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Camp Rules and Policies (Basic First Aid)

Search And Rescue

1. Check to see if the area is safe.

2.Leave the campground on time and arrive on time.

Select the appropriate campsite while taking your age, physical condition, and medical requirements
into account.

4.Develop your campsite in approved locations

5. Allow people to campsite

6. Avoid wildfires by packing and storing food securely, and forbid using gas.

7.Respect the campground rules.

8. Be considerate of others setting up or taking down their campsite

9.When someone requires assistance or first aid, assist and follow these steps:

- Determine the patient account.

- Check to see if the area is secure:

Make sure the patient and the emergency personnel won’t suffer any damage. – Get permission to treat
(if the person is conscious). Establish the patient’s history.

-Identify the Injury Mechanism (MOI).

Identify any potential causes of the injuries.Conduct a thorough examination.

- Get a general sense of how serious the problem is.

-Determine your response in addressing medical problems

-Examine the airway:

*Look inside the mouth to see if there are any obstructions there.

- Verify the breathing :

* Pay close attention to the chest; listen; and feel for indications of breathing.
-Examine the blood circulation. Look for a pulse andany significant bleeding wounds.

-Make the decision to keep protecting the patient if you can’t rule out an injury.

-Disclose injuries :

*Remove the cloth covering from any major wounds so you may properly assess and care for them.

- Consider evacuation if you are unable to manage the patient.

10. Be helpful. Assist your fellow hikers and have bonds but respect other’s privacy.

11.Stay hydrated

12. Have fun but always remain focus and alert.

13. Leave no trace.

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