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Central conflict

The central conflict is How can he find fossils in every place that has already been discovered and why
did he choose to travel and rediscover dinosaur fossils

Hero begin

When he was young, he was interested in dinosaurs, he used to read books about dinosaurs, how did
they live, if there are any that are still alive today, Shawn had an interest in knowing about dinosaurs.
Here, until he became a scientist or paleontologist. A paleontologist is a profession in which he studies
the past lives of the earth using ancient bones. As a paleontologist he researches the discovered bones
of dinosaurs and he knows the places where they were found by the previous discoverers. Even though
he is a paleontologist, he still carefully studies where the evidences of ancient animals or dinosaurs in
the world are found until he makes his journal where the places and types of dinosaurs are mentioned.
Found or discovered by early paleontologists. He begins to travel with his created journal where the
dinosaurs that have been discovered can be found. But during his journey it difficult to find because he
was not familiar with those places so he asked people who knew if these places could be found. During
his long journey while he gradually fulfilled what was stated in his journal, he came true because he was
able to prove that the former paleontologists found the dinosaur fossils here and there are still proofs
that there were indeed dinosaurs during that time, from footprints of dinosaurs to their fossils. During
his journey, he did not notice that he had almost finished what was written in his journal, and as he
reviewed everything, he was moved to tears because he remembered when he was a child that he only
dreamed of seeing a dinosaur but now he sees dinosaur finds personally and he even visited the places
where they were found. While he was walking, he was holding his journal happily because he had
fulfilled his dream since he was a child.

Arc 1 Bavarian region

This is the place where fossils have also been found, he still searched around that there might still be
fossils buried here. and in his search he found a sign where it was possible that there was a buried fossil
in that part, he started to dig to find out if it was a fossil of a dinosaur or not, in his first attempt he
found he found the head skull of a velociraptor but the other parts of it were missing so he searched the
surroundings again to see if there were only other parts of the body of the velociraptor.

Arc 2

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