- Other Income (Please Specity)
Sub total (Prior eriod Income)
Total Revenue Receipts 4,53,98,000.00
6,68,87,695.00 3,29,14,197.00

Executive Officer
Nagar Parishad

Page 3 of 7
Budget Estimates
Revised Budget
Head of Actual For the Actual For the for the Next
Account-Description oftem Ourrent Year Current Year
Budget Estimates
for the Current
Estimates for the
Current Year
Financial Year
(2021-22) (2022-23) Year (2022-23) (2022-23)
December 2022
.Capital Receipts &Liabiities
.Granta, Contribution for Speecific
oto - Central
Government Schemes

Raiv AMas Yoina/

Prahan Martn Awas Yojna
Swahh Rharat Mission
(SDSW 25,00,000.00
National Urtan Lvelhot Missihn 2,36,180.00 2,00,00,000.00
Namami Gange Pogramn
15h Anane
Commiss0on rat
14th Fnanoe 8,58,86,617.00 10,00,00,000.00
Commission Grant 15,00,00,000.00
BRGF 6,17,89,944.00 2,99,17,500.00 5,00,00,000.00 4,50,00,000.00
DAY -NULN 1,14,713.00
32020 - State Govermment Schemnes 3,08,790.00 45,00,000.00 10,00,000.00
Urban Water Supy
Sewerage &Drainage
Solid Waste Management
Skä Upgradation & Capacty
Urhan Planning &Project Management
(Master plan, City Development
plan and DPRs)
Civic Amenties
Urban Transoot Sstem 2,10,15082.00 1,40,15,082.00 2,50,00,000.00 1,50,00,000.00
Other State Govemnent Scheme 91,26,391.00 84,62,901.00 2,50,00,000.00 1,50,00,000.00
(Please Specty)
Salary Grant
Sulabh Sochalav Communty Tolet 91,04,361.00 45,00,000.00 60,00,000.00
Kanyalay Bhawan Grant
Urza Vpata Grant 27,07,494.00 40,00,000.00
Executive Ofñce Salary Grant 73,60,799.00 65,00,000.00
PMAY Grart 1,34,088.00 10,00,000.00
Land ACOuisiion 1,59,17,545.00 2,50,00,000.00
State emergency fund 4,00,00,000.00
Other Grant 8,53,135.00 11,94,389.00 15,00,000.00 13,00,000.00
32030 - Grarts From Other 33,06,974.00 10,000.00
Sub total (Grants, Goverment Agencies 25,00,000O.00 5,00,000.00
Contribution for Specific Purposes 7,37,177.00
331 - Loans 25,07,95,613.00 6,14,03,5A9.00 31,20,00,000.00 19,38,00,000.00
33110- Loans From Central Govemment
33120 -Loans From State
33180 - Other Loans (Please
Sub total
(Unsecured Loans)
340 - Deposits Received
34010- From Cotractors/ Supphers (Security
Deposit, etc.)
34020 - Deposits - Revenues (Revenue)
34080 - Deposit Others
Sub total (Deposits Received) 1,20,16,336.00 9,84,294.00 35,00,000.00
120,16,336.00 15,00,000.00
350- Other Liabilities 9,84,294.00 35,00,000.00 15,00,000.00
35010 - Creditors (Suppliers, Contractor, etc)
35011 -Empkoyee Liabiities
35020 -Recoveries Payable
35030 - Government Dues Payable

Sub total (Creditors)

TotalCapital Receipts
26,28,111,949.00 6,23,87,843.00 31,55,00,000.00

Executive Cfficer
Heo Nagar Parishad

Page 4 of 7
Mead of Account- Revised Budget Budget Estimates
Description of tem Actual For the Actual For the Budget Estimates Estimates for the for the Next
Current Year Current Vear for the Current
Current Year Financial Year
(2021-22) (2022-23) - Year (2022-23)
December 2022 (2022-23) (2023-24)
Revenve Expenditure

Establishment Expenses
010- Salanes, Wages And Bons
.020-Benefits And Aow:anes
L,62,44,000.00 1,17,46,343.00 1,50,00,000.00 1,65,00,000.00
1040- Pension
1040- Other Terminal&
Retirement Beneits 18,07,825.00 24,02,259.00 25,00,000.00 30,00,000.00
Sub total 9,00,000.00 5,10,000.00 10,00,000.00 10,00,000.00
220- Administrative EExpenses (Estatblishment Expenses) 1,89,51,825.00 14658,602.00 1,85,00,000.00 2,05,00,000.00
22005 - Administration
22010 -Rent Rates and Taxes
22011 Offoe Maintenance 60,000.00 75,000.00
22012 - Communication Experses 1,97,533.00 64,129.00 2,50,000.00 1,25,000.00
(Teleohone, internet, etc) 3,800.00
22020 -Books & Periodcals 25,000.00 20,000.00
|22021 - Printing and Stationery 5,200.00 15,000.00 25,000.00
|22030 - Traveling & Conveyance 46,974.00 85,000.00 75,000.00
6,200.00 34,360.00 45,600.00 65,000.00
22040 - Insurance
22050 - Audt Fees 48,000.00
20,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00
|22051 - Legal Expenses
5,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00
|22052 - Professiona and Other Fees
1,88,426.00 53,549.00 1,85,000.00 80,000.00
22060- Advertisement And Pubicty
2,26,608.00 141,826.00 1,25,000.00 1,50,000.00
22061 - Membership &Subscriptions
22080 - Others (Tax Colection Commission)
18,87,254.00 8,50,000.00 25,00,000.00
Sub total (Administrative Expenses) 6,52,767.00 22,88,092.00 17,18,600.00 31,55,000.00
|230 -Operations &Maintenance
23010-Power &Fuel
3,45,608.00 11,08,011.00 4,50,000.00 18,00,000.00
23030 - Consumption of Stares
1,31,379.00 45,620.00
23040 - Hire Charges
97,900.00 14,668.00 3,20,000.00 25,000.00
23041 - Renair and Mhaintenance Statues and Heritace Assets
23050 -Renairs & lMantenance frfrastructure Assets
7,55,538.00 4,39,786.00 7,50,000.00 6,50,000.00
23051 - Repairs &Maintenance Civic Amenities 1,04,458.00 85,306.00 1,15,000.00 1,35,000.00
23052 -Repairs &Maintenance Builcngs
23053- Repairs & Maitenance Vehicles 4,49,244.00 4,75,000.00
3,72,197.00 4,50,000.00
23054 - Repairs &Mainterance Furniture
23055 - Repairs& Mairtenance Office Equipmert
23056 - Repairs &Mairtenance Electrica Appliances
23059-Repars & Mairntenancoe Others 64,334.00 1,20,000.00 75,000.00
23080 - Other Operating & Mairtenance Expenses 3,87,801.00 1,72,185.00 1,75,000.00 2,10,000.00
Sub total (Operations & Maintenance) 23,80,547.00 22,56,487.00 24,25,620.00 33,70,000.00

Executive Oficer
Nagar Parishad
Head of Actual For the Revised Budget Budget Estimates
Actual For the
ACCOunt-Descriptlon of tem Current ear Current Year
Budget Estimates
for the Current
Estimates for the for the Next
Financial Year
(2021-22) (2012-23) - Year (2022-23)
Current Year

AD .Interest &Finance Charoes

December 2022 (2022-23) (2023-24)

2A010- Interest on Loans Fromn Central

aon- Intenest on Loans Fom State
AD70 -Bank Charges
ADR0- Other Finance ENDeNSes 15,528.00 11,522.00 45,000,00 15,000.00
Sub total (nterest &
DS0- Programmne Expenses Finance Charges) 15,528.00 15,000.00
11,522.00 45.000.00
25010 - Election Expenses
25020 -Own Programme
25030- Share in Programme Of Others 1,75,409.00 4,63,908.00 4,50,000.00 5,00,000.00

Sub total (Programme

260-Revenve Grants, Contribution Expenses)
and Subsidies Expenses
1,75,409.00 4,63,908.00 4,50,000.00 5,00,000.00

Staf Salary and Wages 7,58,030.00 2,57.325.00 25,00,000.00 4,50,000.00

1,04,01,168.00 6,03,092.00 61,25,000.00 60,00,000.00
Executve 0fñce ant E Salary Grant
Renai of Hand pump 6,03,855.00 1,34,088.00 10,00,000.00
1,42,760.00 7,50,000.00 3,50,000.00
Renair& Maintenane
6,89,252.00 1,48,764.00 7,50,000.00
Urza Vipatra Grant Power and Fue
Water Spph
89,21,89200 33,50,000.00 65,00,000.00
24,21,720.00 16,48,577.00 25,00,000.00 27,50,000.00
26,876.00 75,000.00
Election Exoneses
4,45,000.00 4,13,000.00 6,50,000.00 7,50,000.00
Repair of Cleaning Vehicle
Rani Talab Cleaning
1,32,457.00 1,50,000.00
Cleaning Equipments
48,022.00 1,50,000.00
Nagrik Suvidha 1,20,000.00
2,29,480.00 1,66,577.00 1,50,000.00 2,50,000.00
PMC Charges
12,89,742.00 1,11,354.00 12,00,000.00 4,50,000.00
Fooging Machine Chemical
62,250.00 75,000.00
Door to Door Waste Colleion Charges
39,99,543.00 26,34,071.00 50,00,000.00 32,40,000.00
Fre at winter
50,000.00 23.600.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
NPR Expenses From Grant
SWM Suvey
Other Expenses
Shramik Yojna Epenses
1,78,308.00 6,49,948.00 7,50,000.00
26020 -Contributions (Salary Grant)
26030 - Subsidies

Sub total (Revenue Grants, Contribution and Subsidies) 2.34,65,307.00 1,61,91,181.00 2,33,75,000.00 2,31,35,000.00
270 - Provisions and Write Off
27010- Provisions for Doubtful Receivables
10,99,95l00 - -

27050- Miscelaneous Expense Written Off

Sub total (Provisions and Write Off) 10,99,951.00

271 - Miscellaneous Expenses
27110 - Loss on Disposal Of Assets
Sub total (Miscellaneous Expenses)
280 - Prior Period Expenditure
28050-Refund ¡f Taxes
28060- Refund of OtheRevenue 10,000.00
28080- Other-Expenses (Please Specty) 11,05,691.00 19,72,644.00 25,00,000.00
Sub total (Prior Period) 11,15,691.00 19,72,644.00 25,00,000.00

Total Revenue Expenditure 4,78,57,025.00 3,78,42,A36.00 4,65,14,220.00 5,31,75,000.00

Executive Oficer

Page 6 of7
Meadof AcCOunt- Budget Estimates

Description of Item Actual For the

Ourrent Year
Actual For the
Current Vear
tor the Current
Estimates for the
Current Year
(or the Next
Financial Year
4-Capital Expenditure
(2021-22) (2022-23)
December 2022
Vear (202N-23) (2022-23) 6

A10 Fixed Assets

41010- Land
41015 -Lakes and 2,50,00,000.00
41020 -Buikdings
Pondts 4,50,00,000.00
2,45,R80.00 1,50,00,000.00
41021 - Parks and 1,75,00,000.00
41022- Statves HeritanÇ Assets 2,97,72,508.00 3,95,48.00 7,50,00,000.00
Antn% nd oher works of Arts
41030- Roads
41031 1,15,80,000.00
Sewerane And ranae 2,33,56,1 28.00 17,28,724,00 1,85,00,000.00
41032- WaterwaYs 1,05,00,000.00
56,45,582.00 1,75,00,000.00
41033-Pubic lLighting 2,61,769.00 2,34,065.00 1,25,00,000.00
41040 -Plant &Machinery 18,50,000.00
23,62,97o 8,62,435.00 25,00,000.00
41050 -Vehides
99,36,900 76,40,450.00 1,25,60,000.00
41060 -Offie &Other Equinment 45,00,000.00
41070 - Fumiure Fatures, Fting &Eecical
53,42,000 19,59,088.00 25,00,000.00
410S0 - Other Fired Assets
1,85,939.00 75,00,000.00
Sub total (Fired Assets) 70,590.00
412 -Capital Wort-in- Progress 10,83,30,000.00
J41230 - Speciic Schenes
7,70,95,835.00 130,77,139.00 17,1185,000.00

Sub total (Capital Work-in- 4,75,00,000.00

Progress) 7,83,03,960.00 4,42.60.609.00 12,55,00,000.00
420- Ivestments - Municipal Fund 4,75,00,000.00
42080 - Other ivestments FDRS)
7,83,03,960.00 4,42,60,609.00 12,55,00,000.00

Sub total(vestments -General

430 -Stock -In- Hand
43010 - Stores
Sub total (Stock- In- Hand)
460 - Loans, Advances and
46010- Loans And Advances To Employees
|46020 - Empioyee Provident Fund Loans 3,93,000.00 450,000.00 3,50,000.00
46030 - Loans to Others
46040 - Advance To Suphers And Contractors
46050 - Advance to Others for land acquisition
46060 - Deposits With External Agencies
46080- Other Current Assets(SBM&PMAY)
Sub total ( Loans, Advancces and Deposits) 9,39,52,163.00 2,82,29,400.00 4,50,.00,000.00 4,50,00,000.00
9,43,45,163.00 2,85,39,400.00 4,54,50,000.00 4,53,50,000.00
470-Other Assets
47010 - Deposit VWorks -Expenditure
Sub total (Other Assets)

Total Capital Expenditure

24,97,44958.00 8,58,77,148.00 34,21,35,000.00 20,11,80,000.00

Nagar Paagaraiabad

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