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to apply smth to smth to use something such as a method, idea, or law in a particular

situation, activity, or process
e.g. New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process.
e.g. The new leader is notorious for applying new methods of ruling the country.
e.g. The corporation applied new technology with a view to making a bigger profit.
e.g. The company has recently applied a new method of enticing people into buying.

1.1 to apply the brakes натиснути на гальма

e.g. The man was driving with excess alcohol in his blood and killed a child in a crash because he failed to
apply the brakes in time.
e.g. The taxi driver suddenly applied his brakes.

2.hectic щільний, неспокійний( full of activity, or very busy and fast)

e.g. His hectic lifestyle arose out of his ambitious character and he is absolutely delighted with it.
e.g. The man fell pray to hectic pace of a city life.

e.g. They've got a hectic schedule planned.

3. well-being добробут, благополуччя; a feeling of being comfortable, healthy,

and happy
e.g. Seeing her grandchildren gave her a sense of well-being.
e.g. He was lying amid scents of flowers which gave him a feeling of well-being.
e.g. He believes that investment in this company will bring material well-being.
1. to break out 1. if something unpleasant such as a fire, fight,
or war breaks out, it starts to happen (спалахнути); 2 to escape from a prison; 3 to change the way
you live because you feel bored (вирватись)
e.g. Two prisoners broke out yesterday. The police have no idea how did they manage to make an
e.g. A mutiny broke out on the ship due to captain’s unprofessional leadrship.
e.g. She felt the need to break out of her daily routine.
2. to break out in spots/ a rash/ a sweat if you break out in spots etc, they appear on
your skin
e.g. He breaks out in a rash after eating an orange because he is allergic to it.
e.g. It didn't take much exercise to make him break out in (a) sweat.
e.g. After waking up, I realized that I’d broken out in a cold sweat.

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