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Blg. 22) 1. The making, drawing, and

issuance of any check to
Two ways to commit a violation of B.P 22; apply for account or for
elements value;
2. The knowledge of the maker,
A. Drawing a Check Without Sufficient drawer, or issuer that at the
Funds time of issue he does not
1. A person makes or draws and issues have sufficient funds in or
any check credit with the drawee bank
2. The check is made or drawn and for the payment of the check
issued to apply on account or for in full upon its presentment;
value and
3. The person who makes or draws and 3. The subsequent dishonor of
issues the check knows at the time the check by the drawee
of issue that he does not have bank for insufficiency of
sufficient funds in or credit with the funds or credit or dishonor
drawee bank for the payment of for the same reason had not
such check in full upon its the drawer, without any valid
presentment cause, ordered the bank to
4. The check is subsequently stop payment.
dishonored by the drawee bank for
insufficiency of funds or credit, or  Prima facie evidence of knowledge
would have been dishonored for the of the maker/drawer:
same reason had not the drawer,
without valid reason, ordered the The making, drawing and issuance of
bank to stop payment. a check, payment of which is refused
by the drawee because of
B. Failing to Keep Sufficient to Cover a insufficient funds in or credit with
Check Issued such bank, when presented within
1. A person has sufficient funds in or ninety (90) days from the date of the
credit with the drawee bank when check, shall be prima facie evidence
he makes or draws and issues a of knowledge of such insufficiency of
check funds or credit. (“Prima facie
2. He fails to keep sufficient funds or evidence” means “evidence
maintain a credit to cover the full sufficient to establish a fact or to
amount of the check if presented raise a presumption of fact unless
within 90 days from the date rebutted.”)
3. The check is dishonored by the Defense against liability: The maker or the
drawee bank drawer will not be liable if he pays the
holder of the check the amount due
The elements may be summarized as thereon, or makes arrangements for
follows: payment in full by the drawee of such check
within five banking days after receiving Credit construed. —The word "credit"
notice that such check has not been paid by means “an arrangement or understanding
the drawee. with the bank for the payment of such
Based on Section 2 of B.P. 22, the
presumption that the issuer had knowledge Differences from Estafa by post-dating or
of the insufficiency of funds is brought into issuing a check:
existence only after it is proved that the
issuer had received a notice of dishonor and 1. Deceit and damage are essential
that within five days from receipt thereof, elements in Estafa, but are not
he failed to pay the amount of the check or required in B.P. 22 
to make arrangements for its payment. The 2. Under B.P. 22, mere issuance of a
presumption or prima facie evidence as check that is dishonored gives rise to
provided in this section cannot arise, if such the presumption of knowledge on
notice of non-payment by the drawee bank the part of the drawer that he issued
is not sent to the maker or drawer, or if the same without sufficient funds
there is no proof as to when such notice and hence punishable. In Estafa,
was received by the drawer, since there good faith is a defense, such that the
would simply be no way of reckoning the issuance of a worthless check must
crucial 5-day period. (Yu Oh v. CA, 451 Phil. be done in bad faith for criminal
380 [2003]) liability to attach.
3. A drawer of a dishonored check may
Duty of drawee; rules of evidence. - It shall be convicted under B.P. 22 even if he
be the duty of the drawee of any check, had issued the same for a
when refusing to pay the same to the holder preexisting obligation, while under
thereof upon presentment, to cause to be Estafa, such circumstance negates
written, printed, or stamped in plain criminal liability.
language thereon, or attached thereto, the 4. In B.P. 22, the drawer has five (5)
reason for drawee's dishonor or refusal to banking days to make good the
pay the same;  check. In Estafa, the drawee only has
three days.
- Provided, That where there are no
sufficient funds in or credit with such  A single act can give rise to Estafa
drawee bank, such fact shall always be and at the same time to a violation
explicitly stated in the notice of dishonor or of B.P. 22.

- Notwithstanding receipt of an order to

stop payment, the drawee shall state in the
notice that there were no sufficient funds in
or credit with such bank for the payment in
full of such check, if such be the fact.

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