Analogy Introduction T - 916-935

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916 ❑ English Tutor Analogy

Analogy : Analogy kãwUi A_© n‡”Q mv`„k¨, Zzjbv, Dcgv ev wgj| Analogy -Gi mvaviY wbqg n‡”Q cÖkœc‡Îi `v‡M
GK‡Rvov kã †`qv _vK‡e, wkÿv_x©‡K D³ kã †Rvovi gv‡S Ggb GKwU m¤úK© Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e †h m¤úK©wU cÖ‡kœ cª`Ë †h
†Kvb GKwU Ack‡bi kã †Rvovi mv‡_ wg‡j hv‡e| A_©vr, cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvovi mv`„k¨, ˆemv`„k¨, wgj ev Awg‡ji mv‡_ Ack‡b
cÖ`Ë kã †Rvovi mv`„k¨, ˆemv`„k¨, wgj ev Awg‡ji m¤úK© Lyu‡R †ei Kiv|
Analogy wbY©‡qi mnR †KŠkj: Analogy wbY©‡q KZ¸‡jv †KŠkj Aej¤^b Ki‡j Lye mn‡RB mgvavb Kiv hvq| Pjyb
Analogy wbY©‡qi mnR †KŠkj¸‡jv †R‡b †bqv hvK|

†KŠkj 1t cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov Synonym (mgv_©K) n‡j Ack‡bI Synonym (mgv_©K) LyuR‡Z n‡e| Avevi cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã
†Rvov hw` Antonym (wecixZv_©K) nq Zvn‡j Ack‡bI antonym (wecixZv_©K) m¤úK© Av‡Q Ggb GK †Rvov kã LyuR‡Z
01. Distort: Twist 22Zg wewmGm
a Straighten: Bend b Deform: Reform
c Harmonize: Balance d Observe: Blur c

Tips: cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov n‡”Q Distort : Twist | hviv ci¯úi mgv_©K kã| A_©vr, Distort A_© weK…Z Kiv Ges Twist
A_©I weK…Z Kiv| Ackb¸‡jvi w`‡K jÿ¨ Kiæb, A. Straighten (†mvRv Kiv) : Bend (euvKv Kiv) B. Deform (weK…Z
Kiv) : Reform (ms¯‹vi Kiv) C. Harmonize (mgš^q mvab Kiv) : Balance (fvimvg¨ iÿv Kiv) D. Observe
(ch©‡eÿY Kiv) : Blur(mwi‡q †bqv) Dc‡ii 4wU Ackb †_‡K C AckbwUi kã †Rvov ci¯úi Synonym (mgv_©K)|
†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ cª`Ë kã †Rvov Ges Ackb C †Z cÖ`Ë kã †Rvovi gv‡S mgv_©K A‡_©i (synonym meaning) m¤úK©
we`¨gvb ZvB mwVK DËi C |
02. Excite: Calm 20Zg wewmGm
a Restrain: compose b Agitate: trouble
c Upset: perturb d Stimulate: cool down d
Tips: cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov n‡”Q Excite : Calm | hviv ci¯úi wecixZv_©K kã| A_©vr, Excite A_© D‡ËwRZ Kiv Ges
Calm A_© kvšÍ Kiv | Ackb¸‡jvi w`‡K jÿ Kiæb, A. restrain ( wbqš¿Y Kiv) : compose (m„wó Kiv) B. agitate
(D‡ËwRZ Kiv) : trouble (weÿzä Kiv) C. upset (Dëv‡bv) : perturb (D‡ËwRZ Kiv) D.stimulate (D‡ËwRZ Kiv) :
cool down (kvšÍ Kiv) Dc‡ii 4wU Ackb †_‡K D AckbwUi kã †Rvov ci¯úi wecixZv_©K (antonym)| †h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ
cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov Ges Ackb D †Z cÖ`Ë kã †Rvovi gv‡S wecixZv_©K A‡_©i (antonym meaning) m¤úK© we`¨gvb ZvB
mwVK DËi D|
†KŠkj 2 t cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov Kgx© (worker) I Kg©¯’j (work place) welqK n‡j, Ack‡bI Kgx© (worker) I Kg©¯’j
(work place) welqK GK‡Rvov kã Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| †R‡b wbb G RvZxq wKQz m¤úK©|
worker work place worker work place
Actor (Awf‡bZv) Stage (gÂ) Porter (Kzwj) Terminal (Uvwg©bvj)
Chef (eveywP©) Kitchen (ivbœvNi) Physician (wPwKrmK) Infirmary (nvmcvZvj)
Doctor (Wv³vi) Hospital (nvmcvZvj) Skater (¯‹¨vUvi) Rink (ei‡di gvV)
Gladiator (cÖvPxb †iv‡gi gjø‡hv×v) Arena (iY‡ÿÎ) Teller (UvKv MYbvKvix) Bank (e¨vsK)
Judge (wePviK) Courthouse Waiter (I‡qUvi) Restaurant (†i‡¯Íviv)
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 917
03. REEFERE: FIELD:: C.U. (D)07-08,(B-1)12-13
a Scientist: result b Mediator: Deadlock
c Gladiator: contest d Teacher: Classroom
e Judge: courtroom e

†KŠkj 3 t cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov hw` hš¿cvwZ (tool) I H me hš¿cvwZi e¨enviKvix (tool user) m¤úwK©Z nq, Zvn‡j
Ackb †_‡KI hš¿cvwZ (tool) I hš¿cvwZi e¨enviKvix (tool user) welqK m¤úK© Lyu‡R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
G RvZxq wKQz m¤úK© †R‡b wbb|
Tool Tool user Tool Tool user
Awl (gywPi myuB) Cobbler (gywP) Chisel (evUvwj) Sculptor (fv¯‹i)
Auger (KvV wQ`ª Kivi hš¿) Carpenter (QzZviwgw¯¿) Drill (Zzicyb) Dentist (`šÍwPwKrmK)

Brief Lawyer (AvBbRxex) Scalpel Surgeon (kj¨wPwKrmK)

(†gvKÏgvi mswÿß weeiYx) (kj¨we`‡`i †QvU, nvjKv Qzwi)
Brush (eªvk) Painter (wkíx) Scissors (KvuwP) Tailor (`wR©)/ Seamstress
(gwnjv `wR©)
Camera (K¨v‡giv) Photographer Typewriter (gy`ªvÿihš¿) Stenographer
(d‡UvMÖvdvi) (mvuUwjwcKvi)
a Stenographer: Typewriter b Painter: Brush
c Lawyer: brief d Seamstress: Scissors d

†KŠkj-4t cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov hw` Kgx© (performer) I Kg© (action) welqK nq, Zvn‡j Ack‡bI Kgx©
(performer) I Kg© (action) welqK m¤úK© LyuR‡Z n‡e| G RvZxq wKQz m¤úK© †R‡b wbb|
Performer Action Performer Action
Cobbler (gywP) Shoes Optician spectacles
Doctor disease Policeman crime
Legislator (AvBbmfv) Law Psychiatrist (gbtwPwKrmK) maladjustment (ewbebvnxbZv)
05. Choose the pair which best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed by the
capitalised pair. Doctor: Disease- Xvwe- wm-00-01
a Symtom: Cure b Psychiatrist: Maladjustment

c Headmaster: Teacher d Broker: Stock b

†KŠkj-5t cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvov hw` Kgx© (worker) I Zvui m„wóKg© (creation) welqK nq, Zvn‡j Ack‡bI Kgx© I
m„wóKg© welqK m¤úK© LyuR‡Z n‡e| G RvZxq wKQz m¤úK© †R‡b wbb|
Worker Creation Worker Creation
Author Book Programmer Software
Mason Wall Poet Poem
06. Programmer: software is analogous to- †e‡ivwe (E): 12-13
a Doctor: Patien b Sineger: Song
c Poet: Poem d Actor: Drama c
†KŠkj 6 t Member I Class Gi †ÿ‡Î a kind of …Abymv‡i evK¨ MVb Ki‡Z nq| †hgb, Cat : Animal |
m¤úK© n‡”Q- cat n‡”Q GKai‡bi animal |
918 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
Member is a kind of Class Member is a kind of Class
Apple is a kind of Fruit Ode is a kind of Poem
Buffalo is a kind of Mammal Ring is a kind of Jewelry
07. Apple: fruit ::
a Carrot: Vegetable b Mass: Energy
c Headmaster: Teacher d Marble: Statue a

†KŠkj 7 t GKwU welq weÁv‡bi †Kvb kvLvq Av‡jvPbv nq Giƒc m¤úK© wbY©q Ki‡Z Subject & Science QKwU †`Lyb|
Subject Science Subject Science
Animals Zoology Insects Entomology
Cell Cytology Heart Cardiology
Drugs Pharmacology Plants Botany
Disease Pathology Sound Acoustic
08. ‘Botany’ is to ‘plants’ as ‘Zoology to- 29th BCS
a flowers b trees
c dear d animals d

†KŠkj 8 t Adult & Kid Relationship n‡”Q †Kvb RxeRš‘i c~Y© eq‡mi bvgKiY I wkï eq‡mi bvgKi‡Yi gv‡S
m¤úK© wbY©q Kiv| G RvZxq wKQy m¤úK© †R‡b wbb|
Adult Kid Adult Kid
Butterfly Caterpillar Fish Fry
Cat Kitten Goose Gosling
Cow/Whale/Elephant Calf Hen Pullet
Dog Puppy Horse Colt
Deer Fawn Swine Pig
Duck Duckling

09. Swine: Pig ::

a Fish: Cat b Cow: calf
c Bleat: lamb d Goat: Horse b

†KŠkj 9 t Animal and Flesh Relationship n‡”Q GKwU RxeRš‘ I Zvi †Mv‡¯Íi bvg Abymv‡i m¤úK© wbY©q Kiv|
Animal Flesh Animal Flesh
Bird, Poultry Fowl Pig Pork
Cow, Steer Beef Sheep, Goat Mutton
Deer Venison
10. Mutton:goat
a Bleat: Lamb b Calf: Cow
c Hide: Buffalo d Beef: Steer d

†KŠkj 10t Action & Manner Relationship n‡”Q †Kvb KvR Kiv I H KvR Kivi aiY †Kgb †m Abymv‡i m¤úK© wbY©q Kiv|
Action (KvR Kiv) Manner (Kv‡Ri aib) Action (KvR Kiv) Manner (Kv‡Ri aiY)
Cry (Kvu`v) Whine - N¨vb N¨vb K‡i Kuv`v Look (ZvKv‡bv) Stare – w¯’i `„wó‡Z ZvKv‡bv
Whimper – dzuwc‡q Kvu`v Glance – GK cjK †`Lv
Blink – †PvL wcU wcU Kiv
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 919
Drink (cvb Kiv) Gulp – XKXK K‡i cvb Kiv speak (K_v ejv) Whisper – wdmwdm K‡i ejv
Slip – Aí Aí Pzgy‡K cvb Kiv Mumble – wgb wgb Kiv
Stammer - †ZvZjv‡bv
Laugh (nvmv) Guffaw – AÆnvm¨ Kiv Touch (¯úk© Kiv) Brush – nvjKvfv‡e ¯úk© Kiv
Giggle – wdKwdK K‡i nvmv Embrace – Avwj½b Kiv

11. Whisper: Speak Lywe: 10-11

a Brush: Touch b Skip: walk
c Whimpir: whine d listen: hear a

†KŠkj 11t Cause & Effect Relationship n‡”Q GKwU NUbv NUvi KviY I Zvi djvdj Abymv‡i m¤úK© wbY©q Ki‡Z nq|
Cause (KviY) Effect (djvdj) Cause (KviY) Effect (djvdj)
Fire Ashes event memories
12. Fire: Ashes 18th BCS
a Accient: delay b Water: waves
c Event: memories d Wood: splinters c

†KŠkj 12t Action & its significance Relationship n‡”Q GKwU KvR Øviv Ab¨ Av‡iv GKwU Kv‡Ri ¸iæZ¡/cÖfve eySv
hvq Gi wfwˇZ m¤úK© wbY©q Ki‡Z nq|
Action Its significance Action Its significance
Blush Embarrassment Wince Pain
(j¾vq jvj nIqv) (nZeyw×Zv) (e¨_vq KuzP‡K DVv) (e¨_v)
13. Wince : pain ivwe-09-10
a Blush: embarrassment b Pardon: tolerance
c Cry: anger d March: patriotism a

†KŠkj 13t service giver (†mev `vZv) I service Receiver (†mev MÖwnZv) welqK m¤úK© wbY©q Ki‡Z wb‡Pi QKwU c‡o †djyb|
Service Giver Service Receiver Service Giver Service Receiver
Doctor Patient Shopkeeper Customer
Lawyer Client Tutor Student
14. Tutor : Student ::
a Author: Book b Doctor: Patient
c Singer: Song d Poet: Poem b

†KŠkj 14t service giver (†mev `vZv) I service (†mev) welqK m¤úK© wbY©q Ki‡Z wb‡Pi QKwU c‡o †djyb|
Service Giver Service Service Giver Service
Adviser/Mentor/ advice/counsel Patron support
Bodyguard Protection
15. Patron: Support
a Host: Hostility b Manager: Employee
c Counsellor: Advice d Restaurant: Reservation c
920 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
†KŠkj 15 t Degree of Intensity n‡”Q cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë kã †Rvovi gv‡S Zzjbvg~jK Kg-†ewk ZxeªZvi cwigvY eySvq|
gvÎv Kg gvÎv †ewk gvÎv Kg gvÎv †ewk
Admonish Denounce Damage (ÿwZ/nvwb) Demolish
(g„`y fr©mbv) (cÖKv‡k¨ fr©mbv Kiv) (aŸsm Kiv)
Affection Adoration Dislike (AcQ›`) Abhorrence (N„Yv, weZ…òv)
(†¯œn, fv‡jvevmv) ( Avivabv, fw³)
Alleviate Cure ( Av‡ivM¨ jvf Kiv) Interest (my`) Usury (Pov my`)
(Kó/hš¿Yv jvNe Kiv)
Apprehension (D‡ØM) Terror (AvZ¼) Pain (hš¿Yv) Agony (wb`viæY hš¿Yv)

Frugality (wgZe¨wqZv) Parsimony (K…cYZv) Retard (wejw¤^Z Stop (eÜ Kiv)

16. Parsimony: frugality
a Agony: Pain b Anger: Wrath
c Steam: water d Pleasure: gloom a

Analysis Zone - 51
Telescopy(`~iexÿY wbg©vY ev e¨envi Kwievi we`¨v ev KvR)
17. Water : Evaporate :: Ice: ? wmwbqi GKvD›Um K¬vK©,
K¤ú‡Uªvjvi GÛ AwWUi †Rbv‡ij (CGA)- 22 21. Words : writer (kã : †jLK) 32Zg wewmGm
ⓐ cold ⓑ snow a Laws : policeman (AvBb : cywjk)
ⓒ fall ⓓ melt d
b Butter : baker (gvLb : iæwU cÖ¯‘ZKviK)
18. wb‡Pi DcgvwU c~Y©Kvix kã †KvbwU? 39Zg wewmGm
c Chalk : black board (PK : eø¨vK& †evW©)
Finger : Hand :: leaf :
a Flower b Twig d Joy : emotion (Avb›` : Av‡eM) b
c Tree d Branch b 22. Patron : support (c„ô‡cvlK : mg_©b) 32Zg wewmGm
Tips: Finger(Av½yj) : Hand(nvZ) GB kã `ywUi gv‡S m¤úK© a Spouse : divorce (cZœx : weevnwe‡”Q`)
n‡”Q, Avgv‡`i nv‡Z _v‡K Av½yj, †Zgwb leaf (cvZv) _v‡K b Artist : imitation (wkíx : AbyKiY)
DckvLv (twig) ev Mv‡Qi †QvU Wv‡j| c Counselor : advice (Dc‡`óv : Dc‡`k) c
19. Choose the pair of words that expresses a d Restaurant : customer (†i‡¯Íviuv : MÖvnK, †µZv)
relationship similar to that of ‘Harm :
Damage’ Ô(ÿwZ Kiv : ÿwZ Kiv, aŸsm Kiv)Õ ___ 23. Heart : human (ü`q : gvbyl) 32Zg wewmGm
35Zg wewmGm a Wall : brick (cÖvPxi : BU)
a Sweet : Sour (wgwó, gayi : UK) b Hand : child (nvZ : wkï)
b Injure : Incapacitate (AvNvZ Kiv, ÿZ Kiv : c Kitchen : house (ivbœv Ni : Ni)
Aÿg Kiv, AvNv‡Zi Øviv `ye©j Kiv) d Engine : car (hš¿ : Mvwo) d
c Stout : Weak (AUj, kw³kvjx : `ye©j) b 24. ‘Sky’ is to ‘bird’ as ‘water’ is to ____ 29Zg
d Hook : Crook ( evuKv‡bv, eµ Kiv : eµ Kiv ev nIqv) wewmGm
20. Tiger : Zoology (evN : cÖvYxwe`¨v) : : Mars a feather (cvjK) b fish (gvQ)

(g½jMÖn) : 34Zg wewmGm c boat (†bŠKv) d lotus (cÙ) b

a Astrology (†R¨vwZlkv¯¿) 25. ‘Good’ is to ‘bad’ as ‘white’ is to ____ 29Zg
b Cryptology (wµ‡ÞvMÖvwd) wewmGm
a dark (AÜKvi) b black (Kv‡jv)
c Astronomy (†R¨vwZwe`¨v) c
c grey (a~mi) d ebony (Avejym) b
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 921
26. ‘Light’ is to dark as ‘cold’ is to ____29Zg wewmGm d devoted (wb‡ew`Z) dedicated (wb‡ew`Z, DrmM©xK…Z)
a hot (Mig) b heat (Zvc) 33. Lengthen (`xN©vwqZ Kiv)Prolong (`xN©vwqZ Kiv).
c cool (VvÛv) d winter (kxZKvj) a 21Zg wewmGm
a stretch (cÖmvwiZ Kiv extend (cÖmvwiZ Kiv)
27. Conscious (m‡PZb) … Careless (Amveavb) b distance (`~iZ¡) … reduce (n«vm Kiv)
24Zg (evwZj) wewmGm
c draw out shorten
a Careful (mveavb) … Indifferent (D`&vmxb, Awbnv
d reach out … cut short (ms‡ÿc Kiv) a
b Graceful (cÖmbœ, jveY¨gq, mykÖx, my›`i) … Ugly 34. Delay (†`wi Kiv) … Retard (wejw¤^Z Kiv) 21Zg
(KzrwmZ) wewmGm
c Generous (D`vi) … Unkind (wb`©q) a postpone (evwZj Kiv) promote (cÖmvwiZ Kiv)

d Well-informed (mywew`Z)…Knowing little b adjourn (¯’wMZ Kiv) start (ïiæ Kiv)

a c slow down (MwZ Kgv‡bv) hold up (MwZ †iva Kiv)

(mvgvb¨ eyw×gvb)
d defer (wejw¤^Z Kiv) accelerate (Z¡ivwš^Z Kiv) c
28. Submisson (Rgv) ___ Yielding (cÖ`vqK). 22Zg
wewmGm 35. Submissive (eva¨) … Disobedient (Aeva¨) 21Zg
a Subjection (civaxbZv … Liberation (¯^vaxbZv) wewmGm
b Restrain (mshZ Kiv) … Indulge (B”Qv c~iY) a comply (†g‡b †bIqv) conform (†g‡b Pjv)
c Compliant (ivRx, m¤§Z) … Acquiescet (ivRx, m¤§Z) b heed (KY©cvZ Kiv) acquiesce (mg_©b †`qv)
d Restriction (mxgve×Zv) … Relaxation (we‡bv`b) c observe (cvjb Kiv) defy (D‡cÿv Kiv)

c d obey (gvb¨ Kiv) hearken to (KY©cvZ Kiv) c

29. Vacillate (w¯’i bv _vKv) … Hesitate (wØav) 22Zg 36. CARPENTER : SAW 18Zg wewmGm
wewmGm a Stenographer : typewriter
a Persevere (D`¨g) … Waiver (`vweZ¨vM) b Painter : brush
b Impulsive (Av‡eM cÖeY) … Deliberate (B”QvK…Z) c Lawyer : brief
c Obstinate (GKMyu‡q) … Accommodating (AgvwqK) d Seamstress : scissors d
d Irresolute (Aw¯’i wPË) … Indecisive (Aw¯’i gwZ) 37. PAIN : SEDATIVE__ cjøx Dbœqb I mgevq wefv‡Mi Dc-
d AvÂwjK e¨e¯’vcbv I gvV msMVK-13
a comfort : stimulant
30. Assert (cÖgvY Kiv) … Dissent (wfbœgZ). 22Zg wewmGm
b grief : consolation
a Affirm (wbwðZ K‡i ejv) … Object (AvcwË Kiv)
c trance : narcotic
b Reject (cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv) Disapprove (AMÖvn¨ Kiv)
d ache : extraction b
c Acknowledge (¯^xKvi Kiv) … Recognize
38. AFTER (c‡i) : BEFORE (c~‡e©) cjøx Dbœqb I mgevq
(¯^xKvi Kiv) wefv‡Mi Dc-AvÂwjK e¨e¯’vcbv I gvV msMVK-13
d Endorse (Aby‡gv`b Kiv) … Ratify (Aby‡gv`b Kiv) a a first : second
b contemporary
31. Distort (weK…Z Kiv) … Twist (†gvPov‡bv) 22Zg wewmGm
c present : past d
a Straighten (†mvRv Kiv) … Bend (evKv‡bv)
d successor (DËivaxKvix) : predecessor (c~e© cyiæl
b Deform (weK…Z Kiv) … Reform (ms‡kvab Kiv)
c Harmonize (mgš^q mvab Kiv, Lvc LvIqv) …
39. Ephemeral (ÿbRxex) : Eternal(AbšÍ wPi¯’vqx)
mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-06
Balance (m`„k Kiv, fvimvg¨ Ae¯’vq ivLv) a dexterous (Kzkjx) : skilful (`ÿZvc~Y©)
d Observe (ch©‡eÿY Kiv) …. Blur (A¯úó, `y‡e©va¨) b sinister (Aïf) : threatening (ûgwK)
c c vicarious (civ_©) : actual (cÖK…Z:Avmj)
32. Eager (Drmvnx) … Indifferent (Abyrmvnx) 21Zg d clandestine (‡Mvcb †Pviv‡Mvßv): hidden
(jyKv‡bv,‡Mvcb) c
a concerned (DwØMœ)careful (m‡PZb)
b anxious (DwØMœ) … nervous (fxZ mš¿¯Í) 40. Anarchy (AivRKZv): Government (miKvi,
c c kvmb) __ gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii Dccwi`k©K-13
enthusiastic (D`¨gx) halfhearted (wbiæÏg)
a Penury (Afve, `xbZv) : Wealth (abx, m¤ú`)
922 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
bChaos (wek„•Ljv): Disorder (e¨vwa) dBean (wkg) : Crock (‡cqvjv) b
c Monarchy (ivRZš¿) : Republic (cÖRvZš¿) 48. Quiet (kvšÍ) : Quite (GKev‡i, m¤ú~Y© iæ‡c)
d Verbosity (k‡ãi evûj¨) : Words (evMvo¤^i) a evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb -Gi cÖ‡hvRK: 06
aCalm (kvšÍ) : Fully (m¤ú~Y© iæ‡c)
41. Vaccine (wUKv) : Prevent (cÖwZ‡iva)
gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇ii cwi`k©K-13 bFreeze (ei‡d cwiYZ Kiv) : Water (cvwb)
a Wound (ÿZ): Heal (Av‡ivM¨) c Hot (Mig) : Spread (we¯Ívi)
b Victim (wkKvi) : Attend (cwiPh©v) d Heat (Zvc) : Short (mswÿß) a
c Antidote (†ivM cÖwZ‡laK):Counteract(wbevivY Kiv) 49. Credulous (wek¦vmcÖeY) : Sceptical (Awek¦vmx)
d Diagnose (wbY©q) : Cure (cÖwZKvi) c mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii mgvR‡mev Awdmvi 2006
a placate (kvšÍ Kiv) : irritate (R¡vjvZb Kiv)
42. Dignity(gnxqvb) : Humiliate(nxbKiv)
a Praise (cÖksmv) : Criticise (mgv‡jvPbv) b cogent (cÖej) : brilliant (D¾¡j)

b Refuse (A¯^xKvi) : Improve(DbœZ) c ingenuous (AK…wÎg) : native (mv`vwmav)

c d proscribe (wbe©vwmZ Kiv) :prohibit (wbwl× Kiv) a

Sympathise (mnvbyf~wZ cÖKvk): Criticize
(mgv‡jvPbv) 50. Stare ( ZvKvb) : Glance (GK bRi) _____
RvZxq msm‡` mwPevj‡q mnKvix M‡elYv Awdmvi: 06
d Antiseptic (RxevYygy³) : Begin(ïiæ) a
a Love (fvjevmv) : Hate (N„Yv)
43. Monarch (i³Kxq) : Republic (cÖRvZš¿) b Gulp (wb:k¦v‡m) : Sip (PzgyK)
RvZxq msm` mwPevj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2006
c Scorn (cvÎ) : Admire (gy» nIqv)
a Choas : Disorder (e¨vwa)
d Confide (wek¦vm Kiv) : Tell (ejv) b
b Verbosity (evMvo¯^i) : Word (kã)
c Penury (`xbZv) : Wealth (m¤ú`) c 51. Simulate (AbyKiY) : Pretend(mvRv) mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii
mgvR‡mev Awdmvi: 06
d Anarchy (AivRKZv) : Government (miKvi)
a self-abnegate (AvZ¡Z¨vM): deny oneself (wb‡Z
44. Unemployed (‡eKvi) :Worker(Kgx©) Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi evsjv‡`‡k A¯^xKvi Kiv)
†Uwjwfkb Ges weÁvcb AwaKvwiK †MÖW-2: 06
b castigate (Kov mgv‡jvPbv): praise (cÖksmv)
a Fallow (cwZZ) : Field (gvV) c vacillates (w¯’i bv _vKv): decide (wm×všÍ)
b Renovated (cybivq bZzb Kiv) : House (Ni)
d alleviate (Dckg): make worse (Lvivc bv) a
c Observant (ch©‡eÿYkxj): Spectator (‡cÖÿK)
d Unconscious (A‡PZb) : Sleeper (wb`ªvqvq) a 52. ENVELOP: SURROUND evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi
cwimsL¨vb Gwm‡÷›U Awdmvi-14
45. Antenna (AvKvkZvi) : Signal (ms‡KZ) wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK a Efface: Confront
Ges cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖk‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK-06 b House: Dislodge
a Building (feb) : Storey(Zjv)
c Loiter: Linger
b Water (cvwb) : Bucket (evjwZ) d Distend: Struggle
c Fire (Av¸b) : Ash (QvB) e None of these c
d Net (Rvj) : Fish (gvQ) d 53. SYMPHONY(eY©mvgÄm¨,wgj) : COMPOSER (myiKvi)
46. Pecuniary (Avw_©K): Financial (Avw_©K) Bangladesh Bank Officer (General Side) :15
mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii mgvR‡mev Awdmvi 2006 a rain : flood
a noxious (A¯^v¯’¨Ki) : harmful(ÿwZKi) b light (Aïf) : switch (ûgwK)
b subsequent (cieZx©) : preceding (c~e©eZx©) c novel : author
c doleful (KiY) : merry (ïf) a d song : music c
d condolences (mg‡e`bv) : congratulations (Awfb›`b) 54. UNEQUIVOCAL (¯úó) : CLEAR (¯úó)
Bangladesh Bank Officer (General Side): 15
47. Pea (gUi) : Pod (ïuwU) wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK Ges cvm‡cvU© a gloss (e¨vL¨v,UxKv) : agile (PÂj)
A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖk‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK-06
a Orange (Kgjv) : Section (Aa¨vq) b genuine (cÖK…Z,Avmj) : invisible (A`„k¨)

b Nut (ev`vg) : Shell (†Lvjv) c excuse (ARynvZ) : barrier (evav)

c Potato (Avjy): Stew (fv‡c wm× Kiv) d frisky (µxoviZ) : playful (‡KŠZzKc~Y©) d
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 923
55. EXPAND (cÖmvwiZ) : VOLUME (AvqZb,KÚ¯^i) b Elevate(gvb DbœZ Kiv): Agree (m¤§Z
Bangladesh Bank Officer (General Side): 15 nIqv,gvbv,gvwbqv jIqv)
ascend (Av‡ivnb,IVv) : flight (DÇqb) c Joke (iwmKZv Zvgvkv) : Worry (wPšÍv,nqivwb)
proliferate (cÖPzi msL¨vq ¯^xqeske„w×) : number (msL¨v) d Level (¯Íi) : Grade (µg, †kÖYx,c`gh©v`v) b
c bend (eµ nIqv, evKv) : flexibility (bgbxqZv)
62. Benevolent (`vbkxj) : Kind(`qvj~) ::
d deflect (wewbgq) : heading (wk‡ivbvg) b ? : ? Janata Bank
56. COWARD (fxiæ) : BRAVE (mvnmx) Bangladesh Bank Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer (Teller): 15
a Imprudent (A‡eva): Reverential (fw³c~Y)©
Officer (General Side) 15
a b Unclear (A¯úó): Muddy (cw¼j, K`©gZzj¨)
philanthropist (wek¦‡cÖwgK) : selfish (¯^v_©ci)
b martyr (knx`) : impatient (Aaxi,A‰ah©) c Sagacity (cvwÛZ¨): Incautious (AmZK©)

c traitor (wek¦vmNvZK) : careful (mZK©Zv Aej¤^b) d Redundant (AcÖ‡qvRbxq) : Cheerful(cÖdyj)ø a

d hero (bvqK) : cynical (K‡Vvi) a 63. Fortuitous(‰`evr) : Inherent (Rb¥RvZ)::
57. Find the matching pair of words according ? : ? Janata
to the logic of pairing in Bank Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer (Teller):15
a Rugged (iæÿ) : Endurable(mnbxq)
Doctor : Hospital Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2014
a Farmer : Village b Legible (mnRcvV) : Indelible (A‡gvPbxq)

b Chef (iuvaywb) : Kitchen c Envious (Cl©vwš^Z) : Desire(B”Qv)

c Water : Reservoir (Rjavi) d Gregarious (`jwcÖq) : Introverted (AšÍ©gyLx) d

d Plumber (mxmv) : Wrench (†gvPo) b 64. Contradict (A¯^xKvi Kiv) : Contravene(j•Nb
58. Find the matching pair of words according Kiv) Janata Bank Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer 2015
to the logic of pairing in a profane (AcweÎ) : vulgarity (Af`ªZv)
Doctor : Hospital Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer 2014 b confuse (weåvšÍ nIqv) : satisfy (mš‘ó Kiv)
a Teacher : Library c compensate (c~iY Kiv):damage (ÿwZ Kiv)
b Patient : Dispensary d deny (A¯^xKvi Kiv): refute (wg_¨v cÖgvY Kiv) d
c Bee : Flower
65. Deprecate (wb›`v Kiv) : Credit (wek¦vm Kiv)
d Teller : Bank d Janata Bank Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer: 15
59. Escape (gyw³) : Abscond (cjv‡bv, AvZ¥‡Mvcb a unfair (Ab¨vq) : biased (cÿcvZ`yó)
Kiv):: ? : ? Janata Bank Ltd. Assistant b bait (‡Uvc) : heckle (‡Uvc)
Executive Officer (Teller): 15 c enhance (DuPz Kiv) : disparage (wb›`v Kiv Ac`¯’Kiv)
a Freedom: Independence
d discourage (wbiærmvn Kiv): force(kw³) c
b Exult (Djøvm Kiv) : Jubilate (Avb›` cÖKvk Kiv)
c Weaken: Strengthen
66. Blurred (A¯úô) : Confused (weåvšÍ) Janata Bank Ltd.
Assistant Executive Officer: 15
d Endless (Aweivg) : Eternal (wPi¯’vqx) b
a dangerous (wec¾bK) : adequate(ch©vß)
60. Burden (fviMÖ¯Í Kiv) : Encumber (e¨vnZ Kiv):: b muddled (nZeyw×,‡Lvjv) : unclear (A¯úó)
? : ? Janata c scam (Lvivc †avKv): clarity (¯úóZv)
Bank Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer (Teller): 15
a Weariness (K¬vwšÍ) : Tireless(K¬vwšÍnxb) d abatement (Dckg) : significant (¸iæZ¡c~Y)© b
b Synopsise (mswÿß Kiv) : Recapitulate (ms‡ÿ‡c 67. Harm(ÿwZ Kiv) : Damage(ÿwZ Kiv) Janata Bank
cybive„wË Kiv) Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer: 15
c Reptile (mixm„c) : Snake (mvc) a injure (ÿwZKiv) : incapacitate (Aÿg Kiv)

d Behead (wki‡ñ` Kiv) : Summary (ms‡ÿc) b b sweet (wgwó) : sour (UK)

c stout (k³): weak (big)
61. Alleviate (Kgv‡bv, Dckg Kiv) : Aggravate
(D˨³ Kiv) :: ? : ? Janata d hook (AuvKov): crook (evuKv wRwbm) a
Bank Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer (Teller): 15 68. Biased(cÿcvZ`yó): Partial(cÿcvZx) Janata Bank
a Elastic (cÖvYešÍ): Rigid (Abgbxq,kw³,K‡Vvi)
Ltd. Assistant Executive Officer: 15
a built-in (mv‡_B ˆZwi) : included (mv‡_ _vKv)
924 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
b axle (Pµ `Û) : wheel (PvKv) 75. GUN (e›`zK) : HUNTING (wkKvi) Rupali Bank Ltd.
c partisan (cÿxq) : prejudiced (cÿZv`yó) Officer: 13
Driver (PvjK) : Springboard (w¯ús‡evW©)
leaning ( †uSvK): yield (Drcbœ e¯‘ ) c
Horse (‡Nvov) : Polo(‡cv‡jv)
69. Underscore: Emphasis Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior c Bat (e¨vU) : Cricket (wµ‡KU)
Officer (Re-exma): 13
d Racquet (i¨v‡KU) : Tennis (‡Uwbm) a
aEradicate (wbg©~j) : Destruction (aŸsm)
76. FOREST (eb) : TRESS (MvQ) Rupali Bank Ltd.
Stigmatize (Acev` †`Iqv) : Confrontation (gyKvwejv)
Officer: 13
c Quantify (msL¨vq) : Assessment (g~j¨vqb) a
Lawn (Z…bve„Z gm„bRwg) : Grass (Nvm)
d Brand : Ownership b
Shore (Zxi) : Lake (nª`)
e Log : Record e c Valley (DcZ¨Kv) : Stream (cÖevn)
70. Ostrich (DUcvwL) : Bird (cvwL) Agrani Bank Ltd. d Ocean (gnvmvMi) : Rocks (wkjv) a
Senior Officer (Re-exma) 2013 77. DERTH (MfxiZv) : SEA (mgy`ª) Rupali Bank Ltd.
a Caterpillar (¸wU‡cvKv) : Moth (g_‡cvKv) Officer: 13
b a Ray (iwk¥) : Sun (m~h©)
Lizard (wUKwUwK) : Frog (e¨vO)
b Length (‰`N©¨) : Width (cÖ¯)’
c Bud (Kzuwo) : Leaf (cvZv)
c Peak (k„½,kxl©) : Valley (DcZ¨Kv)
d Tiger : Cat
d Height (D”PZv) : Mountain (ce©Z) d
e Gust (SvcUv) :Storm (So) d
78. Sample (bgybv) : Universe (wek^) :: Probasi Kallyan
71. Practicing : Expertise Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Bank Senior Officer: 14
Officer (Re-exma): 13 a Plan (cwiKíbv) : Research (M‡elYv)
a Thinking: Logic b Individual : Population
b Writing: Clarity c Mathematics (MwYZkv¯¿) : Statistics (cwimsL¨vb)
c Growing: Health d Element : Electron (cigvby) b
d Exercising: Strength
79. Addicted (Avm³) : Dedicated (DrmM©K…Z) :
e Eating: Nutrition d Prbasi Kallyan Bank Senior Officer 2014
72. Forgery (bKj) : Counterfeit (bKj) Agrani a Slavish (µxZ`vm mgZzj¨): Kindly (`qvevb)
Bank Ltd. Senior Officer (Re-exma): 13 b Fanatical (AZ¨šÍ Drmvnx):Enthusiastic(Drmvnx,Abyiæc)
a Duplicity (cÖZviYv) : Testimony (cÖgvY,mvÿ¨) c Acute (Zxeª) : chronic (`xN©¯’vqx)
b Arson (AwMœms‡hvM) : Insurance (exgv) d Temporary (A¯’vqx) : Permanent (¯’vqx) b
c Embezzlement (‡auvKv †`Iqv) : Fraud (†auvKv †`Iqv) 80. Apostate (ag©Z¨vMx) : Religion (ag©) :: Probasi
d Theft : Punishment Kallyan Bank Senior Officer: 14
a Loyal (wek^¯)Í : Faith (wek^vm)
e Murder: Life c
b Traitor (wek^vmNvZK) : Country (‡`k)
73. BIOLOGY : LIFE SYSTEM Rupali Bank Ltd. c Vital (AZ¨vek¨K) : Church (wMR©v)
Officer: 13
a science: facts d Disloyal(wek^vmNvZK) : Colonies (Dcwb‡ek) b
b petrology (wkjvZË¡): transportation (cwienb) 81. Month : March Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Ass.
c anthropology : human kind`s development
Officer (Grade-3): 13
a Play : Shakespeare
d graphology (wjwc) : law (wewa) c b Cinema : Name
74. DEGREE : TEMPERATURE Rupali Bank Ltd. c Novel : Title (wk‡ivbvg)
Officer: 13 d City : Tokyo d
a Ounce (AvDÝ) : Weight (IRb)
82. Bench (‡eÂ,Uzj) :tool (Uzj) Islami Bank
b Fathom (Abyaveb Kiv) : Volume (KÚ¯^i/AvqZb) Bangladesh Ltd Ass. Officer (Grade-3): 13
c Mass (fi) : Energy (kw³) a Room (Kÿ) : Veranda (eviv›`v)

d Light : Heat a b Cup : Saucer (wcwiP,wWk)

c Yardstick (gvcKvwV) : Foot rule
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 925
d Table : Cupboard (Avjgvwi) b c
smug (wdUdvU,AvZ¥Z…ß) : complacency (cÖmbœ,myL)
83. Money:Misappropriation (AvZ¥mvr) Islami Bank d emaciated (K…k,ÿqcÖvß) : nourishment (cywó) d
Bangladesh Ltd., Ass. Officer (Grade-3) 2013 91. ANNOTATE (gšÍe¨,UxKv) : TEXT (g~jcvV) Social
Writing (‡jLv) : Plagiarism (‡jLvPzwi) Islami Bank Ltd. Probationary Officer: 14
Gold (¯^Y©) : Theft (Pzwi) aenact (AvBb cvm) : law (AvBb)
c Confidence (Av¯’v) : Deception (cÖZviYv) bprescribe (wb‡`©k Kiv) : medication (Jla)
d Germ (RxevYy) : Diseases (‡ivM) a c caption (wk‡ivbvg) : photograph (Qwe)
84. Tooth (`vZ) : Gum (`šÍg~j) Islami Bank d abridge (mswÿß Kiv) : novel (Dcb¨vm) d
Bangladesh Ltd., Ass. Officer (Grade-3): 13 92. Promise (cÖwZkÖæwZ) : Fulfill (c~Y© Kiv) :: Mercantile
Chest (eyK) : Ribs (cuvRi) Bank Ltd. Management Trainee Officer: 14
Bone (nvo) : Joint (mshy³) aPawn (evuav †`Iqv,eÜK †`Iqv) : Redeem (Lvjvm Kiv)
c Heart (ü`q) : Aorta (gnvagbx) bPledge (A½xKvi) : Deny (A½xKvi Kiv)
d Eye (‡PvL) : Socket (MZ©,‡Lvj,KzwUi) d c Law (AvBb) : Enforce (‡Rvi`vi Kiv)
85. Diamond (nxiv) : Necklace (gvjv) Bank Bangladesh d Confession (¯^xKv‡ivw³) : Hedge (‡NivI Kiv) c
Ltd., Ass. Officer (Grade-3): 13
93. Debate (weZK©) :Forensic(Av`vjZ m¤^Üxq) :: Mercantile
Cars : Roads
Bank Ltd. Management Trainee Officer: 14
Flowers : Bouquet (dz‡ji †Zvov) a Drama (bvUK) : Histrionic (bvUKxq)
c Gold : Bangle (evjv,KvKub)
b Opera (hvÎv,MxwZbvU¨) : Spoken (K_¨,D”PvwiZ)
d Books : Shop c
c Concerto (MvbwelqK iPbv) : Harmonising (wgj)
86. Communication : Message (evZ©v) d Argument (hyw³) : Domestic (cvwievwiK) d
Bank Ltd. Trainee Officer 2014
a humour (‡gRvR) : amusement (wPËwe‡bv`b) 94. Notable(D‡jøL‡hvM¨):Notorious(KzL¨vZ):: Mercantile
b expression : words Bank Ltd. Management Trainee Officer: 14
a Philanthropic (wek^‡cÖwgK,gvbe wn‰Zlx) :
c clarification (e¨vL¨v) : doubt (m‡›`n)
d radiation : cosmic a Benevolent (`vbkxj)
b Philandering (‡cÖgwb‡e`b Kiv) : Pleasant
87. Fulsome (Mwn©Z,Akøxj) : Praise (cÖksmv) UCB Bank
Ltd. Trainee Officer: 14 (Avb›``vqK)
a hansom (Awfbq wfwWI) : cab (Mvwo) c Nefarious (`yó,e`gvBk,cvwR) : Secret (‡Mvcb)
b noisome (ÿwZKi) : smell (MÜ) d Philanthropic : Miserly (K…cY) d
c lissome (bgbxq) : movement (Av‡›`vjb) b
95. Earnest(AvšÍwiK) : Immoral (Amr) :: Mercantile
d handsome (my`k©b) : appearance (‡Pnviv,AvKvi) Bank Ltd. Management Trainee Officer: 14
88. Plenitude (cÖvPzh©): Abundance (cÖvPzh©) UCB Bank a Land (f~wg) : Evil (g›`)
Ltd. Trainee Officer: 14 b Dissolute (PwiÎnxb) : Lascivious (j¤úU,KvgyK)
a augury (c~e©fvm) : divination (mwVK Abygvb)
c Restrained (wbqwš¿Z,mshZ) : Wanton (Awbqwš¿Z)
b indurate (k³ Kiv) : harden (k³ Kiv)
d Shore (b`xi wKbviv,Zxi) : Reef (cÖevjcÖvPxi) c
c perspicacity (¯^”Q`„wó) : clarity (¯^”QZv)
d mulct (Rwigvbv Kiv) : muzzle (gyLeÜ Kiv,¯Íä Kiv) 96. Select the pair that best expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the
89. Key (ev`¨h‡š¿i Pvwe) : Piano (wcqv‡bv) UCB Bank pair FISH (gvQ) : SCALES (Auvk) Xvwe (M): 15-16
a plane (mgZj) : wings (cvÿv,Wvbv)
Ltd. Trainee Officer: 14
a wind (evqy) : flute (euvwk) b cat (weovj) : claws (_vev,bL)
b oboe (mvbvB Gi g‡Zv) : saxophone (ev`¨hš¿we‡kl) c bird (cvwL) : feathers (cvjK)
c beat (Zvj, evievi AvNvZ Kiv): drum (XvK) d snake (mvc) : fangs (`xN© `uv‡Zi cÖv‡šÍ)
d String (Zvi) : guitar (wMUvi) d e song (Mvb) : notes (gšÍe¨) c
90. INDIGENT(Afvex,Mwie,`wi`ª):WEALTH(m¤ú`) 97. HEART (ü`q) : HUMAN (gvbyl) Xvwe (M): 14-15
Social Islami Bank Ltd. Probationary Officer: 14 a Tail (‡jR) : Dog (KzKzi)
a contented (mš‘ó) : happiness (myL)
b Hand (nvZ) : Child (wkï)
b aristocratic (AwfRvZ) : stature (gh©v`v)
c Kitchen (ivbœvNi) : House (evwo)
926 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
d Brick (BU) : Wall (‡`Iqvj) 106. Airplane (wegvb): Hangar (wegvb ivLvi ¯’vb) Xvwe
e Engine (BwÄb) : Car (Mvwo) e (M): 03-04
a Ship (RvnvR) : Channel (bvjv)
98. Which pair of words is synonymous? Xvwe (M): b Automobile (gUiMvwo) : Garage (gUiMvwo ivLvi¯’vb)
c Helicopter ( †nwjKÞvi) : Bad (weQvbv)
a waste (cwZZ/AveR©bv), trash (AveR©bv)
d Motorcycle (‡gvUi mvB‡Kj) : Sidecar (gUi
b reduce (Kgv‡bv), rubbish (AveR©bv)
c complement (cwic~iK) : criticize (mgv‡jvPbv Kiv) mvB‡K‡ji cv‡k evav †QvU GK PvKvi Mvwo) b

d conserve (iÿv Kiv), consume (MÖvm Kiv) a 107. Wealth (m¤ú`) : Luxuries (wejvm eûj) Xvwe (M):
99. Expiate(Aciva‡eva): Guilt(cÖvqwðZ Kiv) Xvwe (M): 11- a Story (Mí) : Moral (‰bwZK)
12 b Sandwich (m¨vÛDBP) : Bread (iæwU)
a Canvass (c~Y© Av‡jvPbv Kiv) Support (mg_©b) c Enemies (kµ) : Friends (eÜz)
b Adorn (Aj¼…Z Kiv) : aooearabce (`„wó‡MvPiZv) d Crying (Kvbœv) : Sympathy (mnvbyf~wZ) d
c testify (mvÿx nIqv) : cnviction (ag©všÍixKiY)
108. Peak (wkLi, Pyov) : Summit (kxl©) Xvwe (M): 03-04
d Correct (mwVK) : error (fzj) d a Foreign (we‡`kx) : Native (‡`kxq)
100. Play (bvUK) : Acts (Awfbq) Xvwe (M): 11-12 b Mutation (cwieZ©b) : Change (cwieZ©b)
a Essay (cÖeÜ): Topics (welq) c Gun (e›`yK) : Soldier (‰mwbK)
b Game (†Ljv) : Athletes (µxovwe`) d Switch (myBP) : Current (cÖPwjZ) b
c Novel (Dcb¨vm): Chapter (Aa¨vq) 109. Spool (bvUvB) : Thread (myZv) Xvwe (M): 03-04
d Poem (KweZv) : Rhymes (¯’veK) c a Coil (KzÛjx) : Rope (`wo)
b Bale (MvU evuav) : Hay (Lo)
101. Master (cÖf)z : Servant (PvKi) Xvwe (M): 10-11
a Judge (wePvi) : Jurry (`j) c Peck( †evPKv) :Potatoes(Avjy)

b Capital (gyjab) : Labour (Rwg`vi) d Verse (PiY) : Song(Mvb) a

c Monarch (ivóªkvmK) : Subject (welq) 110. Music (m½xZ) : Guitar(GKai‡bi ev`¨hš¿) Xvwe (M):
d Landlord (Rwg`vi) : Tenant (cÖRv) d a Stamping (gy`ªY) : Noise (‡Mvjgvj)
102. Candle : Tallow Xvwe (M): 10-11 b Water (cvwb) : Ocean (mvMi)
a Banana (Kjv) : Peel (Qvj) c Windows (Rvbvjv) : House (evwo)
b Statue (g~wZ©) : Bronze (Zvgv I wUb wgwkÖZ avZz) d Words (k㸔Q) : Typewriter (UvBc ivBUvi) d
c Furniture (AvmevecÎ) : Polish (cvwjk Kiv)
111. Stare (ZvKvb) : Glance (GK bR‡i) : Rvwe (E): 14-15
d Fire (Av¸b) : Ashes (QvB) b a Gulp (wbtk^v‡m,‡XvuK) : Sip (PzgyK)

103. Wince (QUdU Kiv): Pain (hš¿Yv) Xvwe (M): 01-02 b Confide (fimv ivLv) : Tell (ejv)
a Blush (j¾vq Aviw³g nIqv) Embarrassment c Scorn (N„Yv Kiv,) : Admire (cÖksmv Kiv)

(j¾v K…ZKv‡h©i Rb¨) d Participate (AskMÖnY Kiv) : Observe (ch©‡eÿY

b March (‰mb¨‡`i m½xZ) : Patriotism (¯^‡`k †cÖg) Kiv) a
c Sing (Mvb MvIqv) Gaiety (Djøvm) 112. Pain (e¨_v) : Sedative (cÖkvwšÍ`vqK) Rvwe (C): 14-15
d Pardon (ÿgv): tolerance (mn¨kw³) a a Comfort (AvqZb) : Stimulant (DÏxcK)

104. Proponent (cÖ¯ÍveK): Theory (gZev`) Xvwe (M):05-06 b Trance (mgvwa) : Narcotic (†PZbvkK)
a Nonbeliever (Awek¦vmx) : Sin (cvc) c Grief (welv`) : Consolation (mvšÍ¦bv)
b Traitor (¯^‡`k‡`ªvnx) : country (‡`k) d Ache (†e`bv) : Extraction (wb®‹vkb) c
c Adherent (AbyMZ) : Belief (wek¦vm) 113. Scales (`uvwocvjøv) : Justice (b¨vqwePvi) Rvwe (F): 14-15
d Attorney (Avg‡gv³vi) : Law (AvBb) d a Laws (AvBb) : Court (Av`vjZ)
105. Discharged (ewn®‹vi): Soldier (‰mwbK) Xvwe(M):05-06 b Torch (gkvj) : Liberty (¯^vaxbZv)
a Fired (¸wj Kiv) : Canon (ag©kv¯¿) c Balance (fvimvg¨) : Inequality (‰elg¨)
b Graduated (¯œvZK) : Student (QvÎ) d Weight (IRb) : Measure (cwigvc) d
c Appointed (wbhy³) : Judge (wePviK) d
114. EARTH (c„w_ex) : PLANET (MÖn) Rvwe (G): 14-15
d Transferred (¯’vbvšÍi) : Employee (PvKzwiRxwe)
a May (gv‡mi bvg) : Month (gvm)
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 927
b Sunday (iweevi) : Week (mßvn) 123. CONTINENT (gnv‡`k): ISLAND (Øxc)::
c Moon (Pvu`) : Satellite (DcMÖn) Rvwe(E-1): 13-14
a ocean (gnvmvMi) : lake (n«`)
d Asia (Gwkqv) : Continent (gnv‡`k) a
b river (b`x) : canal (Lvj)
115. GRAVITY (Mv¤¢xh©) : PULL (Uvbv) Rvwe (G): 14-15 c productive (Drcv`bkxj) : land (Rwg)
a magnetism (ga¨vKl©Y, AwfKl©Y): attraction
d ardent (R¦jšÍ) : smell (MÜ) a
b iron (†jvnv) : metal (avZz) 124. Trophy (RqwPý): Contestant (cÖwZ‡hvMx) Rvwe (B2):
c north pole (DË&i †giæ): direction (w`K) a Baton (ÿz`ª jvwV we‡kl) : Runner (cjvZK)
d dust (ay‡jv) : desert (giæf~gx) a b Honors (m¤§vb) : Student (QvÎ-QvÎx)
116. Degree (cwigvc, avc, gvÎv): Temperature c Loan (FY) : Cashier (†Kvlva¨ÿ)
(ZvcgvÎv) Rvwe (B): 15-16 d Book (eB) : Bibliography (MÖš’cwÄ) b
a Time (mgq): Length (‰`N©¨,j¤^v)
125. Choose the correct analogy : Vaccine (wUKv)
b Light (Av‡jv) : Heat (Zvc)
c Ounce (IR‡bi GKK) : Weight (IRb)
: Prevent (cÖwZ‡iva) Rwe (B): 15-16
a antidote (cÖwZ‡laK) : counteract (e¨_©)
d Mass (fi) : Energy (kw³) c
b victim (wkKvi) : attend (cwiPh©v)
117. Barter (cY¨wewbgq): Commodities (cY¨mvgMÖx) c antiseptic (RxevYygy³) : infect (msµvgK)
Rvwe (B): 15-16
a Correspond (cÎ wewbgq) : Letters (cÎ) d wound (ÿZ) : heat ((Zvc) a
b Promote : Ranks 126. Choose the correct analogy. Seer (fwel¨r
c Debate: Issues e³v) : Prophecy (fwel¨r evYx) Rwe (D): 15-16
d Invade: Boundaries a a Mentor (civgk©`vZv) : Reward (cyi¯‹vi)
118. Fossils (Rxevk¥) : Creatures (cÖvYx) Rvwe ÔBÕ: 15-16 b Sage (Ávbx e¨w³) : Wisdom (Ávb Mf© K_v)
a Mummines : Egypt (wgki) c Pilgrim (bevMZ) : Diligence (Aa¨emvq)
b Mummies : Human beings
d Diplomat (K~UbxwZK) : Flattery (PvUz,‡Zvlv‡gv`) b
c Mummies (gwg) : Animals (cÖvYx)
d Mummies : Martyrs (knx`‡`i) b
127. Choose the pair that best expresses similar
relationship. `Fire (Av¸b) : Ashes (QvB)`. Rwe (C):
119. Ocean (gnvmgy`ª) : Water (cvwb) Rvwe (B): 15-16 14-15
a Glacier (wngb`x,Zzlvi b`x) : Refrigerator (wd«R) a Accident (`~N©Ubv) : Delay (wej¤^)
b Glacier : Ice (eid)
b Water (cvwb) : Waves (Zi½)
c Glacier : Mountain (ce©Z)
c Wood (KvV) : Splinter (PUv)
d Glacier : Cave (¸nv) b
d Event (NUbv) : Memories (¯§„wZ) d
120. Anarchy (AivRKZv,wek„•Ljv) : Government
128. Milk : Cheese :: Tree : ? ivwe (we): 14-15
(miKvi,kvmb) Rvwe (B): 15-16 a Wood (MvQ) b Flower (dzj)
a Penury (`wi`ªZv): Wealth (m¤ú`)
c Fruit (dj) d Shadow (Qvqv) a
b Chaos (wek„•Ljv) : Disorder (e¨vwa, wek„•Ljv)
c Monarchy (ivRZš¿) : Republic (cÖRvZš¿) 129. Judge (wePviK) : Court (Av`vjZ) :: Doctor :
d Verbosity (k‡ãi evûj¨) : Words (kã) a ? ivwe (we): 14-15
a Clinic b Chamber
121. Trophy (RqwPý):Contestant (cÖwZ‡hvMx) Rvwe (B2): 13- c
14 c Hospital d Patient
a Baton (ÿz`ª jvwV we‡kl) : Runner (cjvZK) 130. Criminal (Acivax) : Offence (Aciva)::Judge
b Honors (m¤§vb) : Student (QvÎ-QvÎx) (wePviK) : ? ivwe (we): 14-15
c Loan (FY) : Cashier (†Kvlva¨ÿ) a Jail (KvivMvi) b Execution wbev©n (g„Zy¨`Ð)
d Book (eB) : Bibliography (MÖš’cwšÍ) b c Fine (Rwigvbv) d Judgment (wePvi ivq) d
122. ILLUSIVE (gvqvgq) : 131. The Senate is part of Congress. A Lobby
CAPTURE(†MÖdZvi,AvUK e¨w³) : Rvwe (E-1): 13-14 is related to _. ivwe (wW-we‡Rvo): 14-15
a Headstrong (GK¸u‡q, DרZ) : Control (wbqš¿Y)
a Chamber b Democracy
b Altruism (civ_©ciZv) : Taciturn (Aífvlx)
c Hotel d Cinema c
c Abdicate (Z¨vM Kiv) : Support (mg_©b)
d Fatal (gvivZ¡K) : Ardent (R¦jšÍ) a 132. Oasis (giæ`¨vb) is related to Sand (evwj).
Island (Øxc) is related to ____. ivwe (wW-we‡Rvo): 14-15
928 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
a River b Sea 140. Which of the following is analogous to
c Wave (Zi½) d Water d `Refinery (‡kvabvMvi) : Petroleum
133. Find the pair of words that best matches (‡c‡Uªvwjqvg)`? Pwe (A1-weÁvb Abyl`): 14-15
the given pair ____ ivwe (H): 13-14 a mill (Kj) : grain (kl¨)
FOOD (Lv`¨) : MENU (Lv`¨ ZvwjKv) b mine : ore (AvKwiK,g~j¨evb avZz)
a accounting (wnmve) : inventory (Rq) c warehouse (¸`vg,cY¨Mvi) : merchandise (cY¨`ªe¨)
b index (m~PK) : foreword (gyLeÜ, f~wgKv) d generator : electricity (we`y¨r)
c silverware (KuvUv PvgP) : spoon (PvgP) d e forest : lumber (_c_wc‡q Pjv) a
d merchandise (cY¨`ªe¨) : catalogue (ZvwjKv,m~wP) 141. Novelist (Jcb¨vwmK) : Plot (cvjv) (Pwe B-1-Kjv I
134. Tooth (`uvZ) : Gum (`Û¤^j) :: Hair : ? i.we (AvBb gvbewe`¨v Abyl`): 14-15
Abyl` ÔGÕ †Rvo): 13-14 a Dramatist (bvU¨Kvi) : Proscenium (i½g‡Âi hewbKv)
a Dimple (‡Uvj) b Scalp (gv_vi Lywj) b Sculptor (fv¯‹i) : Chisel (KvUvwj Øviv KvUv)
c Cheek (Mvj) d Elbow (KbyB) b c Architect (¯’cwZ): Blueprint (cwiKíbv,cwiwPwZ)

135. Premier is to country as ivwe (AvBb Abyl` ÔGÕ †Rvo): d Composer (myiKvi) : Percussion (m•NvZ) c
a teacher is to learning 142. Faction (`jv`wj) : Politics (ivRbxwZ) .we (B-1-Kjv I
gvbewe`¨v Abyl`) 14-15
b president is to cabinet
a Dogma (gZev`) : Secularism (ag©wbi‡cÿZv)
c principal is to college
b Sect (we‡ivax `j) : Religion
d soldier is to sailor (bvweK) a
c Controversy (weZK©) : Consensus (me©m¤§wZ)
136. Entrepreneur (D‡`¨v³v) : Profits (jvf) :
d Opinion : Hypothesis (Abygvb) b
Labourer (kÖwgK) :? ivwe (AvBb Abyl` ÔGÕ †Rvo): 13-14
a Wages (‡eZb) 143. Sugar (wPwb) is to `sugarcane (AvL)` as___ Pwe
(B-7-Kjv I gvbewe`¨v Abyl`): 14-15
b Employees (Kg©Pvix)
a clay to dust (gvwU ,ay‡jv)
c Complaints (Awf‡hvM)
b furniture to wood
d Trade union (kÖwgK mwgwZ) a c rice to crop
137. Vacillate (BZ¯ÍZ: Kiv) : Hesitate (BZ¯ÍZ: Kiv) d sun to moon b
Pwe (C-1): 15-16 144. MONOTHEISM(G‡Kk^iev`) : THEISM (Aw¯ÍZ¡): Pwe
a Obstinate (GK¸‡uq) : Accommodating (AgvwqK)
(wm1): 14-15
b Impulsive (Av‡eM cÖeY) : Deliberate (B”QvK…Z) a monologue (bvUKvw`) : prologue (cÖ¯Ívebv)
c Irresolute (Aw¯’i msKí) : Indecisive (AgxgvswmZ) b unicycle (evwRK‡ii †Ljv †`Lv‡bvi GK PvKvi
d Restrain (mshZ Kiv) : Indulge (B”Qvc~iY)
mvB‡Kj) : cycle (mvB‡Kj)
e Affirm : Object c c banal (MZvbyMwZK) : vain (e¨_©)
138. Delay (wej¤^ Kiv) : Retard Pwe( C-1): 15-16 d unison : unified
a Slow down (g›`xf~Z Øviv) : Hold up (wbðj e monocle (†Pv‡Li Pkgv) : glasses (Pkgv) e
Kiv, †`wi Kiv‡bv) 145. MISOGYNIST(bvixwe‡Ølx):FEMINISM(bvixev`):
b Defer (gyjZwe ivLv,wej¤^ Kiv) : Accelearate (`ªæZZi) Pwe (wm1-e¨emvq cÖkvmb Abyl`): 14-15
c Postpone (¯’wMZ Kiv) : Promote (DbœwZ Kiv) a cynic (ïfbvw¯ÍK) : doubt (m‡›`n)
d Adjourn (¯’wMZ ivLv) : Start (ïiæ Kiv) a b bureaucrat : anarchy (AivRKZv)
e Castigate (Kiv mgv‡jvPbv) : Praise (cÖksmv Kiv) c fatalist (A`„óev`x) : suicide (AvZ¥nZ¨v)
139. The correct analogy of `River(b`x):Brook (‡QvU d existentialist (cÖvK…wZK `y‡hv©M) : existence (Aw¯ÍZ)¡
b`x) : Bay`(DcmvMi) is Pwe (I): 15-16 d type : belief b
a Sea (mvMi) b Ocean (gnvmvMi) 146. Antena (AeKvk) : Signal (ms‡KZ) : Pwe (we): 13-14
c Pond (cyKzi) d Lagoon a a Telegram (`~ievZ©v) : Sender (‡cÖiK)
e Creek [LvZ (mgy`ª ev b`x †_‡K †ewi‡q Avmv †Qv‡Uv bvjv)] b Stem (WvuUv,Mv‡Qi KvÛ) : Flower (dzj)
c Story (Mí) : Reporter (cÖwZ‡e`K)
d Net (Rvj) : Fish (gvQ) d
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 929
147. Embezzle (AvZ¥mvr,`Lj Kiv) : Fund (Znwej) : 153. Which one of the following pairs is similar in
Pwe (we): 13-14 relationship to HELMET (gv_vi eg©) : HEAD(gv_v)?
a Usurp (Rei`Lj) : Power (kw³,ÿgZv) Pwe (B): 12-13
b a pedal (cv-`vb) : foot (cv)
Impede (evuav †`Iqv) : Obstacle (euvav †`Iqv)
b gun (e›`yK) : hand (nvZ)
c Exploit (†kvlY Kiv) : Victim (wkKvi)
a c breastplate (ey‡K cwievi eg©) : chest (eyK)
d Overcome (AwZµg Kiv) : Combatant (‡hv×v)
d pendant (`yyj) : neck (Nvo)
148. SELDOM(K`vwPr) : FREQUENTLY(NbNb): Pwe e knapsack : back c
(wm1 BDwbU e¨emvq cÖkvmb Abyl`): 13-14
a 154. Choose the pair which best expresses the
always (memgq) : never (KLbI b‡n)
same relationship between ___ Lywe (mvgvwRK weÁvb
b occasionally (gv‡S gv‡S) : constantly(µgvMZ) ¯‹z):15-16
c occasionally (gv‡S gv‡S) : intermittently a Art (wkí) : Appreciation (K…ZÁZv)
d sad (`ytwLZ) : gay (nvwmLywk) b Colors (is) : Pallet (L‡oi Mw`)
e never : always (memgq) b c Fresco (‡`qvj wPÎ) : Painter (wPÎ wkíx)
149. INTRINSIC (AšÍf~©³,¯^Kxq) : EXTRINSIC d Leonardo : Music (m½xZ) c
(ewng©yLx) :: Pwe (wm1): 13-14 155. AUTHOR(‡jLK) : BOOK (eB) Lywe (S: 14-15
a intentional (B”QvK…Z) : unintentional (Awb”QvK…Z) a Trees (MvQ) : Roots (wkKi)
b vivid (cÖvYešÍ) : dull (wb‡¯ÍR) b Pilot (wegvb PvjK) : Pen (Kjg)
c real (Avgj,ev¯Íe) : simulated (K…wÎg) c Bread (iæwU) : Bones (nvo)
d intentional (B”QK…Z) : accidental (AvKw¯§K) d Stones (cv_i) : Statue (g~wZ©)
e real : extraneous d e None of these e
150. The pair of words that best matches the 156. SUBMISSIVE (webqx): DISOBEDIENT (Aeva¨)
relationship between `Fragile : Break(weiwZ)` Lywe (S): 14-15
is Pwe (B): 13-14 a Head (gv_v) : Acquiesce (‡gŠbm¤§wZ †`Iqv)
a quick (`ªæZ) : control (wbqš¿Y) b Comply (‡g‡b Pjv, m¤§Z nIqv) :Conform (m¤§Z
b invisible (A`„k¨) : see (†`L‡Z) nIqv)
c hasty (`ªæZMwZ) : slow (axi) c Obey (gvb¨ Kiv) : Hearken to (‡kvbv)
d flammable (AwMœ`vn¨) : burn (`» Kiv) d Observer (ch©‡eÿK) : Defy (¯úa©v)
e expert (we‡klÁ) : proficient (`ÿ,ÿgZvkxj) d e None of these d
151. Select the pair that best expresses a 157. Choose the pair that expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the relationship similar to the one expressed
original pair : Egg : Oval (wW¤^vKvi) Pwe (K): 12-13 By the capitalized pair, TYCOON (cywRcvZ) :
a Brick(BU) : Rectangular (AvqZKvi,†ÿÎKvi)
AFFLUENT (mg„×kvjx) †e‡ivwe (wm): 12-13
b Cow : Milk (`ya) b GENTLE (f`ª) : RUDE (Af`ª)
c Bee (†gŠgvwQ) : Honey (gay) c BEGGAR (wfÿzK) : PAUPER(wbt¯^)

d Camel (DU) : Desert (giæf~wg) d STUDENT : SCHOOL

e NONE c
e Milk (`ya) : White (mv`v) a
158.Select the best relationship.
152. Which is in the similar relationship to DEVOTED(AbyMZ) : DEDICATED (DrmM©xK…Z)
JUDGE (wePviK) : COURTHOUSE (wePvivjq) †e‡ivwe(wm): 12-13
?Pwe (L-1): 12-13 a EAGER (AvMÖnx) : INDIFFERENT (D`vmxb)
a physician (wPwKrmK) : infirmary (nvmcvZvj) b ANXIOUS (DwØMœ) : NERVOUS (wePwjZ)
b lawyer (AvBbRxex) : brief (mswÿß) c CONCERNED (DwØMœ) : CAREFUL (mZK©Zv
c architect (¯’cwZ,wbg©vZv) : blueprint (cÖwZwPÎ) Aej¤^b)
d carpenter(QzZviwgw¯¿) : bench (‡eÂ) e NONE b
e landlord : studio a 159. Select the pair that best expresses
similarity of meaning as shown in the
930 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
original pair- Happy (Lywk) : Cheerful a Guess (Abygvb) : Spoken(K_¨)
(Avbw›`Z) †e‡ivwe (wW): 12-13 b Secret (‡Mvcb) : Palpable (cÖZxqgvb)
a Add (‡hvM) : Subject (welq) c Surise (gnvmvMi) : Beyond doubt(m‡›`nvwZZ)
b Work (KvR) : Play (‡Ljv)
d Excess (evowZ) : Shortage (NvUwZ) d
c Complement (m¤ú~iK) : Criticize (mgv‡jvPbv)
168. FIRE : ASHES 18Zg wewmGm
d Articulate : Express d a Accident : delay
160. `PROGRAMMER (‡cÖvMÖvgvi) : b Water : waves
SOFTWARE (mdUIq¨vi)` is analogous to c Event : memories
___ †e‡ivwe(B): 12-13 d Wood : splinters c
a Doctor (Wv³vi) : Patient (iæwM)
b Singer (MvqK) : Song (Mvb)
169. STARE : GLANCE 18Zg wewmGm
a gulp (XK XK K‡i †Mjv) : sip ( PzgyK †`qv)
c Poet (Kwe) : Poem (KweZv)
b confide : tell
d Actor (Awf‡bZv) : Drama (bvUK) c
c scorn : admire
161. Flower (dzj) : Fragrance (myevm) :: Fire : ? d participate : observe a
‡e‡ivwe (Gd): 12-13
a Plant (Dw™¢`) b Petals (cvcwo) 170. Degree : Temperature ___ cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK
c Color (is) d Heat (Zvc) d (17 †Rjv): 15
a Time: Length
162. Patron (c„ô‡cvlK) : Support (mnvqZv) RvKKvbBwe b Ounce : Weight
(F) BDwbU 2015-16
a Spouse (¯^vgx ev ¯¿x) : Divorce (weevn we‡”Q`) c Fathom (Abyavib Kiv): Volume

b Artist : Imitation (AbyKiY) d Mass : Energy b

c Counselor (civgk©`vZv) : Advice (Dc‡`k) 171. Ocean(gnvmvMi) : Bay (DcmvMi) ____
d Restaurant(‡i‡¯Íviv) : Customer (MÖvnK) c ms¯’vcb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v: 07
a Island (Øxc) : Inlet(Lvwo)
163. `Batter : Baker`. RvKKvbBwe (G): 15-16
a Words (kã) : Writer (‡jLK) b Archipelago(Øxcgvjv) : Atoll(cÖevj Øxc)
c Continent (gnv‡`k): Peninsula (DcØxc)
b Laws (AvBb) : Policeman (cywjk)
c Joy (Avb›`) : Emotion (Av‡eM) d Headland (AšÍixc): Promontory (‰kjvšÍixc) c
d Chalk (PK) : Blackbord (eø¨vK‡evW©) a 172. Choose the pair of words that expresses a
164. Entrepreneur(D‡`¨v³v) : profits(gybvdv) : relationship similar to that of given pair __
Words: Writer cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (17 †Rjv): 15
Labourer (kÖwgK):_ RvKKvbBwe (H): 15-16 a laws: policeman
a employees (Kg©Pvix)
b batter: baker
b wages (gRywi,‡eZb)
c chalk: blackboard
c complaints (Awf‡hvM)
d joy: emotion b
d union (ms‡hvM) b
173. Apprentice(wkÿvbwem):Master (gvóvi) evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb
165. Wave (‡XD) : tide(‡Rvqvi) : moment(gyûZ©):_RvKKvbBwe ey¨‡ivi cwimsL¨vb Gwm‡÷›U Awdmvi-14
(K) (mKvj): 15-15 a Slave (µxZ`vm) : Owner (gvwjK)
a time (mgq) b Employee : Employer
b ocean (gnvmvMi)
c Novice : Novitiate
c tardiness (axiZv,wej¤^)
d Pupil : Teacher
d cloak (lohš¿,Qׇek) a
e None of these d
166. Violence (mwnsmZv) : activity (Kvh©Kjvc) :: 174. Recall: Remember :_________ cjøx Kg© mnvqK
melancholy (gbgiv) : ___ RvKKvbBwe (K) 2015-16 dvD‡Ûk‡bi Gwm‡÷›U g¨v‡bRvi: 14
a evening (mܨvq) b cruelty (wbôziZv) a Counterfeit: Forge
c mood (‡gRvR) d silence (bxieZv) c b Behave : Re-enact
c Construct: Terminate
167. Punctual (mgqwbóv):Late (†`wi) mgvR‡mev Awa`߇ii kni
mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (nvmcvZvj): 07 d Predict : Prove a
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 931
175. Anthology: Poems :: __________ cjøx Kg© d bean : crock b
mnvqK dvD‡Ûk‡bi Gwm‡÷›U g¨v‡bRvi: 14 183. Mason : Wall e‡kgyiwecÖwe (wW): 14-15
Antipasto : Hors-d` oeuvre a artist : easel
Volume : Book b fisherman : trout
c Encyclopaedia : Words c author : book
d Thesaurus : Synonyms d d sculptor : mallet c
176. HOT: WARM evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi cwimsL¨vb Gwm‡÷›U 184. Barter : Commodities AvBweG - GgweG: 01-02
Awdmvi-14 a Correspond : Letters
aFrozen : Cold b Promote : Ranks
bSilly : Sad c Debate : Issues
c Upsetting : Funny d Invade : Boundaries a
d Black : Grey 185. Deport : Nation :: Rwe (wW): 13-14
e None of these a a Expel : School
b Confine : Prison
177. Manumit: Enslave :: ___________ cjøx Kg©
mnvqK dvD‡Ûk‡bi Gwm‡÷›U g¨v‡bRvi: 14 c Colonise : Frontier
Large : Vivid d Quarantine : Hospital a
Gigantic : Massive 186. Abhor : Dislike ivwe (g¨v‡bR‡g›U) : 09-10
c Repel : Attract a demolish : damage
d Barren : Infertile c b cultivate : garden
c vanquish : defeat
178. Indigenous : Foreign :: cjøx Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûk‡bi
Gwm‡÷›U g¨v‡bRvi-14 d qualify : limit a
Indifferent : Interested 187. HERO : ACCOLADE mnKvix wimvP© Awdmvi: 98
b a mentor : advise
Resident : Nomadic
c Native : Extraneous b suitor : proposal
c defendant : indictment
d Partial : Whole c
d laughingstock : ridicule d
179. Explosive : Volcano :: cjøx Kg© mnvqK dvD‡Ûk‡bi Gwm‡÷›U
g¨v‡bRvi-14 188. Break : Repair : Wound:— 28Zg wewmGm
a a Heal
Cold : Mountain
b Hurt
Arid : Desert
c Plaster
c Humid : Valley
d Fix c
d Misty : Morning b
189. Choose the correct analogy. Vindictive :
180. TREE : ROOTS evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi cwimsL¨vb Gwm‡÷›U
Mercy mgwš^Z 3 e¨vs‡Ki wmwbqi Awdmvi wb‡qvM: 18
a Avaricious : Greed
aBuilding : Foundation b Insightful : Hope
bShirt : Sleeve c Modest : Dignity
c Entrance : Exit
d Skeptical : Trutfulness d
d Smoke : Chimney
190. Light : dark : cold : - 28Zg wewmGm
e None of these a
a hot
181. SAW : CARPENTER Xvwe (wm): 17-18 b heat
a Wagon : Farmer
c cool
b Painter : Color
d winter a
c Clothes : Tailor
191. Cartographer : Maps Rwe (wm): 05-06
d Scissors : Barber d a architect : blueprint
182. Pea : Pod wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK I cvm‡cvU© G¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖkb mnKvix b satire : contempt
cwiPvjK: 06 c farce : frown
a orange : section d smile : humour a
b nut : shell
c potato : stew 192. EXPEDITIOUS : SPEED :: AvBweG (GgweG): 04
932 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
aastute : wisdom d
Conceal : Concur b
b decorous : impropriety 201. Finch : Ornithology Pwe (wm-1): 07-08
c thoughtful : inanity a skull : archeology
d haggard : sturdiness a b fetus : etymology
193. AFTER : BEFORE cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (3q chv©q): 19 c rain : geology
a contemporary : historic d mind : philosophy
b first : second e word : embryology c
c successor : predecessor 202. EGG : OMELET Xvwe (wm): 17-18
d present : past c a Flour : Cake
194. Find out the correct analogy of ‘Play : b Rice : Curry
Acts’ Pwe (wm): 13-14 c Fish : Water
a Opera : Arias d Banana : Ice cream a
b Games : Athletes 203. Billboard : Advertisement ivwe (†jvKcÖkvmb): 07-08
c Poem : Rhymes a sculpture : museum
d Novel : Chapters d b store : window
195. Entrepreneur : Profit c~evjx e¨vsK: 05 c library : book
a artist : imitation d canvas : painting d
b laborer : wages 204. MUTTON : GOAT c~evjx e¨vsK: 05
c financer : mortgage a bleat : lamb
d arbitrator : complaints b b sow : pig
196. Tranquility : Peace Xvwe (wm): 02-03 c hide : buffalo
a chaos : disorder d beef : cow d
b retraction : indictment 205. OWNER : SLAVE Xvwe (wm): 01-02
c combustion : waste a soldier : civilian
d miracle : belief b captain : tar
e tension : relation a c policeman : prisoner
197. ‘Circular’ is to ‘Ball’ as ‘Triangular’ is d native : alien c
to— Bwe (we): 11-12 206. Cow is to beef as pig is to - ivwe (jvB‡eªwi mv‡qÝ): 08-09
a box a beef
b sphere b mutton
c triangle c chicken
d pyramid d d pork d
198. Peak : Summit Xvwe (wm): 03-04 207. Flower: Fragrance :: Fire: ? 30Zg wewmGm (wjwLZ)
a foreign : nature a Plant
b gun : soldier b Petals
c mutation : change c Colour
d switch : current c d Heat d
199. Misfortune is to sorrow as success is to — 208. Submerge : Water Rwe (wm): 05-06
27Zg wewmGm(wjwLZ) a suffocate : air
a joy
b disperse : gas
b money
c bury : earth
c health
d extinguish : fire c
d food a
209. Cobbler : Shoes Rwe (wW): 07-08
200. If Augment : Increase then evsjv‡`k e¨vsK wb‡qvM cixÿv a painter : casel
(iƒcvjx e¨vsK wj, Awdmvi): 19 b spy : plans
a Cohesion : Coinside
c mechanic : automobile
b Coalesce : Combine
d carpenter : saw c
c Collapse : Collide
210. Tacit : Words Rwe (wm): 05-06
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 933
a visible : scenes b Cow : Tether
b unanimous : disagreements c Bird : Cage
c colorful : hues d Bicycle : Chain b
d year : birthday b 220. CHAUVINISM : COUNTRY Pwe (wW): 12-13
211. JUDGE : COURTHOUSE :: Pwe (wW): 07-08 a patriotism : authority
a physician : infirmary b criticism : book
b lawyer : brief c frugality : money
c architect : blueprint d gluttony : food d
d carpenter : saw 221. WORDS : WRITER Xvwe (wm): 07-08
e landlord : studio a a Honor : Thief
212. Ocean : Bay ms¯’vcb gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZv©: 07 b Mortar : Teacher
a island : inlet c Child : Mother
b archipelago : atoll d Batter : Baker d
c continent : peninsula 222. Biography : Autobiography AvBweG (GgweG): 93-
d headland : promontory c 94
213. Referee : Field cvwecÖwe (wm): 13-14 a Mobile : Automobile
a Historian : Past b Dead : Living
b Light : Blind c Testimony : Confession
c Agenda : Meeting d Memories : History c
d Judge : Courtroom d 223. MYTH : LEGENDARY: Rvwe (we): 15-16
214. FUNDS : THEFT †e‡ivwe (wm): 14-15 a sermon : lengthy
a money : deposit b anecdote : witty
b ransom : demand c fable : didactic
c music : piracy d epic : comic c
d fashion : style c 224. Find : Search :: AvBweG (GgweG): 91-92
215. Doctor : Hospital ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi): 14 a Listen : Talk
a Farmer : Village b Read : Study
b Chef : Kitchen c Believe : Authentic
c Water : Reservoir d Win : Fight d
d Plumber : Wrench b 225. CRIME : PUNISHMENT mvaviY exgv K‡cv©‡ikb: 06
216. Glossary : Words mve †iwR÷vi: 03 a Fun : Enjoyment
a lexicon : number b Collection : Set
b atlas : maps c Robbery : Police
c thesaurus : rhyme d Misdeed : Penalty d
d catalogue : dates b 226. GLAND : ENZYME :: Pwe (wW): 14-15
217. BRUSH : PAINTING Xvwe (wm): 18-19 a Generator : Current
a Piano : Sonata b Organ : Kidney
b Body : Dance c Brain : Hair
c Typewriter : Novel d Silo : Grain a
d Chisel : Sculpture d 227. PERJURY : OATH ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK (wmwbqi
218. Sedan : automobile we`y¨r, Rvjvbx I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yv: Awdmvi): 14
f‚ZvwË¡K Rwic Awa : mnKvix f~- imvqbwe`: 98 a
plagiarism : authority
a b
embezzlement : trust
hanger : airplane
b c disrespect : age
rocker : chair
c rung : ladder d testmony : court b
d marble : statue b 228. Frown : Displeasure :: AvBweG (weweG): 01-02
219. DOG : LEASH Xvwe (wm): 18-19 a snore : relief
a Belt : Buckle b smirk : regret
934 ❑ English Tutor Analogy
c sneer : contempt b Derivation : Word
d smile : anger c c Adolescence : Child
229. Donor : contribution Rwe (B): 16-17 d Landscape : Portrait b
a Journalist : news 238. ARMY : LOGISTIC wewmAvBwmÕi mnKvix e¨e¯v’cK
b River : bank (cÖkvmb): 11
c Poem : recitation a Business : Strategy
d Mobile : SMS a b War : Logic
c Soldier : Student
230. Match with ‘Anonymous : Identity’ Kzwe (G):
15-16 d Team : Individual a
a Wealthy : Income 239. Clock : Time †e‡ivwe (weweG): 09-10
b Masked : Party a odometer : speed
c Motivated : Goal b watch : wrist
d Amorphous : Form d c yardstick : distance
231. Beautiful : Ugly wcGmwmÕi mnKvix cwiPvjK: 04 d hourglass : sand c
a eradicate : get rid of 240. Constitution : Preamble ivwe (e¨e¯’vcbv): 08-09
b joy : sorrow a play : epiliogue
c thin : slim b prelude : overture
d conservative : traditional b c book : preface

232. TREE : ROOTS GgweG (AvBweG): 91-92 d opera : music c

a Building : Foundation 241. Teacher : Ignorance ‡e‡ivwe (weweG): 11-12
b Shirt : Sleeve a stream : river
c Entrance : Exit b student : study
d Smoke : Chimney a c lighting : electricity

233. Captive : Free wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK: 04 d light : darkness d

a belladonna : poisonous drug 242. PORK : PIG Pwe (wm-1): 16-17
b enlarge : reduce a rooster : chicken
c look : gaze b steer : calf
d buy : purchase b c mutton : sheep
234. Royalty : payment †e‡ivwe (weweG): 09-10 d beef : steak c
a manuscript : page 243. Inventory : Stock †e‡ivwe (weweG): 09-10
b gratuity : check a calculation : ledger
c share : dividend b poll : balloting
d subpoena : writ d c petition : name
235. Delay : Expedite 20Zg wewmGm d census : population d
a related : halt 244. EXHAUSTING : REJUVENATING Rwe
b block : obstruct (we): 16-17
c drag : procrastinate a pitful : miserable

d detain : dispatch d b cruel : ruthless

c distrubing : soothing
236. Choose the pair which best expresses a
d vexing : irritating c
relationship similar to that expressed by
the capitalised pair. HANDCUFFS : 245. Frightened : Scream : angry 28Zg wewmGm
PRISONER Xvwe (wm): 99-00 a cry
a manacles : penitentiary b shiver
b shoes : feet c shout
c leash : dog d sneer c
d tail : kite c 246. Barren : Fecund e‡kgyiwecÖwe (wW): 13-14
237. LINEAGE : PERSON GgweG (AvBweG): 97-98 a Dry : Parched
a Foliage : Tree b Incessant : Continuous
Analogy English Tutor ❑ 935
c Naked : Sinful d Pedestal : Statue b
d Hanckneyed : Original d 256. Shell : Peanut hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvwb wj. (Awdmvi): 10
247. Choose the correct analogy of Colour : a loaf : bead
Spectrum. evsjv‡`k cjøx Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Dc‡Rjv cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-13 b skin : mango
a liner : scale b sound : waves c fruit : tree
c verse : poem d dimension : space b d sea : island b
248. ACCOUNTANT: ACCURATE evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb 257. Crest : Wave Xvwe (wm): 05-06
ey¨‡ivi cwimsL¨vb Gwm‡÷›U Awdmvi-14 a crown : tree
a Judge : Incorruptible b basin : water
b Journal : Ledger c mountain : range

c Books : Accounts d sand : dune

d Verse : Poem e river : bed a
e None of these a 258. Sketch : Artist Pwe (N): 07-08
a cell : prisoner
249. ‘light’ is to ‘dark’ as ‘cold’is to __ cwievi
b chisel : sculptor
cwiKíbv Awa`߇ii K¨vk miKvi I Awdm mnvqK-14
a hot b heat c brush : painter

c cool (kvšÍ) d ice a d draft : writer

e bird : egg d
250. DISTANCE : MILE_ cjøx Dbœqb I mgevq wefv‡Mi Dc-
AvÂwjK e¨e¯’vcbv I gvV msMVK-13 259. Funds : Embezzled ¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b cywjk mnKvix
a liquid : litre b bushel : corn imvqwbK cixÿK : 02
a a ransom : prey
c weight : scale d fame : television
b writing : plagiarized
251. Fan: Hot: Blanket: ivwe (jvB‡eªwi mv‡qÝ): 09-10 c truth : hidden
a egg
d loot : buried b
b cotton
c quilt 260. Author : Copyright ivwe (e¨e¯’vcbv): 08-09
a paper : metal
d cold d
b plot : machine
252. Cardiology : Heart Rvwe: 09-10 c inventor : patent
a pathology : maps
d novel : reward c
b pharmacology : drugs
c tautology : education 261. Which one is the best analogy for
d apology : sorrow b ‘Bouquet : Flowers’ ? Bwe (we): 16-17
a Forest : Trees
253. CONSTELLATION : STARS Xvwe (wm): 01-02 b Woodpile : Logs
a prison : bars
c drift : snow
b assembly : speaker
d mist : rain b
c mountain : peak
d flock : shepherds b 262. Harm : Damage RbZv e¨vsK (mnKvix wbev© nx Awdmvi): 15
a injure : incapacitate
254. Oxygen : Respiration Pwe (G): 07-08 b sweet : sour
a improvement : care
c stout : weak
b photography : camera
d hook : crook a
c sunlight : photosynthesis
d drama : acting c 263. Editor : Newspaper :: c~evjx e¨vsK (Awdmvi, K¨vk): 16
a Lecturer : University
255. Analogy of “Archives : Record” ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb b Architect : Design
e¨vsK/ivKve (wmwbqi Awdmvi): 15
c Nurse : Hospital
a Catalog : Selves
b Aviary : birds d Teacher : School b
c Thread : Spindle

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