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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the discussion on the concepts on handling delinquent

learners. Studies conducted here and abroad deemed related to the present study are

reviewed to provide a broader understanding of the study.


Attitudes Towards Studying During the COVID-19 Pandemic

According to Marko Radovan, 2021, the conditions at home affected student’s
attitudes towards distance learning, their assessment of competence for distance
learning, as well as their motivation to study and their sense of being overwhelmed.
Thus, more study difficulties, negative attitudes and motivation problems were
observed among students who were not provided with adequate study conditions.
Nevertheless, the results of the study show that distance learning also has potential,
but this potential can only be realized if all those involved in the process are provided
with the right conditions.

The Electronic Journal of e-Learning

Holdges and his colleagues (2020) defined emergency remote teaching (ERT)
a temporary shift of instructional delivery to an alternate delivery mode due to crisis
circumstances. It involves the use of fully remote teaching solutions for instruction or
education that would otherwise be delivered face-to-face or as blended or hybrid
courses and that will return to that format once the crisis or emergency has abated.
The primary objective in these circumstances is not to re-create a robust educational
ecosystem, but rather to provide temporary access to instruction and instructional
supports in a manner that is quick to set up and is reliably available during an
emergency or crisis (Holdges et al., 2020).

Universities and the Use of Digital Technologies before the Pandemic

Several studies have examined effective strategies for managing delinquent

behaviors in high school classrooms. Jones (2020) conducted a study that explored

various techniques employed by high school teachers to handle delinquent behaviors.

The research highlighted the positive impact of strategies such as positive teacher-
student relationships, behavior modification techniques, and classroom management

strategies on reducing delinquency among students.

Understanding the role of teacher-student relationships in preventing

delinquency has been a focus of research. Smith (2019) conducted a study

investigating the importance of teacher-student relationships in preventing delinquent

behavior among high school students. The research emphasized the significance of

trust, support, and open communication in fostering positive relationships, which can

effectively reduce the likelihood of students engaging in delinquency.

Personalized interventions have been found to be effective in addressing

delinquency among high school students. Chen and Li (2021) conducted a case study

that examined the impact of individualized support strategies on delinquent learners.

The study focused on personalized interventions, such as mentoring programs,

counseling sessions, and referral to external support services, and highlighted their

effectiveness in reducing delinquent behaviors among students.

Classroom management strategies have been explored as a means of handling

delinquent learners in senior high schools. Robinson (2018) conducted a study that

investigated specific techniques used by teachers to address delinquent behaviors. The

research highlighted the importance of proactive strategies, including establishing

clear expectations, rules, and routines, as well as implementing engaging activities to

prevent and address delinquency in the classroom.

Professional development programs have been recognized as valuable in

equipping teachers with the necessary skills to handle delinquent behaviors. Garcia

and Nguyen (2022) conducted a study examining the role of professional

development programs in troubleshooting delinquency in high schools. The research

focused on collaborative platforms, workshops, and training sessions as means of

enhancing teacher competencies in addressing delinquency effectively.

These studies collectively provide valuable insights into the various strategies

and interventions used by senior high school teachers to troubleshoot delinquent

behaviors among students. The research emphasizes the significance of positive

teacher-student relationships, behavior modification techniques, personalized support,

classroom management strategies, and professional development programs in

effectively handling delinquency in educational settings.


Delinquency among high school students poses a significant challenge for

senior high school teachers, requiring effective troubleshooting techniques. The

literature review and related studies shed light on several key aspects in handling

delinquent learners.

Understanding the underlying causes and characteristics of delinquency is

crucial for teachers. Factors such as family background, peer influence, and individual

psychological issues contribute to delinquency. Consequently, teachers must have a

comprehensive understanding of these complexities to implement appropriate

troubleshooting techniques.

Building positive teacher-student relationships emerges as a central strategy.

Establishing a supportive and caring environment fosters trust and rapport with

delinquent learners, positively impacting their behavior and academic performance.

Techniques like active listening, empathy, and encouragement play a crucial role in

fostering these relationships.

Behavior modification strategies play an important role in addressing

delinquency. Positive reinforcement, behavior contracts, and token economies are

effective in encouraging positive behavior and discouraging delinquency. By

providing clear consequences for disruptive actions and promoting self-regulation,

these techniques help students develop responsible decision-making skills.

Providing individualized support and interventions is essential. Tailored

strategies, including mentoring programs, counseling sessions, and referral to support

services, acknowledge the specific challenges faced by delinquent learners and offer

them the necessary resources to overcome difficulties. Collaboration with school

counselors, administrators, and external agencies enhances the effectiveness of


Creating a positive and structured classroom environment is crucial for

managing delinquency effectively. Clear expectations, rules, and routines provide

structure and consistency, while proactive classroom management techniques like

cooperative learning and differentiated instruction promote student engagement and


Collaboration and professional development are vital for addressing

delinquency. Collaborative platforms and professional development programs equip

teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle challenging behaviors.

Sharing experiences, best practices, and resources within a supportive professional

community enhances troubleshooting efforts.

In summary, the synthesis highlights the importance of understanding

delinquency, building positive teacher-student relationships, implementing behavior

modification strategies, providing individualized support, creating a positive

classroom environment, and fostering collaboration among educators. By

incorporating these strategies, senior high school teachers can effectively handle

delinquent learners, promoting positive student outcomes and addressing the

challenges associated with delinquency in educational settings.

Conceptual Framework

This section shows the conceptual paradigm to present the figure of the study.

Input Process Output

Profile of the Grade 11 learners Ways on how they can

in terms of the following: one-on-one interview with the improve their academic
a.)age b.)sex c.)family target respondents attitudes.
background d.)peer group
Academic attitudes of the observation
Grade 11 learners: a.)goal
setting b.)problem-solving interpretation and analysis of data
abilities c.)beliefs towards using thematic analysis
learning d.)intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations in the
process of learning and all the
academic performance they
Changes of academic attitudes
of Grade 11 learners in the
Post-Pandemic Period.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm on the Post-Pandemic Academic Attitudes of Grade 11

Learners in Malasiqui National High School

The figure shows the concept of this study entitled "Post-pandemic Academic

Attitudes of Grade 11 Learners in Malasiqui National High School" through the

Input-Process-Output Model. It can be derived in Figure 1 that the input include 3

important data such as: profile of the respondents, academic attitudes of students,

changes of academic attitudes. These data will be taken using the process indicated on

the second box which includes one-on-one interview with the target respondents,

observation, interpretation and analysis of data using thematic analysis, qualitative

method, one-on-one interview with the target respondents. After obtaining the

information using the given process, data will be subjected to thematic analysis to

determine patterns and terms. In this way, it is expected as indicated in the output

found in the third box, that a ways on how they can improve their academic attitudes.

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