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Picture 1:

This photo is of a couple jogging in the morning. They

were running in a park with many trees and green

grass by the roadside. On the right is a adults man. He
wears an orange t-shirt, black shorts, and orange

shoes. Next to him was a woman. She has long black
hair, a white shirt, gray shorts, and red shoes. I'm
quite lazy to run, so when I saw this photo, I think it

motivated me, helped me have the spirit of exercise.

Picture 2:

This is a photo taken inside a very modern house, with

the living room and kitchen side by side. The living
room is covered with a white fur rug, a gray sofa and a
rather classic wooden table, on which there is a vase
of water and a small flower basket. The kitchen is also
very modern and comfortable, we can see a large
kitchen cabinet system below is a large kitchen table
with full equipment such as: sink, gas stove, oven,

refrigerator... And 2 Large table opposite.


Picture 3:

This photo is of a living room, which is quite small but


very modern. In the photo we can see a white sofa set,

a small round glass table on top with a book, a cup and

a pair of eyeglasses. Opposite the sofa is a small brown

table, on the table there is a small tree and opposite
the table is a small cabinet. On the cabinet was a
rather large television, a small tree next to the
television, and something that looked like a
book.There is a picture hanging on the wall behind the
TV. In addition, this living room has a very large glass
door that almost covers one wall, and has an additional gray curtain. (Outside the door, we see a lot of
green trees)

Trang 1
Picture 4:

This photo shows 4 people riding bicycles, I guess they

are a family. The other girl wears gray tights, a blue
short-sleeved shirt, and a white helmet. Right behind is
the mother wearing short black pants, a pink long-sleeve
shirt and a white helmet. Behind the mother is the father

and son. The father wears a short black suit, white
helmet and the son wears a blue and white plaid shirt,

short black pants and a black helmet.

Picture 5:
In the photo I can see, 2 women are jogging. My guess is
that in the morning, the person on the left is wearing a
gray long-sleeved shirt, the person on the right is wearing
a white shirt and blue pants. They look so happy and full
of energy.

Picture 6:

I think this photo was taken on a certain street corner in


America. In the photo there are many tall buildings, many

shops, many colorful billboards, on the road there are
many people walking, maybe they are buying and selling
something, or maybe I'm taking some pictures as a
souvenir. I wish I could come here one day and see this
street with my own eyes.

Trang 2
Picture 7:

Looking at this photo, we can see a very long beach. There

are many people there. Some people are swimming in the
sea, others are lying in the sun and relaxing on the sand.
And in the distance was probably a certain coastal city. It is
really beautiful.

Picture 8:

Looking at this photo, I can see a very modern city, with tall
buildings lit by lights. But the weather was not so good, I saw
2 lightning bolts crossed in the sky. And I don't like this, it
looks dangerous, it makes me feel scared. Because you know
a bolt of lightning can kill you very quickly.

Picture 9 :

This picture shows a group checking in a hotel room. This is a


very nice and luxurious hotel.people are lining up in turn to

check in. This is a scene that is probably very familiar to
those.who take travel trips, work away from home.Surely
they will have a very cozy and meaningful stay here.

Picture 10:

In this photo, we can see that this is a classroom. The

students in the class are being divided into groups to study
in class. All eyes turned to the teacher to listen to the
lecture. I think this will be an interesting and fun class.

Trang 3

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