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A Quantitative Research Presented to the

Senior High School Department of

Blessed Trinity College

Talibon, Bohol


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Research Project



Abapo, Neiza May

Auza, Rizabelle Niña Joy

Avergonzado, Charles Ian

Boyles, Zenwiel

Casenillas, Emalfred

Dela Cruz, Kentfred

Dospueblos, Donnalou Margarette

Jao, John Rholly

March 2020


This research paper entitled “Service Satisfaction of Patients in Garcia

Memorial Provincial Hospital”, prepared and submitted by, Neiza May C. Abapo,
Rizabelle Niña Joy B. Auza, Charles Ian Avergonzado, Zenwiel Boyles, Emalfred
Casenillas, Kentfred Dela Cruz, Donnalou Margarette S. Dospueblos and John
Rholly Jao, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Research Project,
has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance .



Member Member




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment requirements in Research

Date of Oral Examination : March 14, 2020


School Principal


We dedicate this research study to our beloved families, friends and relatives. A
special feeling of gratitude to our loving family and friends whose words of
encouragement gave us strength to keep going and helped us surpass our limits to
achieve great things in life. They never left our sides and supported us throughout the

We also dedicate this research study and give our special thanks to Dr. Miguelito
Jayoma for allowing us to conduct our research in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.
This study would not have been possible without your kindness.


We, the researchers, would like to take this opportunity to give our greatest
gratitude and fond appreciation to the people who made this research study possible
and a success.
To the Heavenly Father, who enlightened our mind and showered us the good
health that we absolutely need to exert our utmost best for this material.
To all the Patients, Healthcare Workers and Staffs of Garcia Memorial
Provincial Hospital, who accommodated us with warm welcome and supported us till
the end.
To the Teachers of Blessed Trinity College, especially Mrs. Juvelyn
Munalem, our sincere thanks for the moral support, encouragement and for the
To our beloved school, Blessed Trinity College, who molded us into God-
fearing individuals and capable students.
To our statistician, Mr. Victor Astillo, who took care of our tables and the
statistical analysis needed for our study.
To our classmates, who aided us with every confusing matter that was included
in the study. We are thankful for having them at our backs who are always there to help
and comfort us. Specifically, to Venus Paez for helping in the proofreading of the
To our parents and siblings, who never ceased to support us, either financially
or emotionally. You never doubt our capabilities and trusted us in our endeavors with
regards to finishing our material. We are grateful for understanding our situation and for
giving us your full support that never failed to give us strength to conquer this arduous
path to success.

To our research adviser, Mr. Lowel Andrew Batomalaque, who nourished our
knowledge and refined our skills. We relay our heartfelt gratitude for guiding and being
patient with us throughout the whole journey. Without his guidance, this research study
would not be made possible and a successful one.



TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………………....i

APPROVAL SHEET...………………………………………...…………..……………….....ii



TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………….....v

LIST OF TABLE…………………………………………………………………..…………...vii

LIST OF TABLE…………………………………………………………………..…………...viii

Chapter 1



Theoretical Background……………………………………………………….5

THE PROBLEM…………………………………………………………………….…14

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………….…14


Significance of the Study………………………………………………….….15

Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………...…...16


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………...18

Research Design…………………………………………………………….18

Research Environment……………………………………………….……..18

Research Respondents……………………………………………………..19

Research Instrument………………………………………………………...20

Research Procedure…………………………………………………………20

Statistical Treatment…………………………………………………………21

DEFINITION OF TERMS…………………………………………………………………….24

Chapter 2


Chapter 3








CURRICULUM VITAE…................................................................................................62


Table 1.1: Profile of the Respondents According to Age…………………………………28

Table 1.2: Profile of the Respondents According to Sex…………………………………29

Table 1.3: Profile of the Respondents According to Economic Status………………….29

Table 2.1: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of General Satisfaction……………………..31

Table 2.2: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Technical Quality…………………………32

Table 2.3: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Interpersonal Manner………………….…33

Table 2.4: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Communication……………………….…..34

Table 2.5: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Financial Aspects………………………...36

Table 2.6: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Time Spent with Doctor…………….…….37

Table 2.7: Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Accessibility and Convenience…..………39

Table 3.1: Relationship between each of the 7 Dimensions of Satisfaction with

Medical Care and Age………………………………………………………………………..41

Table 3.2: Relationship between each of the 7 Dimensions of Satisfaction with

Medical Care and Gender……………………………………………………………………44

Table 3.3: Relationship between each of the 7 Dimensions of Satisfaction with

Medical Care and Economic Status…………………………………………………………47



Appendix 1…………………………..………………………………………………………..59

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………………………….60

Chapter 1



Hospitals are institutions which provide necessary medical care to every

individual equipped with the required facilities and driven by trained and committed

healthcare workers in pursuit of a healthier community. The healthcare industry is

known for its growth and changes over time in the global economy (Singh, 2012).

Therefore, many have set their eyes for its advancement which results to high

expectations and demands of the people in the society. The need for a better health and

a better quality of living, regardless of age, gender and status, is evident and has been

a long-standing issue that the healthcare administrators and medical providers are

encountering. The healthcare industry continues to face these critical challenges and

seek ways to improve to be able to meet the satisfaction of the patients.

Patient satisfaction is a highly desirable outcome of clinical care in the hospital.

Providing effective services to the patients are important wherein enhancement in the

level of medical care that the hospital can offer to its patients has become a primary

concern. It is essential for the hospital to enhance their facilities and service quality in

respect with satisfying and retaining patients. The different perspective of the patients

on their various observations regarding the services given by the institution has been

proven to have an effect to their satisfaction level. In order to improve service quality,

involvement of the patients is a vital part where evaluation of service quality will play a

major in role in enhancing the current health care system. Elevating the standards for

medical care and being able to deliver excellent services to its constituents will have a

massive impact in meeting the patient’s level of satisfaction, therefore, the relationship

between the patient and its medical providers strengthens and will continue to seek for

their service in the future (Maqsood, 2017).

The acquired level of satisfaction of patients in a hospital determines the statistic

probability of its patients’ preference when it comes to the quality of public services.

Many people studied and searched for the best way in ensuring the healthy well- being

of one another and a comfortable lifestyle for everyone. Hence, the researchers’

objectives are to be able to help through suggesting ideas for the betterment of one’s

healthcare, gain enough information to identify what certain problem has occurred in

their organization so they can easily find access to work on that certain issue and

resolve potential problems before they become serious.

The patients, based on their surveys, adopt a variety of approaches to elicit their

overall ratings of care. The review questionnaires helps to adjudge basic standards

across the patient care that can aid on the growth of the medical care institutions to

recognize the level of care provided by the services of the hospital. These can address

the different encounters that the patients have experienced in the hospital. This some

issues faced by the patients are the following: Waiting times, the actual encounter

where they wait too long to be accommodated in their given dates. Responsiveness of

the staff , most surveys include a patient experienced that has been asked is related to

how long the staff respond to a call button , in relation of the question concerning the

availability of doctors in their survey. Information/communication, centered on patient


assessments of the importance of information provided about their condition/treatment

(Pearse, 2005).

According to Singh (2012), patients visit the hospital to be healed from any

sickness. They have the right to experience the best form of treatment and all of the

imperative information needed. The interaction between the hospital's healthcare

workers and the staffs, from the doctors to the cleaners or the people handling the bills

of the patients, can affect the patients’ perspective of the image of the hospital.

Therefore, the importance of the relationship between the patients and hospital is

irrevocably vital in developing a long-term patient- provider bond (Chahal, 2008).

Nowadays, there has been an increase of number of patients that need a

sufficient healthcare assistance done in a hospital equipped with complete and

functional facilities. By treating the said patients there must be an advancement of

high-technologies to meet the expectations of the said patients. According to World

Health Organization report there’s ascension of cry in many developing countries

particularly in Sahara Africa for the improvement of healthcare of the citizen’s

healthcare area (Bojan, 2019). Additionally, it is imperative to have a clear service

quality for it is an essential tool to improve and differentiate healthcare in healthcare

institutions. Despite of what has been said, the service quality may correspond to the

satisfaction of the customers, furthermore, it is very relevant to conduct this study in

order to permeate not just awareness but it is also an obvious evidence to what has

clearly being observed as one of serious topics this world has, especially life


The researchers conduct this study to assess the patient satisfaction regarding

the services provided by the Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The researchers

chose Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital as the environment of the study because it is

the only medical healthcare present in the Municipality of Talibon and can be accessed

easily by the researchers. It is the goal of the researchers to help one another and make

a better community for everyone. Through this study, the researchers can propose a

recommendation to aid the possible growth of the institution.


Theoretical Background

Main Theories

Performance Theory

Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory

Primary Provider Theory

Patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital

Respondent’s Profile
 Age
Level of Satisfaction  Sex
 Economic

Figure 1. Theoretical-Conceptual Framework


According to Huang (2015), the theory of Expectancy Disconfirmation presumes that

patients set their expectations on the outcome of their treatment before experiencing the

actual performance. When the actual performance does not meet the patients'

anticipated or standard result, it could lead to customers' or patients' dissatisfaction.

Leaving the patients discontented with the service offered by the provider could steer

concerning problems and may damage the image of the institution .However, exceeding

the patients' expectations by allowing them to experience a high quality performance

can increase their satisfaction. Moreover, it would develop the relationship between the

patients and the hospital and consider continue dealing transactions in the future


The Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory was based from Cognitive Dissonance

Theory that was proposed by Leon Festinger. Cognitive Dissonance Theory was

defined by Leon Festinger as the cognitive dissonance between expectation of

something and its reality. According to human psychology, conflict between the

expected result and the perceived actual experience or performance of the patients

from the healthcare workers could lead to dissatisfaction, hence, damaging the

credibility of the institution.

Performance Theory states that patients evaluate the quality of care that the

hospital offers from the actual performance of the healthcare workers. According to

Heinrichs, et al. (2018) this performance theory, the level of satisfaction of the patients

must be from the rate of better treatment in every hospital's performance in doing their

tasks to give an ultra-satisfactory result for the patient's recovery and well-being. It is

their responsibility to take good care of their patients. In addition, patient satisfaction is

not affected by prior expectations at all given the fact that health services are

unequivocally part of rating the satisfaction of the patients. The perceived performance

will affect any psychological response that is related to their expectations. In which,

higher patient satisfaction can be expected to result a better clinical outcomes through

assessing the work of the medical practitioners upon treating them. Furthermore,

Performance Theory means that though patient's have expectations, the level of patient

satisfaction is influenced highly by the quality of care and the outcomes of provider's

services. The level of satisfaction is an indication in scaling the satisfaction of a patient

for it is, considering, the main way to measure out the performances.

The Primary Provider Theory affirms that the patient satisfaction occurs at the

base of provider power and patients expectations (Aragon, 2011). Medical health

workers, who are the providers, are mainly the source of where intensive care can be

manifested towards the duration of treatment the patients will receive. It is technically

the way in which goals can be endeavored with the aid of patients by clearly connecting

with the providers in terms of giving an approval on their services. It is principally the act

of an continuing network of interrelated satisfaction contrive satisfaction with the primary

provider, the quantity of time a patient has to wait for the provider, and also the

satisfaction with the providers assistants. According to this theory, the primary providers

will have to suggest the greatest clinical utility to their patients. This theory is the

primarily conduct by the patients centered measures exclusively, where only the

patients can judge their services on how they are satisfied on their quality of care and

the actual experiences they have received.


A phenomenon or person can be affected by different variables that could lead to

change. According to the study of Singh and Shah (2011), patients can have various

factors or reasons that will affect the patients' decision which healthcare facility or

hospital to choose from. Some factors may include the hospital's personnel,

consideration the institution's infrastructure and equipment. The recommendation

provided by the constituent's friends and relatives, accessible transportation, doctors

and whether the hospital is nearby or not can influence the patient's choice of hospital.

A study of Saila, et al. (2008) that states, effective communication between the patient

and its medical provider is fundamental in keeping the patient satisfied, supports the

study Singh and Shah (2011). Sail, et al. (2008) set its focus on keeping the patients

satisfied through building a relationship in which the patients could freely express their

opinions and concerns to the healthcare workers or the staffs of the hospital.

Different studies relating to the service satisfaction of patients was already

conducted by various researchers around the globe to experience a better way of living.

Quality management has emanated as the most relevant and long term strategy for

securing the legacy of the institution. Thus, it is the reason why the patient’s level of

satisfaction is imperative in sustaining the good image of the hospital for the better

outcome (Raja, et al., 2007). A justified feedback from the patients could bring a ripple

effect to other people which can result in increase of patients.

Patients’ satisfaction is one of the tools that can be utilized as stepping stones for

improvement and maintenance. If a patient follows the medical instruction of the doctor,

keeps appointments, return to the hospitals and shares about the health services of the

hospitals, this shows that there is satisfaction in services given by the hospitals

(McGivern, 2011).

The cooperation of the patients is also needed to meet their expectations and

therefore, ensuring their satisfaction. In order to attain a good image, the patients’ ability

to listen to the instructions of the doctors, strictly following the rules and regulations and

discipline in one’s self can also affect the outcome of their treatment.

Nurses are part of the health service providers in the hospital. They are the ones

monitoring the patients often times. Since most of the health services are provided by a

nurse, patient’s satisfaction is affected on how a nurse handles him or her in the

hospital (Dans, 2019). Nurses need to exert an abundant amount of care and attention

to the information-giving process and the condition of the patients.

The elderly has been usually observed to be prone to illness due to their age. In

one study of Reuben D. et al (2002), suggests that one of the most significant factors

affecting physician-patient interactions was patients’ expectations for consultation time.

When considering unmet patient expectations, it has been suggested that older patients

are more easily satisfied with care due to their greater familiarity with the shortcomings

of the health care system and being more forgiving of its inadequacies. The

expectations of older patients may also be closer to standards set by the health care

system based on a lengthier history of dealing with the system, so older populations will

more likely report that health care interactions met their expectations.

From a healthcare treatment perspective, men and women often have different

needs. According to Kousamen, et al. (2013), when assessing survey responses based

on gender, researchers discovered comparable overall patient satisfaction scores. They

also detected no significant difference in the overall perception of care quality regarding

nurse communication, staff responsiveness, physician communication, hospital

environment, pain management and communication regarding medication. Patient

satisfaction is an important indicator of quality of care. Satisfied patients tend to be more

adherent to medical recommendations and are less likely to disenroll from healthcare

plans. The study set out to empirically investigate the influence of patient and physician

gender on patient’s satisfaction with the clinical care and physician’s communication


One must not judge someone by its status in life. One study of Arpey (2017)

has revealed that the clinician’s perceptions of the patients with low socioeconomic

status (SES) have been shown to affect medical workers in making decisions and

health care delivery issues. However, the patients with low Socioeconomic Status

(SES) cannot be directly aided due to biased decision making that can harm their well-

being. Studies has revealed by gathering through survey research with different themes

and perceptions of care answered by the selected respondents in a state Medicaid

Program to ensure the credibility of the said research. Eventually patients' perception

about the result that has been conducted thoroughly with the patients who have low

Socioeconomic Status (SES) affected once healthcare in the certain field service in

which they lack of treatment provided, access to care and patient provider interaction.

Moreover, this study emphasizes complicated observation of patients have around

Socioeconomic Status (SES), this opportunities foster reduction of healthcare distinction

in a way to conclude how it can affect the equity between the patients and its provider.

A similar study of Nwokocha (2004) summed up the living condition as

precarious socio-economic condition in which the Nigerian workers find themselves.

According to him, this is attributed to a number of factors including poverty, general

insecurity and poor political leadership which is supported by the study of Cockerham

(1992) that argues that people with higher income are more likely than those with lower

income to have received medical service especially in private doctor’s office and group

practice or over the telephone. National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS) (1991)

reported that people with lower income are more likely to contact hospital out-patient or

Emergency room. Although people of all income groups are seen to use each source;

private and public health care system, a clear pattern emerges of a dual health care

system: a private system with a greater proportion of the higher income groups and a

public system with a preponderance of lower income groups.

Patients’ perception about wellbeing administrations appear to have been to a

great extent overlooked by human services suppliers in creating nations. A study of

Andaleeb (2001) conducted in developing countries addressing patients' judgment

showed that clients could evaluate the form of service, process and conclude the quality

of the hospital whether it would be a waste of time or worthwhile to be the receiving

hand of their services. That such recognitions, particularly about assistance quality, may

shape certainty and resulting practices with respect to the decision and use of the

accessible human services offices are reflected in the way that numerous patients stay

away from the framework or profit it just as a proportion after all other options have run

out. Patients are the essential capital of hospital as far as healthcare setting is

concerned. Considering healthcare service quality pose an imperative role to satisfy


and sustain patients .The individuals who can bear the cost of it look for help in different

nations, while preventive consideration or early recognition just falls by the wayside.

Patients’ voice must start to assume a more noteworthy job in the structure of social

insurance administration conveyance forms in the creating nations. This examination is,

hence, tolerant focused and recognizes the quality factors that are imperative to

patients; it additionally inspects their connections to persistent fulfillment with regards to

the field of medical administration. A field review was led. Assessments were gotten

from patients on a few elements of the administration quality including responsiveness,

affirmation, correspondence and control.

Environment deems to be a one of the deciding factors to receive a medical

treatment. According to the study of Senic & Marinkovic(2013), healthcare setting to

treat patient is becoming increasingly important. As consumers measure their

satisfaction with medical services provided to them. In hospitals they must consider that

patient satisfaction as important output of a country`s healthcare system. In today`s

highly competitive healthcare environment, hospitals increasingly realize the need to

focus on service quality as means to improve their competitive position. It suggests that

doctors should devote more time to the patients and show genuine concern for patients’

problems if they want to improve their rating satisfaction to their patients with the service

they provided. In the present human services setting tolerant fulfillment is one of the

primary markers.

These days, the medicinal services segment is doing nonstop endeavors to

guarantee a higher shopper fulfillment. Appraisal of patient fulfillment is a valuable

parameter to foresee the quality and accessibility of human services administrations


(Illana, 2003). Satisfaction of the patients reflects the quality of the service given by the

hospital in which boosts the image of the hospital and increase of patients could be

observed. However, due to the increase of patients, the insufficiencies in the

conveyance of social insurance benefits could lead them to undergo an upgrade

persistent fulfillment (Mira and Aranaz, 2000). When the limit is reached, the hospital

must grow to continue to serve the people in the community and surpass the pressing

issue. Quality of health care is outlined as a degree of performance in relevance an

outlined normal of interventions famous to be safe and have the capability to enhance

health at intervals obtainable resources

The patient satisfaction perspective of hospitalization had gained a lot of

attention in recent years and studies have shown that patients area unit most happy

with social interactions, like staff-patient relationships. A study done in the Republic of

South Africa over that patient satisfaction may be a basic indicator of evenhanded

quality of care. A patients’ satisfaction at a referral hospital in ascertained a high level of

satisfaction among respondents, chiefly due to the health supply system, whereby the

referral hospital is at the apex with super-specialty services. However, a little proportion

of patients was disgruntled with long waiting time, high value of treatment, and

investigation charges. It’s well documented that if patients’ level of satisfaction on

quality of care doesn't meet their normal expectations, they will commit to rummage

around for treatment away and that discouragement can lead them to find another

health care administration. In fact, happy patients area unit seemingly to exhibit

favorable activity intentions, that area unit useful to the health care provider’s long

success. Thus, the service quality has an extent of impact in the growth of the

organization. It was indicated that the two constructs are indeed independent but are

closely related, implying that an increase in one is likely to lead to an increase in other.

The Problem

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the Level of the Service

Satisfaction of the Patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital and its Significant

Relationship with the Patient’s Profile in San Jose, Talibon, Bohol.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the patient’s profile in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender; and

1.3 Economic Status?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of the patients regarding with the

services given by Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital in terms of:

2.1 General Satisfaction;

2.2 Technical Quality;

2.3 Interpersonal Manner;

2.4 Communication;

2.5 Financial Aspects;

2.6 Time Spent with Doctor; and

2.7 Accessibility and Convenience?


3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of service

satisfaction of the patients and the patient’s profile?

4. Based on the findings, what recommendations may be formulated?


The study hypothesized that there was no significant relationship on the level of

satisfaction on each of the seven dimensions of satisfaction with medical care in terms

of the patient’s age, gender and economic status.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great help to the following:

Patients. The findings of the study will help them enjoy a better life quality. Upon

discussing the various concerns and observations about the services that they have

received, this study will aid them to experience the services that will meet their standard

and satisfaction. The gathered data will allow the patients to be aware of the level of

medical care that Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital has to offer.

Healthcare Workers. This study will provide new ideas on how to improve their

services or how to accommodate better their patients in GMPH. The findings and

recommendations of this study will guide the healthcare workers in fulfilling their roles

as healthcare professionals. This will also enhance the capabilities of the Garcia

Memorial Provincial Hospital's healthcare workers, which includes the nurses, doctors

and etc., to ensure patient’s satisfaction. There is a provision of information about the

needs of the patients as beneficiaries of the services given by Garcia Memorial

Provincial Hospital.

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. This study will aid to improve the hospital

to make their patients become more satisfied with their service. This study also will

foster new ways of enhancing knowledge, skills and attitude in dealing different types of

patients. This study will also help the institution in leading its healthcare workers to

improve their performance at work.

Future Researchers. This study will benefit the future researchers for it will

serve as their foundation on the scope in conducting research undertaking related to

this study. This will also serve as a basis on how they would go through future research

studies with the same topic or problem to the research we conduct.

Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study was primarily focused on the patients and the

performance of the healthcare workers and staffs of Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital. It was conducted in the premise of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital

because the institution was located in Talibon wherein most of the researchers reside;

therefore, time was used efficiently. The selection of the research environment was a

decision to ensure the safety of the researchers and to save money .The respondents of

the study was the forty (40) patients of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The

respondents were chosen by their gender and age which starts at the age of 18 to

ensure the capability of the respondents in answering truthfully the standardized survey

questionnaire, thus, the study used a purposive sampling. The survey material has 18

items which was answered by the respondents within 5-10 minutes. The quantitative

approach was used as the research design of the study.


Research Methodology

Research Design

The researchers used a quantitative type of research to be able to express the

data in numerical form that can be turned into a viable data statistics. Quantitative

research is an inquiry into a social problem, explaining phenomena by gathering

numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods for example in

particular statistics (Alliaga and Gunderson, 2002). The researcher primarily used a

post-positivist approach to develop knowledge when quantitative research is selected

(that is, cause and effect thinking, use of measurement and observations, and test of

theories), employs strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and collects

data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data.

Specifically, a descriptive correlation design was employed in this study to

describe the levels of service satisfaction of the patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital. Descriptive correlational design characterizes the variable(s) and the

distinguished relationships that occur naturally between (Sousa et al., 2007). The

researchers chose this design to examine the relationship between the level of

satisfaction and the patients’ profile.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital (GMPH)

under the supervision of Dr. Miguelito S. Jayoma, MD, FPSGS, FPCS, MHM. The said

institution is located in a 2-hectare government owned lot at San Jose, Talibon, Bohol.

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital is a Level 1 Hospital per Department of Health

(DOH) Memorandum with a 75 authorized actual and implementing bed capacity and

the only existing hospital in Talibon, Bohol. In 2010, the hospital was certified by

Philippine Health insurance as Center of Quality.

The researchers chose Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital to be the

environment of this study because Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital is the only

hospital that can be found in the Municipality of Talibon. The institution is also equipped

with modern and upgraded facilities that accommodate hundreds of patients that came

from different places. The selection of the hospital is also in consideration of its

accessibility and the safety of the researchers.

Research Respondents

The chosen participants for this research are the patients or the individuals who

has received the medical services of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. In this study,

there were a total number of forty (40) respondents or patients. The forty (40) patients

are composed of twenty (20) male and twenty (20) female starting at the age of legality,

18 years old and above to make sure that they have the capability to answer the

standard survey questionnaire with utmost understanding. The type of sampling used in

this study was the purposive sampling.


Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers used a standardized survey questionnaire to gather

the imperative information in determining the level of satisfaction of the patients in

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital which is essential for the success of the study. The

standardized survey questionnaire is entitled “The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire

Short-From (PSQ-18)” by Grant N. Marshall and Ron D. Hays. PSQ-18 is the shorter

version of the 50- item Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire III (PSQ III), However, both

standardized questionnaires are highly similar. The researchers chose the shortened

version to minimize the time needed by the patients to answer the survey questionnaire.

The shortened standardized instrument consist of 18 items that includes the seven (7)

dimensions of satisfaction with medical care which are the general satisfaction,

technical quality, interpersonal manner, communication, financial aspects, time spent

with doctor and accessibility and convenience.

The first part of the instrument was the patient’s background or profile. The age,

gender and the economic status of the patient was found in the first section. The patient

satisfaction questionnaire short-from (PSQ-18) served as the second part of the

instrument which was measured by Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4), Neutral (3), Disagree

(2) and Strongly Disagree (1).Using a standardized survey questionnaire will guarantee

the reliability of the study.

Research Procedure

Primarily, the researchers made a letter of approval to ask permission to conduct

the study. The approval sheet will be given to Dr. Miguelito Jayoma, the head chief of

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The source of the data collection will be the

information given by the forty (40) patients that will serve as the respondents. The

researchers will give the letter of informed consent to uphold ethical consideration. The

researchers will provide instructions for the respondents on how to answers the set of

questions. The researchers will give the respondents 5-10 minutes to answer the survey

questionnaire. The survey material will be distributed by the researchers to be answered

by the key informants of the study.

The information collected will be analyzed by the statistician of the researchers.

The data will be summarized and organized into tables or charts. The structured data

will serve as the bases for the construction of the conclusion. Lastly, the conclusion will

be created out from the gathered data and will complete the study.

Statistical Treatment

The data being gathered in this study will be subjected to the following

statistical treatment. The researchers use descriptive data analysis in which this type of

analysis combines means of tables and quartile measures such as variance or standard

deviation and cross tabulation that can help us utilized the data we need.

Frequency. It is the amount of variables that a test participates in. It represents

the data collected in a survey, organizing and identifying extreme values in a study. This

occurs in the Weighted Value table and measurement. This will be applicable to identify

the level of satisfaction of patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital (GMPH).


Percentage. It is a display of data that specifies the percentage of observations

that exist for each data point. The percentage is expressed as a fraction of 100 in a

variety of proportions. The data will show the percentage form that has been tabulated

in the table.

Weighted value. This is the product of the value of an item of a frequency

distribution by its weight. This mainly presents how strong the concurrence towards

each given statement is in the questionnaire.


• ∑ denotes the sum

• w is the weights and

• x is the value

Weighted mean. By the number of respondents, is the quotient of the overall

weighted value. It shows the average mean value of each statement. Weighted

methods, particularly when examining population, are exceptionally used in


In which, the researcher must find the weighted mean of the given table, to

clearly get the outcome of the said data’s. Applying this formula below:

∑ fixi
Weighted Mean = __________


fi = frequency of responses

xi = weight

N = number of respondents

xi represents the computed weighted mean, ∑ fixi represents the sum of the

product of the option and individual frequency, and N is the total number of key


Chi- Square Test

The chi-square statistics or also known as Pearson correlation coefficient is

used in this research. It is one of the many types of coefficient field of statistics. It is very

helpful statistical formula that measures the strength between variables and

relationship. It is used to tell the variation of the relationship between the demographic

profile and the level of satisfaction of the respondents in this study. Applying this

formula below:

or x² = Sum of (Observed – Expected)²


Definition of Terms

In order to have a clearer understanding on the study, the following terms are

defined operationally:

Patient is the person who is the one receiving the service or the medical

treatment of the hospital. In this research, patient refers person has received or

currently receiving the services given by the Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.

Socioeconomic Status refers to the economic status of an individual in the

society or in the community. It can be calculated through the combination of ones'

degree, income and occupation. In this research, socioeconomic status was measured

by the income of the patients or the income of the patient’s parents every month.

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital is a medical institution located in the

Municipality of Talibon and the only present hospital in the locale. In this research,

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital serves as the environment of the study and where

the research respondents received their medical treatment.

General satisfaction is a personal experience and sources of satisfaction or

dissatisfaction that is usually related with work settings and work performance. In this

study, general satisfaction refers to the patient satisfaction to the over-all performance

of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.

Technical quality is defined as the service equivalent of a quality specification

that pertains to what is created at the point of service and the outcomes resulting from

the interaction with the company. In this research, technical quality is the medical and

nursing care of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital and refers to the level of

satisfaction of patients in terms of technical quality.

Interpersonal skills are the behaviors and tactics a person uses to interact with

others effectively. In the medical world, the term refers to an employee's ability to work

and care well with others. Interpersonal skills range from communication and listening to

attitude and deportment. In this study, it is included in the seven dimensions of

satisfaction with medical care and refers to the level of patients’ satisfaction with

regards to the doctors' or healthcare workers’ interpersonal skills.

Communication is defined as the exchange of information, thoughts and

feelings among people using speech or other means. In this study, communication is

the sharing of details regarding the different aspects of medical treatment of patients

with their physicians.

Financial Aspects focus on the amount of how much money is needed, where it

will come from, and how it will be spent. In this research, financial aspects refer to the

capability of the patients to pay for their medical treatment.

Time spent with Doctor also called as “doctor’s visit” which is the meeting

between the patient and the physician to inquire for health service or concerns

regarding their medical conditions. In this research study, it refers to the level of

satisfaction of patients in terms of time spent with doctor of Garcia Memorial Provincial


Accessibility and Convenience is the ability to reach desired goods, services,

activities and destinations. In this study, it refers to the accessibility and convenience of

Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital to their customers.


Chapter II


In this part of the study, the researchers presented the methods used to

analyze and interpret the data that has been gathered from the forty (40) chosen

patients of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The data chapter analysis and

interpretation consist of three parts. The profile of the key informants was initially

analyzed. It was followed by Total Weighted Mean and Average Weighted Mean of

Patients as to their level of satisfaction of the services given by the Garcia Memorial

Provincial Hospital (GMPH) with the Seven Dimensions of Satisfaction with Medical

Care. The last part was the chi-square test analysis and interpretation. It tells us the

level of service satisfaction of patients and its relationship between the patient’s

demographic characteristics specifically in terms of age, gender and economic status.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

The standardized survey questionnaires (Marshall and Hays, 1994) were

answered by the patients who were both admitted patients and out-patients of the

hospital. The respondents were the individuals who first-handedly experienced the

services given by the Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.


Table 1.1 Profile of the Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

18-30 14 35% 1

31-40 8 20% 3

41-50 6 15% 4

51 and above 12 30% 2

TOTAL 40 100%

Data was collected from the 40 patients of Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital. As illustrated in Table 1.1, 14 (35 percent) of the respondents belonged to the

age bracket of eighteen to thirty (18-30) years old, therefore there are significant

number of young adult respondents; 8 (20 percent) of the respondents belonged to the

age bracket of thirty-one to forty (31-40) years old who are considered middle-aged

adult; 6 (15 percent) of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of forty-one to fifty

(41-50) years old are matured adult; 12 ( 30 percent) of the respondents to the ages of

fifty-one and above, at late adult age to senior citizen. A study of Sun, et al. (2018)

suggests that 18-44 years old was the age group that was observed to be the range

wherein most patients in the hospitals belong to. In addition, 45-65 years old was the

lowest among all the age groups.


Table 1.2 Profile of the Respondents According to Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Female 20 50% 1

Male 20 50% 1

TOTAL 40 100%

As shown in table 1.2, out of the 40 chosen study participants in Garcia

Memorial Provincial Hospital, 20 respondents (50 percent) were males and the other 20

respondents (50 percent) were females.

Table 1.3 Profile of the Respondents According to Economic Status

Economic Status Frequency Percentage Rank

₱10,000 and below 35 87.5% 1

₱10,001- ₱20,000 3 7.5% 2

₱20,001- ₱30,000 1 2.5% 3

₱30,001- ₱40,000 0 0% 4

₱40,001- ₱50,000 0 0% 4

₱50,001 and above 1 2.5% 3

TOTAL 40 100%

The table 1.3 was illustrated to show the profile of the respondents according to

economic status.

In this demography, it was shown that 35 (87.5%) of the respondents belong to

the group of unprivileged people which was the lowest range in the bracket (ten

thousand and below) of the economic status or monthly income. In the other hand, it

also revealed that one of the respondents particularly belong the highest range in the

bracket of the economic status which was fifty thousand and above.

Based on the study of Social Weather Station in 2006, mostly Filipinos,

especially those who are marginalized, only seek medical treatment in affordable public

hospitals due to poverty, thus, deprive them from experiencing the services provided by

the high end hospitals which possess modern and upgraded facilities that could cater

the needs of every individual, specifically, those who desperately require medical

attention. The existing evidence was shown to prove that socioeconomic status (SES)

affects individual’s health outcomes and the health care they receive. People of lower

SES were more likely to have a worse self-reported health, lower life expectancy and

suffer from chronic conditions when compared with those of higher SES. They also

receive fewer diagnostic test and medications for many chronic diseases and have

limited access to health care due to cost and coverage.

None of the respondents have a monthly income of thirty thousand and one

pesos to fifty thousand pesos.


Table 2.1 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of General Satisfaction


Item Statement Weighted Description Rank

Number Mean

The medical care I have

3 been receiving is just about 4.175 Agree 1

I am dissatisfied with some

17 things about the medical 2 Disagree 2
care I receive. (inversely
interpreted as “I am satisfied
with the medical I receive.”)

Average Weighted Mean 3.0875 Uncertain

Table 2.1 revealed the levels of satisfaction in terms of General Satisfaction. As

shown in the table above, the key informants were uncertain (with an average weighted

mean of 3.0875) regarding with the over-all performance of Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital. According to Manzoor, et al (2019) stated that patient satisfaction can be

affected by different factors like how the physicians or healthcare workers and

supporting staffs of the hospital associate with the patients or the quality of their service.

A study of Negash, et al. (2014), reveals that the patients were satisfied with the

services given by the hospital, however, considerable proportions wherein the

expectations of the respondents were not met. The research respondents did not agree

nor disagreed about being satisfied for the over-all performance of the hospital.

Table 2.2 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Technical Quality

Item Statement Weighted Description Rank
Number Mean

2 I think my doctor’s office has Strongly 1

everything needed to provide 4.325 Agree
complete medical care.

4 Sometimes doctors make me 3

wonder if their diagnosis is
correct. (inversely interpreted 3.275 Uncertain
as “I trust the doctor’s

6 When I go for medical care, 2

they are careful to check 4.1 Agree
everything when treating and
examining me.

14 I have some doubts about the 4

ability of the doctors who treat
me. (inversely interpreted as 2.475 Disagree
“I believe that the doctors
have the ability to treat me.”

Average Weighted Mean 3.54375 Agree

The table 2.2 shows that levels of satisfaction in terms of technical quality of the

hospital. It is shown that the respondents agree (with an average weighted mean of

3.54375) with the technical quality provided by Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.

This is supported by the patients’ responses in the sixth statement, “When I go for

medical care, they are careful to check everything when treating and examining me”,

which has a total weighted mean of 4.1 and interpreted as ‘Agree’. A satisfactory

technical quality of a hospital, specifically the institution’s medical and nursing care, are

essential factors to determine the level of patient satisfaction (Mohamed, et al., 2017).

Through medical and nursing care, the healthcare facility can get insights with regards

to the relationship between the patients and their medical providers.

Table 2.3 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Interpersonal Manner


Item Statement Weighted Description Rank

Number Mean

Doctors act too businesslike

and impersonal toward me. 2.3
10 (inversely interpreted as Disagree 2
“Doctors act in a friendly and
courteous manner.”)

My doctors treat me in a very 4.75

11 friendly and courteous Strongly 1

Average Weighted Mean 3.525 Agree

The table 2.3 has shown the levels of satisfaction of the patients in terms of

interpersonal manner of the doctors in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The table

revealed that patients agreed with the hospital’s way of interacting to their constituents

as evidenced by an average weighted mean of 3.525. This was supported by the

answers of the respondents in the eleventh statement, “My doctors treat me in a very

friendly and courteous manner.” that has a total weighted mean of 4.75 and was

interpreted as ‘strongly agree’. According to Dyche (2007), interpersonal skills of

doctors are a vital factor to better understand their patients and provide the necessary


Table 2.4 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Communication


Item Statement Weighted Description Rank

Number Mean

1 Doctors are good about

explaining the reason for 4.575 Strongly 1
medical tests.

13 Doctors sometimes ignore

what I tell them. (inversely 2.1 Disagree 2
interpreted as “Doctors listen
to what I tell them.”)

Average Weighted Mean 3.3375 Uncertain


Table 2.4 has shown the level of satisfaction in terms of communication. It

revealed that the patients were uncertain with how the healthcare workers of Garcia

Memorial Provincial Hospital communicate with their constituents as evidenced by the

average weighted mean of 3.3375. This is supported by O’Daniel and Rosenstein

(2008) which stated that lack of communication leads to miscommunication and

misunderstanding that results to medical mishaps. Moreover, according to Anita C.

Keller, (2013) revealed that the communication of the patients and the doctors are

needed to have some level of trust to build a climate in which legit honest

communication can thrive. The quality of collaboration with the patients is positively

identified with trust and patient fulfillment. These are either direct or indirect proportions

of the quality of health care services (Chandra S, Mohammadnezhad M., Ward P.,

2018). The relationship between the physician and the patients is an important part of a

physician’s communication in order for them to know the concerns of the patients

whether it is good or bad situation. However, additional examinations ought to be led to

explain these discoveries and decide the factors that influence communication

satisfaction scores, considering for facilities to enhance these factors. Studies ought to

likewise assess fulfillment in various clinical divisions and among patients from various

kind of wellbeing offices both open and private.


Table 2.5 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Financial Aspects

Item Weighted
Statement Description Rank
Number Mean

5 I feel confident that I can get 1

the medical care I need 3.925 Agree
without being set back

7 have to pay for more of my
medical care than I can afford. 2
(inversely interpreted as “I can 2.85 Uncertain
afford the payment for the
medical care I received.”)

Average Weighted Mean 3.3875 Uncertain

Table 2.5 has revealed the level of satisfaction in terms of financial aspects. It

was shown in the table above that the respondents were uncertain (with an average

weighted mean of 3.3875) with the financial aspects of Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital. This is supported by Shryock (20017 which stated that whenever the payment

of their medical treatment tends to be costly, the demand for a better service quality is

high. Customers use the price as the indicator of quality of the service or product that

was given to them According to a study of Ford (2017) which states that the vast

majority of people venture to various healthcare institutions to get reliable and

affordable health care coverage that diminishes or wipes their out-of-pocket expenses.

Studies demonstrate that patients are more satisfied with suppliers that can help them

with getting to resources that will cover their medical expenses. In addition, strong

financial performance is related with improved patient revealed understanding of care,

the most grounded part recognizing quality and safety (Akinleye, 2019). These

discoveries recommend that financially stable hospitals are better ready to keep up

highly reliable systems and give progressing assets to quality improvement. Medical

clinics face impressive strain to bring down expenses while keeping up quality results.

Table 2.6 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Time Spent with Doctor


Item Statement Weighted Description Rank

Number Mean

12 Those who provide my

medical care sometimes
hurry too much when they
treat me. (inversely 2.275 Disagree 2
interpreted as “Medical
health care providers take
their time when they treat

15 Doctors usually spend plenty 4.025 Agree

of time with me. 1

Average Weighted Mean 3.15 Uncertain


Table 2.6 revealed the levels of patient satisfaction in terms of Time Spent with

Doctors. As shown in the table above, the key informants were uncertain (with an

average weighted mean of 3.15) regarding with the time spent by the doctors with the

patients. Doctors visit their patients with an estimated time to inquire the patient’s health

status. According to Lin, MD, et al.(2001), when the doctors extend their visit, it helps in

building a long-lasting relationship with the patients and increase the level of their

satisfaction. The primary care physicians set their provision and management of

comprehensive patient care as their objective in delivering a high quality of service. In

addition, quality time between physician and patient is an increasingly important source,

with a growing focus on efficiency and efficacy in providing health care (Dugdale,MD, et

al.,1999). The relationship between doctor and patient is an important part of a doctor's

visit, which can change patient health outcomes. Therefore it is necessary for

physicians to identify when the relationship is challenged or failing. If the partnership is

disrupted or fails, physicians should be able to understand the causes of the partnership

disturbance and incorporate care-enhancing solutions. According to the study of

Chipidza (2015) states that there have elements that can affect the doctor-patient

relationship which are the trust, knowledge, regard and loyalty wherein the doctors must

have this qualities in order to get the patients satisfaction in maintaining a good

relationship and ingrowing transactions between the patients.


Table 2.7 Levels of Satisfaction in Terms of Accessibility

and Convenience


Item Statement Weighted Description Rank

Number Mean

I have easy access to the 4.2 Agree 2

8 medical specialists I need.

Where I get medical care,

people have to wait too long
for emergency treatment.
9 (inversely interpreted as 3 Uncertain 3
“Where I get medical care,
people are accommodated
instantly for emergency

I find it hard to get an

appointment for medical care
right away. (inversely
16 interpreted as “I find it 2.55 Disagree 4
manageable to get an
appointment for medical care
right away.”)

18 I am able to get medical are 4.275 Strongly 1

whenever I need it. Agree

Average Weighted Mean 3.50625 Agree


The table 2.7 has shown the levels of satisfaction of the patients in terms of

accessibility and convenience of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The table

revealed that patients agreed with the hospital’s way of serving their constituents with

consideration to the accessibility and the convenience it brings to the patients as

evidenced by an average weighted mean of 3.50625. This was supported by the

answers of the respondents in the eighteenth statement, “I am able to get medical are

whenever I need it.”, that has a total weighted mean of 4.275 and was interpreted as

‘strongly agree’. According to the study of Heath (2017) revealed that patients

increasingly activated their response on their own healthcare, this includes in making

decisions for treatment at which patients wish to receive their care. Patients are

spending more effort in paying the bills and as a result it is important to the patients to

receive care at a facility that meet their needs. This factor is an important contributors to

patients overall satisfaction in which the hospital must have an access of availability of

good health services within fair reach of those in need and opening hours, appointment

schemes and other aspects of services and delivery that enable for the people to

access care when they need it (WHO, 2013).


Table 3.1 Relationship between each of the 7 Dimensions of

Satisfaction with Medical Care and Age

Degree Level of Tabular Computed Null

Of Significance Value Value of Conclusion Hypothesis
Freedom Of x² x²

General Satisfaction – 12 0.5 5.226 11.51 Significant Rejected


Technical Quality – 12 0.5 5.226 9.73 Significant Rejected


Interpersonal Manner – 12 0.5 5.226 12.62 Significant Rejected


Communication – 12 0.5 5.226 8.17 Significant Rejected


Financial Aspects – 12 0.5 5.226 19.45 Significant Rejected


Time Spent with 12 0.5 5.226 12.66 Significant Rejected

Doctor – Age

Table 3.1 was presented to show the statistical interferences in line with the

hypothesis of no significant relationship on each of the seven dimensions of satisfaction

with medical care in terms of the patients’ age.

The researchers used the chi-square test to analyze the significant relationship

between the variables. The decision of whether the hypothesis of the study was

accepted or rejected was done by comparing the computed value and tabular value of

the research study at 0.05 level of significance.

It was revealed that the age of the respondents has significant relationship with

the general satisfaction, technical quality, interpersonal manner, communication,

financial aspect, time spent with doctor and accessibility and convenience. The table

has shown that the level of satisfaction of patients in terms of general satisfaction,

technical quality, interpersonal manner, communication, financial aspect, time spent

with doctor and accessibility and convenience was dependent on the age of the patients

of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.

The study findings suggest that general satisfaction of patients has a significant

relationship with their age. According to Moret, et al. (2007), the younger patients are

harder to please than the older patients. The younger generation tends to comment in

every matter, may it be a compliment or complaint. The study also revealed the

significant relationship between the respondents’ age and the satisfaction level of

patients in terms of technical quality. The technical quality, which is the medical care

and nursing care of the hospital, make a difference on the perceived service quality of

the patients depending on the age group (Mohamed,2017). Therefore, it is vital to

nurture the dimension of technical quality in ensuring the patients are satisfied with

hospital. The result of the study has confirmed the significant relationship between the

satisfaction level of patients in terms of interpersonal manner and the patients’ age.

Physicians treat their patients with utmost care specifically the older patients who

possess unique needs which challenge the skills of the physicians in taking care of

them(Samra, et al.,2015). The study also verified the significant relationship between

the communication satisfaction and the patients’ age.

According to Kolucki (2011), communicating with children is different from

conversing with the other age group. The streams of findings stated that the financial

aspects mediate the significant relationship between service satisfaction and the

patients’ age. Previous researches suggest that older patients are financially satisfied

despite having low income than the younger patients (Hansen, et al., 2008). However,

according to Larkin (2017), the elderly suffers when confined from different ailments due

lack of financial stability which affect the level of their satisfaction. The study also

revealed the significant relationship between the respondents’ age and the satisfaction

level of patients in terms of time spent with doctor. According to Peck (2011), older

people have a higher tendency to interact with their doctors than the younger patients.

The study also revealed the significant relationship between the respondents’ age and

the satisfaction level of patients in terms of accessibility and convenience. One study of

Iecovich, PhD and Carmel, PhD, MPH (2009) stated that elderly people are usually

prone to any illness and use significantly more healthcare services than younger

people, hence, it was observed that most in-patients were elderly due to lack of

availability, affordable and accessible specialists of the community-based healthcare.


3.2 Relationship between each of the 7 Dimensions of

Satisfaction with Medical Care and Gender

Degree Level of Tabular Computed Null

Of Significance Value Value of Conclusion Hypothesis
Freedom Of x² x²

General Satisfaction – 4 0.5 0.711 3.59 Significant Rejected


Technical Quality – 4 0.5 0.711 3.86 Significant Rejected


Interpersonal Manner – 4 0.5 0.711 3.9 Significant Rejected


Communication – 4 0.5 0.711 2.43 Significant Rejected


Financial Aspects – 4 0.5 0.711 3.45 Significant Rejected


Time Spent with 4 0.5 0.711 6.45 Significant Rejected

Doctor – Gender

Accessibility and 4 0.5 0.711 3.86 Significant Rejected

Convenience –

It was shown in table 3.2 that there was a significant relationship between the

patient’s gender and the level of patient satisfaction in terms of general satisfaction,

technical quality, interpersonal manner, communication, financial aspects, time spent


with doctor, accessibility and convenience. The table revealed that the level of

satisfaction in terms of their general satisfaction, technical quality, interpersonal

manner, communication, financial aspects, time spent with doctor, accessibility and

convenience was dependent on the gender of the patients.

The study findings proposed that the level of satisfaction of the patients of Garcia

Memorial Provincial Hospital in terms of the general satisfaction and the respondents’

gender has a significant relationship. The level of satisfaction varies in gender. Studies

show that women were reported higher levels of satisfaction than men across income,

education, and employment groups. (Joshanloo M, et al., 2019)

The findings of the study revealed there was a significant relationship between

the level of patient satisfaction in terms of technical quality and the patients’ gender.

According to Weisman, et al. (2004), men’s satisfaction is dependent on their personal

interest shown in them by the healthcare workers while females set their focus on the

detailed information and the effectiveness of the long-term relationship with the


The study findings stated that there was a significant relationship between the

level of patient satisfaction in terms of interpersonal manner and the patients’ gender.

According to the study of William (2008), female patients place greater emphasis than

male patients on the quality of interpersonal interaction they have with their doctors.

The outcome of the study has shown that the level of patient satisfaction in

terms of communication has a significant relationship with the gender of the

respondents. One of the studies of Bertakis (2009) analyzed the different ways on how

males and females communicate with their medical provider about their health status

and found that women may seek care more often but men were more likely to discuss

health risk factors.

The findings of the study revealed there was a significant relationship between

the level of patient satisfaction in terms of time spent with doctor and the patients’

gender. It is shown in the studies that the doctors give the same amount of time and

attention to their patients regardless to gender (Leung and Cheng,2016). It was

observed that male patients prefer their physician to be of same gender.

The outcome of the study has shown that the level of patient satisfaction in terms

of financial aspects has a significant relationship with the gender of the respondents.

According to Barber (2012), women put emphasis on the importance on preserving

money, however, men focuses on wealth accumulation. The data indicates that female

patients are harder to satisfy than the male patients in terms of financial aspects.

The results of the study suggested that the accessibility and convenience of

patients has a significant relationship with gender. Studies have shown that the females

have a higher unemployment rate than the male population wherein cost can be a

barrier related to accessibility, as it puts pressure on a household budget, and greater

healthcare needs result in greater cost (Portela and Fernandes, 2014).


3.3 Relationship between each of the 7 Dimensions of

Satisfaction with Medical Care and Economic Status

Degree Level of Tabular Computed Null

Of Significance Value Value of Conclusion Hypothesis
Freedom Of x² x²

General Satisfaction – 20 0.5 10.851 18.28 Significant Rejected

Economic Status

Technical Quality – 20 0.5 10.851 14.67 Significant Rejected

Economic Status

Interpersonal Manner – 20 0.5 10.851 31 Significant Rejected

Economic Status

Communication – 20 0.5 10.851 8.28 Significant Rejected

Economic Status

Financial Aspects – 20 0.5 10.851 11.75 Significant Rejected

Economic Status

Time Spent with 20 0.5 10.851 16.41 Significant Rejected

Doctor –
Economic Status

Accessibility and 20 0.5 10.851 10.851 Significant Rejected

Convenience –
Economic Status

Table 3.3 was presented to show the statistical interferences in line with the

hypothesis of no significant relationship on each of the seven dimensions of satisfaction

with medical care in terms of the patients’ economic status.


The researchers used the chi-square test to analyze the significant relationship

between the variables. The decision of whether the hypothesis of the study was

accepted or rejected was done by comparing the computed value and tabular value of

the research study at 0.05 level of significance.

The results of the study have shown that the general satisfaction of patients has

a significant relationship between the respondents’ economic status. The study of

Journal of Primary Care and Community Health states that the degree of the patient’s

way of living has an impact on the treatment that they have received. The clinician’s

perception of having a low socioeconomic status (SES) have been shown to affect the

clinical decision making and health care delivery issues to those patients than the high

socioeconomic status ( Arpey, 2017)

The findings of the study perceived that the technical quality has a significant

relationship between the respondents’ economic status. The quality of care greatly

varies on the level of degree on the economic status of the patients. The study of Fung

et al., (2001) revealed that there has been a biased treatment in terms of medical care.

The service quality differs on the demographic profile of the people and how they are

treated by the medical health workers.

The outcome of the research study revealed that the interpersonal manner has a

significant relationship between the respondents’ economic status. The patient’s

socioeconomic status influences the clinician communication and the manner of treating

the patients. In the study conducted by Chirchirez and Purcarea (2018), it was observed

that most of the patients who have a low economic status has not been given the best

quality of care .In addition, the individuals who possess a high economic status in the

society were prioritized and were given a high quality of care due to their status.

The findings of the study have shown that there was a significant relationship

between communication and research respondents’ economic status. The study

suggests that patients from lower social classes receive less positive socio-emotional

utterances and more guidance, less participatory consultation style, less details, less

instructions and less socio-emotional and relationship building utterances from their

physicians. Doctor’s communicative style is influenced by the way patients

communicate. In contrast to the lower social class, the higher social class receives

active communication and shows more expressions in terms of the respond of the

treatment ( Maesschalk, 2005).

The study findings verified that the financial aspects have a significant

relationship between the economic status of the patients of Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital. The socioeconomic standing is known to influence the aspect of care that the

institution commended. The process of care that has been given to the unprivileged

people were observed to be treated differently ,especially if they are suffering from a

chronic disease and how the medical institution handle them , it appears that the

privileged people who can pay without a problem was given the advantage of being

accommodated immediately (Cassedy, 2013).

The results of the study revealed that the level of satisfaction of patients in terms

of time spent with doctor has a significant relationship between the key informants’

economic status. Health differs due to differences in socio-economic status (SES) which

is considered as a matter of major concern in today's public health research. It shows

that the patients who are the unprivileged does not always consult to the doctor’s due to

lack of money and incapable of paying the prescribed medications. In the other hand

the privileged patients are more likely to spend their time with doctors and are prioritized

on appointments and medications because they are stable financially (Verlinde, et al.,


The outcome of the study confirmed the significant relationship between the level

of patient satisfaction in terms of accessibility and convenience from the respondents’

economic status. Due to the economic status of an individual, the importance of health

will be disregarded and could result to different kinds of disease or could lead to death.

For general, local accessibility was not an independent indicator of use except for those

who suffered from heart disease and lung cancer. It is shown that due to poverty, those

who are suffering from heart disease and lung cancer could only depend on the support

of the government .Private patient status did not affect the use of all causes of death

worldwide, but was associated with a substantial reduction in the number of patients

(Moorin,, 2006).


Chapter III


This chapter presents the restatement of the problem, summary, findings

and conclusions of the gathered data of the researchers. Based on the findings,

recommendations will be formulated.


This study aimed to determine the Level of the Service Satisfaction of the

Patients and Its Significant Relationship to the Patient’s Profile in Garcia Memorial

Provincial Hospital of San Jose, Talibon, Bohol.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the patient’s profile in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender; and

1.3 Economic Status?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of the patients regarding with the services

given by Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital in terms of:

2.1 General Satisfaction;

2.2 Technical Quality;

2.3 Interpersonal Manner;


2.4 Communication;

2.5 Financial Aspects;

2.6 Time Spent with Doctor; and

2.7 Accessibility and Convenience?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of service satisfaction of

the patients and the patient’s profile?

4. Based on the findings, what recommendations may be formulated?


After the data were analyzed utilizing the appropriate statistical treatment, the

researchers arrived at the following findings.

1. The research study was composed of 40 respondents who received the

services of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital in San Jose, Talibon, Bohol. These

patients possessed the following profiles.

1.1. The range of patients’ age was 18 and above years old. According to the data

received from the patients, it was found out that the majority of the chosen key

informants was based on 18- 30 years old patients which were 14 (35 percent);

thus most of them were young adults. 12 of the patients were 51 and above

years of age were (30 percent) and only few of these respondents were 31- 40

years of age (8 or 20 percent). Out of the 40 patients, there were 6 patients (15

percent) within the range of 41- 50 years old.


1.2. With regards to the gender of the respondents, it was revealed that out of 40

patients, 20 patients (50 percent) were males and 20 (50 percent) were females.

1.3. With regards to the economic status of the patients, it was revealed that the

majority of the patients, which is 35 (87.5 percent) out of 40 respondents, have

an income or economic status of ten thousand pesos and below. This indicates

that most of the respondents belong to the group of unprivileged people. 3 (7.5

percent) of the respondents have an income or economic status of ten thousand

and one pesos to twenty thousand pesos (₱10,001- ₱20,000). There was only

one (2.5 percent) respondent in the brackets of two thousand and one pesos to

thirty thousand pesos (₱20,001- ₱30,000) and fifty-thousand and one pesos and

above. None of the respondents have a monthly income or economic status of

thirty thousand pesos to fifty thousand pesos.

2. After assessing the levels of satisfaction of the patients regarding with the services

given by Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital in terms of the seven dimensions of

satisfaction with medical care, the following were noticeable.

2.1. General Satisfaction. The level of satisfaction in terms of general satisfaction

was interpreted as “uncertain” with an average weighted mean of 3.0875.

Among the seven dimensions, general satisfaction received the lowest

satisfaction level. The patients’ of Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital were

uncertain with the level of satisfaction in terms with the over-all performance of

the hospital.

2.2. Technical Quality. With regards to the technical quality of Garcia Memorial

Provincial Hospital, the satisfaction level of the patients was dubbed as “agree”

with an average mean of 3.54375. This had the highest satisfaction level among

the seven dimensions.

2.3. Interpersonal Manner. In terms of interpersonal manner of the healthcare

workers or the doctors, it reaped an average weighted mean of 3.525 and

interpreted as “agree”. The patients showed the second highest level of

satisfaction in terms of technical quality among the seven dimensions.

2.4. Communication. With respect to the communication, the patients reported their

uncertainty retrospect with the level of satisfaction. It showed an average

weighted mean of 3.3375.

2.5. Financial Aspects. The level of satisfaction in terms of financial aspects was

interpreted as “uncertain” with an average weighted mean of 3.3875.

2.6. Time Spent with Doctor. In terms of time spent with doctors, patients showed

an average weighted mean of 3.15 which is described as uncertain. This

dimension had the second lowest level of satisfaction among the seven


2.7. Accessibility and Convenience. Patients of Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital revealed that they agreed in terms of the accessibility and convenience

of the institution. It has a average weighted mean of 3.50625.

3. All the seven dimensions of satisfaction with medical care – general satisfaction,

technical quality, interpersonal manner, communication, financial aspects, time

spent with doctors and accessibility and convenience – showed a significant

relationship in terms of age, gender and economic status.



As to the level of service satisfaction of the patients in Garcia Memorial

Provincial Hospital, satisfaction on technical quality received the highest level. On the

other hand, the general satisfaction as a dimension has the lowest level of satisfaction

with medical care.

From the analyzed data, there is a significant relationship on the levels of

satisfaction on general satisfaction, technical quality, interpersonal manner,

communication, financial aspects, time spent with doctor and accessibility and

convenience of the patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital with reference to the

patients’ profile in terms of age, gender and economic status.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, these are the following

recommendations that were formulated by the researchers:

1. The healthcare workers of the institution should take a suitable course of actions

to increase the satisfaction level of patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial

Hospital precisely in terms of general satisfaction, technical quality, interpersonal

manner, communication, financial aspects, time spent with doctor and

accessibility and convenience given the results of these dimension were mostly


2. For the institution, Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital, it is recommended to

conduct seminars and workshops to further enhance the skills and the

knowledge of the medical health workers which aims to cater the needs and

satisfaction of the patients, specifically in terms of general satisfaction,

communication, financial aspect, and time spent with doctor.

3. For the future researchers, it is recommended to conduct a study which main

focus is about the significant relationship between the patient’s profiles to each

dimension of satisfaction with medical care. For the reason of being aware about

the significant relationship between the variables. Through conducting a study

on significant relationship, researchers will be able to discern whether the

variables are inversely or directly related with each other. A follow-up qualitative

study can be executed to complement the quantitative approach applied in the



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Appendix 1
February 06, 2020
Chief of Hospital
Blessed Trinity College
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol

Dear Dr. Jayoma:


We are the Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics students of

Blessed Trinity College- A.R of Talibon, Bohol Inc. We are conducting a group
Quantitative Research in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital. The approved research
title of this quantitative research is "SERVICE SATISFACTION OF PATIENTS IN

We are therefore seeking your approval to allow us to conduct our research in your
good office to conduct the data gathering and collection to the forty patients in your
institution. We will be conducting a survey that is relevant to the needs of this research.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Abapo, Neiza May

Auza, Rizabelle Niña Joy
Avergonzado, Charles Ian
Boyles, Zenwiel
Casinellas, Emalfred
Dela Cruz, Kentfred
Dospueblos, DonnalouMargarette
Jao, John Rholly

Noted by:
Approved by:
Chief of Hospital

Appendix 2
Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Bohol

Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol

Dear Respondent,
You are being asked to participate in a research study in evaluating the service
satisfaction of patients in Garcia Memorial Provincial Hospital.

PROCEDURES: If you decide to participate, we will ask you to complete a brief survey. You
should be able to complete the survey in approximately five to ten minutes.
RISKS: There are no foreseeable risks expected for your participation in this study.
BENEFITS: The results of this study will be disseminated and may be used for future reference.
Your perspective is very valuable because you can speak from experience, and you can provide
insight into the life of a patient.
RIGHT TO REFUSE OR WITHDRAW: You may refuse to participate, and you may change your
mind about being in the study and quit after the study has started. Some of the questions do ask
about potentially touchy subjects. If you feel that you do not want to answer a question, you can
either skip the question or withdraw entirely from the survey with no penalty.
QUESTIONS: Please ask the researchers for further questions about the study.

The Researchers

Part I. Respondent’s Profile Background

Direction. Put a check (/) inside the space that corresponds to your answer.

Age: ( ) 18- 30 years old ( ) 31-40 years old

( ) 41-50 years old ( ) 51 and above years old
Sex: ( ) Female ( ) Male
Economic Status:
( ) ₱10,000 and below ( ) ₱10,001- ₱20,000 ( ) ₱20,001- ₱30,000
( ) ₱30,001- ₱40,000 ( ) ₱40,001- ₱50,000 ( ) ₱50,001 and above

Part II.

Please read each one carefully, keeping in mind the medical care you are receiving now. We,
the researchers, are interested in your feelings, good and bad, about the medical care you have
received. How strongly do you AGREE or DISAGREE with each of the following statements?
Put a check (/) inside the space that corresponds to your answer.


5 4 3 2 1
1. Doctors are good about explaining the reason for
medical tests.
2. I think my doctor’s office has everything needed to
provide complete medical care.
3. The medical care I have been receiving is just about
4. Sometimes doctors make me wonder if their diagnosis
is correct.
5. I feel confident that I can get the medical care I need
without being set back financially.
6. When I go for medical care, they are careful to check
everything when treating and examining me.
7. I have to pay for more of my medical care than I can
8. I have easy access to the medical specialists I need.

9. Where I get medical care, people have to wait too long

for emergency treatment.
10. Doctors act too businesslike and impersonal toward
11. My doctors treat me in a very friendly and courteous
12. Those who provide my medical care sometimes hurry
too much when they treat me.
13. Doctors sometimes ignore what I tell them.

14. I have some doubts about the ability of the doctors

who treat me.
15. Doctors usually spend plenty of time with me.

16. I find it hard to get an appointment for medical care

right away.
17. I am dissatisfied with some things about the medical
care I receive.
18. I am able to get medical care whenever I need it.



Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Date of Birth: May 11, 2001
Age: 18
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 48
Language used: English, Visayan, and Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018


Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol

Date of Birth: May 12, 2001
Age: 18 years old
Height: 5’0
Weight: 44 kg.
Language used: English, Visayan, Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018


Poblacion, San Miguel, Bohol


Date of Birth: April 7, 2000

Age: 19
Height: 172cm
Weight: 78
Language used: English, Visayan, and Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

San Miguel Technical Vocational School

Poblacion, San Miguel, Bohol
2013- 2018

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol

Date of Birth: April 1, 2001

Age: 18
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 55
Language used: English, Visayan, and Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020
Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018

San Roque, Talibon, Bohol
Date of Birth: January 14, 2001
Age: 19 years old
Height: 5’8
Weight: 69 kg.
Language used: English, Tagalog and Visayan
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

Carlos P. Garcia Memorial High School

San Roque, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018


Santo Nino, Talibon, Bohol

Date of Birth: October 26, 2001

Age: 18
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 60
Language used: English, Visayan, and Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018


San Jose, Talibon, Bohol
Date of Birth: February 9, 2002
Age: 18
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 45
Language used: English, Visayan, and Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018


Suba, Jao, Talibon, Bohol

Date of Birth: September 23, 2001
Age: 18
Height: 5’4
Weight: 45 kg.
Language used: English, Visayan, and Tagalog
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
2018- 2020

Blessed Trinity College– A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.

Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
2014- 2018

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