Тимур - Use - of - English - page - 51 - A - перевірений

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1. the one but last передостанній e.g.: The one but last time we generated an essay on the
e.g.  Pauline and Derek live in the next house but one 

2. a study роб кабінет (в домашніх умовах)

e.g. The study looks very posh. Honestly, I can’t see the point in such an luxurious and ostentatious
e.g. The table in my study is HAS BEEN\WAS bought in the \ON sale at a very low price.
e.g. I found a beautiful painting for my study at an incredible discount during the art gallery's
at a discount із знижкою
3. a nursery дитяча (кімната) вдома
e.g. A young girl made friends with many children in the mall’s nursery.
e.g. The management of the mall don’t take precautions in case of a fire and many people are in danger
in nurseries, cinemas, shops and so on.
e.g. Does Jake go to a nursery or a childminder?

4. the tension напруга

e.g.: Even though Derek had made up with Joanne, the tension between them was still evident.
e.g. Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension and freshen up after a hard day.
e.g. There is no tension between them at last.

5. to make up (тут) становити, складати [constitute, form, be a member of] e.g.: Women make up a
e.g. Oxygen makes up roughly 20% of the atmosphere. +++++
e.g. Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population.
e.g. Men outnumber women 1 to 10 and approximately make up 90% in our company.
6. to constitute 1.складати[form, be a member of] (= to make up), 2.являти собою

e.g. Your actions constitute a breach of the peace. We must fine you.
e.g. This latest defeat constitutes a major setback for the Democrats.e.g.
e.g. The latest developments constitute a severe economic crisis.

have to do without мусити обходитись без (чогось)
e.g.: Ever since my salary cut, I've had to do without a lot of little luxuries.
e.g. The car is out of order. We have to do without it and go to work by bicycle.
e.g. He is a key player in our team. Now, he is injured and we have a hard time doing without him.

made off with "чкурнути" прихопивши (щось) e.g.: to steal or take something quickly and secretly -
зникнути з чимось, вкравши
e.g. A juvenile law breaker managed to make off with the money.
e.g. A group of thugs made off with the hijacked jet.
e.g. Thieves broke into the school and made off with computer equipment worth £40,000.

make for to move towards something or in a particular direction;

e.g. They made for the nearest building in sight.
e.g. They’d seen the cue and made for the house they were going to burgle. +++++
e.g. I think it’s time we made for home.

make into - перетворити на щосьto change something into something else

e.g. An old department store was made into a modern big mall.
e.g. At first, he decided to write a short story but then made it into a novel.
e.g. The movie made her into a star overnight.

make out to see, hear, or understand something with difficulty; to pretend or claim
e.g. I couldn’t make out what I had done to annoy her.
e.g. I can't make out your writing.

do away with "прибрати" з дороги, - перетворити на щось to get rid of or abolish something -
позбутись, знищити, скасувати
e.g. Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.
e.g. They’ve put aside money for 2 years in order to do away with their old washing machine and buy a
new one.
e.g. He took a dog out for a walk to do away with his boredom.

abduction викрадення (прибулцями)

e.g. I would love watching films about an alien abduction in my childhood.
e.g. The company director was abducted from his car by terrorists.
e.g. The most popular way to depict an alien abduction in cinema is a colorful beam of light which
attracts everything that it hits, coming from a spaceship in the shape of a plate. ++++

salary cut урізання заробітної плати

e.g. He barely makeS all ends meet, and what’s more, his salary has been cut.
e.g. Her salary has been cut but she’ll get by nevertheless.
e.g. It’s unjust to cut salaries of such integral employees.

little luxuries маленькі «радощі»

e.g. He bought a lot of LITTLE luxuries to throw a spectacular party.
e.g. He ordered some luxuries to make an impression on girls.
e.g. I like to buy myself little luxuries from time to time.

to the lack of.. (= to do without) обходитися без .. to suffer smth difficult, unpleasant, painful
e.g. He has to endure the behaviour of his boss\HIS BOSS’S BEHAVIOR and put up with the attitude
towards himself.
e.g. I had to endure seven-hour delay on the Slovakian border.
e.g. It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.

.. to grow out of .. перерости, «вирости» з … (= втратити інтерес до..)

e.g. Lucas says he wants to join the army when he turns 18, but
I hope he'll grow out of the idea.
e.g. When he tried to wear the jeans , which he’d grown out of , they tore .
.. poor прикм. (тут) незадовільний, неякісний, «слабенький»
e.g.: .. the street lighting was rather poor; .. they had cheap tea and poor butter for breakfast ..
e.g. The soil in this area is very poor.
e.g. He blames herself -?? for poor performance and that she let down everyone.

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