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Liming Kyan Collin XII MIPA 1, English Task

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How to prepare yourself to be a new University Student

When you start to join University we will feel the difference with high
school. We must be able to adapt to these circumstances. Example, we just
entered new campus and feel lonely, not used to the people around including the
lecturers. So what are the tips so that we can enter campus comfortably and

1. Prepare yourself physically before entering class

Preparing yourself is an important thing to do before entering class
by make sure you are physically and mentally fit by diligently exercising,
getting enough sleep at least 7 to 8 hour a day and not smoking and
dringking alcoholic beverages, join with anthusiasm and happily.

2. Start by approaching the people around you to get acquinted

Start greeting people around to do acquintances by saying “hello”,
“Hi there”, “how are you?”, etc. It will make you feel more confident on
campus and not feel pressure. Get acquainted with the lecturers who are
present on your campus to get to know them better

3. Create an effective study schedule

This can be done by getting used to discipline by making the best
use of time. University is much different from high school, time
management is very important. Dicipline is the main key to the use of

There are some of the many tips for be a new Universiry Student. Studying
diligently is the main key to success, the support system is also very imfluential
on the enthusiasm and mentality health of a student. Hopefuly the students can
become the best graduates on the next day.

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