G6 Life Skills BOOKLET - 1st Semester Unit 1 Answers

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American Diploma Stream

Life Skills 6 Booklet – 1st

Semester (Unit 1)
Year 2022- 2023
Grade 6

Name: ________________

Class: _________________

Learn, Practice & Have Fun


Unit 1 My Success Week 1 Mr King’s Class

Put (T) true or (F) false:

1-All student have the same learning styles. (( F )
2-Sherif likes to move and fidget in class because he is a visual learner. ( ( F) )
3-Nathan is a visual learner as he daydreams during lessons. ( ( T) )
4- Chris is a kinesthetic learner because he tends to read aloud. (( T ))
5- Kinesthetic learners learn by doing. ( T ))

Choose the correct answer:

1- Auditory learners can learn by …………………………
A- hearing B- doing C- seeing
2- Kinesthetic learners can learn by …………………………
A- hearing B- doing C- seeing D- visualizing
3- Visual learners can learn by …………………………
A- hearing B- doing C- seeing D- moving
4-My classmate likes to read aloud so his dominant learning style tend to
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- auditory
5-My classmate doesn’t like to sit still so his dominant learning style tend
to be………………………………..
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- auditory

GRADE 6 Life Skills Booklet – 1st Semester Unit 1 1


Unit 1 My Success Week 2 My learning Style Survey

Put (T) true or (F) false:
1- When I spell a word I try to visualize it means my learning style is
kinesthetic. (( F ))
2-In conversations I use phrases like I see that means my dominant
learning style is visual. ( )
3- When kinesthetic learners try to understand how other people feel
they focus on body movements. (( T ) )

4- When auditory learners try to recall names they remember faces but
forget names. (( F ))
5- When visual learners try to solve a problem they draw pictures or
diagrams. (( T ))
6-You don't only learn in one style. You learn in a combination of learning
styles. ( T ))

7-Learning style is not fixed. You can develop your other learning styles if
you work on them. ( ( T ))
Choose the correct answer:
1- When I am learning something new it helps me to hear someone
telling me about it that means I am ………………………
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual

2- If I am explaining something to someone I tend to I do it first and let

them have a try that means my learning style is ………………………
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual

3-I prefer teachers who explain lessons verbally that means my learning
style is ………………………
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual

GRADE 6 Life Skills Booklet – 1st Semester Unit 1 2


Unit 1 My Success Week 3 Characterestics of Learning Styles

Put (T) true or (F) false:
1- A visual learner can be good at art. (( T ))

2- A kinesthetic learner likes to used colored pens and highlights. ( ( F ))

3- A kinesthetic learner tend to fidget or move a lot. ( ( T ))

4- An auditory learner learns better from pictures and diagrams. ( ( F ))

5- Auditory learners hum and talk to themselves. ( ( T ))

6- A kinesthetic expresses emotions through movements such as shaking

hands. ( ( T ))

Choose the correct answer:

1- A/An …………………………… learners have a strong imagination.
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual
2- A/An …………………………… learners observe than they talk.
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual
3- A/An …………………………… learners like hands-on activities.
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual
4- A/An …………………………… learners like read aloud and recite.
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual
5-A/An …………………………… learners like to sit at the front to see the
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- visual
GRADE 6 Life Skills Booklet – 1st Semester Unit 1 3

Unit 1 My Success Week 4 How I Learn Best

Put (T) true or (F) false:
1- Visual learners underline, highlight, or circle the important points in the
text that they are reading. (( T ) )

2- Auditory learners make mind maps using colors or drawing pictures to

help them learn. (( F ) )

3-Kinethetic learners act things out using gestures and body language. ( ()T )

4- Kinesthetic learners memorize ideas and recite them. ( ( F))

5- Auditory learners discuss their ideas verbally whenever possible. ( ( T ))

6- Auditory learners think a loud to solve a problem. ( ( T ))

Choose the correct answer:

1- A/An …………………………… learners learn better when they join
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- auditory
2- A/An …………………………… learners learn and understand better when
they use models.
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- auditory
3- A/An …………………………… learners learn better when make movements
while studying such as walking or squeezing a soft ball.
A- auditory B- kinesthetic C- auditory

GRADE 6 Life Skills Booklet – 1st Semester Unit 1 4


Unit 1 My Success Week 5 Strengthen my Learning Styles

Put (T) true or (F) false:

1- When you strengthen your learning style you won’t learn faster and
better. (( F ) )
2-Understanding your learning styles helps you to improve your learning
skills. (( T ) )

Look at your survey results on page 18 and decide on the

learning styles you want to strengthen, noting down what you
are going to do to strengthen them. You may refer to the
techniques given on pages 23-24 and choose the ones that you
are going to use:

The first learning style I want to strengthen:………………

This is what I'm going to do:
. Write your answer

The first learning style I want to strengthen:………………

This is what I'm going to do:
. Write your answer

GRADE 6 Life Skills Booklet – 1st Semester Unit 1 5

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