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Background of the Study and Rationale

Generally, there is no doubt it comes with a series of complications and endless

contemplations when it is time to make a decision. To not only choose but to pursue a

career path is the next step students have to take once they complete their Junior years

and enter Senior High School to start a new chapter in their life. Deciding on a specific

strand plays a major and pivotal role as it serves as their preparatory measures before

they step into College. As stated by (Moneva & Malbas, 2019; Santric-Milicevic et al.,

2014), students must go through an elaborate procedure of selecting a career, during

which they must take into account an array of factors that will influence their final

decision, such as their sociodemographic profile, socioeconomic status, parents, job

opportunities, academic performance, personal interests, and many other factors in the

near future.

In the study conducted by Santiago & Caspillan (2017), it has stated that the

tracks offered by Senior High is the first step towards the chosen career of the student.

The track that the student will choose will provide necessary skills in preparation for their

future job. An article published by Eastern Visayas State University in 2020, it has

explained that this research will guide students about the factors they should consider

when planning their careers. Similarly, this will provide input to students' parents on how

they will help their children in selecting senior high school courses, as well as to school

administrators on how to develop the school's career enhancement activities to further


guide the students in their career goals (Dublin, B. C., Logrosa, A. A., Sosing, M. D., &

Cornillez Jr., E. E. C., 2020).

In the early study by Susman (2021), it has stimulated that we often use our

intellectual capacity—something we are—to describe intelligence. A trait that you are

born with, that is difficult to change, and that can be measured. Nonetheless, fresh

viewpoints on intelligence have emerged recently. One such concept is the multiple

intelligences theory, which was advanced by a Harvard psychologist, Howard Gardener.

When picking a subject for their additional studies, students who enroll in higher

education face several uncertainties. Students are expected to enroll in their chosen

subject after finishing the tenth grade. They will probably interact with a variety of

people while choosing a subject when they enroll in Grade 11 or pursue intermediate

courses. Eleventh grade is the major entry point for students to guarantee their future in

higher education (Pusparaj Timilsina, 2022). Although higher education in Nepal starts

with a bachelor's degree, students must declare their majors as early as Grade 11.

There was a recent study found by Victorovna (2017), that peer friends are an

essential part of the socialization process, and it is widely accepted that they have an

impact on how someone develops. It helps young people make decisions and enhance

their professional alternatives. In the Philippines, adolescents usually lack the capacity to

form their own opinions. Parents, educators, friends, and advice from peers are frequently

sought (Manapsal, 2018). Many factors have an effect on students' indecision when it

comes to choosing a career. In order to choose courses based on their interests and

abilities, students are not given enough help. Most high school students choose unwisely,

which raises the rate of unemployment and underemployment (Manapsal, 2018).


There is a significant research gap regarding the qualitative examination of the

decision-making process of grade 10 students in selecting their preferred strand, in spite

of extensive research on the factors impacting students' decision-making regarding their

strand choice in senior high school. The majority of research has centered on identifying

the socioeconomic, personal, and intellectual variables that affect students' decisions.

Nevertheless, few research have looked at how grade 10 students choose their preferred

strands, the information sources they use, and the variables that affect their choices. Thus,

a qualitative investigation is required to learn more about the students' subjective

experiences and to give a deeper knowledge of the variables affecting their choices. The

study aims to understand the factors that influence the decision-making process of grade

10 students in Leyte National High School in choosing their preferred strand.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to probe into the different perceptions of the Grade

10 Students regarding the Senior High strands in Leyte National High School.

In order to gather all the necessary information, the researcher intend to provide

answers to the following questions:

1. What are the underlying factors that influence how students perceive the Senior High


2. What considerations did the students take into account that made them change their

mind from choosing the strand they originally want to take?

3. How did the students arrive at a conclusion in choosing their strand?


Scope and Limitation

This study will focus on the decision-making of Grade 10 students in choosing

and pursuing the senior high school strand. The study will be conducted in the second

semester. The selection of participants is limited to the enrolled students of Grade 10

students during the Academic Year 2022-2023 of the third quarter within the programs of

Science, Technology and Engineering (STE), Special Program in the Arts (SPA), and

Basic Education Curriculum (BEC).

We limit our respondents to 5 students per program in Grade 10 since we

researchers can only manage a small sample size. The result of this research will be

applicable to the respondents and the students at LNHS. Furthermore, the research

questionnaires distributed to our respondents include unstructured questions in gathering


Significance of the Study

The results of this should assist the Grade 10 students in selecting the appropriate

strand for them that will be their stepping stone to a fitting course. Some of the things that

this research will aid with are as follows:

Students. This study assists incoming Grade 11 students in determining the

factors to consider when choosing their strands. They must consider their passions, innate

talents, capacities, and objectives. They will be able to make better decisions as a result

of this study.

Parents. This study will benefit the parents who will financially support on the

career development and decision-making of their learners.

School Administration. In order to assist the students in selecting the best strand

for them, the school administration may use this information to improve their

symposiums and career counseling.

Policy Makers. Understanding Grade 10 kids' decision-making processes might

help policymakers develop more effective practices that are in line with the students'

cognitive development in school.

Future Researchers. Future researchers will use this data as support and a

starting point for their study into how Grade 10 students perceive about the Senior High

School strand.

Definition of Terms

Both operational and conceptual definitions of terminology used in this study are

provided above for clarity and unambiguous comprehension.

Career Path. The way that you progress in your work, either in one job or in a

series of jobs (Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2023). A specific career,

profession, or role in work.

Decision Making. The act or process of deciding something especially with a

group of people (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2023). Choosing a specific course of


action among several alternatives, based on one's personal values, preferences, and


Indecision. The state of being unable to make a choice (Cambridge University

Press & Assessment, 2023). Having difficulties or incapacity to make a decision while

having all of the essential knowledge and time.

Perception. An awareness of things through the physical senses, especially sight

(Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2023). Perspective of view on someone or

something in a specific manner.

Pivotal. Central and important (Cambridge University Press & Assessment,

2023). Having a critical or key role in a given circumstance, occurrence, or process.

Strand Preference. A liking, fondness, or inclination for a particular thing or

activity (Oxford Languages, 2021). An academic track or program that Grade 10 students

are more interested in and would like to pursue for the remainder of their high school


Underemployment. A situation in which someone or something is not used as

much as they should be (Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2023). In which a

person is working but is not fully utilizing their abilities, education, or experience in their

current position.

Unemployment. The number of people who do not have a job that provides

money (Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2023). People who are jobless or

having no job.




Related Literature

Strand Perception

According to Malaga & Oducado (2021), it has stated that the various tracks or

strands that students can select from in senior high school are referred to as senior high

strands. Students must decide the track and strand they want to follow for the next two

years of senior high school before entering the program. Students have access to a variety

of strands and tracks that can aid them in selecting a subject they might like to study in

college (Cueva, 2018). Examples of senior high strands include STEM, which

emphasizes developing students' communication and problem-solving abilities (AMA

University, 2023), and ABM, which emphasizes entrepreneurship and business (Malaga

& Oducado, 2021). Many variables, including socioeconomic background and parental

career, may have an impact on students' choices for these strands (Moneva & Malbas,

2019). To maximize their potential and get ready for their future efforts, students should

select a strand that is in line with their interests and ambitions (Batangas Eastern College,


Decision Making

In the early study by (Britt Williamson, n.d.), it has stimulated that it is crucial to

instill in students the ability to make decisions since doing so fosters their independence,

responsibility, and self-assurance. Also, it promotes self-discovery and aids in the

development of their ideals. Teachers can employ a variety of techniques to help pupils

strengthen their decision-making abilities. The decision-making model can be applied to

pertinent classroom problems like resolving a peer conflict or determining how to use

time effectively during study hall as part of one strategy, which is to apply it in the

classroom. Instructors can also refrain from intervening and let students deal with

challenging circumstances on their own, making poor choices, suffering the natural

repercussions, and then revisiting the same circumstance with new options and

knowledge gained from the initial negative experience. Students must acquire the abilities

of critical thinking, open-mindedness, sound judgment, and reason in order to display

responsible decision-making. Instructors can assist students in weighing pros and

drawbacks and sorting things out by using a straightforward decision-making matrix. By

analyzing possibilities and assessing the effects on themselves and others using a simple

point system, with positive numbers for advantages and negative ones for disadvantages,

the matrix enables students to choose from up to three options more effectively.

Instructors can also allow students to use the tool and incorporate it into their decision-

making by giving them the time and space to do so (Valenzuela, 2021). Career selection

is on of the most important decisions for business students to make that will help them

their future endeavors. The significance of selecting a specialization in Administration

and any business student as it will be the building blocks of success later on. One must be

more knowledgeable about a path they will take for this choice (Kazi Afaq Ahmed,

Nimra Sharif and Nawaz Ahmad, 2017).

Career Opportunities

As mentioned by the (MindTools, 2014), it has stated that there are lots of

opportunities for every career that one wishes to pursue. Some people may find better

career opportunities as a result of the strategies and steps they take. It is well worth the

time to look into career opportunities. The benefits of doing this include being able to

learn about promotions and job vacancies, finding chances that are perfectly matched to

one's interests or skills, and identifying ways to further the knowledge and skills required

for that career. Schools have the opportunity to benefit more from the fact that their

students are employed by integrating the two in a way that benefits adolescents training

for a profession. Leading such initiatives can be a crucial responsibility for guidance

counselors. Many young people do not perceive their jobs as having any bearing on their

future professional careers or on their preferences for particular occupations. There is

always room for improvement in the creation of internships and work-school cooperation

programs, which can incorporate activities like job shadowing or site visits. Through

these programs, young people are exposed to the potential for working in specific types

of settings; they can learn about the qualifications needed to fill specific types of jobs and

perform specific types of tasks.

Academic and academic-related characteristics include, intelligence and intellect

impacts professional success among students (Pascual, N., 2014), ] interest (Fatoki, O.,

2014), ] particular learning style (Sara, S.S., 2010); curricular – extracurricular and one’s

experiences, money, professional choices, status, work-life equilibrium, labor content,

and hours of working (Querido, et. al, 2016); sufficient motivational, cognitive, and

metacognitive qualities which satisfy employment or family duties shall equip students

for scientific courses (Clement, L., 2016), and grade point average, suggestions from

other people, and orientation session attendance ( AbouZaid, Z.L., Nabil, N. M., Al-

Fadil, S.O., Alatmi, A. and Saeed, A.A., 2014).

Strand Preference

According to Bacaling (2021), it has stated that the search results, the Academic

Track's Humanities and Social Science strand is the one that students prefer the most. The

most students who preferred this strand above the others were found in this strand.

Furthermore, it was very evident that the majority of students chose the Technical

Vocational Track over the Academic Track. The preferences of grade 10 students in

selecting a track to proceed to senior high school, however, are influenced by a variety of

factors, including peer pressure, financial stability, and employability. These factors are

mentioned in one of the search results. The search results do not include information on

the preferred strand of students by gender, age, parents' occupation, parents' level of

education, or parents' socioeconomic standing. Yet, one of the search results states that

male students choose their senior high school track based on their socioeconomic level

and the occupation of their parents, whereas female students choose their track based on

other variables (Moneva & Malbas, 2019).

Decision-making, negative thinking, and professional challenges show the

undecidedness of a student (Bullock-Yowell, E., McConnell, A. E., & Schedin, E. A.,


2014). Conforming to Pascual, N. (2014), it has stated that in order for students to make

a better judgment, one might evaluate interest and intellectual ability; interest in the

subject, relationship with classmates, members of the family and teachers, and through

assessment and research in the internet and other sources before making the decision

(Keck, K.J., 2016). Many students need career guidance for choosing right job route as

clinical researcher or clinical practitioner (Asif, M., Mohsin, S., Bukhari, R. and

Ahmad, A. , 2015). The method to supporting student willingness is a potential

influence (Lewallen, W. C., 1995).

Related Studies

Strand Perception

The early study by (Hernandez C., Hernandez N., Salino R., 2019), it has stated

that students in Grade 10 prefer the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand the

most. Education, Arts majoring in Political Science, Arts majoring in Journalism, Arts

majoring in Broadcast Journalism, and Arts majoring in Social Sciences fall under these

strands. Despite the difficulty of this strand, they still want to pursue it because they think

it will benefit and advance their knowledge and skills.

According to Maribel Alcantara (2019), it has stated that the perception of

students towards a particular subject plays a significant role in their choice of strands

during Senior High School. In fact, they tend to select strands based on the perceived

level of difficulty of the subjects and the likelihood of achieving good grades. To

investigate this phenomenon, a researcher-made questionnaire-checklist was utilized as

the primary tool. The research approach employed was quantitative in nature, which

aimed to establish the relationships between measured variables. This method enabled the

researcher to not only explain but also predict and control certain phenomena related to

the students' perceptions of their chosen strands.

Decision Making

A research study by KBL Srivastava and RL Dewangan (2022), it has explained

that a person's decision style or thinking style is a recurring pattern that affects how they

make decisions. According to the literature study, different decision styles have different

processing methods, which affect how decisions are made. The accessibility of resources,

as well as cognitive and personal characteristics, are essential to this process. The

versatility of cognitive ability, information processing style, and situational elements in

decision-making. For professionals, having this understanding makes it easier to choose a

desired choice style and employ decision rules in a flexible manner (Ayal S., Gino F.,

Barkan R., Ariely D., 2015).

We gather a lot of information before making some decisions, while others are

based on intuition. Sometimes, decisions turn out to be incorrect ex posts, either from the

individual's or society's perspective. Alternatively, we may drive excessively without

considering the harm caused by our emissions. As a result, there may be arguments for

interventions that influence people's choices and behaviour (Löfgren, K., and Nordblom,


Strand Preference

In the early study of Moneva & Malbas (2019), it has stimulated that one has to

undergo an intricate process and forcefully open-minded person to choose their specialty,

practice, and location of the educational institution in making decisions in career


The majority of Grade 10 students, regardless of age, gender, or family income,

would prefer to enroll in the academic track when compared to alternative tracks.

Additionally, it can be inferred that a number of variables influence the track choice of

incoming senior high school students. The degree to which these things affect them

varies, though. The findings also suggested that economic considerations, including

employment prospects and family money, have a big impact on students' track

preferences (Royo & Lamela, 2021).

Academic achievement, grades in their elective courses, the results of the

Brainard Occupational Preference Inventory (BOPI), and the link between the variables

influencing students' course preference and occupational preference were all taken into

consideration. Statistical treatments, frequency, percentage, and chi-square were

employed. The results showed that students' primary priority when selecting a college

course is whether there will be employment opportunities after graduation. Most students

choose to enroll in science-related field courses, sometimes known as "popular courses"

in the Philippines. Agriculture-related courses are the least popular. According to the

BOPI findings, the majority of the student respondents are qualified to enroll in

professional courses. (Pascual N., 2014)

The study by Virtudazo (2023) examined the factors influencing the choice of

senior high school tracks and strands among Grade 10 students in three secondary

schools in Buenavista II. A standardized survey questionnaire was used to collect data

from 135 respondents. The majority of the respondents preferred the academic track and

considered personality as the primary factor in selecting their tracks/strands. Parents'

educational attainment significantly influenced students' career preferences. The study

suggests that there should be a more intensive career advocacy program for parents and

students to provide proper guidance. The study looked into senior high school students'

career and course interests. The research looked at how personality, parenting, interests,

employment possibilities, and peer pressure affected

junior high school pupils' career decisions (Rio et al., 2022). The value of career

management for students cannot be emphasized. Many students assume that the

vocational or track they chose in secondary school having little to do with the career in

which they would later concentrate (Cabanias, 2021).

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. Simon’s Decision-Making Theory

This study is supported by the theoretical model of The Herbert Simon Decision

Making Theory. Herbert Simon's renowned book, Administrative Behavior (1947),

introduced the Decision Making Theory. He claimed that decisions were crucial because

if they were not made on time, they would have a detrimental influence on an

organization's goal. The notion is separated into two parts: the decision that someone

makes and the procedure or activities that are performed. In other words, carrying out a

choice is just as vital as making it.

Figure 1.2 Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

The theoretical model of Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory was also used to

support this study. Albert Bandura pioneered Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) as the

Social Learning Theory (SLT) in the 1960s. It developed into the SCT in 1986 and holds

that learning happens in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interplay of the

person, environment, and behavior. The emphasis on social impact and its emphasis on

external and internal social reinforcement distinguishes SCT. SCT emphasizes the

unique method in which people learn and sustain behavior, as well as the social setting in

which the behavior is performed. The hypothesis considers a person's prior experiences,

which influence whether or not behavioral action will be taken. These previous

experiences influence reinforcements, expectations, and expectancies, all of which

determine whether a person would participate in a certain behavior.

Figure 1.3 Self-Determination Theory

Another theoretical model that has supported this study is Self-Determination

Theory. It is a theory that came out of scholars Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan’s

work on motivation in the 1970s and 1980s. Self-Determination Theory, or SDT, relates

personality, human motivation, and optimal performance. It believes that there are two

basic forms of motivation—intrinsic and extrinsic—and that both are important

influences in molding who we are and how we behave.




Research Design

This study will apply the qualitative research design phenomenology by reason of

this can be beneficial in comprehending the decision making process of grade 10 students

when choosing a career path. To define the research type, Creswell, J. W. (2013) has

stated that phenomenology entails examining and elucidating the significance of several

people's subjective accounts of a concept or occurrence. Capturing the rich, specific

experiences and views of individuals is one of the main advantages of phenomenology.

Understanding complicated phenomena like decision making, where subjective aspects

like emotions, values, and beliefs play a large role, may be made easier with the help of

this. The researchers will analyze and comprehend our respondents' experiences that

could have influenced their capacity to select a strand using the information we've

gathered from them. The goal is to understand how the underlying factors affect how

Grade 10 students view the Senior High strands, how it affected their decision, and how

they came to a decision on which strand to choose. As a result, the researchers will be

able to investigate the lived experiences and learn from them.


Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the Philippines. This study will be implemented on

Grade 10 students at Leyte National High School, a public high school on Lino Gonzaga

Avenue in Tacloban City, Leyte. It is one of the largest secondary schools in the region,

teaching students in grades 7 through 12. The school was established in 1905, which

makes it one of the country's oldest secondary schools. The researchers choose this area

for implementation because it has a large population of Grade 10 students and would

provide the researchers with the necessary information. Other than that, the researcher

won’t be having a hard time looking for respondents since they also study in the said

school. Respondents will be interviewed in their classrooms or any other comfortable

location that they decide on. The research will be carried out during the second semester

of the school year 2022-2023.


The respondents of this study will be secondary school students in the Philippines,

specifically Grade 10 students who will be officially moving to the next level of

education after completing the school year. The data will be gathered at Leyte National

High School, which is located on Lino Gonzaga Avenue in downtown Tacloban City,

Leyte. A sample of 5 students per program in Grade 10 from Leyte National High School

will participate in this research.

Research Instrument

The researchers will utilize unstructured interview with the use of a survey

questionnaire in order to collect data from the willing participants. Using an unstructured

interview will allow participants to freely express their experiences and perceptions in

their own words, without the limits of a pre-determined set of questions.

Validation of Instrument

The study used an unstructured interview with the permission of the research

adviser and research experts. Validity is the extent to which an instrument measures what

it is supposed to measure and operates as it is planned to function. It is rare, if nearly

impossible, for an instrument be 100% valid, so validity is normally measured in degrees.

As a procedure, validation entails gathering and evaluating data to assess the correctness

of an instrument. There are several statistical tests and procedures to assess the validity of

quantitative instruments, which often entails pilot testing. The remainder of this

discussion focuses on external validity and content validity (Biddix, 2016).

Data Gathering Procedure

A sequential procedure will be used in this study to gather data from respondents.

The researchers will gather information from nearby locations. The researchers will

prepare a consent letter, which will be sent to the research adviser, the ABM group head,

the principal and assistant principal of Leyte National High School, as well as the

respondent's parent, for signature and approval. The researchers will conduct in-person

interviews with the respondents at their convenience and in a setting that is comfortable

for them. The researchers will next convey the summary of the paper or the primary topic

of the study to the respondents after the consent form has been signed and authorized.

The researchers will kindly request that the respondents be sincere in their responses to

the questions provided in order to obtain factual information from them, as this is

necessary to gather useful information. The researchers will employ tools including voice

recorders, mobile phone cameras for documentation, interview transcripts, and statistical

software to offer evidence and conduct analysis. Upon completion of the interview

process, the researchers will understand and analyze the information gathered from the

respondents to produce a result and conclusion.

Ethical Consideration

This study examines some of the ethical and welfare considerations in the

application of broad procedures in frequent usage during the course of collecting data.

Since interviews are considered an intrusion into respondents' private lives with regard to

the time allotted and the level of sensitivity of the questions asked, a high standard of

ethical considerations should be maintained. Therefore, ethical considerations should be

examined at all phases of the interview process. That is, participants should provide their

informed consent before engaging in the interview, a vital step that researchers should

adhere to throughout the entire study project (H. Alshenqeeti, 2014). The researchers will

ensure that the respondents are knowledgeable of all possible risks and their implications

before they participate in the interviews and will make an effort to stay honest and

unbiased. Therefore, to secure the respondents' privacy and prevent inflicting any

negative effects on them, researchers should guarantee that all collected data will be

totally anonymous and kept confidential.

Analysis of Data

Thematic analysis will be used to examine the data, which entails finding trends, themes,

and categories associated with selecting a senior high school strand. The researchers will

go over the transcripts more than once, manually picking out pertinent data points, and

assigning codes to them. The themes that result from organizing the codes will best

express the participants' experiences.

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