Model Answer Final Revision Chapter 4 Final

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Chapter 4 Final revision

1 A 54 B
2 D 55 C
3 B 56 C
4 A 57 A
5 B 58 C
6 B 59 D
7 B 60 B
8 A 61 A
9 C 62 C
10 B 63 B
11 C 64 D
12 A 65 D
13 D 66 A
14 C 67 D
15 A 68 D
16 C 69 D
17 A 70 B
18 C 71 C
19 D 72 D
20 C 73 B
21 B 74 C
22 A 75 B
23 A 76 E
24 C 77 B
25 A 78 D
26 B 79 A
27 C 80 D
28 B 81 A
29 D 82 A
30 C 83 C
31 EMF= 1 . 1 Volt 84 C

A0 / A+2 // 2B+ / 2B0

32 A 85 A
33 A 86 A
34 B 87 C
35 D 88 A
36 B 89 A
37 B 90 A
38 B 91 A
39 C 92 A
40 C 93 C
41 C 94 B
42 B 95 C
43 D 96 B
44 C 97 A
45 B 98 C
46 A 99 A
47 D 100 B
48 D 101 A
49 C 102 Essay question
50 B 103 Essay question
51 A 104 Essay question
52 C 105 Essay question
53 C

Equations , steps & Explanition:

Note: (Essay questions is down below the table)

1-A AgNO3 = Zero
NO3 = -1
Ag = +1

Mg + 2AgNO3 —> Mg(NO3)2 + 2Ag

Mg⁰ —> Mg+2 + 2e-

Since Mg oxidation number increases
Therefore Mg atom undergoes oxidation

2Ag+ + 2e- —> 2Ag⁰

Since oxidation number decreases
Therefore Ag ion undergoes reduction

Answer is choice a
2-D Ions of salt bridge :

Cations move towards the cathode

Anions move towards the anode

Cl- anions move towards half cell X

Thus x is the anode

K+ cations move towards half cell Y

Thuse Y is the cathode

Electrons flow is from anode to cathode

Correct answer is d
3-B Q3:

Oxd potential = 1.19V // Red potential = -1.19V

Oxd potential = 0.14V // Red potential = -0.14V

X is higher in the oxidation potential thus it acts as anode and undergoes


Y is higher in the reduction potential thus it acts as cathode and undergoes


Ions of salt bridge :

Cations move towards the cathode Y

Anions move towards the anode X

Electrons flow is from anode to cathode

Correct answer is B
4-A Q4 :
Galavanic cell :
Electrodes aren't connected to a source of power

Electrolytic cell :
Electrodes must be connected to a source of power

Electrons flow direction is from anode to cathode

At anode :
Electrode is dissolved (oxidized) into anions
Since anions conc increases therefore conc of solution increases

At cathode :
Cations dissolved in solution are precipitated (reduced) at electrode
Since conc of cations decreases thus conc of solution decreases

Choice A
5-B Since element (X) precedes element (Y) in the electromotive series
Therefore Element (X) has higher oxd potential
While element (Y) has higher reduction potential

X is divalent so it loses 2e-

X —> X+² + 2e-

Y is monovalent so it gains 1e-

Y+ + 1e- —> Y⁰

The 2 electrons lost from element (X) has to be gained by element (Y)

After balancing the equation :

X + 2Y+ —> X+² + 2Y⁰

Anode is wrote on the left of the cell diagram while Cathode is wrote on the

X / X+² // 2Y+ / 2Y⁰

Answer is choice b
6-B O = -2
H = +1

Since MnO² = Zero

2O = -4
Mn = +4

Since HCl = Zero

H = +1
Cl = -1

Since MnCl² = Zero

2Cl = -2
Mn = +2
Atomic state of chlorine gas = Cl²

Answer is choice b
7-B Cell diagram :
The left side represent the anode
As Zn lose electrons
The right side represents the cathode
As Sn gain electron

Sn+2 + 2e- —> Sn⁰ (half cathode only)

Answer is choice b
8-A n the given cell reaction, we can conclude that :
1- Anode is Nickel because its oxidation no. increases from 0 to +2 ➔
oxidation occurs to it.
2- Cathode is Silver because its oxidation no. decreases from +1 to 0 ➔
reduction occurs to it.
• We’ve a piece of information that the electric current stops in galvanic
cell when :
1- The absence of the salt bridge in the galvanic cell ➔ leads to stopping the
oxidation and reduction reactions and consequently stopping the flow of
electric current in the external wire connecting the two half cells.
2- The anode material atoms are all dissolved in the anode-half cell.
3- All the ions found in the cathode-half cell disappear “reduced” as they
are precipitated as atoms in the cathode half-cell.
So, We can increase the time of working of the given cell by :
1- Increasing the mass of anode material “Metal itself not its ions” ➔
Increasing mass of Nickel.
2- Increasing the concentration of ions found in the cathode-half cell “Ag-
half cell” ➔ increasing the number of “Ag+ ions”. ➔ Choice a is correct.
• Choice b is excluded because increasing the concentration of nickel ions
will not help, we need to increase nickel metal itself in order to allow
oxidation to occur to it forming nickel ions.
• Choice c is excluded because decreasing the mass of anode will increase
the chance for stopping of electric current as oxidation reaction will
approach to end.
• Choice d is excluded because increasing the mass of cathode won’t help
as we need to increase the concentration of ions in the cathode half-cell to
be able to reduce and form metal atoms not the opposite.
9-C Ions of salt bridge are used to neutralize the accumulated charge present in
both anode and cathode

Ions of salt bridge shouldn't be precipitated or react with anions and cations
present in the solutions

First analytical group of cations :

HCl is used to detect them and they are precipitated as chlorides

They are : Hg , Pb and Ag

The cell which doesn't have Hg , Pb or Ag is the cell in choice c

Answer is choice c
10-B Ions of salt bridge shouldn't be precipitated or react with anions and cations
present in the solutions

Daniel cell consists of :

Zinc electrode dipped in ZnSO4 solution
Copper electrode dipped in CuSO4 solution

SO4⁻² can react with Ba forming BaSO4 which is a white ppt

Leading to accumulation of charge and stoppage of electric current

Answer is choice b
11-C Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2↑
 Produced gas  hydrogen gas  Reducing agent “information from
chapter 1”.
So, we need to choose a reduction reaction from the choices because
passing hydrogen gas in an solution will reduce the metal found in it.

Choice A B c D
Oxidation no. YSO4 = 0 WCl = 0 X2(SO4)3 = 0 XCl2 = 0
before the Y + (-2) = 0 W + (-1) = 0 2X + 3(-2) = 0 X + 2(-1) = 0
reaction Y = +2 W = +1 2X = +6 X = +2
X = +3

Oxidation no. Y2(SO4)3 = 0 WCl2 = 0 XSO4 = 0 XCl3 = 0

after the 2Y + 3(-2) = 0 W + 2(-1) = 0 X + (-2) = 0 X + 3(-1) = 0
reaction 2Y = +6 W = +2 X = +2 X = +3
Y = +3

Process Oxidation Oxidation Oxidation no. Oxidation

occurred no. no. increases no.
increases increases from +3 to +2 increases
from +2 to +3 from +1 to +2  Reduction from +2 to
 Oxidation  Oxidation process +3 
process process Oxidation
State of the Excluded Excluded Correct Excluded
choice answer

So, it’s clear that choice c is correct as it’s the only choice which represents
a reduction reaction.

12-A Since conc of Y decreases :

Thus it means that the metal Y undergoes reduction and is precipitated

(But ions of metal Y is still present in the solution and its conc in 0.01M)

While (X) acts as anode and is dissolved in solution

Cl- ions don't undergo oxidation or reduction and will still be present in the
solution and its conc doesn't change

So X+2 , Y+2 and Cl- all will exist in the solution

Correct answer is a
13-D Cr :
Oxd potential = 0.727V
Red potential = -0.727V

Pt :
Oxd potential = -1.2V
Red potential = 1.2V

The element higer in oxidation potential acts as anode

While the element higher in reduction potntial acts as cathode

Cell diagram :
The left side represent the anode
The right side represents the cathode

To balance the equation all electrons lost by anode has to be gained by


2Cr⁰ —> 2Cr+³ + 6e-

3Pt+² + 6e- —> 3Pt⁰

The whole cell diagram :

2Cr⁰/ 2Cr+³ // 3Pt+² / 3Pt⁰

Correct answer is d
14-C Al :
Oxd potential = 1.67V
Red potential = -1.67V
Cu :
Oxd potential = -0.34V
Red potential = 0.34V

The element higer in oxidation potential acts as anode

While the element higher in reduction potntial acts as cathode

Cell diagram :
The left side represent the anode
The right side represents the cathode

To balance the equation all electrons lost by anode has to be gained by


2Al⁰ —> 2Al+³ + 6e-

3Cu+² + 6e- —> 3Cu⁰

The whole cell diagram :

2Al⁰ / 2Al+³ // 3Cu+² / 3Cu⁰

Answer is choice c
15-A On dipping a rod of metal into a solution of ions :

If the metal is corroded and dissolved while the ions of the solution are
precipitated therefore ;

The metal is the highest in oxidation potential (more active element)

While the ions of solution are the lowest in oxidation potential (less active

On dipping rod (Z) into salt solution of (W):

(W) is precipitated
Thus Z is more active than W

On dipping rod (W) into salt solution of (X):

(X) is precipitated

Thus W is more active than X


On dipping rod (X) into salt solution of (Y):

(Y) is precipitated

Thus X is more active than Y

By adding all the previous


Answer is choice a

16-C A good way to know the order of metals in electromotive series is adding
each of them to the other metal metal salt solution

If the metal is corroded and dissolved while the ions of the solution are
precipitated therefore ;

The metal is the highest in oxidation potential (more active element)

While the ions of salt solution are the lowest in oxidation potential (less
active element)

If nothing happens ;
Then the metal is the lowest in oxidation potential

While the ions of salt solution are the highest in oxidation potential

Answer is choice C
17-A A and B reacts with dil HCl while C doesn't which means :

A and B are above hydrogen in the electromotive series (higher oxd

While C is located below hydrogen in the electromotive series (lower oxd

A good way to know the order of metals in electromotive series is them to

each other's metal salt solution

The metal corroded and dissolved :

The highest in oxidation potential (located above)
The metal precipitated :
The lowest in oxidation potential (located below)

Since element A is corroded thus element A has higher oxidation potential

than element B

Final arrangement of oxidation potential :


Answer is choice a
18-C On adding a metal located below hydrogen to dil HCl :
No reaction occurs

On adding a metal located above hydrogen to dil HCl :

Metal replaces dil HCl

It whether replaces it vigourously (fast evolving of hydrogen bubbles)

or replaces it slowly (slow evolving of hydrogen bubbles)

If bubbles evolve fast —> Element is very active thus its located at the top of
the electromotive series (large gap between the 2 elements)

If bubbles evolve slowly —> Element is active but less active than the
previous element (small gap between the 2 elements)

Tube A : less active element as iron

Tube B : very active element as magnesium
Tube C : inactive element as copper

Answer is choice c
19-D (lose)
 Sn°(s) → Sn+2
(aq) + 2e

 2𝐴𝑔(𝑎𝑞)
+ 2𝑒 → − °
 Sn acts as an anode. because oxidation process takes place at Sn
 Ag acts as a cathode.because reduction process takes place at Ag
 It is a galvanic cell .because a spontaneous redox reaction occurs
 So both choices b and c are excluded
 Electrons transfer from the anode(Sn) to cathode (Ag)
 So choice A is excluded
 So the correct answer is choice D ✓

20-C 2PbSO4 + 2H2 O → Pb + PbO2 + 4H + + 2SO−2
 During charging the battery the concentration of H2O & PbSO4 decreases
forming lead (Pb) and lead dioxide (PbO2 )and increasing the
concentration of the acid
 By increasing the concentration of the acid the[ H+] ions increase so the
PH decreases and the POH increase
 So the correct answer is choice C ✓

21-B  Connecting lead accumulator to an external source of electricity its emf

=14 V , EMF > 12 V → Re-charging of lead accumulator occurs.
 Concentration of H2SO4 will increase , so [H+] increases →pH decreases
→ pOH increases.

 choice a is excluded and the correct answer is choice b ✓

 Choice c is excluded because :Charging the lead accumulator leads to
conversion of lead sulphate (PbSO4 ) to lead (Pb) at the anode , so
oxidation number decreases from +2 to zero.
 Choice d is excluded because :Increasing water in battery happens on
discharging process not charging.

22-A  The movement of lithium ions is like the movement of electrons from the
anode to the cathode in both the galvanic and electrolytic cells
 choices c and d are excluded
 The battery is working during discharging as a galvanic cell[ the anode
(LiC6 ) is the negative electrode and the cathode (LiCoO2) is the positive
 So lithium ions transfer from LiC6 (-ve electrode) to LiCoO2 (+ve
 the correct answer is choice a ✓
 The battery is working during charging as an electrolytic cell [ the anode
(LiCoO2) is the positive electrode and the cathode (LiCoO2) is the
negative electrode]
 So lithium ions transfer from LiCoO2 (+ve electrode ) to LiC6 (-ve
 choice b is excluded

23-A  Remember the use of electrolyte is : Act as a conducting material

between anode and cathode (allowing the ions to move freely from
anode to cathode).
 So, it’s not consumed , its concentration remains the same.
 choice b is excluded and the correct answer is choice a✓
 And since the concentration of KOH “electrolyte in fuel cell” remains the
same → pH remains the same
 choices c and d are excluded

24-C  Cathodic protection →is a method in which we coat iron with a layer of
another less active metal
 The oxidation potential of element X =0.409v, so we need another
element with an oxidation potential less than 0.409v
 Choices b and c are excluded
 Choice a :
Reduction potential Oxidation potential
-0.76v +0.76v
So choice a is excluded
 Choice c:
Reduction potential Oxidation potential
-0.136v +0.136v
 The correct answer is choice c ✓

25-A  Anodic protection →is a method in which we coat a metal with a layer of
another more active metal

The element (w) (X) (Y) (Z)

Oxidation +2.37 V +0.25 V +0.74 v +1.66 V

 W>Z>Y>X
 The correct answer is choice a✓

26-B The element (X) (Y)

Reduction potential -0.409v -2.375 V

Oxidation potential +0.409v +2.375v

 Element Y is more active than metal X (Y>X)

 Anodic protection →is a method in which we coat a metal with a layer of
another more active metal
 So covering a piece of metal X with a layer of metal Y is an anodic
 Choices c and d are excluded
 We used a piece of element X which is solid and has no ions to be
reduced so reduction occurs for oxygen of humid air
 Choice a is excluded

27-C  Factors that causes corrosion:

1. H2O
2. O2
3. Salt (ions)
 E→the fastest one to be rust, because the tube contains oxygen of the
air and salt water which contain ions and both of them speed up the
redox reaction
 C will corrode after E →because the tube contains oxygen from the air
and tape water (contains a large number of salts and O2)
 B will corrode after C→because the tube contains tape water which
contains a large number of salts and O2
 A will corrode after B→because the tube contains oxygen from the air
 D→is the hardest one to be corroded because the tube doesn’t contain
oxygen and the salt that is present in the tube is anhydrous salt which
means that the salt has no water molecules →(no ions)
 E>C>B>A>D
 The correct answer is choice c✓

28-B Elements Fe X Y Z
Reduction -0.409 V -2.375 V -1.67 V -0.23 V
Oxidation +0.409v +2.375v +1.67v +0.23v
 X>Y>Fe>Z
 1st piece of iron→ Coated by element X → X is more active than Fe so, Fe
will act as cathode → No rusting occurs.
 2nd piece of iron →Coated by element Y → Y is more active than Fe so, Fe
will act as cathode → No rusting occurs.
 3rd piece of iron → Coated by element Z → Z is less active than Fe so, Fe
will act as anode → Rusting occurs rapidly because a galvanic cell is
already formed.
 4th piece of iron →Not coated →Rusting will occur but slowly as rusting
process is slow in the presence of air.
 So, it’s clear that the 3rd piece of iron will rust first
 choice b is correct.✓

29-D  The mass of anode decreases , due to the oxidation of Au atoms and its
dissolving in the solution in the form of Au+3
 𝑨𝒖°(𝒔) → 𝑨𝒖+𝟑 + 𝟑𝒆_ ( at anode)
 𝑨𝒖+𝟑 + 𝟑𝒆_ → 𝑨𝒖°(𝒔) (at cathode)
 The correct answer is choice d✓

30-C  the cell is an electrolytic cell →the negative pole is the cathode and the
positive pole is the anode
 In cell 1:
Molten sodium chloride salt →means that we have only the ions of the salt :
Na+ (cation )
and Cl- (anion)
 The negative ions (Cl-) from the electrolytic solution are directed
towards the positive electrode (X) →the anode and neutralize their
charge by losing electrons (oxidation )
 𝟐𝑪𝒍_ → 𝑪𝒍𝟐(𝒈) ↑ + 𝟐𝒆−
 The positive ions (Na+) from the electrolytic solution are directed
towards the negative electrode (Y) →the cathode and neutralize their
charge by accepting electrons (reduction)
 𝟐𝑵𝒂+ −
(𝒂𝒒) + 𝟐𝒆 → 𝟐𝑵𝒂(𝒔)
 In cell 2:
Aqueous salt solution →means that the salt is dissolved in water so the
solution contains
Na+ , Cl- , H+ , OH-
 the cation is more active than H2 ,so H+ is directed towards the negative
electrode (L) → the cathode and neutralize their charge by accepting
electrons (reduction)
 𝑯+ + 𝒆− → 𝑯𝟐(𝒈)
 If the anion is halogen so the halide ion is directed towards the positive
electrode (Z) → the anode and neutralize their charge by losing
electrons (oxidation )
 𝟐𝑪𝒍−(𝒂𝒒) → 𝑪𝒍𝟐 + 𝟐𝒆

 The correct answer is choice c✓

31- Elements A B
Oxidation potential +0.76v -0.34v
Reduction potential -0.76v +0.34v
From this table we can conclude that:
A→ Anode
B→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= 0.76 + 0.34
EMF= 1.1 Volt
Since, A is divalent and B is mono valent
Therefore, cell diagram:
A0 / A+2 // 2B+ / 2B0
Note: number of electrons gained = number of electrons lost
32-A Ni Cd

Oxidation 0.402v 0.23v


Reduction -0.402v -0.23v


From this table we can conclude that:

Ni represents→ Anode
Cd represents→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= 0.402 + (-0.23)
EMF= 0.172 Volt
The correct answe is choice A ✓

33-A 33)

Oxidation 0.409v -0.8v


Reduction -0.409v 0.8v

From this table we can
conclude that:
A→ Anode
B→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= 0.409 + 0.8
EMF= 1.209 Volt
Since, A is divalent and B is mono valent
Therefore, cell diagram:
A0 / A+2 // 2B+ / 2B0
Note: number of electrons gained = number of electrons lost
The correct answe is choice A ✓

Mg K

Oxidation 2.711v 2.93v


Reduction -2.711v -2.93v


According to the cell diagram and the total equation:

Mg represents→ Anode
K represents→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= 2.711 + (-2.93)
EMF= -0.219 Volt
Since the EMF is a negative result, therefore, it is a non-spontaneous
The correct answer is choice b✓

35-D Fe Ni
Oxidation 0.409v 0.23v

Reduction -0.409v -0.23v


According to the cell diagram:

Fe represents→ Anode
Ni represents→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= 0.409 + (-0.23)
EMF= 0.179 Volt
The correct answe is choice D ✓

36-B Ni Ag
Oxidation 0.23v -0.8v
Reduction -0.23v 0.8v
According to the cell diagram:
Ni represents→ Anode
Ag represents→ Cathode

EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode

EMF= 0.23 + 0.8
EMF= 1.03 Volt
Since the EMF is positive result, therefore, it is a galvanic cell
The correct answe is choice B✓

37-B Hg Pb
Oxidation -0.59 -1.69
Reduction 0.59 1.69

According to the equation:

Hg represents→ Anode
Pb represents→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= (-0.59) + 1.69
EMF= 1.1 Volt
Since the EMF is positive result, therefore, it is spontaneous reaction
Answer is B
38-B A B C D
SOP 2.711 0.28 -1.2 -2.87
SRP -2.711 -0.28 1.2 2.87

To get the highest EMF, we must choose the element which has the highest
SOP and he element which has the highest SRP
A→ Anode
D→ Cathode
EMF= Oxidation of Anode + Reduction of Cathode
EMF= 2.711 + 2.87
EMF= 5.581 Volt

Answer is B

39-c Once the words ( gram/atom – gram. Atom – 1 mole), we use the “ ZF rule”
Z represents the valency of the element
In BaCl2 → Ba+2
ZF → 1 mole
2F → 1 mole
XF → 0.01 mole
X = 0.01 × 2
X = 0.02 F

40-C 1F → Equivalent mass ( atomic mass/ valency)

XF → Mass precipitate
Equivalent mass of Au = 196.98/3
Equivalent mass of Au = 65.66 gm

1F → 65.66 gm
XF → 0.5 gm
X= 0.5/65.66
X= 7.614 × 10-3

41-C Q= I × T
Q= 9.65 × 10 × 60
Q= 5790 C
96500 C → Equivalent mass ( atomic mass/ valency)
XC → Mass precipitate
96500 C→ Equivalent mass (X)
5790 C → 3 gm
Equivalent mass (X) = 96500 × 3 / 5790
Equivalent mass (X) = 50 gm
Equivalent mass = atomic mass / valency
50 = atomic mass/ 1
Atomic mass = 50 gm
42-B Rule of 2 cells connected together in series connection:
Mass (A) / Mass (B) = Eq mass (A) / Eq mass (B)
Eq mass Au= 197/3
Eq mass Au= 65.667

Eq mass Cu= 63.5/2

Eq mass Cu= 31.75

Mass Au/ Mass Cu = Eq mass Au / Eq mass Cu

9.38/ mass Cu = 65.667/ 31.75
Mass Cu= 9.38 × 31.75 / 65.667
Mass Cu= 4.5 gm

43-D Q= I × T
Q= 10 × 2 × 60 × 60
Q= 72000 C
1F → 96500 C
XF → 72000 C
X= 72000/ 96500
X= 0.746 F
Since, ZF → 1 mole
And, 1 mole → 22.4 L
ZF → 22.4 L
Since, oxygen is a divalent atom
2 × ZF → 22.4 L

4F → 22.4 L
0.746 F→ X L
X= 22.4 × 0.746 / 4
X= 4.17 L

44-C From the following diagram we can conclude:

-This cell is a galvanic cell since it has no battery
-As the electrons is moving from Y→X therefore:
X→ Cathode where it accepts electrons and reduction occurs at it
Y→ Anode where it loses electrons and oxidation occurs at it

Choice A is wrong: as X is not the anode and Y is not the cathode

Choice B is wrong: as X is not the anode and Y is not the cathode
Choice C is correct: as X is the cathode and it accepts electrons while Y is the
anode and it loses electrons
Choice d is wrong: as the figure is enough to determine the anode and the

45-B From the following galvanic cell we can conclude:

The electrons are transferred from the Mg half cell to the Pb half cell
Mg represents→ Anode
Pb represents→ Cathode
As the anode material loses electrons→ mass of Mg decreases
( el anode dayman asran)
As the cathode material accepts electrons→ ppt is formed→ mass of Pb
( el cathode dayman kasban)
Choice a is wrong: as the math of both poles is not increased
Choice b is correct: as the mass of (Pb) pole increase, while the mass of (Mg)
pole decreases
Choice c is wrong: as the mass of Pb is not decreased and the mass of Mg is
not increased
Choice d is wrong: as mass of both poles is not decreased

46-A According the equation we can conclude:

2A0(s) + 6HCl(aq) →2ACl3(aq) + 3H20(g)
Since, metal A reacts with HCl (acid) therefore, metal A is more active than
-Oxidation potential of metal A is higher than oxidation potential of
hydrogen which is equal zero ( oxidation potential of A>0)
-Reduction potential of hydrogen which is zero Is higher than reduction
potential of metal A ( reduction potential of A< 0)
The correct choice is choice A: as the reduction potential of A is less than

47-D From the first equation we conclude:

2Na + MgSO4 Na2SO4 + Mg
Na atom is oxidized to be Na+
Mg+2 ion is reduced to be Mg
Therefore, Na is more active than Mg
From the second equation we conclude:
Fe + CuSO4 FeSO4 + Cu
Fe atom is oxidized to be Fe+2
Cu+2 ion is reduced to be Cu
Therefore, Fe is more active than Cu
From the third equation we conclude:
Mg + FeSO4 MgSO4+ Fe
Mg atom is oxidized to be Mg+2
Fe+2 ion is reduced to be Fe
Therefore, Mg is more active than Fe

From the three equations we conclude that:

Na is more active than Mg more active than Fe more active than Cu
Na→ the most active/ the best reducing agent/ always the anode with these
Cu→ the least active/ best oxidizing agent/ always the cathode with these
So, the element which cannot be anode with the others is the Copper
Choice D is the correct choice

48-D From the following figure we conclude that:

Element A is the most active metal/ best reducing agent/ always the anode
with the rest of the elements
Element D is the least active/ best oxidizing agent/ always the cathode with
the rest of the elements

So, the wrong statement:

Choice A is correct: as the bigger the gap between the elements forming the
cell, the faster reaction, and the higher EMF
So, the precipitate in the cell between element A and element D is formed
faster than the precipitate formed in the cell between element A and
element B

Choice B is correct: as when connecting C with D it acts as the anode

So it is oxidized and D is reduced ( C reduces D )
And when C is connected to A and B it acts as the cathode
So, C is reduced while A and B are oxidized ( C oxidizes A and B )
Choice c is correct: as the ions of an element should be preserved in a
container made of an element less active than it ( to avoid redox reaction
between both elements)
So, ions of metal B cannot be preserved in a container made of metal A as
metal A is more active than metal B

Choice D is wrong: as the highest EMF is generated when a cell is formed of A

and D elements not A and B elements
As the gap between A and D is bigger than the gap between A and B

49-C On dipping a Zn rod in a Cu+2 solution a redox reaction occurs as Zn is more

active than Cu
Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Zn→ anode/ loses electrons/ its mass decrease and concentration of Zn+2
Cu+2→ cathode/ gains electrons/ its concentration decrease and mass of Cu
Therefore, as concentration of Zn+2 increase, the mass of Cu increase
Direct relation→ choice c is correct

50-B In the fuel cell, the oxidation occurs to the H2 gas at the anode as
the follows :
2H2 + 4OH- → 4H2O + 4ē
This means that 2H2 changes into 4H+ at anode→ 2H2 /4H+
While reduction occurs to the oxygen atoms as follows :
O2 + 4ē +2H2O →4OH
This means that O2 changes into 2O-2 at cathode →O2/2O-2
So, the total cell diagram which represents this cell is:
Which is choice B

51-A In the galvanic cells the -ve ion (anion) is transferred towards the anode
and the +ve ion (cation) is transferred towards the cathode
In the fuel cell the anion is the hydroxide ion so it is transferred to the
While the cation is the hydrogen ion so it is transferred to the cathode
So, choice A is the correct answer
Choice B is wrong: as the hydroxide ions are not transferred towards the
Choice C is wrong: as oxygen is converted into hydroxide ion bye reduction
not oxidation
Choice D is wrong: as hydrogen is converted into water molecule by
oxidation not reduction

52-C In the fuel cell, the oxidation occurs to the H2 gas at the anode as
the follows :
2H2 + 4OH- → 4H2O + 4ē
While reduction occurs to the oxygen atoms as follows :
O2 + 4ē +2H2O → 4OH-
So, the hydrogen of hydroxide group didn’t undergo neither
oxidation nor reduction
So, the correct answer is choice C.

53-C In the mercury cell the equation is:

Zn + HgO → ZnO + Hg
The Zn undergoes oxidation reaction and loses 2 electrons and is converted
to Zn+2 ion
While, the Hg+2 ion undergoes reduction reaction and gains 2 electrons and is
converted to Hg atom
But, the oxygen is neither oxidized nor reduced as it is O-2 in the reactant and
the product
So, the correct answer is choice c
Choice A is wrong: as the oxygen ions in mercury cell are not oxidized or
reduced In the fuel cell, reduction occurs to the oxygen atoms as follows :
O2 + 4ē +2H2O → 4OH-
So, choice B is wrong: as the reduction occurs to the oxygen atoms not
oxygen ions
And choice D is wrong: as the oxygen ions are not oxidized in the fuel cell, the
oxidation occurs to hydrogen gas in the fuel cell

54-B Graph A represents→ lead acid battery as it has high long- lasting EMF but is
consumed faster than lithium ion battery
Graph B represents→ lithium ion battery as it has high long-lasting EMF and
is not consumed quickly as it stores more amount of energy
Graph C represents→ fuel cell as it is not consumed as long as it is supplied
by oxygen and hydrogen
So, the correct choice is choice B

55-C First we need to remember the reaction which occurs in lead acid battery
during discharge:

As we can see that during discharge H2SO4 is converted to H2O and SO4 is
attached to Pb (PbSO4).
Therefore, conc of H+ ions decrease which means that conc of acid decrease
and also its density decrease
Both choice a and b are excluded
Anode material is Pb which is oxidized to form PbSO4
Therefore anode material changes from 0 to +2 not +4
choice d is excluded
cathode material is PbO2 which is reduced to form PbSO4
Therefore cathode material changes from (+4 to +2)

choice c is correct

56-C *Note*
When battery is discharging it is considered galvanic cell
But when battery is recharged it is considered as electrolytic cell
To charge a battery we need external source which has slightly higher EMF
than the EMF of the charging battery
As we know that lithium ion battery has lower EMF than lead acid battery
EMF of lithium ion battery = 3v
EMF of lithium ion battery formed from 3 cells=3x2=6v
Which means that Lithium ion battery can’t be used as an external source to
charge the lead acid battery
Therefore, Choice a and b are excluded
Now we know that lithium ion is the charging battery “electrolytic cell”
and lead acid battery is the external source.
Therefore choice d is excluded

During charging the lithium ion battery acts as electrolytic cell
In electrolytic cells:
+ve electrode is anode while –ve electrode is cathode
From anode to cathode ‫دايما‬e ‫ زي حركة ال‬Lithium ion ‫حركة ال‬
Answer is A
58-C during charging the car battery it acts as electrolytic cell
In electrolytic cells:
-ve pole of external source is connected to the cathode while +ve pole is
connected to anode
Choice a and b are excluded :
During charging the car battery both th EMF and acid conc increase
Choice d is Wrong:
As +ve electrode of the car battery shouldn’t connected to connected the
lead electrode
Choice C is correct √
As –ve electrode(cathode) is connected to the external souece of the lead

59-D During discharging the lithium ion battery acts as galvanic cell
In galvanic cells:
-ve electrode is anode while +ve electrode is cathode
From anode to cathode ‫دايما‬e ‫ زي حركة ال‬Lithium ion ‫حركة ال‬
Therefore, lithium ion moves from –ve electrode(anode) to +ve electrode

60-B To be cautious :

Anodic protection covering less active element by more active one so,by
scratching the cover, a galvanic cell is formed where the element of the
cover oxidizes as it represents the anode.
Cathodic protection covering more active metal by less active one so, by
scratching the cover, a galvanic cell is formed where the covered element
itself oxidizes as it represents the anode.
So,We know that electrons moves from anode to cathode
from the more active metal to less active metal
Let’s try each choice to know the correct answer
Choice A :
-Element to be protected is (A)
Withdrawing of electrons from (A) to (B) , it means that (A) is anode, (B) is
cathode so, More active metal is covered by less active metal  Cathodic
protection not anodic protection.
Choice B : -Element to be protected is (A)
Withdrawing of electrons from (B) to (A) , it means that (B) is more active
than (A). Covering less active metal by more active metal  Anodic
Choice c :
-Element to be protected is (A)
Withdrawing of electrons from (A) to (B) , it means that (B) is more active
than (A).Covering less active metal by more active metal  Anodic
protection not cathodic protection.
Choice d :
-Element to be protected is (A) so,it can’t act as scarifying electrode
because by this way it’s not protected.
61-A By adding HCl to 1 , 2 and 3
From the graph we can conclude that 1 and 2 reacted with Dil HCl and they
replaced H , so H is released in the form of Hydrogen gas 1 and 2 has higher
oxidation potential that H2
While 3 released no hydrogen gas which means that no reaction occurs 3
has lower oxidation potential that H2
Since,Curve of metal 1 is nearer to y-axis 1 has the highest oxidation
potential= 1 is the best reducing agent

62-C Remember that

In aqueous solutions:
We have 2 cations
cation of salt which is X2+ in this question and H+ of the water in solution
If cation of salt has higher oxidation potential than H ,therefore H+ goes to
cathode and Hydrogen gas evolves
if cation of salt has lower oxidation potential than H, therefore cation goes
to cathode to be reduced
Since, X2+ is more active than hydrogen ,then hydrogen goes to cathode to
be reduced and H2 evolves at cathode
Choice a is excluded
In electrolysis of aqueous solutions:
We have 2 cations and 2 anions
cation of salt and H+ of the water in solution
Anion of salt and OH- of the water in solution
If cation of salt has higher oxidation potential than H , therefore H+ goes to
cathode and Hydrogen gas evolves
if cation of salt has lower oxidation potential than H, therefore cation goes
to cathode to be reduced
Since metal x has the highest oxidation potentialH2 evolves at cathode
and metal x can’t be extracted

Choice b is correct
In electrolysis of molten salt:
We only have the anion and cation of the salt so positive cation goes to
cathode and negative anion goes to anode
Metal x is deposited at cathode and we can extract it
64-D Electrolysis occurs for aqueous solutions or molten salt solution
Solid salts can’t undergo electrolysis
Therefore choice d is the only one which can’t be electrolyzed

65-D Remember that

In aqueous solutions:
We have 2 cations and 2 anions
cation of salt which is K+ in this question and H+ of the water in solution
Anion of salt which is I- and OH- of the water in solution
If cation of salt has higher oxidation potential than H , therefore H+ goes to
cathode and Hydrogen gas evolves
if cation of salt has lower oxidation potential than H, therefore cation goes
to cathode to be reduced
if anion of salt is halide, therefore anion goeas to anode and halogen
if anion is anything else, then OH goes to anode and Oxygen gas evolves
Since, I- is halide then it goes to anode be oxidized and I2 evolves at anode
which has violet color
66-A A
when electroplating an object we put it at cathode and the metal of
plating is put at the anode
Where the rod of silver metal is connected to positive pole of the battery
(Anode),while the spoon is connected to the negative pole of the battery
67-D when electroplating an object we put it at cathode and the metal of
plating is put at the anode
Where the rod of gold metal is connected to positive pole of the battery
(Anode),while the shield is connected to the negative pole of the battery
And electrolyte solution contains ions of the metal of plating (gold ions)
Metal Silver Copper Iron Zinc

Oxidation Potential (V) −0.8 −0.34 +0.44 +0.76

Reduction potential (v) +0.8 +0.34 -0.44 -0.76

the metal which deposit first at the cathode is the metal with the highest
reduction potential which is silver
Let’s arrange the given metals according to standard oxidation potentials


To purify the given metal whose reduction potential is 0.8V  We need to
connect it to a cell which its E.M.F value is more than 0.8 V  To force non-
spontaneous reaction to occur.

EMF = Oxidation potential of anode + Reduction potential of cathode

Choice A and D :
E.M.F of A-C cell = O.P of A + R.P of C = 0.52 + 0.34 = 0.86 V  More than 0.8 V

Choice B :

E.M.F of B-C cell = O.P of B + R.P of C = 0.12 + 0.34 = 0.46 V  Less than 0.8 V 

Choice C :
E.M.F of A-B cell = O.P of A + R.P of B = 0.52 + (-0.12) = 0.4 V  Less than 0.8 V
 excluded

So, both choices b and c are excluded because E.M.F of given cells is less
than 0.8 V.
So, the galvanic cell is formed from A and C metals where:
A  Anode
C  Cathode
Metal needed to be purified  Anode of electrolytic cell  Connected to
cathode of galvanic cell  Connected to Metal C.
70-B As we can see that the current flow is from half cell of Mg to the half cell of
Which means that Magnesium is anode while Hydrogen is cathode
Therefore at half cell of hydrogen reduction occurs to the hydrogen ions and
it becomes hydrogen gas
Conc of hydrogen ions decrease by the time which makes the PH value
increase and this explains the change in the color of indicator

When writing cell diagram:

1)anode (Pb which change from 0 to +2) is written at the left side
2)cathode (PbO2 which changes from +4 to +2) is written at the right side
Therefore, choice c is the correct one

72-D Remember that:

Electrons flow from metal with higher oxidation potential (anode) to metal
with lower oxidation potential (cathode)
Since, Electrons flow from a to b in cell 1
Therefore a has higher oxidation potential than b
Also electrons flow from c to a in cell 2, therefore c has higher oxidation
potential than a
since, metal c has the highest oxidation potential then it can protect both
a and b by anodic protection and c is called scarifying
*Covering less active metal by more active metal  Anodic b

73-B a) Since A & C only react with dil. HCl then Metals A and C are more reactive
than metals B and D
b) Metal C is more reactive than metals B, D and A because it can displace
them from their salt solutions
c) Metal D is more reactive than metal B because it can displace metallic B
from its ions
So the correct Choice is (b)

74-C A-Ni  A: Cathode, Ni: Anode

B-Ni  Ni: Cathode, B: Anode
C-Ni  C: Cathode, Ni: anode
E.M.F= Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
A-Ni: Oxidation potential of Ni + Reduction potential of A = 1.4V
B-Ni: Oxidation potential of B + Reduction potential of Ni = 1.05V
 By adding the two E.M.F.s
NOTE: Oxidation potential of Ni = (-) Reduction Potential of Ni
Then Oxidation potential of B + Reduction potential of A = 2.45 = E.M.F
produced from A,B
Then EMF of cell formed from A,B is higher than potential of cell formed from
B and nickel
So the answer is choice (c)
75-B From the table, mass of nickel decreases in the four experiments thus we
conclude that nickel is more active than the 4 elements as it can replace all
of them from their solutions.
 The more mass corroded from the anode (nickel)  the less active the
element which is reacting with it is  the more gap between these 2
elements in the electromotive series.

So, the arrangement of these elements in the electromotive series is:

-Choice a is excluded because: Metal (X) precedes metal (W) in the E.M.S
not the opposite.
-Choice b is correct because: The metal located above can replace the
element located below in the E.M.S thus metal Y can replace metal Z in its
-Choice c is excluded because: Nickel precedes all the other four elements.
-Choice d is excluded because: Z is an element in the bottom of the E.M.S
(lies below nickel) so, it's impossible to be Nickel.

76-E The exposed steel acts as the anode in the electrochemical cell, where iron
oxidation occurs, and the tin-coated steel area act as the cathode. This
creates a localized galvanic cell, accelerating the formation of rust process
at the site of the scratch
Oxidation Half-Reaction (Anode): Fe(s) → Fe²⁺(aq) + 2e⁻
Reduction Half-Reaction (Cathode): ½O₂(g) + H₂O(l) + 2e⁻ → 2OH⁻(aq)
Overall Reaction: Fe(s) + ½O₂(g) + H₂O(l) → Fe²⁺(aq) + 2OH⁻(aq)

The answer is choice (e)

77-B At anode, Oxidation occurs  lose electrons

And the electrons is released in the product side(at the equation)
The answer is choice (b)
78-d Reduction potential of Mg = -2.37V, Oxidation potential of Mg = 2.37V
Reduction potential of V = -1.19V, Oxidation potential of V = 1.19V
Reduction potential of Cu = 0.16V, Oxidation potential of Cu = -0.16V
Value of E.M.F of spontaneous reaction is (+ve)
E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
Choice (a): Mg+2 + V  V2+ + Mg
Anode: V, Cathode: Mg
E.M.F= 1.19 + (-2.37) = -1.18V
Choice (b): Mg2+ + 2Cu+  2Cu2+ + Mg
Anode: Cu, Cathode: Mg
E.M.F= 2x(-0.16) + (-2.37) = -2.69V
Choice (c): V2+ + 2Cu+  V + 2Cu2+
Anode: Cu, Cathode: V
E.M.F= 2x(-0.16) + (-1.19) = -1.51V
Choice (d): V + 2Cu2+  V2+ + 2Cu+
Anode: V, Cathode: Cu
E.M.F= 1.19 + 2x0.16 = 2.39V
The answer is choice (d)

79-A Reduction potential of Cl2 = +1.36V, Oxidation potential of Cl2 = -1.36V

Reduction potential of Br2 = +1.07V, Oxidation potential of Br2 = -1.07V
Reduction potential of I2 = +0.53V, Oxidation potential of I2 = -0.53V
Value of E.M.F of spontaneous reaction is (+ve)
E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
Choice (a): Br2 + 2l-  2Br- + I2
Anode: I2, Cathode: Br2
E.M.F= 2x-0.53 + 1.07 = 0.01V
Choice (b): Br2 + 2Cl-  2Br- + Cl2
Anode: Cl2, Cathode: Br2
E.M.F= 2x-1.36 + 1.07 = -1.65V
Choice (c): I2 + 2Br-  2I- + Br2
Anode: Br2, cathode: I2
E.M.F= -1.07 + 0.53 = -0.54V
Choice (d): I2 + 2Cl-  2I- + Cl2
Anode: Cl2, Cathode: I2
E.M.F= 2x-1.36 + 0.53 = -2.19V
The answer is choice (a)

80-D Dichromate is divalent not monovalent  exclude choice b & C

2Cr -2x7 = -2
2Cr = +12  Cr= +6
So we need 6 Fe ions to give us 6 electrons
The answer is choice (d)

81-A Iron is oxidized and Tin is reduced

Then Iron is anode as Oxidation occurs at anode and Tin is cathode as
Reduction occurs at cathode
E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
E.M.F= 0.409 + 0.150 = +0.559
The answer is choice (a)

82-A 1st equation :

 X  Oxidation occurs as its oxidation no. increases from 0 to +2, and

this reaction is spontaneous red-ox reaction as EMF has a positive
value so,
We can conclude that X lies above Y in the electromotive series.

2nd equation :

 Y  Oxidation occurs as its oxidation no. increases from 0 to +2, and

this reaction is spontaneous red-ox reaction as EMF has a positive
value so,
We can conclude that Y lies above Z in the electromotive series.

From X to Y  0.351 V
From Y to Z  0.749 V
So, From X to Z  0.351 + 0.749 = 1.1 V
So, the given equation

needs the opposite “From Z to X”  -1.1 V “Non-spontaneous reaction”

83-C Co2+(aq) + 2e-  Co(s) and Mn2+(aq) + 2e-  Mn(s) are two reduction processes
Oxidation potential of Mn = +1.029V, Reduction potential of Mn = -1.029V
Oxidation potential of Co = +0.280V, Reduction potential of Co = -0.280V
Co + Mn2+  Co2+ + Mn
Co is the anode because it’s oxidized and Mn is the cathode because it’s
since E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of
then E.M.F = +0.280 + (-1.029) = -0.749V
Since E.M.F has a negative value then the reaction is not spontaneous
The answer is choice (c)

84-C Since the Oxidation potential of element (X) has a positive Value
then element (X) is the anode as oxidation occurs at anode
then element (Y) is the cathode
E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
0.94V = +0.136V + Reduction potential of element (Y)
then Reduction potential of element (Y) = 0.804
since Oxidation potential of element (Y) = (-) Reduction Potential of element
then the oxidation potential of element (Y) = -0.804V
The answer is choice (c)

85-A Since Reduction potential of tin has a negative value and that of silver has
positive value
therefore Silver is the cathode as reduction occurs at the cathode
and Tin is the anode as oxidation occurs at the anode and (Oxidation
potential of Tin = (-) Reduction Potential of Tin)
The only two reduction equations are choices a & b
but as we said Silver has positive reduction potential value

then the answer is Choice (a)

86-A Cr0(s)  Cr3+(aq) + 3e-

Au3+(aq) + 3e-  Au0(s)
By adding the Two equations: Cr0(s) + Au3+(aq)  Cr3+(aq) + Au0(s)
This can be rewritten to Cr0(s) / Cr3+(aq) // Au3+(aq) / Au0(s)
E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
E.M.F= 0.41 + 1.42 = 1.83V
The answer is choice (a)
87-C In Daniel cell, Zinc half-cell is the anode where oxidation occurs at it
and the cathode of Daniel cell is Copper
The direction of the current is from Zinc to copper
As Zinc precedes copper in the electromotive series
When we replace zinc by Silver, the value of the emf will change
as E.M.F= the Oxidation potential of Anode + Reduction potential of Cathode
Old E.M.F= (+0.76V) + Reduction potential of Cathode
New E.M.F= (-0.8V) + Reduction potential of Cathode
The new E.M.F is decreased by 0.8V
Since Copper precedes Silver in the electromotive series
Therefore in the new cell the anode is copper and the cathode is Silver
Then Direction of the current changed to from Copper to silver
Then the answer is (c)

88-A NiO2 + 2H2O+ 2e-  Ni(OH)2 + 2OH- E°=0.49 V

Ni4+  Ni+2
Ni is reduced as it gain 2 electrons so this is the reduction potential of Nickel
Fe(OH)2 + 2e-  Fe + 2OH- E°=-0.88-V
Fe  Fe

so Fe is reduced as it gain 2 electrons so this is the reduction potential of Fe

So the Emf of this cell is = oxidation potential of Fe + reduction potential of
Emf = 0.88 + 0.49 = 1.37 V
To charge any battery we must add it to an external source above it by
moderate number
So, the correct answer is (a)

89-A Oxidation potential of A = 0.4V, Reduction Potential of A = -0.4V

Oxidation potential of B = -0.8V, Reduction Potential of B = 0.8V
Oxidation potential of C = 0.76V, Reduction Potential of C = -0.76V
Oxidation potential of D = 2.9V, Reduction Potential of D = -2.9V
The greatest oxidation potential is at D and the greatest reduction value is at
The cell is made of D and B electrodes, Where D is anode and B is cathode
then The greatest E.M.F= the greatest Oxidation potential of Anode + the
greatest Reduction potential of Cathode
The greatest E.M.F= Oxidation potential of D + Reduction potential of B
then the greatest E.M.F= 2.9 + 0.8 = 3.7V
the answer is choice (a)

90-A Since X, Y and Z are three successive elements in the electrochemical series
 Cell Y and Z:-
Y is anode, Z is cathode
1.2V = the Oxidation potential of Y + Reduction potential of Z  (1)
 Cell X and Y:-
X is anode, Y is cathode
3V = the Oxidation potential of X + Reduction potential of Y  (2)
By adding equations (1) and (2) and knowing that Oxidation potential of Y =
(-) Reduction potential of Y
then 4.2V = Oxidation potential of X + Reduction potential of Z
Then the E.M.F of the cell consists of X and Z equals 4.2V
Then the answer is choice (a)
91-A equivalent mass = atomic mass/Valency
Equ.mass of Ag=108÷1=108g
Equ.mass of Pb=207÷2=103.5g
Equ.mass of Cu=63.5÷2=31.75g
Equ.mass of Al=27÷3=9g
-According to Faraday’s Law: -
The mass formed or deposited is directly proportional with equivalent mass
with same amount of electricity So Silver (has highest Eq mass= 108 gm) will
increases the mass the greatest
Correct answer is A

92-A Amount of electricity required to perciptate any amount is (Depends

onthe equivalent mass of the metal

Equivalent mass of metal (depends on the Valency of the Metal ) As its law
Eq Mass i= atomic mass of element /Valency electrons of element
So if you need to ppt A mole of the metal  By an equal amount of electricity
The element must Be Mono valent

(A mole Of metal ion Gains Amole of Electrons)

So correct answer Is A
93-C ZF → 1 mole of M
Valency of M = Z
1.5F→ 0.5 mol
ZF→ 1mole
Z=1.5 x 10.5 =3
Quantity of electricity=3F
Valency of M (Z)=3
Formula: MCl3
So answer Is C
94-B 96500 C Equivilant mass
5000 c  3.4gm

96500 𝑋 3.4
So equivilqnt mass of element X = = 65.62 𝑔

Answer Is B
95-C Q=IxT = 2x(5x60x60) = 36000C

96500C  eq. mass

36000C  22g

Eq. mass = 58.972gm

Eq. mass = atomic mass / valency

Valency = +3

Answer Is C
96-B Cu is not Diatomic (not 2 Zf )
So By using normal Zf method
ZF → 1 mole of X
2F → 1 mole of X

Amount (Quantity) of electricity required to precipitate g/atom= Z x 1F=2F

1 mole →2F
X moles →4F
No. of moles = (4x1)/2=2 moles

Answer Is B

97) A Oxygen Is Di atomic element ( O2)

So We will use (2zf)
2 x (2)F =4f
4F —> 6.02x1023
XF —> 1.204x1023

By cross multiplication X equals 0.8F = 77200C


Correct answer is a
98-C Q=I x T=9.65x(5x60) =2895C
1F ➔ 96500C ➔ Equivalent mass
?F ➔ ?C ➔ mass deposited
1F → 96500C
X (Quantity in F) =0.03F

1 mole of Al needs ZF to be reduced to atom

ZF → 1 mole of X
3F → 1 mole of X

Amount (Quantity) of electricity required to precipitate g/atom= Z x 1F=3F

1 mole →3F
X moles →0.03F
No. of moles(x) =0.01mol

Answer is C

99-A Q=IxT = 0.67 x (1x60x60) = 2412C

96500C  eq. mass
X C  mass ppt

Mass ppt = mass after passing current – mass before passing current
Mass ppt = 104.3 – 101.6 = 2.7gm

96500C  Eq. mass

2412C  2.7gm

Eq. mass = 108gm

Answer Is a
100-B Pole B Increases as it’s the Cathode in this Cell

1F  Eq. mass (108/1)

0.1F  mass ppt
Mass ppt = 10.8gm

Answer is B

101-A Q=IxT = 5 x (2x60x60) = 36000C

96500C  eq. mass ( 63.5/2)
36000C  mass of Cu ppt

Mass of Cu ppt = 11.85gm

Mass of gold = mass alloy – mass Cu
Mass gold = 20 – 11.85 = 8.15gm

%gold = (mass gold / mass alloy) x100 = (8.15/20) x 100 = 40.78%

Answer Is A

Essay Questions


96500C  equivalent mass of element

96500C  = 103.5 gm of Pb

XC  8.28 gm

Quantity of electricity passing in the two cells = X = 7720 C = 0.08F

ZF  1 mole of element

Where Z ==>= no. of electrons gained or lose = 3

3F  1 mole of X

0.08F  X mole

X = 0.0267 mole.


Ag Cu
Ag Is mono valent Cu is divalent
Its molar mass =108g Its molar mass =63.5

1f108 1f = 31.75𝑔
2fX 2fx
108𝑥2 31.75𝑥2
X= = 216𝑔𝑚 X= = 63.5𝑔𝑚
1 1
Increases to double Increase to become equal to its
atomic mass


Eq mass= atomic mass/ valency of the metal

Equivalent mass is inversely proportional to the Valency of the Metal M

SO by increasing the the valency(oxd potential) the eq mass decreases

So the amount of the deposited mass is decreased

M+1 (highest Eq mass)  A

M+2(intermediate Eq mass) B

M+3 (lowest eq mass )  C

105) During purification of metals
By taking the same ideas you studied

Metal A  MUST BE HAVE THE LOWEST oxidation potential ( As Ag and Au

from the previous examples)

Metal B must have the highest oxidation potential (as Fe ,zn )

Metal C  The required metal (as Cu in case of the previous example)

B Anodic protection for
the others
(Highest Oxd potential)
(best reducing agent)
C The purifird metal
A Cathodic protection for
other metals
(best oxidizing agent)

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