Тимур Use of English page 55 A,B,C

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to let здавати в оренду (to charge someone an amount of money for the use

of a room or building )
e.g. He let a room in order to make some extra money and pay off the loan.
e.g. Would you consider letting me the garage for a few months?
e.g. She makes a good profit from letting her flats.

2. to hire 1  to pay money to borrow something for a short period of time

(арендувати, взяти напрокат) 2  to employ someone for a short time to do a particular job (наймати)
e.g. How much would it cost to hire a car for the weekend?
e.g. He hired a pricy sport car to make an impression on us.
e.g. I was hired by the first company I applied to.
e.g. Poor families don’t have enough money to hire good lawyers.

3. to rent арендувати (будинок/кімнату …)

e.g. I got carried away and decided to rent a mansion for the honeymoon.
e.g. I’d rather have my own house than rent
e.g. Smoking is not allowed on the premises of the building where I rent a room.

4. for a rainy day на «чорний день»

e.g. He’s been saving money aside and stock up on food for a rainy day.
e.g. Luckily she had saved some money for a rainy day.
5. a bill рахунок; 1 a written list showing how much you have to pay for services
you have received, work that has been done etc 2 a list showing how much you have to pay for food you
have eaten in a restaurant
e.g. He was ,to put it mildly, impressed after seeing the bill in a restaurant.
e.g.  Have you paid the phone bill?
e.g. He failed to pay the bill for his room on time.

6. fare плата за проїзд

e.g. The taxi driver charged me a fare based on the distance traveled.
e.g. I was pleased with a fair train fare in Slovakia.
e.g. Always have some small change on in another country so you can cover unexpected situations such
as taxi or bus fare.

7. a fee плата (an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a
particular right or service:)
e.g. One advantage of this museum over others is that I can visit it without needing to pay an
entry/entrance fee.
e.g. Many universities now charge tuition fees for these courses.
e.g. Money was deducted from her account for legal/medical fees.
e.g. For a nominal fee, you used to be able go to a cinema in my town in the 1970s unlike nowadays.

8.an account an arrangement that you have with a shop or

company, which allows you to buy goods or use a service now and pay for them later 
e.g. Could you put it on/charge it to my account (= can I pay for it later), please?
e.g. Could you please settle your account in full (= give us all
the money you owe us)?

9. a pay зарплата
e.g. It is seen a pay cut in the country. Fortunately, it’s not the case for my job.
e.g. If you get promoted, will you get a pay rise?

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