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dependent on залежний від

e.g. He no longer wants to be financially dependent on his parents.
e.g. Norway’s economy is heavily dependent on natural resource
e.g. The refugees were totally dependent on charity.

2. independent of незалежний від

e.g. We need a central bank that is independent of the government.
e.g. She is convinced that she must become independent of her parents by the age of 18 at the very
e.g. There are many cases when two scientists who were independent of one another made the same
invention simultaneously.

3.grateful to sb for smth вдячний комусь за щось

e.g. The orphan was so grateful to her stepfamily for their love and support.
e.g. I’m grateful to everyone who has helped me to do away with my cancer.
e.g. I'm so grateful (to you) for all that you've done.

4. an advantage 1)of 2)over 1) перевага чогось, 2) перевага чогось над чимось

e.g. He conducted research on advantages of the natural light over artificial.
e.g. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
e.g.  One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any
time of day.

5. a demand for 1) попит на, 2) вимога чогось

e.g. A huge demand for mask brought about rise in their price.
e.g. The government is unlikely to agree to the rebels'
demands for independence.
e.g. The guerillas ignored the demand for surrender.

6.a difference in sth відмінність у

e.g. Although both girls are equally gifted, there is seen a difference in progress they’ve made.
e.g. Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?
e.g. Was there a significant difference in rearing your children.
7. a difference of opinion a slight disagreement
e.g. We fell out because of having a disagreement but after talking things through we decided to stay
friends despit. the difference of opinion.
e.g. There was a difference of opinion about the best way to run the business,
and as a result I left the company.
e.g. The coach decided to leave him out of the team for a match due to a difference of opinion.

8. a disadvantage of недолік
e.g. The disadvantage of the material is that it fades in strong sunlight.
e.g. One of the disadvantages of arguing with him is that you’ll never win due to his evasiveness.
e.g. One disadvantage of living in the suburbs of a big city is the remoteness from your workplace. aim to спрямовані, націлені, прагнемо

e.g. The new government aim(s) to decrease the crime rate.

e.g. This politician is aimed at winning by a landslide.
e.g. I aim to be a millionaire by the time I'm 35.

10. to confess sth to sb зізнатись у чомусь комусь

to confess to (doing) smth зізнатись у чомусь
e.g. Under interrogation, he confessed stealing the money to the officer.
e.g. Edwards confessed to being a spy for the KGB.
e.g. A policeman forced the suspect to confess to the crime he had not commit.

11. to invest in вкладатись, інвестувати

e.g. Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.
e.g. Williams invested a large sum of money in Swiss stocks.

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