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Aas@@nias 1.2 Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilization It is a simple and important topic. One question in 2 — 3 years may be asked in CSE prelims. Let us understand the following concepts. 1 2 3. 4 5. 6. 7, 8. Chalcolithic phase Indus valley civilization - Important sites Agriculture Trade Religion Town planning and Art . Seals Decline 1. Chalcolithic phase Painted pottery was used for the first time in chalcolithic cutture. Ochre colour pottery (OCP) were found extensively: The thickest deposits of OCP were found at Jodhpura. Helpline: 9999 201 601 Aa s@l@n IAS The first metal used was Copper People used microliths supplemented by copper tools. In the Deccan, Jorwe, a small village on the bank of river Pravara (a tributary to Godavari) was the first chalcolithic site discovered. So it is also called Jorwe culture, The important sites include Jorwe, Diamabad, inamgaon, Nevasa (All in Maharashtra) 0 78 3 ea a Helpline: 9999 201 601 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey Se IAS 2. Indus valley civilization - Important sites e civilizatio iddle (Mature) Late Around 21 late Harappan phase Harappan site we Since the first site found v 2a, IVC is al: India is an Indian go attached to the ical research and the conservation and preservation as founded in 1861 by Alexander Cunningham v Cunningham natu d, was bigger than E Northern Kashm Southern r Diamabad (Maharashtra) stem most site Sutkagendor Easter most sit. Alamgirpur (U.P) Helpline: 9999 201 601 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey Harappa Mohenjoda Indus Chanhudaro Indus Manda Chenab Ropar araswati (ghagra — hakra) pangan araswati (ghagra — hakra) The following table show some Important sites in India and the present day states in which tt ite: Manda Jak Ropar Punjab, Banawali Haryana Rakhigarhi Haryana Kalibangan Raja Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Helpline: 9999 201 601 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey AFGHANISTAN PAKISTAN Mohenjo-daro, tkagen Dor Mi Arabian ‘Sea THE INDUS VALLEY ‘Cambayi Some Important findings in IVC sites (Gujarat & Rajasthan): Lothal Bead making factory, dockyard, button seal, fire altars, painted jar Dholavira Figure of chariot tied to a pair of bull human, Water har constructions, An in: Harappan scri surko Shikarpur (Gujarat) od habit details of Harappans Kalibangan Ploughed field, Baked/pumt bangles, a va lingas Helpline: 9999 201 601 Paes HANDOUT (IVQ) PDF Ae IAS Some Important findings in Haryana & Maharashtra: plough Rakhigarhi figuri Balu (Haryana) Earliest Evidence of Garlic Diamabad culpture of a bronze chart Dked to two oxen, driven by a man Some Important findings in Pakistan: fin burial, Lot of artefacts, Important I\ which is cd in detail eat granary, Bron: S, Bull seal, Pashupati three cylindrical seals of the Mesopotamian ty| Chanhudaro g of lipstick, only Indus site ehrgarh mmunity 1 Harappa and h Punjab) shaggar or Saraswati River. It is site of almost th it may have been the third major centre Helpline: 9999 201 601 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey 3. Agriculture The earliest agriculture community was from mehrgarh (pre Harappan to late Harappan CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey $a n AS me from Banawali nd at Banawali it Sindon (From of bearded priest www.aasaani Helpline: 9999 201 601 Paes HANDOUT (IVQ) PDF Aas 's both Inland and Foreign trad Harappan people traded with Masopo ARAMIANS PENINSULA A large brick built docky Used cubes of Agate for w Helpline: 9999 201 601 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey 5. Religion A large number of terracotta figurines of mother go were found ‘surroul Paes HANDOUT (IVQ) PDF 6. Town planning and Art: The cities were built on grid system Th Efficient drainage system (Hot quipped with private toilets and wells) eS, all house: uildings. Burnt bricks were used n om © Helpline: 9999 201 601 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey evidence of bead making shops of assemblage her important things \ at bath o snjo 9 girl of Mohenjodaro 12 Helpline: 9999 201 601 Paes HANDOUT (IVQ) PDF OWS a phant, a rhino Is with Swasthik symbol were found They used to write from right to left The was pi phic (Not alphab It has not been decipherec far. PaO) Helpline: 9999 201 604 CLOSE | HANDOUT (IVC PDF ce ar ey 8. Decline Pavano) Helpline: 9999 201 601

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