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School Magliman Integrated School Grade Level 10

Teacher Marife Gupaal Learning Area Science
PLAN Teaching Date February 27, 2019
Quarter Fourth
and Time

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 the structure of biomolecules, which are made up mostly of a
limited number of elements, such as carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, and nitrogen
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to demonstrate understanding of the
The learners should be able to:
 recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as carbohydrates,
C. Learning Competencies & lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids; (S10MT- IVC-d-22)
Code At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Differentiate the biomolecules from each other in terms of
their structure and function.
2. Create concept map about biomolecules
3. Appreciate the importance of biomolecules in our body.


A. References
1. Teaching Guide pp. 315-322
2. Leaners’ Material/
pp. 443-462
3. Additional Materials from
LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources
1. Where Do I Belong? (Integrating English subject through the use of
 Instructions: Students will classify each picture to be posted on
A. Reviewing previous lesson or the board. They will identify what do the pictures all about.
presenting the new lesson
2. Each learner will be given with a checklist of their prior knowledge
about biomolecules. Collect the checklist and return it to the students
after the session. (Please see attachment – Success Criteria on the
B. Establishing a purpose for the Preliminary Activity:
lesson 1. Students will be given chocolates and they will identify the
ingredients or biomolecules present in the food product. The
students will be asked about their feelings after eating the

2. Show sample of nutrition facts label of cracker, then ask what

nutrients/biomolecules they can get from the food product and how
many caloric content should each biomolecules have.
HOW TO READ A LABEL (Math /Health Connection)
 Where do you see Nutrition Facts food labels? How often do you read
them? Do your family members read them?
 What kind of information can you get from a food label?
 What information can we get from the ingredients list?
 Briefly discuss the 4 biomolecules.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of
the new lesson

Why nucleic acid is not listed?

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D. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity

practicing new skills #1
Instruct the learners to form 4 groups/stations and each group will be given with
specific task. Please refer to the student’s activity section.


STATION 2 - Picture Analysis
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
STATION 3 – Video Analysis /Game Show
STATION 4 – Concept Map

Tell the learners to present and share their outputs.

 Provide activity sheets and give ample time for students to accomplish the
 Presumably, it will take 10-15 minutes for each group to finish the activity.

 Process the outputs of the students by discussing the different

biomolecules’ structures and its functions.

Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

Functions: Functions: Functions: Function:
1. Energy 1.Great source of 1. Protein helps carries genetic
production long term energy prevent infection information in the
2. Energy 2. Great for and diseases. cell
storage insulating through 2. Repair and
blubber/fat maintenance

F. Developing mastery (leads to

Formative Assessment)

Composing Composing Composing Composing

Elements: Elements: Elements: Elements:
Carbon, Carbon, Hydrogen , Carbon, Hydrogen , Carbon, Hydrogen ,
Hydrogen , and and Oxygen (CHO) Oxygen, and Oxygen, Nitrogen,
Oxygen(CHO) Nitrogen and Phosphorous
Monomer: Monomer: Monomer: Monomer:
monosaccharid Glycerol and fatty Amino acids nucleotides
es acids
Polymer = Not true polymer Polymer = Polymer = nucleic
starch or protein/polypeptid acid (DNA)
polysaccharide e chain
Source of food: Source of food: Source of food:
pasta, bread, Butter, oil, tuna, Fish, egg, grains,
rice, sweet cheese, nuts, and legumes, dairy
potato, fruits chocolates products.
and vegetables


Nutrients are essential to life, these are the substances needed by our bodies
G. Finding practical applications of for growth and development. Regular consumption of the right amount of these
concepts and skills in daily living substances can keep our bodies in good health. In order for us to be able to
track our consumption of these nutrients, commercial products put “nutrition
facts” embedded on their labels so that consumers will have an idea of the
contents they are taking in. On the other hand, too much, and improper
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from nutrients
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to health problems such as obesity,
osteoporosis, diabetes, gout, and heart disease.

 Biomolecules are important as they control almost every aspect of

organisms. Carbohydrates provide the body with source of fuel and
energy. Proteins provide structural support and also defense against
germs and infections. Lipids in body are used as energy storage they
are very important for they make up all animal cells. Lastly, nucleic
H. Making generalizations and acid carries genetic information in the cell.
abstractions about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning Return the success criteria checklist answered earlier by the learners. Let themselves
evaluate their gained knowledge. Then call 2-3 students to share their self-evaluation.
Success Criteria:

Name: _______________________________

Evaluate your learning by placing a check mark in the column of the face that
represents your level of confidence.

Level of Confidence
I can identify the 4 major biomolecules.

I can identify the different sources of food

of every biomolecule.

I can explain the functions and structures

of the four major biomolecules.
I can differentiate the four biomolecules
In terms of structures and functions.

I can explain the effects of improper

Consumption of nutrients.

J. Additional activities for application
or remediation Using a variety of resources, search on the following assigned task:

Group 1 - Illnesses/diseases which cause by improper intake of nutrients.

 Make a table of the diseases causes by improper consumption of
nutrients and give description of each.

Group 2 – Biomolecules Jingle

 Create and perform a jingle that talks about the different biomolecules.

Group 3 – List of balanced diet that contributes to a healthy living.

 Make a meal plan that incorporate balanced diet.

Group 4 – Picture Analogies

 Think of a picture analogy for each of the four macromolecules
(proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids). The picture
should include the following parts: (You are to draw ONE picture per
macromolecule!) You must create your analogies TOGETHER in one
picture. NO SENTENCES. You can use words to label parts of your
drawing, but you cannot have any written explanation/dialogue/etc.

(Let the students express their freedom on how they will present their outputs
the following meeting)


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Science Teacher 1

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